Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on Thursday 9th January 2025 at 7.30pm in The Stables Present: Mrs J Priest Ms A Pearson Mrs E Gill Mr H Thomas Mrs A Cosgrove Mr R Russel Mr D Wight Mrs L Shaw-Stewart Mr E Martin In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Verity Sinclair, Anthony Jeffries, Cllr L Jardine One report of fraud and one for worrying livestock, of which someone has been charged and reported for summons. The next CAPP meeting will be held on 13th February. 4.1. Balfour Beatty Community Benefits Mrs Gill will request an update for the February meeting. The post is being advertised. Mr Thomas reported on the community benefits discussion at the latest AELCC meeting. The association set up to handle the benefits is currently dormant until funds become available. East Lammermuir have agreed to hand over £95k of their benefit for a feasibility study into a heat network for East Lothian driven by the heat lost at Torness and the Dunbar Viridor plant. The study will be carried out by Viegand Maagoe - a Danish company. Scottish Enterprise have provided £5.5k to support the legal and financial work involved in setting up the community benefit organisation. There may be future income from other wind farms with discussions underway with Neart na Gaoithe (NnG). Although only onshore windfarms are legally obliged to provide community benefit there is currently a consultation on whether this should be extended to include offshore windfarms, solar and battery sites. The consultation can be found at https://www.gov.scot/news/community-benefits-consultation/ Concern was expressed about forming plans and creating expectations when DCC has no resource or expertise. Examples of the Beast from the East and Covid were provided when communities worked together informally alongside response organisations to assist those in need. Mrs Priest will respond stating that DCC will not do anything formal on this and donít need any additional support. She will also suggest that Community Halls be contacted directly to provide details of their accommodation and access. 5. Area Partnerships Mrs Cosgrove and Cllr Jardine attended a meeting today where there was a discussion on how the Community Action and Local Place Plan fitted into the ELC Local Development Plan. Mrs Cosgrove raised the issue that some good works carried out by ELC (e.g. 28 new council properties at The Orchard) are not widely known. She is meeting Alan Stubbs (ELC Road Services Manager) next week to discuss the plan for 2025 given the priorities submitted by DELAP. She also reported that there will be capital funding via the LEADER replacement scheme for items such as laptops and suggested these be provided to Dunbar Grammar School. The general fund will have approx. £20k available next year with funding applications to be in by the end of January in advance of the meeting on 24th February. The maximum funding per application is £5000. The available balance is around £1400. The next grant from ELC will be provided in April. 7.1. Planning: Erection of Robert Noble Sculpture - 24/01428/P DCC have agreed that although there is no objection to the memorial they will object to the application on the grounds that the proposed site is inappropriate. It would create clutter in an attractive open area where the setts have just been repaired and create potential health and safety issues. Concern was expressed over maintenance responsibility which wasnít mentioned in the application. The original application was submitted in August 2019 when DCC were not sitting. Mrs Gill reported that the appeal has been rejected by the reporter on grounds of traffic impact and no sustainable travel option. Mrs Priest reported residentsí concern around work on Dunbar Road to create the Active Travel Route. This is not popular and there are worries about the width of the carriageway and whether 2 buses/trucks/tractors will be able to pass. The feeling of the meeting was that there were many other ways scarce resources could be used rather than addressing a non-existent problem on a quiet, wide road with two existing cycle lanes. DCC did object, due to residentsí concerns, to the proposals for Lauder place. 9. Tyninghame/Whitekirk Mr Wight reported on a site visit from Reheat who are carrying out a feasibility study for a community heat project in Tyninghame. The report is expected in February. It would require the agreement of at least 70% of residents. Mr Martin questioned the need for further insulation of interested properties. Mr Wight confirmed this would be required if the heat was locally generated via water source or air source heat pumps but not if it could be connected to the proposed East Lothian heat network which would run along the A199 carrying water at a high temperature. Mrs Shaw-Stewart requested funding for the installation of two new signs at Allison Cargill House to address the issue of delivery drivers not finding the correct address despite the presence of an area map. She will pass quotes to Mr Martin. Mrs Gill reported that Scottish Water are on site in Markle and are hoping to complete work by end January. Balfour Beatty will install the beams on the new bridge either this weekend or next depending on the weather. This requires railway closure and overnight working. A new TTRO closing roads for the period 11th March to 8th July is in place which may relate to drainage work to be undertaken by Balfour Beatty. Work is underway on the new walks leaflet. Mr Wight has merged the existing text with the new walks and is looking at the possibility of a circular walk at Whitekirk. Different pictures will be on the front page to differentiate the new leaflet from previous versions. 12. Correspondence 12.01 ELC Licensing: Gambling Statement of Principle Mrs Cosgrove will contact Keith Scott (ELC Roads Officer) about the bus shelter at the Linton Hotel which is in poor condition. 14. Date of next meeting: Thursday 6th February 2025 at 7.30pm
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held on Thursday 9th January 2025 at 7.30pm in The Stables Present: Mrs J Priest Ms A Pearson Mrs E Gill Mr H Thomas Mrs A Cosgrove Mr R Russel Mr D Wight Mrs L Shaw-Stewart Mr E Martin In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Verity Sinclair, Anthony Jeffries, Cllr L Jardine One report of fraud and one for worrying livestock, of which someone has been charged and reported for summons. The next CAPP meeting will be held on 13th February. 4.1. Balfour Beatty Community Benefits Mrs Gill will request an update for the February meeting. The post is being advertised. Mr Thomas reported on the community benefits discussion at the latest AELCC meeting. The association set up to handle the benefits is currently dormant until funds become available. East Lammermuir have agreed to hand over £95k of their benefit for a feasibility study into a heat network for East Lothian driven by the heat lost at Torness and the Dunbar Viridor plant. The study will be carried out by Viegand Maagoe - a Danish company. Scottish Enterprise have provided £5.5k to support the legal and financial work involved in setting up the community benefit organisation. There may be future income from other wind farms with discussions underway with Neart na Gaoithe (NnG). Although only onshore windfarms are legally obliged to provide community benefit there is currently a consultation on whether this should be extended to include offshore windfarms, solar and battery sites. The consultation can be found at https://www.gov.scot/news/community-benefits-consultation/ Concern was expressed about forming plans and creating expectations when DCC has no resource or expertise. Examples of the Beast from the East and Covid were provided when communities worked together informally alongside response organisations to assist those in need. Mrs Priest will respond stating that DCC will not do anything formal on this and donít need any additional support. She will also suggest that Community Halls be contacted directly to provide details of their accommodation and access. 5. Area Partnerships Mrs Cosgrove and Cllr Jardine attended a meeting today where there was a discussion on how the Community Action and Local Place Plan fitted into the ELC Local Development Plan. Mrs Cosgrove raised the issue that some good works carried out by ELC (e.g. 28 new council properties at The Orchard) are not widely known. She is meeting Alan Stubbs (ELC Road Services Manager) next week to discuss the plan for 2025 given the priorities submitted by DELAP. She also reported that there will be capital funding via the LEADER replacement scheme for items such as laptops and suggested these be provided to Dunbar Grammar School. The general fund will have approx. £20k available next year with funding applications to be in by the end of January in advance of the meeting on 24th February. The maximum funding per application is £5000. The available balance is around £1400. The next grant from ELC will be provided in April. 7.1. Planning: Erection of Robert Noble Sculpture - 24/01428/P DCC have agreed that although there is no objection to the memorial they will object to the application on the grounds that the proposed site is inappropriate. It would create clutter in an attractive open area where the setts have just been repaired and create potential health and safety issues. Concern was expressed over maintenance responsibility which wasnít mentioned in the application. The original application was submitted in August 2019 when DCC were not sitting. Mrs Gill reported that the appeal has been rejected by the reporter on grounds of traffic impact and no sustainable travel option. Mrs Priest reported residentsí concern around work on Dunbar Road to create the Active Travel Route. This is not popular and there are worries about the width of the carriageway and whether 2 buses/trucks/tractors will be able to pass. The feeling of the meeting was that there were many other ways scarce resources could be used rather than addressing a non-existent problem on a quiet, wide road with two existing cycle lanes. DCC did object, due to residentsí concerns, to the proposals for Lauder place. 9. Tyninghame/Whitekirk Mr Wight reported on a site visit from Reheat who are carrying out a feasibility study for a community heat project in Tyninghame. The report is expected in February. It would require the agreement of at least 70% of residents. Mr Martin questioned the need for further insulation of interested properties. Mr Wight confirmed this would be required if the heat was locally generated via water source or air source heat pumps but not if it could be connected to the proposed East Lothian heat network which would run along the A199 carrying water at a high temperature. Mrs Shaw-Stewart requested funding for the installation of two new signs at Allison Cargill House to address the issue of delivery drivers not finding the correct address despite the presence of an area map. She will pass quotes to Mr Martin. Mrs Gill reported that Scottish Water are on site in Markle and are hoping to complete work by end January. Balfour Beatty will install the beams on the new bridge either this weekend or next depending on the weather. This requires railway closure and overnight working. A new TTRO closing roads for the period 11th March to 8th July is in place which may relate to drainage work to be undertaken by Balfour Beatty. Work is underway on the new walks leaflet. Mr Wight has merged the existing text with the new walks and is looking at the possibility of a circular walk at Whitekirk. Different pictures will be on the front page to differentiate the new leaflet from previous versions. 12. Correspondence 12.01 ELC Licensing: Gambling Statement of Principle 13. Any Other Business Mrs Cosgrove will contact Keith Scott (ELC Roads Officer) about the bus shelter at the Linton Hotel which is in poor condition. 14. Date of next meeting: Thursday 6th February 2025 at 7.30pm