Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 6th April at 7.30pm in The Stables
1. Apologies: Mr R Russel, Mr R Cramb, Mr E Martin, Cllr L Jardine, Cllr C McFarlane, Cllr D Collins The speed gun has been away for calibration and there have been no speed checks over the last month however it will be out and about in the coming weeks to tackle speeding in the area. Community officers marked a number of pedal cycles at the Mart in March. Crimes in the area included one theft by housebreaking and one road accident. 4. Matters Arising 4.1. Lothian Broadband problems Lothian Broadband CEO Gavin Rogers has given apologies and offered to attend in May. Disappointment was expressed as members were keen for him to see the current problems with a 3 way traffic system at the Co-op. Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove have e-mailed him to raise current and past issues including the impact on business and the poor communications compared to Network Rail communications on the ongoing work at the station. Comments were again made about pushy sales tactics and questions raised over the take-up and blocking of disabled parking spaces. Mrs Cosgrove will write to The Courier to raise the profile of the ongoing problems and lack of an end date. Mrs Priest confirmed there are two vacancies for members. Mr Wight will raise this at the Tyninghame Hall AGM next week. Cllr Jardine circulated documentation to members. Mr Wight reported on a meeting attended run by ELC for community councilors which confirmed the expectation of the LPP being available in autumn to feed into the Local Development Plan. Pippa Swan has shared the approach in Dunbar and West Barns and their on-line questionnaire will be adapted for East Linton. Mr Wight will circulate a copy for comment. It was agreed this approach, using Google docs, would allow answers to be compiled quickly although paper versions may be required to ensure everyone is engaged. 4.4.1. Access Panel Mr Young attended a meeting to discuss setting up a Disability Access Panel in East Lothian under the auspices of Disability Equality Scotland. He agreed to take on the role of secretary. The inaugural meeting will be next week where training and raising awareness of disability will be discussed. The group will liaise with ELC department responsible for Equality and Diversity and will be consulted on future developments. 4.4.2. John Muir Country Park Advisory Group Ms Pearson reported that tidying up has started at Hedderwick plantation but will be done to order and may take some time. Mr Wight questioned whether the brash could be left to assist with improving biodiversity. Ash dieback has been confirmed at Seafield pond. Work has been carried out to make the clifftop path in Dunbar safe in the short term but further work will be required. The Stone Stacking competition will take place at another site due the risk of the path collapsing. A recent suspected sewage leak was confirmed as a phytoplankton bloom. The bridges across the marsh are to be replaced once funding is in place. Ms Pearson confirmed that Traprain Law had 22,000 visitors last year which is an underestimate given the counter on the south side wasnít working. This compares to 99,000 at Berwick Law. The ponies on Traprain Law are in good health and fences have been repaired. Climbers continue to use the quarry but not in bird breeding season. A sediment core sample has been taken from the pond at the top of Traprain Law to estimate the age of the site and inform on possible future archaeological investigation. This was attended by Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Wight. The last meeting was devoted to discussion on priorities and how a more strategic approach to funding is required. This will be taken forward by a sub group based on the Local Area Plan. The priorities for the Area Partnership start with Prosperity but the hope is that this will be amended to include Recovery and Community. The next funding meeting is in May and bi-annually thereafter. Mr Young reported on the police structure in East Lothian. Each station will have a Station Assistant and will be the base for Community Officers. The Community Action Team is headed by Sergeant Rhona Meikle. There are two response teams each based in Haddington and Musselburgh. These are the officers who would attend any issues at the Linn Rocks. He questioned the effectiveness of current bylaw policing and concluded there was limited policing of bylaws. Mrs Hoban and Mr Young will attend future CAPP meetings. Minutes of the previous meetings are outstanding. 4.5.1. Longstone ROW - drainage, grant Ms Pearson updated the meeting on discussions between Dave Wild(ELC Countryside Officer), Nick Morgan(ELC Access Officer) and the farmer who has agreed to a path up to Pencraig with some fencing to protect livestock and arable crops. Jen Hargreaves(ELC Countryside Officer) is looking at tidying up the Pencraig site including painting of the toilet block and liaising on moving the archery site to another location. Boundaries have been agreed and the proposal for a bylaw covering the Linn Rocks is with ELC. Nick Morgan(ELC Access Officer) is to speak to Carlo Grilli(ELC Service Manager Legal & Procurement) on the issue. It was agreed the bylaw was a reasonable way forward to support local residents who reported recent verbal abuse from youths drinking at the site. 4.7. Preston Road Mr Wight confirmed the proposal for a 6 month trial has been submitted to DELAP who are considering it along with initiatives restructuring traffic in Dunbar. Mrs Cosgrove is waiting to meet Callum Redpath(ELC Team Manager - Engineering & Operations). Mr Martin was not present but has agreed to list regular outgoings. Ms Pearson confirmed pads and batteries for the defibrillators cost £150 and will be next required in 2025. Mrs Cosgrove confirmed DCC received £1400 from money left over in DELAP General Fund. The Horticultural Society have received funding and to was agreed to offer £250 towards a new tea urn at the Community Hall. 6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame Mrs Priest highlighted a new document relating to Markle Bridge. This is on the planning website and is the response to concerns raised about the development. 7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk Mr Wight confirmed that work started opening up a route in Tyninghame as part of the footpath to Binning Wood. Vegetation was cut back and this revealed a low wall which will need to have a gap made. Investigations are ongoing into a path along field margins from Tyninghame to the river at Knowes Mill. Mr Wight has contacted the estate about removal of fencing to improve access. 8.1. Auction Mart Mrs Shaw Stewart has objected to the application to have section 11 permission in place permanently. Local residents are unhappy about the noise from functions and DCC believe proposed building work including indoor toilets and louvre baffles need to be in place before events can take place. It is also proposed events stop at 11.30pm similar to the current agreement at the Community Hall. Mr Young reported on the meeting held at Brand Larder on 24th March. Very little information was available other than mock up diagrams/drawings. No answers were available on proposed traffic volumes. Concerns were expressed over increased numbers of cars, coaches and caravans coming through East Linton and whether this was a suitable location or if there was a need for another family park given East Links will continue at the current site with new management. Residents local to the site raised concerns over road safety given the location of bus stops and lack of pavements on the road including for the school bus. They confirmed there is no local support for the development. A planning application originally for agricultural sheds has been held up by ELC now it is confirmed this is related to the application to set up a family park. A recent meeting of Haddington Community Council was attended by the applicants who failed to answer many of the questions put to them. It was agreed that DCC would object about the traffic impact and residents were urged to ask other Community Councils to also object. 9. Projects - Water point Mrs Cosgrove reported that Scottish Water are still to visit. 10.1. 01/03 C Crichton: website creation 10.2. 01/03 ELHSCP, J Ogden-Smith: Disability Access panel 10.3. 02/03 & others ELC, N Morgan: Linn Rocks 10.4. 08/03 Cllr Collins: Linn Rocks 10.5. 11/03 G Field Defibrillator for Markle 10.6. 13/03-27/03 Sue Holder & others: Linn rocks 10.7. 13/03 Cllr Jardine: Local Place Plans 10.8 20/03 G Dignan: Auction Mart 10.9 21/03 ELC, A Hunter : Debris at Linton Brig 10.10 23/03 N Morland: Thanks for support funding MySchool app 10.12 29/03 P MCLennan: Lothian BB 11. Any Other Business Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove will meet with Network Rail on 20th April to discuss promotion of the station. Mr Wight raised the point that opening the station needs Markle Bridge to be in place. 12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 4th May 2023