Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - May 2024
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council

held on Thursday
2nd May at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mr E Martin Mr R Russel Mr J Orr Mr D Wight

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Peter Forsyth (ELC), Glen Henderson (Balfour Beatty), Eileen Gill, John Kinnaird, Cllr L Jardine, Verity Sinclair

1. Apologies: Ms A Pearson, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mrs Shaw-Stewart, Mr I Young, Mrs V Hoban, Cllr D Collins

2. Minutes of meeting and AGM held on 4th April were agreed with the correction that Peter Courtney is Peter Beckman.

3. Police Report/CAPP

The CO-OP was broken into in the early hours of the 10th of April and investigations are being carried out to identify the offenders. Anyone with information should contact 101 quoting incident number 0257 of the 10/4/24.

Mr Wight has contacted Laura Jackson to express interest in community speed watch at Tyninghame.

4. Matters Arising
4.1. Works for Balfour Beatty
Glen Henderson presented drone images to demonstrate the progress on Markle Bridge.
The aim is to have traffic using the bridge before the end of this year with the project finishing in March 2025. Eileen Gill expressed concerns about the effectiveness of drainage in the area. Work has been carried out on the existing drains but not under the railway and the new SUDS ponds are expected to cope with heavy rain. The existing drains will be cleared again once work is complete and in the case of any issues. It was confirmed that the transport route for the large concrete components is via East Fortune, past Brand Farm and up Drylaw Hill with the corner at Markle being extended. That adjustment may remain in place to improve visibility at that corner. Eileen Gill praised the Balfour Beatty employees for keeping the compound tidy and being courteous. There are issues with dust and Glen Henderson reported they had been spraying to reduce that. Peter Forsyth confirmed that Scottish Water have been investigating a proposal for mains renewal in Markle but confirmed that work would not start until the bridge was complete.
He also committed to sharing the latest plans for a turning circle with Markle residents.

Possible engagement with East Linton Primary was discussed as part of community engagement. It was confirmed that materials and labour could be supplied as part of community engagement but not cash.

The areas of interest under community engagement are:

Area at Preston Road end where setts will be scraped out and repointed.

Markle path - This was raised with Dave Wild who responded - Tara popped out to have a look and I have spoken with our access officer also. I believe water soaks /flows down the field to this corner and is a difficult spot drainage wise. An option floated was for the community to seek landowner agreement to build a raised section of timber edged type 1/whindust path there, if it was felt that this was necessary. Happy to provide the specifications for this sort of path if that was of use. Peter Forsyth will speak to the landowner.

Tyninghame pavement - to the south side of the T junction - currently an uneven earth verge with a culvert - would require 10/15m of pavement. This was raised at DELAP and with Calum Redpath who agreed it had high priority but no funding. Peter Forsyth confirmed this was not a simple piece of work as it would need permission to work on public roads and traffic management. He agreed to look into the costs.

Mill Lade path - still sodden and muddy after a couple of weeks of dry weather. Glen Henderson will have a look. It is owned by Preston Mains Farm.

Surgery / Footbridge path - needs more whindust.

Binning Wood south car park - potholes need filled.

Fountain - underground tank is leaking. Peter Forsyth will contact Sean Govan.

Tyninghame community farm - strip between field and road needs tarmac as a planning requirement but they are struggling to find a contractor to do the small job. The car park will be installed in early June and the strip can be done any time after that. Glen Henderson to have initial discussions with a surfacing contractor.

Markle - private road into steading. Peter Forsyth confirmed the start of that would have been upgraded as part of the turning head but that has been moved. He will investigate.

Glen Henderson offered access to the site defibrillator however Markle have purchased one which is due to be installed soon. Training in defibrillator use was also offered.

4.2. Local Place Plan

Mr Wight has submitted this to ELC. There are queries over a possible 28 day consultation period which Cllr Jardine will investigate.

4.3. Linn Rocks policing

The following paragraph is from the police report:

A meeting was held at The Stables on the 30/4/24 to discuss the anticipated increase in ASB at Lynn Rocks and surrounding areas over the summer months. Police will be carrying out regular patrols in the area and deal with any youth ASB robustly which will include charging offenders, speaking with parents of offenders and requesting ELC to send out warning letters to the parents of offenders. The School Liaison Officer and Fire Safety Officer have been giving presentations to schools about water safety and acting responsibly. A CCTV camera will be placed by the bus shelter over the coming weeks.
I must iterate that Lynn Rocks is a place which members of the public are free to use, and action can only be taken by the police if crimes are being committed.

Mrs Priest reported that the meeting held on 30/04 was attended by Cllr Jardine, Craig Hoy and 2 staff, 3 police including Laura Jackson and 11 residents. It was confirmed that the Police wonít attend for loud music but will attend if there are criminal acts taking place. Enforcement of the requirement to behave in a responsible manner under the Land Reform Act is a civil matter. Residents were advised not to intervene and not to take photographs. CCTV is being installed on the adjacent private property. A suggestion was made to install bins, but concerns were raised over whether they would be used and who would empty them. Jamie Orr advised the meeting of noise issues at the bus stops into the night. Concern was expressed about the dangers of the Linn Rocks site and the well-being of individuals using it.
The issue with groups of individuals arriving by bus is throughout East Lothian and a review of bus passes is underway. Concern was expressed about anti-social behaviour on buses.

4.4. Roads

4.4.1. Process for objecting to 40mph speed limit on A199
Morag Haddow (ELC) has confirmed that funding is not in place for the whole of the A199 between Dunbar and Haddington and itís likely the section within East Linton along Dunbar Road and up Lauder Place is what will proceed initially. Once funding is in place a Traffic Regulation Order will be raised and the public can comment at that time. Cllr Jardine confirmed a petition against the proposal was being presented to ELC.

4.4.2. Preston Road
Mr Russel received the following response from ELC to a report of potholes:
This section of Preston Road is not on our programme for carriageway resurfacing this year as the Community Council have requested that a wider footway be constructed outside the church and a priority put system in place. This is likely to be installed in the Autumn / Winter so there is no point in resurfacing the road until this is complete. Preston Road is due to be Needs Assessed again in December which will determine if it is included within the carriageway resurfacing programme for 2025/26. However, in the meantime, I will arrange for a service inspection to be undertaken at the locations you have provided, and any identified defects will be prioritised for repair according to their risk assessment rating.

4.4.3 Monksmuir Mrs Priest advised that traffic lights would be in use at Monksmuir for 4 weeks from Monday 6th May.

4.4.4 - Bus Stop at Mart
Mrs Priest reported that a new Bus Stop has been installed opposite the Mart and the kerb at the entrance will be altered. This will take place overnight sometime in the next 6 weeks.

4.5. Vacancies

Mrs Hoban and Mr Young have resigned leaving four vacancies. Mr Wight has approached a couple of people in Tyninghame. Eileen Gill will ask if anyone at Markle is interested.

4.6 Meetings attended

4.6.1 JMCP Advisory Group - 17/04
Ms Pearson provided the following update:
JMCP - Higher visitors than pre covid but down on Covid years. A lot of storm damage across the saltmarsh bridges, so going to close them off and reroute horse riders one way in and out along the front of Hedderwick Plantation. Berwick Bank wind farms, AI cameras recording bird disturbances to see what effect will be. Alec Dale has contractors in Hedderwick Plantation removing damaged trees (checking for birds nests first), CERT Caledonian Environment Restoration Trust are assisting with planting mixed natives after clearing completed, autumn replanting planned, some for cropping others low commercial value. The damaged trees removed will go for biomass and potentially Horse bedding (Bedmax in Northumberland) if the timber suitable. JMW land slips at Dunbar have deteriorated but plans still to see what settles down and so the detour path will remain. Large concrete blocks in the damaged section look difficult to move and access to the beach there is closed still.

4.6.2 CAPP meeting Cllr Jardine is now chairing this. DCC will need new representatives following the recent resignations.

5. Planning matters

Nothing to discuss.

6. Finance

Mr Martin reported a balance of £5393.97. ELC funds matched last year.

7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Wight reported that the Bus Shelter was destroyed by a delivery vehicle. The insurance company has been contacted.
There were discussions over incorporating the Tyninghame walks into an updated East Linton walks leaflet. Mr Wight will speak to Ms Pearson and investigate funding.
Mr Martin reported that a quiz night at Whitekirk raised £300 and that the hall is looking for a new treasurer and OSCR representative.

8. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Mr Kinnaird reported on issues raised with DCC by a Papple resident concerned that about 2 miles of verges had been severely cut. Concern was expressed over the loss of wildlife habitat and Mr Wight raised the desire demonstrated in the Local Place Plan to improve biodiversity. Verity Sinclair confirmed this had been carried out by George MacIntosh at Papple. The resident would like to understand what ELC policy is on verges and whether there had been previous communication on the issue. Mr Kinnaird also raised a serious health and safety issue over the type of vehicle used for the cutting which faced oncoming traffic and had spikes protruding on the front bucket. He confirmed that hedges on corners can be cut to improve sight lines. Cllr Jardine will take this forward.

9. Projects

9.1 Station Notice Board.
Mr Orr has contacted Peter Forsyth who provided a map and requested a suggested location so that he can look at land ownership. One of each side of the station will be proposed. A discussion was held on the type of noticeboard, and it was agreed a printed surface would not be appropriate.

9.2 Fountain Sean Govan is happy to maintain the fountain but has discovered that although the pump is working the underground tank is leaking. Mrs Priest has contacted ITEC in Dunbar for a quote and Balfour Beatty will also have a look.

10. Correspondence

10.1 11/04 Love to Ride, Bike Month Challenge
10.2 12/04 ELC M Haddow: 40 mph proposal
10.3 16/04 ELC T Renouf: EL Partnership Forum new date 15th June
10.4 22/04 N Morland: Markle to EL footpath repair
10.5 23/04 ELC D Wild: Local Biodiversity site surveys
10.6 25/04 ELC C Redpath: Preston Rd potholes

11. Any Other Business

Community Fair - 25th August - Mrs Priest will email the groups who attended last time.

Mr Martin committed to have the Accounts ready for the AGM in June.

12. Date of next meeting and AGM: Thursday 6th June 2024

Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - May 2024
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council

held on Thursday
2nd May at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mr E Martin Mr R Russel Mr J Orr Mr D Wight

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Peter Forsyth (ELC), Glen Henderson (Balfour Beatty), Eileen Gill, John Kinnaird, Cllr L Jardine, Verity Sinclair

1. Apologies: Ms A Pearson, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mrs Shaw-Stewart, Mr I Young, Mrs V Hoban, Cllr D Collins

2. Minutes of meeting and AGM held on 4th April were agreed with the correction that Peter Courtney is Peter Beckman.

3. Police Report/CAPP

The CO-OP was broken into in the early hours of the 10th of April and investigations are being carried out to identify the offenders. Anyone with information should contact 101 quoting incident number 0257 of the 10/4/24.

Mr Wight has contacted Laura Jackson to express interest in community speed watch at Tyninghame.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Works for Balfour Beatty

Glen Henderson presented drone images to demonstrate the progress on Markle Bridge.
The aim is to have traffic using the bridge before the end of this year with the project finishing in March 2025. Eileen Gill expressed concerns about the effectiveness of drainage in the area. Work has been carried out on the existing drains but not under the railway and the new SUDS ponds are expected to cope with heavy rain. The existing drains will be cleared again once work is complete and in the case of any issues. It was confirmed that the transport route for the large concrete components is via East Fortune, past Brand Farm and up Drylaw Hill with the corner at Markle being extended. That adjustment may remain in place to improve visibility at that corner. Eileen Gill praised the Balfour Beatty employees for keeping the compound tidy and being courteous. There are issues with dust and Glen Henderson reported they had been spraying to reduce that. Peter Forsyth confirmed that Scottish Water have been investigating a proposal for mains renewal in Markle but confirmed that work would not start until the bridge was complete.
He also committed to sharing the latest plans for a turning circle with Markle residents.
Possible engagement with East Linton Primary was discussed as part of community engagement. It was confirmed that materials and labour could be supplied as part of community engagement but not cash.
The areas of interest under community engagement are:
Area at Preston Road end where setts will be scraped out and repointed.
Markle path ñ This was raised with Dave Wild who responded - Tara popped out to have a look and I have spoken with our access officer also. I believe water soaks /flows down the field to this corner and is a difficult spot drainage wise. An option floated was for the community to seek landowner agreement to build a raised section of timber edged type 1/whindust path there, if it was felt that this was necessary. Happy to provide the specifications for this sort of path if that was of use. Peter Forsyth will speak to the landowner.
Tyninghame pavement ñ to the south side of the T junction ñ currently an uneven earth verge with a culvert ñ would require 10/15m of pavement. This was raised at DELAP and with Calum Redpath who agreed it had high priority but no funding. Peter Forsyth confirmed this was not a simple piece of work as it would need permission to work on public roads and traffic management. He agreed to look into the costs.
Mill Lade path ñ still sodden and muddy after a couple of weeks of dry weather. Glen Henderson will have a look. It is owned by Preston Mains Farm.
Surgery / Footbridge path - needs more whindust.

Binning Wood south car park - potholes need filled.

Fountain - underground tank is leaking. Peter Forsyth will contact Sean Govan.

Tyninghame community farm - strip between field and road needs tarmac as a planning requirement but they are struggling to find a contractor to do the small job. The car park will be installed in early June and the strip can be done any time after that. Glen Henderson to have initial discussions with a surfacing contractor.
Markle ñ private road into steading. Peter Forsyth confirmed the start of that would have been upgraded as part of the turning head but that has been moved. He will investigate.

Glen Henderson offered access to the site defibrillator however Markle have purchased one which is due to be installed soon. Training in defibrillator use was also offered.

4.2. Local Place Plan

Mr Wight has submitted this to ELC. There are queries over a possible 28 day consultation period which Cllr Jardine will investigate.

4.3. Linn Rocks policing

The following paragraph is from the police report:

A meeting was held at The Stables on the 30/4/24 to discuss the anticipated increase in ASB at Lynn Rocks and surrounding areas over the summer months. Police will be carrying out regular patrols in the area and deal with any youth ASB robustly which will include charging offenders, speaking with parents of offenders and requesting ELC to send out warning letters to the parents of offenders. The School Liaison Officer and Fire Safety Officer have been giving presentations to schools about water safety and acting responsibly. A CCTV camera will be placed by the bus shelter over the coming weeks.
I must iterate that Lynn Rocks is a place which members of the public are free to use, and action can only be taken by the police if crimes are being committed.

Mrs Priest reported that the meeting held on 30/04 was attended by Cllr Jardine, Craig Hoy and 2 staff, 3 police including Laura Jackson and 11 residents. It was confirmed that the Police wonít attend for loud music but will attend if there are criminal acts taking place. Enforcement of the requirement to behave in a responsible manner under the Land Reform Act is a civil matter. Residents were advised not to intervene and not to take photographs. CCTV is being installed on the adjacent private property. A suggestion was made to install bins, but concerns were raised over whether they would be used and who would empty them. Jamie Orr advised the meeting of noise issues at the bus stops into the night. Concern was expressed about the dangers of the Linn Rocks site and the well-being of individuals using it.
The issue with groups of individuals arriving by bus is throughout East Lothian and a review of bus passes is underway. Concern was expressed about anti-social behaviour on buses.

4.4. Roads

4.4.1. Process for objecting to 40mph speed limit on A199

Morag Haddow (ELC) has confirmed that funding is not in place for the whole of the A199 between Dunbar and Haddington and itís likely the section within East Linton along Dunbar Road and up Lauder Place is what will proceed initially. Once funding is in place a Traffic Regulation Order will be raised and the public can comment at that time. Cllr Jardine confirmed a petition against the proposal was being presented to ELC.

4.4.2. Preston Road

Mr Russel received the following response from ELC to a report of potholes:
This section of Preston Road is not on our programme for carriageway resurfacing this year as the Community Council have requested that a wider footway be constructed outside the church and a priority put system in place. This is likely to be installed in the Autumn / Winter so there is no point in resurfacing the road until this is complete. Preston Road is due to be Needs Assessed again in December which will determine if it is included within the carriageway resurfacing programme for 2025/26. However, in the meantime, I will arrange for a service inspection to be undertaken at the locations you have provided, and any identified defects will be prioritised for repair according to their risk assessment rating.

4.4.3 Monksmuir Mrs Priest advised that traffic lights would be in use at Monksmuir for 4 weeks from Monday 6th May.

4.4.4 - Bus Stop at Mart
Mrs Priest reported that a new Bus Stop has been installed opposite the Mart and the kerb at the entrance will be altered. This will take place overnight sometime in the next 6 weeks.

4.5. Vacancies

Mrs Hoban and Mr Young have resigned leaving four vacancies. Mr Wight has approached a couple of people in Tyninghame. Eileen Gill will ask if anyone at Markle is interested.

4.6 Meetings attended
4.6.1 JMCP Advisory Group ñ 17/04 Ms Pearson provided the following update:
JMCP - Higher visitors than pre covid but down on Covid years. A lot of storm damage across the saltmarsh bridges, so going to close them off and reroute horse riders one way in and out along the front of Hedderwick Plantation. Berwick Bank wind farms, AI cameras recording bird disturbances to see what effect will be.† Alec Dale has contractors in Hedderwick Plantation removing damaged trees (checking for birds nests first), CERT Caledonian Environment Restoration Trust are assisting with†planting mixed natives after clearing completed, autumn replanting planned, some for cropping others low commercial value. The damaged trees removed will go for biomass and potentially Horse bedding (Bedmax in Northumberland) if the timber suitable. JMW land slips at Dunbar have deteriorated but plans still to see what settles down and so the detour path will remain. Large concrete blocks in the damaged section look difficult to move and access to the beach there is closed still.
4.6.2 CAPP meeting Cllr Jardine is now chairing this. DCC will need new representatives following the recent resignations.

5. Planning matters

Nothing to discuss.

6. Finance

Mr Martin reported a balance of £5393.97. ELC funds matched last year.

7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Wight reported that the Bus Shelter was destroyed by a delivery vehicle. The insurance company has been contacted.
There were discussions over incorporating the Tyninghame walks into an updated East Linton walks leaflet. Mr Wight will speak to Ms Pearson and investigate funding.
Mr Martin reported that a quiz night at Whitekirk raised £300 and that the hall is looking for a new treasurer and OSCR representative.

8. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Mr Kinnaird reported on issues raised with DCC by a Papple resident concerned that about 2 miles of verges had been severely cut. Concern was expressed over the loss of wildlife habitat and Mr Wight raised the desire demonstrated in the Local Place Plan to improve biodiversity. Verity Sinclair confirmed this had been carried out by George MacIntosh at Papple. The resident would like to understand what ELC policy is on verges and whether there had been previous communication on the issue. Mr Kinnaird also raised a serious health and safety issue over the type of vehicle used for the cutting which faced oncoming traffic and had spikes protruding on the front bucket. He confirmed that hedges on corners can be cut to improve sight lines. Cllr Jardine will take this forward.

9. Projects

9.1 Station Notice Board.
Mr Orr has contacted Peter Forsyth who provided a map and requested a suggested location so that he can look at land ownership. One of each side of the station will be proposed. A discussion was held on the type of noticeboard, and it was agreed a printed surface would not be appropriate.

9.2 Fountain Sean Govan is happy to maintain the fountain but has discovered that although the pump is working the underground tank is leaking. Mrs Priest has contacted ITEC in Dunbar for a quote and Balfour Beatty will also have a look.

10. Correspondence

10.1 11/04 Love to Ride, Bike Month Challenge
10.2 12/04 ELC M Haddow: 40 mph proposal
10.3 16/04 ELC T Renouf: EL Partnership Forum new date 15th June
10.4 22/04 N Morland: Markle to EL footpath repair
10.5 23/04 ELC D Wild: Local Biodiversity site surveys
10.6 25/04 ELC C Redpath: Preston Rd potholes

11. Any Other Business

Community Fair - 25th August ñ Mrs Priest will email the groups who attended last time.

Mr Martin committed to have the Accounts ready for the AGM in June.

12. Date of next meeting and AGM: Thursday 6th June 2024