Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - March 2023
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday
March at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mr E Martin, Mr R Russel, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr R Cramb, Mrs V Hoban, Mrs L Shaw-Stewart

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes)
Cllr D Collins, Cllr L Jardine, Anthony Jeffrey, Ian Young, James Logan,
Verity Sinclair

1. Apologies: Cllr C MacFarlane, Mr J Swift

2. Minutes of meeting held 2nd February were agreed.

3. Police Report

PC Laura Jackson is the new community officer for Dunpender. Mrs Hoban, the DCC CAPP representative, highlighted that the CAPP website is out of date. Cllr Collins agreed to ask PC Jackson to contact Mrs Hoban to discuss future CAPP meetings.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Vacancies/Resignations

Neil Morland regrets that he has to resign from DCC, as he no longer wishes to represent Markle.†Recent work on a planning matter highlighted that he did not have the time needed to work on future projects such as the Local Plan.
There are 2 vacancies for members. Ian Young attended as prospective new member.

4.2. Media/Facebook

Mr Cramb has set up the Facebook page and will act as admin. He offered to promote the page on social media and will post the advert for new members.

4.3. Local Place Plan

Mrs Priest will circulate the contribution by the Health and Wellbeing group to the North Berwick Local Place Plan. Cllr Jardine will circulate a pilot Local Place Plan and suggested a discussion with Dunbar CC who are about to start on their plan. A discussion covered putting it out to tender and the difficulty of funding or involving students as part of a university project. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will contact a local planning expert for advice. Mr Morland and Mr Wight attended meetings on this and the minutes are available.

4.4. Meetings Attended

4.4.1. DELAP

Mrs Cosgrove was elected Vice Chair at the AGM. She is meeting the Chair and Mr McKinlay on 15th March to discuss issues such as minutes not being on the website and raising awareness of meetings attended. She is also interested in setting up a Transport sub-committee to cover trains, cycling and buses. Cllr Jardine is seeking transparency on where funds allocated by DELAP have been spent and in raising the profile so other groups know funding is available.

4.5. Preston Road

No update until after the next DELAP funding meeting in March.

4.6. Footpaths

4.6.1. Longstone ROW

Cllr Jardine met with residents and representatives from ELC Roads and Flooding departments. It was highlighted that the underpass is not passable for 2 weeks of the year. A number of solutions are being investigated including improved drainage on the new path which is the responsibility of the developer as the path has not yet been adopted. Also the possibility of a storage tank where the corner of the field floods but the owner needs to be identified. Mr Cramb raised the issue of the emergency stairs for the station platforms which are being installed soon and will flood. It was agreed Network Rail would be involved in discussions.

4.7. Linton Brig Repair

Andy Hunter (ELC - Team Manager, Structures and Flooding) reported that the schedule of new dressed masonry is with the supplier. There are 23 no. masonry blocks; all of substantial size and requiring a dressed finish on 2 faces (more on the parapet copes), total amount over 2 tonnes. The supplier is to provide timescales.

4.8. Defibrillators

Mr Martin reported that the defibrillators at Tyninghame and East Linton Halls are now in place at a substantial cost for installation of a new cabinet, batteries and pads (next due June 2025). The defibrillator missing from East Linton Surgery has been returned unused.

5. Finance

The current balance after paying for the defibrillators is £23.58. A claim for hire of the Stables should raise £250. The Horticulture Society submitted a request for £300 which cannot currently be met. The ELC grant for next year will be paid during the 2nd week in April. Accounts will be prepared for the March year end.

6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Nothing to report

7. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Cllr Jardine has spoken to Tom Reid about the rumble strips to be installed at Tyninghame on the A198 and work will commence when the weather is suitable. ELC are waiting for a part from the manufacturer of the speed restrictive signs.

8. Planning Matters

DCC received emails from Markle residents expressing concern over kerbs and concrete verges. Peter Forsyth has indicated this can be addressed at a later stage.

Mrs Priest raised awareness of the PAN submitted to move East Links Park to Brands Farm and has received an e-mail expressing concern over potential traffic issues. Cllr Collins confirmed that the buildings and structures at the current location will fall under the ownership of the landowner and raised the possibility of another park on the site. James Logan urged DCC to seriously consider this major development which will have a huge impact on local communities with 400 cars a day arriving and leaving on roads which are not suitable for that level of traffic. He also highlighted the current planning application which is for agricultural buildings. The new Sunday market access was reported as chaotic.

9. Projects - Water point

Mrs Cosgrove had a response from Scottish Water who will carry out a site visit to assess if the agreed location, opposite the Hall, meets their requirements.

10. Correspondence

10.1 02/02 Police Scotland: info on Neighbourhood Watch
10.2 06/02 ELC AStubbs: Policy for repair of potholes
10.3 08/02 Papple Steading: Gardens open 1/2 July
10.4 08/02 ELHSCP: Consultation on Community Payback orders
10.5 09/02 AELCC/CBruce: Back up of electronic data
10.6 09/02 E Gill: Markle crossing plans 10.7
10/02,21/02 J Pepper: Markle crossing plans
10.8 10/02 SPEnergy Network: roadworks on High Street
10.9 17/02 AptPlan/Devt: PAN for East Fortune farm (relocation of ELinks Family Park)
10.10 17/02 DELAP/J Bell: Remembering together
10.11 17/02 ELC DHaig: Local Place Plans
10.12 20/02 ELC AHunter: Linton Brig
10.13 21/02 ELC GWhitelaw: Stonework repair at Preston Road corner

Mrs Priest has circulated information on Neighbourhood Watch. Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that the Whittingehame Whatsapp serves that purpose.

Mr Russel reported that tar has been put in the potholes on the way out of East Linton towards Tyninghame.
Mrs Priest encouraged participation in the consultation on Community Payback.
Mr Russel expressed disappointment with lack of response and poor Customer Care from Scottish Power in relation to the roadworks on the High Street.

11. Any Other Business

Once work is complete ELC Roads department will inspect with work with Lothian Broadband. Mrs Priest will invite the CEO to attend the next meeting.

th March. This will not impact planned services for East Linton as Cross-Country did not plan to stop.

Cllr Collins met with residents, Craig Hoy and the Police to address reports of anti-social behavior at Linn Rocks and the bus stops at Bridgend. It was suggested by the Police that a By-Law be put in place for that specific area to make drinking alcohol and taking drugs illegal. This would give the police more powers to confiscate drugs and drink and to apply on the spot penalties. Cllr Collins will provide a map of the proposed area and if DCC agree it is hoped this can be in place before Easter. It will be supported by the Police at the licensing board. The suggestion was favourably received as it can be amended or rescinded at any time and will be accompanied by new signage. It was also agreed to highlight at CAPP that attendance by the anti-social behavior team should be a priority in summer.
Verity Sinclair informed the meeting that Papple Steading are exploring ëquiet road sectioningí on unclassified roads around Papple. This would involve signage to indicate a ëquiet areaí and reduced speed. Cllr Jardine requested further information.
Cllr Jardine highlighted a Scottish Tech Army project to deliver CC websites. It was agreed not to proceed with this as the issue is maintenance.
It was agreed not to hold a Community Fair this year.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 6th April 2023