Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - May 2023
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday
4th May at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr E Martin, Ms A Pearson, Mr R Russel, Mr R Cramb, Mr I Young, Mrs L Shaw Stewart

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Cllr L Jardine, Verity Sinclair, Catherine & Peter Courtney

1. Apologies: Cllr C McFarlane, Cllr D Collins, Mrs V Hoban, Mr D Wight

2. Minutes of meeting held on 6th April were agreed.

3. Police Report

Antisocial behaviour remains low with no calls received during the month of April. Arrangements have been made to present talks to East Lothian and Edinburgh High schools regarding water safety in recognition that youths will gather at Linn Rocks.
At a meeting with the local residents and the community warden advice was given to install cameras where possible. The Ash tree hanging over the rocks will be taken down as this is used as a platform to jump into the water. Approval is being sought for water testing and signs with findings as a potential deterrent. Attendance at Linn Rocks is likely to be a priority over the summer.

There has been one incidence of threatening/abusive behavior and one of careless/ inconsiderate driving in the area.
Linn Rocks residents confirmed that complaints have already been made to the police this year regarding anti-social behavior and criminal damage to trees. Plans are being made for cameras. Mr Young will raise the issue at CAPP to highlight that it is not only antisocial behavior but also criminal behavior.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Lothian Broadband problems

Lothian Broadband CEO was expected at the meeting but did not attend. Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove will meet with him on 11th May to walk round the village.

4.2. Vacancy

Mr Swift has resigned creating a vacancy for a secretary. There are also two vacancies for members which have been advertised on Facebook.

4.3. Local Place Plan

Mr Wight has circulated a proposed questionnaire based on that used in Dunbar and has requested comments by 10th May.

4.4. Meetings Attended

4.4.1. Station Opening

Mrs Cosgrove reported on a meeting with Network Rail where they confirmed that work on the station is not being delayed because of problems at Markle and completion of the bridge would not hold up the opening of the station. The planning application for the bridge was approved on 5th May and a presentation to ELC Cabinet will take place on 9th May regarding stopping up of the public road and stopping up of public rights of way.
Suggestions for Community Benefit were requested. Cllr Jardine will speak to Neil Morland, the chair of the Parent Council, to see if anything is required at the school.

Subsequent to the ELC Cabinet meeting on 9th May Cllr Jardine forwarded the following information from Peter Forsyth:

• The intended construction start date for Markle is August 2023. This is a 40 week programme completing mid May 2024.

• The ministerial commitment is to have†East Linton rail station open by 31st March 2024, the end of control period 6.

• To accommodate stopping trains, options are being explored by Network Rail now to meet this Ministerial commitment to temporarily altering the level crossing to safely control vehicular traffic when trains call at the station.

• East Lothian Council are working closely with Transport Scotland and Network rail to deliver by station by the 31st March 2024.

4.5. Footpaths

4.5.1. Longstone ROW - drainage, grant

Cllr Jardine met with the chair of Andrew Meikle Grove residents association about the drainage problem at the underpass and is now waiting for a response from ELC flood officer.

4.6. Linn Rocks - proposed bylaw

The proposal is with ELC legal department. Mrs Priest will ask Nick Morgan to chase it up.

4.7. Preston Road

A letter from 1991 to ELC from an East Linton resident asking for the pavement to be addressed was passed to Cllr Jardine. The proposal for a pilot of the priority system is with DELAP and will hopefully be included as a priority when the roads group sets the priorities for the coming year.

4.8. Fountain

Mr Young reported that Michael Black confirmed the fountain is not working and suggested it needs a new pump. Cllr Jardine will investigate who maintains the fountain in Haddington so they can be contacted for advice.

5. Finance

Mr Martin reported that DCC received a bonus from ELC in addition to the annual grant resulting in a balance of £5844 at the start of the year. The accounts are ready for presentation at the AGM. The largest spend last year was £1300 on defibrillators.

6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Mrs Shaw Stewart reported that a meeting will take place on 30th May between residents of Whittinghame and Papple, ELC and an interested broadband supplier to see what can be offered in this difficult to address area. It is likely that there will need to be interest from most of the community. She will determine if Sunnyside can be included in the offer.

7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

The money box was stolen from the phone box in Whitekirk so a QR code linked to a Just Giving page is now being used for payments.

8. Planning Matters

8.1. Auction Mart

Mrs Shaw Stewart confirmed she objected on behalf of DCC. The application is Not Decided.

8.2. East Links Farm Park

Cllr Jardine confirmed the application for agricultural sheds passed planning. Consultation on the Farm Park is still underway and there is not application as yet.

9. Projects

9.1. Water point

Mrs Cosgrove received a mail from Scottish Water stating that they have visited East Linton but have turned down the application for a tap due to insufficient footfall.

9.2. DELAP Amenities budget ideas

Suggestions included upgrading the footpath to East Linton Surgery and the river path.

10. Correspondence

10.1 06/04 P Swan: LB: state of pavements
10.2 06/04 Allan Brooking: meeting re station
10.3 07/04 K Ingram: LB: state of Walker Terrace
10.4 10/04 Cllr Jardine from A Hunter: dates for brig repair
10.5 11/04 ELC N Morgan to Carlo Grilli: Linn Rocks byelaw
10.6 13/04 AELCC meeting dates/agenda items
10.7 17/04 C Courtney: Linn Rocks (will log complaints)
10.8 19/04 ELC: Guidance for CC treasurers
10.9 30/04 J Bell: National Planning Framework

ELC have confirmed that the stone required for repair of the bridge will be delivered to them on 29th May and they have scheduled the repair for 3-10 July but will bring this forward if possible.

Mr Wight will attend AELCC. Cllr Jardine reported that a consultation is coming on community benefit from the proposed offshore wind farms. A recent meeting in Innerwick revealed residents are overwhelmed by the level of development in the area and concerned by potential lack of co-ordination between developments. She highlighted the presentation on the East Lammermuir Community Council website entitled 'Putting the Jigsaw Together'.
Mrs Priest and Mr Martin agreed that the guidance from ELC on being a Community Council treasurer needs updated as it still refers to cashbooks which are no longer used.
Cllr Jardine advised inspection of National Planning Framework 4 which has a focus on 20 minute neighbourhoods. This will be considered for new developments but is not workable for large areas of East Lothian. The impact of this on rural housing policy needs to be understood.

11. Any Other Business

Mr Cramb was contacted by Craig Bathgate from East Lothian Courier about the gala day. He will confirm that unfortunately there will be no gala day this year.

Mr Young reported that there were a number of objections from residents of Longstone Avenue to the playpark being developed as a community garden. It is to be reinstated as a playpark at a cost to residents of £15,000. Cllr Jardine suggested there were potential sources of funding but these may require an element of matched funding raised by the residents.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 1st June 2023