Present: Mrs J Priest Mr R Russel Mrs V Hoban Mrs Cosgrove Mr E Martin Mr D Wight Ms A Pearson Mr I Young
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Cllr L Jardine, Jamie Orr
1. Apologies: Mrs L Shaw-Stewart
2. Minutes of meeting and AGM held on 2nd November were agreed.
3. Police Report3. Police Report
Nothing to report this month. The CAPP meeting is next week. Poaching was raised at the last meeting and an investigation is ongoing.3. Police Report3. Police Report
4. Matters Arising
4.1. Vacancies
amie Orr was welcomed as a potential new member.
4.2. Station Opening
Fiona Hyslop, the Transport Minister will open the station on 13th December. She will arrive at 10.53 on the Scotrail service from Edinburgh.
4.3. Local Place Plan
Mr Wight has circulated the first draft drawn largely from survey responses and invited comments from members. He plans to visit East Linton Primary School on 18th December to gather the views of P6/7 pupils. Mrs Hoban will put together a document based on the draft plan to be used in the school to assist this process. A community wide consultation will be held early in 2024. Mr Wight will contact CAEL about possibly running this is parallel with a planned CAEL event.
The Local Place Plan will feed into the ELC Local Development Plan. Cllr Jardine agreed to circulate links to the LDP and to establish whether there will be a meeting in East Linton as part of the consultation process. She also agreed to confirm the extent of the land purchased by ELC for Markle Bridge. Mrs Cosgrove reminded the meeting of the £62,000 funding for the Skatepark which has still to be used.
4.4. Roads
4.4.1. Preston Road
This is currently with Ian Lennock (ELC - Roads) to provide costs so that an application can be made to the Ian Findlay Path Fund.
4.4.2. Active Travel ñ North Berwick Coastal and A199
Project representatives will present details to the DCC January meeting.
4.5. Meetings Attended
4.5.1. Resilience Workshop
Mr Young attended and will be the Single Point of Contact (SPOC). It was agreed that local communities have contact systems in place and that tapping into these and promoting being a Good Neighbour is the way forward.
4.5.2. Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership
Mr Wight and Mrs Cosgrove attended and a funding application for the path to Pencraig was successful.
4.5.3. Community Rail Partnership
Mrs Cosgrove attended a meeting with Harry Barker (CRP) and the owners of Night Owl books and The Village Green. The CRP will fund the cost of producing a map of shops in East Linton to be placed on noticeboards in the village.
4.6. Footpaths
4.6.1. Pencraig
DELAP have committed to provide £5000. Another £1000 is required for the project. Mrs Cosgrove will approach the Community Rail Partnership to request £500 and DCC will fund the remaining £500. The work is being organized through East Lothian Countryside Volunteers.
4.6.2. Kerb at Mart
This is with ELC. Cllr Jardine will chase it up.
4.6.3. Preston Mill
Mr Russel has installed non-slip strips on the little bridge.
4.6.4. Tyninghame to Binning Wood
DELAP amenity budget is being used and work is being carried out by ELC Landscape and Countryside team. Vegetation has been cleared and a gap created in the wall. The gates have been purchased and are ready to install. The path can be accessed in Tyninghame left of the cafÈ and between the Old School House and Teviot Cottage. It follows the field boundary and through the shelterbelt. There are plans to create a map of footpaths around Tyninghame.
4.6.5. Smeaton
The path through Smeaton to Binning Wood is progressing. The section within the trees along the drive us under construction.
Mr Orr questioned whether a path could be created between East Linton and Tyninghame. Mr Wight confirmed that it is possible to walk along the field margin from Knowes via the mill lade.
4.7. Dunpender News
Mrs Hoban confirmed this is complete and delivery has started.
5. Finance - contribution to Markle defib
Mr Martin reported a balance of £2603. It was agreed to contribute £500 towards the cost of a defibrillator at Markle.
6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame
Nothing to report.
7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk
Mr Martin reported that a quiz raised £600 for hall funds. A new (insulated) roof is required, and he will approach North Berwick and Coastal Area Partnership to determine if they have any money left in their general fund.
8. Planning Matters
8.1. Tyninghame license
The coffee shop has applied for a drinks license to apply until 10pm every day. DCC has received letters of objection from residents. The owner has stated that he does not intend to change the current opening hours and will close at 5pm. DCC agreed to object to the current application and suggest the license is limited to 5pm. Mr Wight will put in the objection.
9. Projects
9.1. Fountain
Mr Young has had confirmation from Michael Black that the pump was in place in May but not working, possibly due to being frozen when it was switched on earlier in the year. Mrs Priest will contact Paul Iannetta for costs for a new pump.
10. Correspondence
10.01 08/11 Cllr Jardine: Kerb at Mart
10.02 09 & 29/11 Cllr Jardine: Flooding at underpass
10.03 09/11 & others ELC M Haddow: I Findlay Path Fund (for Preston Rd)
10.04 09/11 J Orr: vacancy
10.05 09/11 S Waite: Cubs project
10.06 12/11 G Field: defib at Markle
10.07 15/11 E Fulton: Active travel consultation NB Coastal
10.08 15/11 Papple: Wild festive feast
10.09 16/11 EL Parent Council N Morland: Schools upgrades
10.10 20/11 ELC I Lennock: Preston Road funding
10.11 20/11 N Morland: Station/train timetable, future ideas
10.12 22/11 P MCLennan: LB yellow lines
10.13 22/11 Love to Ride: Winter Wheelers challenge
10.14 23/11 Comm Councils: Conference Places
10.15 28/11 ELC Licensing: Tyninghame Coffee shop
10.16 29/11 Belltown Power: Newlands Hill wind energy hub
10.17 30/11 P MCLennan: Lammermuir National Park
Mr Morland has expressed concern about the station timetable being poor. Mrs Cosgrove reported that there will be 10/11 trains per day in each direction and that Scotrail are focused on leisure travelers not commuters. Once the station is open RAGES will lobby for increased services.
Mrs Priest reported that the Cubs are planning to install an insect friendly garden with a seat in the field next to Stables.
Mrs Priest invited members to respond to her by the end of the week on the ELC Budget Consultation so that she could formulate a response on behalf of DCC. Members were also encouraged to submit individual responses.
11. Any Other Business
Cllr Jardine reported that Ian Chalmers (ELC ñ Flood Prevention) has contacted Millar Homes, Stuart Milne and the farmer concerning flooding at the underpass. Issues to be addressed are water running off the field, water flowing down the new path and the presence of either a spring or a field drain. Investigation into the spring/field drain are underway and cut off drains will be installed on the new path.
Mrs Priest confirmed she has been a member of DCC for 30 years!
12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 11th January 2024