Present: Mrs J Priest, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr E Martin, Mr D Wight, Mr R Cramb, Mr I Young
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Cllr L Jardine, Cllr N Hampshire, Catherine & Peter Courtney, Dave Shaw, Anthony Jeffries
1. Apologies: Mr R Russel, Ms A Pearson
2. Minutes of meeting held on 4th May were agreed.
3. Police Report
The warmer weather is upon us and unfortunately this also brings groups of youths to Linn Rocks. There have been several calls over the last few days regarding youths, drinking and playing loud music. Any anti-social behaviour is unacceptable and I encourage residents to report this to the police, this will include, swearing, drinking, use of drugs and abusive behaviour. I would encourage residents not to engage with the youths as this seems to flare their bad behaviour. I will be carrying out more patrols around Linn Rocks along with the community warden to try and deter this behaviour.
I would also like to remind residents that not all youths behave badly and if they are just enjoying the sunshine and water there is nothing other than safety advice we can do. I have received information of a male placing nets in the river Tyne illegally catching Trout. I will be carrying out regular patrols along the Tyne but again please can I encourage residents to report any sightings of illegal fishing at the time of the incident.
Mr Young raised the issues at Linn Rocks at the CAPP meeting highlighting the damage to property and threats to individuals and raising the criminal nature of these events. The problem has been determined as a CAPP priority for this year. Residents are encouraged to keep reporting any issues by phone and e-mail in order to ensure that Police Scotland have to act. Cameras will be installed at bus stops. The bus companies are working with Police and will notify them if large groups are travelling to East Linton.
The proposal for a bylaw banning consumption of alcohol in the Linn Rocks area has been turned down by ELC who believe that the police already have the powers to address the issues. Residents have asked that this be challenged.
Residents also raised health and safety concerns about the use of drugs and alcohol in proximity to the river and reported that police were called as one girl was unconscious and partly in the river. They feel the current police response is inconsistent.
Mrs Hoban has suggested some strategies to make the area less pleasant for visitors and has e-mailed headteachers to report the problems being faced by residents who are sworn at, threatened, frightened and donít feel safe.
Concerns were expressed that the issue impacts the whole village as residents donít feel able to visit the area. There is also the question of where these youths are buying alcohol and drugs as they donít appear to be travelling with them. There is real concern that the summer will see larger groups and a subsequent increase in vandalism and violence.
It was agreed that DCC will request a temporary bylaw to cover the summer period removing the right of access to the area.
Mr Young asked to be kept informed of all incidents so he can raise it at the CAPP meetings over the summer.
4. Matters Arising
4.1. Local Place Plan
Mr Wight has circulated maps splitting Dunpender into districts for the purposes of the questionnaire concerning the LPP which has been updated with membersí comments.
It was agreed that Mrs Priest will create a flier containing a QR code (supplied by Cllr Jardine) directing residents to the online survey. DCC members will deliver this to all households in the second half of June. Paper versions will be available in the Library. Mr Wight reported that in Dunbar the majority of responses were from homeowners in large houses. It was agreed that if the response in East Linton showed a similar bias members would knock on doors to encourage people to respond.
Mr Wight will invite leads of community groups to raise their suggestions for the plan.
Cllr Hampshire confirmed that ELC will consider the LPP when developing the next LDP and indicated it was likely the LDP would show no development in East Linton.
nd June at 4.30 - 8.30 at Bleachingfield in Dunbar for the DELAP area to meet with ELC planning department on evidence gathering for the LDP.
4.2. Vacancy
The two vacancies have not been filled.
4.3. Station / Markle
Mrs Cosgrove expressed concern about lack of progress at the station. Cllr Jardine reported the need to resolve an issue with title deeds. Cllr Hampshire confirmed the Markle crossing would be closed before the bridge is complete if the station is ready to open despite the planning conditions which state that the rights of way and the road will remain open at all times during construction and until the new road and bridge are completed and opened.
Mrs Cosgrove confirmed that Scotrail services to Dunbar will stop at East Linton.
4.4. Meetings Attended
4.4.1. Lothian Broadband
Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove walked round the village with the CEO of Lothian Broadband to highlight areas of concern and were told these would be addressed.
4.4.2. CAEL
Mr Young will join a group being set up to help hedgehogs.
4.5. Footpaths: Longstone ROW - drainage, grant
Cllr Jardine is chasing the drainage issue. Ms Pearson provided the following report from Nick Morgan about the path to Pencraig (ELC):
Willie Hamilton would like his regular fencer and stonemason to create a gap in the wall and fence off a couple of metres of his field for the path. He has been asked to provide costs and Nick is investigating funding. The Paths for All Partnership confirmed that funding from the Ian Findlay fund would require a Type 1 surface all the way to the top of Pencraig Hill which was deemed inappropriate. Nick was planning to use the Core Paths Budget however that was frozen when the John Muir Way fell into the sea in Dunbar.
4.6. Linn Rocks - proposed bylaw
See section 3.
4.7. Preston Road
No progress to report.
5. Finance
Mr Martin confirmed the grant from ELC was the same as last year and an additional £1400 was provided by DELAP. The normal annual spend is £2870 covering the Horticulture Society, Dunpender News, Minutes and £200 allowance for defibrillator maintenance. He will contact ELC about reclaiming the insurance costs. He also requested members e-mail him with spending ideas.
6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame
Mrs Shaw Stewart reported that BT Openreach is engaged to provide fibre broadband to properties in Whittingehame. She praised the efforts of Billy Agnew (ELC) in helping to make this happen. It will create a blueprint for installation in other rural areas.
7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk - paths at Tyninghame.
Nick Morgan (ELC) is in contact with the factor of Tyninghame House regarding the preferred route of the path to the coast. The path to Binning Wood lost its budget and Tyninghame residents might raise the money to install the gate required for access to the path.
It was agreed that DCC would contribute to this.
8. Planning Matters
8.1. Co-op
Mrs Priest highlighted a planning application to install a reverse vending machine at back of Co-op as part of the Deposit Return Scheme. Cllr Hampshire agreed that selling the recycling collected by ELC raises funds for the council and if that is removed through the DRS the increased cost of collection may impact how waste is collected.
8.2. Crystal Rig
Mrs Cosgrove visited an exhibition on the application for a solar panel site. A visit to the site will be arranged. The community benefit of £14,000 per annum will go to the whole of East Lothian.
Cllr Jardine has a breakdown of all applications and where they are in planning process and will take that to East Lammermuir CC as there is concern about disjointed nature of these developments.
9. Projects
9.1. Fountain
Cllr Jardine will speak to ELC Estates team to determine who looks after the other fountains in East Lothian and will liaise with Mr Young.
10. Correspondence
10.1 01/05 R White: Path to coast from Tyninghame
10.2 09/05 Cllr Jardine: Markle update
10.3 15/05 Cllr Jardine: Community Engagement Podcast
10.4 16/05 J Bell: Litter bin at Orchardfield
10.5 17/05 A Hunter: fire raising in tree belt
10.6 23/05 Cllr Jardine: Local Place Plan
Ms Hunter reported that teenagers lit a fire in the tree belt behind Dunpender Road and immediately left. She managed to put it out before it spread and reported it to the Police.
11. Any Other Business
Nothing was discussed.
12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 7th September 2023
The AGM was chaired by Cllr Jardine.
Chairman's report for year ending March 2023
This was circulated by Mrs Priest prior to the meeting and agreed by members.
Treasurer's Report & Accounts
Mr Martin presented the accounts and confirmed they have been audited. These were accepted with Mrs Priest proposing and Mrs Cosgrove seconding.
Selection of office-bearers:
Chairman - Mrs Priest Proposed AC Seconded LSS; Vice-chairman - Mrs Cosgrove Proposed JP Seconded VH
Secretary - Mrs Hoban Proposed IY Seconded RC; Treasurer - Mr Martin Proposed LSS Seconded IY