Dunpender Community Council
Minutes 06-2004

Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 6th June at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr E Martin, Mr R Russel, Mr J Orr, Mr D Wigh,t Ms A Pearson, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mrs E Gill, Mr H Thomas

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Cllr L Jardine, John Kinnaird, Verity Sinclair, Cllr N Hampshire, Kate Courtney and Peter Beckman


1. Chairman's report for year ending March 2024

This was circulated by Mrs Priest prior to the meeting and agreed by members

Postholders for the year were: J Priest Chairman; A Cosgrove Vice-chairman; V Hoban Secretary and E Martin Treasurer. Members: Rob Cramb resigned, and Jamie Orr joined.
This has been a very busy year for the Community Council. The highlight was the opening of the Station in December after years of campaigning and also the start of the new Markle crossing.
Successes include new footpaths from Tyninghame to Binning Wood, the repair of the Longstone path to Pencraig Hill and the installation of about 8 EV chargers in McCall Gardens. We have produced a Local Place Plan which was a huge amount of work for those members who helped with it.
Extra policing and CCTV cameras have helped control anti-social behaviour at the Linn Rocks and Bridgend but this problem is far from being solved. A lot of time was spent chasing Lothian Broadband to make good the damage done to pavements in the village. Whittingehame has finally achieved better broadband.
Planning issues have included a massive windfarm in the Lammermuirs and county-wide discussions about renewable energy infrastructure everywhere, the proposal for a Farm Park at East Fortune and a drinks licence for the cafÈ in Tyninghame. Our member Allison has been elected chair of the Dunbar Area partnership which will give us a good voice there.
Low points were the withdrawal of funding for a new primary School and the cancellation of proposed works to improve safety on Preston Road. The fountain is still out of action and the underpass is still flooding. Somewhat controversial plans for an Active Travel corridor running through East Linton have been discussed at length but no work has begun yet. The speed reactive sign in Tyninghame is still not working.
Members continue to report potholes, broken streetlights and various other issues reported to us by residents. Members continued to work hard to represent the Dunpender community on various groups and at a number of online consultations and meetings this year. We produced a winter edition of Dunpender News and have a new Facebook page

Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website www.eastlinton.uk.com, to Ms Hunter who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.

2. Treasurer's report & Accounts

Mr Martin circulated the accounts and confirmed they have been audited. He thank David Shaw-Stewart for this. DCC finished this year in a better financial position than last year due to reduced spending on defibrillators. He explained the Horticultural Society appears to have higher spending but this was due to money for 2023 being paid in 2024 not an increase in real terms. The Pencaitland fund was DELAP money left at end of year which was shared among community councils. The current balance is £6533.
The accounts were accepted with Mrs Cosgrove proposing and Mr Wight seconding.

3. Election of Office bearers; Chairman, vice chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.

Cllr Jardine oversaw the election and thanked Mrs Priest for chairing the meetings last year.

Chairman - Mrs Priest Proposed Mr Wight Seconded Mrs Cosgrove
Vice-chairman - Mrs Cosgrove Proposed Mrs Priest Seconded Ms Pearson Treasurer - Mr Martin Proposed Mr Russel Seconded Ms Pearson

The post of secretary was not appointed.

General Meeting

1. Apologies: Mrs L Shaw-Stewart.

2. Minutes of meeting and AGM held on 2nd May were agreed.

3. Police Report/CAPP

A number of reports have been received of youths attending at Linn Rocks and causing antisocial behaviour, including drinking alcohol, using drugs, setting fires and setting fireworks off. Officers have attended each report and youths committing any crimes have been dealt with robustly. Two crimes have been recorded as a result of these reports: possession of drugs namely Cannabis and possession of a firework in a public place.
Officers continue to carry out patrols in the area when the weather is good and this remains a priority for the Dunpender area.

Mr Beckman questioned whether officers have attended each report and raised the problem of the time lag between reporting and deployment of resources. He reported the same people arriving at 3.35pm every day, drinking, lighting fires, pulling down signs, setting off fireworks, throwing rocks at people and property and threatening violence. Police did attend and make arrests on the day of the fireworks incident but in general impacted residents feel the police report is downplaying the scale of the problem and the lack of police response. The impression is that the kids feel they can do what they like and residents donít feel safe in their own gardens. Photos shown to police of troublemakers have been recognized suggesting they are local to the area. CCTV is in place at the bus stop but not at Linn Rocks as yet. Mrs Priest raised the point that Association of Community Councils were due to discuss whether the problems were caused by free bus passes. Cllr Hampshire has raised with problem with the Chief Inspector who assured him that officers would attend when called but realizes now that this is not happening.
Mr Orr confirmed that this has been going on for years forcing people to move home. The bus stops are noisy and vandalised, recycling boxes are kicked along the street and people are verbally abused. Concerns were raised that social media results in people coming from afar and a meeting with Lothian Buses suggested that bus drivers notify police if large numbers are heading for East Linton. Behaviour on buses was described as intimidating.
Mrs Priest questioned what happens to the CCTV footage at bus stops.
Kate Courtney raised the discrepancy between the picture of an idyllic East Linton portrayed in the national newspapers and the impact of ongoing anti-social behaviour.
Cllr Jardine will raise it at the CAPP meeting on 13th June, specifically the discrepancy between the report and the reality.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Potential new members

Mrs Gill was welcomed as the representative for Markle. Mr Thomas attended with a view to becoming a representative for East Linton.

4.2. Works for Balfour Beatty

Mrs Priest has spoken to Peter Forsyth (ELC) about potential work at St Baldredís Well, the Markle path and the setts at the corner of Preston Road. He has been in touch with landscape and countryside colleagues and has agreement in principle for the works and is in the process of identifying and contacting the landowners.
Mrs Gill had contacted Balfour Beatty about the possibility of repairing the wall on the path to Markle Fisheries but this is not possible without liaison with Network Rail. Mrs Gill agreed to be the point of contact for the Balfour Beatty community benefit work.

4.3. Linn Rocks policing/CCTV

See Police Report.

4.4. Paths

Mill Lade - Mr Russel will chase Dave Wild on this as the path is still wet and muddy. .

Smeaton path - Mrs Cosgrove confirmed this is used although flooded at times.

Pencraig path - Ms Pearson is meeting with stonemasons regarding the wall and pile of stones but is struggling to get a quote. Dave Wild has agreed the path wardens will carry out work on the path during June/July to strim and fill holes.

Mr Wight is working with Ms Pearson to update the paths leaflet to include new paths at Tyninghame. Ms Pearson is trying to track down electronic copies of the current leaflet.

4.5 Meetings attended
Cllr Hampshire was invited to attend the Parent Council to talk about the new school and nursery provision. He confirmed that ELC were unsuccessful in their application to the Scottish Government for matched funding for a new school. As ELC could not fund this alone the £8million ear-marked has been re-allocated. The school is not at capacity at the moment and does not need extended. It does however need £1million spent to bring it up to standard which would not change the Category C assessment.
The new Local Development Plan (LDP) requires 6500 houses to be built in East Lothian. Land for 5000 was already identified in the previous plan and not developed. No land around East Linton is included for development in the LDP as the school does not have the capacity to support this. Developers have an interest in land around the village and are looking to build a large number of new houses but ELC will not support this without a new school. It is likely that developers will challenge the LDP if no land is identified around East Linton and it is possible that the Reporter will uphold any appeals due to the money spent on the station. ELC would then fight that in court.

Mrs Priest questioned what areas of land have been purchased by developers. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that land towards Pencraig and on both sides of the road at Drylaw were involved. Mrs Priest raised the point that DCC did not want any development which would mean more traffic on the High Street.

Mrs Priest raised the fact that the Brand family park planning permission was denied due to building on prime agricultural land and questioned why this would not be the case around East Linton. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that NPF4 means you canít build on agricultural land if there is another possible site but that housing needs to be around existing settlements.

Mr Martin questioned whether East Fortune hospital could be developed.

Mr Orr questioned why the capacity couldnít be found at Blindwells where the infrastructure is in place. Cllr Hampshire reported that the Greater Blindwells site could accommodate 10,000 houses but ELC donít have resource to put in the necessary infrastructure.

Cllr Jardine raised that point that the Local Place Plan identified the desire for social and low cost housing rather than large family homes. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that currently 25% of homes in a development should be affordable and there is a plan to increase that in the LDP possibly to 30-35%. There has to be a balance and if the percentage is too high developers are not interested. ELC borrowing for building new houses is at capacity.

Cllr Hampshire reported that East Linton has an issue with nursery provision which canít be extended within the school building. In ELC budget funds for the library service were reduced and the long term future for rural libraries is being considered. It is felt that the current library building could be better used with a suggestion it could be used 5/6 days a week as a nursery rather than 2 days as a library. A service to collect and drop off library books has also been discussed. Options are being considered and DCC will be consulted once a proposal is in place. Mrs Cosgrove raised the point that the low footfall in the library is due to it only being open 2 days a week at the current time.

Ms Pearson questioned what was happening with the Stewart Milne development. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that all the houses are finished and that ELC will contact the receivers to call in a road bond in order to allow them to finish the roads and landscaping.

Mr Wight attended the East Lothian Rail Steering group meeting where there were timetable discussions around constraints due to capacity on the East Coast Main Line. Scotrail are planning a new service from Dunbar at morning peak times which will also stop in East Linton.

Mrs Cosgrove suggested a meeting in the Community Hall to show an accelerated timeline film, produced by RAGES, about the construction of the station.

Mrs Cosgrove reported that the Community Rail Partnership is well funded but needs volunteers. Previous projects included murals at Prestonpans, signpost for the doocot at Athelstaneford and gardening in North Berwick.

5. Area Partnerships

Mrs Cosgrove reported a reduction in funding of £45,000. 4 applications have been received to be addressed under the general fund. DELAP will have a table at the Galaday.

6. Finance

Mr Martin invited anyone with pending projects to contact him.

7. Planning Matters

Mrs Shaw-Stewart represented DCC at the planning meeting about Brand farm park to object due to the potential for increased traffic through East Linton.

8. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Wight reported that work is continuing on the Binning Wood footpath.

Mr Martin reported that Whitekirk village hall committee may have new treasurer but still need OSCR and tax representatives.

9. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Ms Pearson confirmed that Traprain does not yet have full fibre broadband.
Mrs Gill contacted Scottish Water about their digging of trial pits and confirmed this was connected to the new bridge to determine the location of any pipes and if they need to be moved. She highlighted that they had been digging on private land and they have updated their documentation to reflect that any further work would require permission and restoration.
Mrs Gill contacted Peter Forsyth about the persistent flooding at Markle End. He confirmed he will monitor the situation and that the issue would be addressed when future upgrades were carried out however it may be possible to put in a gully before that to get water into the drain.
Mrs Gill also confirmed that Peter Forsyth will speak to Network Rail about the design of the fencing to be used to close the crossing. She has also raised with ELC the T junction at the west end of the Markle road which is breaking up badly due to being used by the Geddes lorries travelling to Markle bridge site via Gilmerton. Mr Forsyth will monitor and ask either ELC or Balfour Beatty to address.

10. Projects

9.1 Station Notice Board.
Mr Orr confirmed there is no update.

9.2 Fountain Mrs Priest has tried to contact ITEC with no response. She will meet with Sean Govan to determine the location of the tank.

9.3 Community Fair This will be held on 25th August. Mrs Priest is contacting local groups. Ms Pearson will share the list of contributors to Dunpender News and speak to the Repair CafÈ about providing teas.
It was suggested a copy of the Local Place Plan should be available at the meeting and loaded on the DCC website.

11. Correspondence

11.01 02/05 F Constable: verges at Papple Steading
11.02 08/05 EL Gala: Invitation
11.03 08/05 AELCC: Free bus pass discussion
11.04 08/05 E Gill: Markle vacancy
11.05 09/05 D Wild: Mill lade path
11.06 09/05 E Gill to P Forsyth: Community benefits at Markle
11.07 13/05 S Holder: CCTV at bus stops
11.08 14/05 C Hoy: Search for a local hero
11.09 15/05 AELCC: Meeting 9th June 7pm Fraser Centre Tranent
11.10 16/05 H Thomas: DCC vacancy
11.11 22/05 A Duncan/ELC(KScott/MHaddow): timetables at bus stops
11.12 22/05 EL Climate Hub newsletters
11.13 22/05 Parent Council: info on Tesco grants
11.14 22/05 L Jardine: Vision for Belhaven Hospital
11.15 26/05 & others Dirleton LPP, Pencaitland LPP and E Lammermuir LPP

Mr Russel will represent DCC at the Gala Day.

Mrs Priest will attend the AELCC meeting.

Cllr Jardine will chase the work on the kerb at the Mart and grass at the Mart bus stop.

Cllr Jardine has contacted Community Council chairs about a meeting with ELHSCP regarding Belhaven Hospital site. The hospital is closing and the meeting is to discuss what influence the community can have on the future of the site and to look at how other areas across country have addressed similar issues.

Mrs Cosgrove has contacted the bus companies about the possibility of bus stops at the hospital in Haddington which is not currently on a bus route.

12. Any Other Business

Mrs Cosgrove visited the Shed plant sale to see the benefit of funds from DELAP. A bench from the church is currently under repair.

13. Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th September 2024