Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - January 2023
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 5th January at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mr N Morland Mr E Martin Mr R Russel Mr D Wight Mrs A Cosgrove

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes Cllr D Collins Cllr L Jardine Anthony Jeffrey

1. Apologies: Cllr Carol McFarlane, Mr J Swift, Ms A Pearson, Mrs V Hoban

2. Minutes of meeting held 1st December were agreed.

3. Police Report


4. Matters Arising

4.1. Markle Crossing

Mr Morland reported on a meeting held on 9th December at Markle with Peter Forsyth (ELC) and contractors WSP responsible for the design of the new crossing. Thirteen Markle households were represented. Some dismay was expressed about the aesthetics of closing the crossing with standard Network Rail green fencing however it was agreed that planting could hide this. There is still no deal on the land purchase and no option of a Compulsory Purchase Order as there is an alternative of a full barrier crossing. Network Rail is keen to close all level crossings so if a double barrier is implemented they will seek to close it in future. The expectation that this will be heard by ELC planning committee in February was questioned given the application is not on the website or advertised for public comment (usually 21 days). Mr Morland confirmed that ELC asked for more detail on the design of the bridge which was to be supplied by WSP before Christmas.

Mrs Cosgrove reported that the station build is proceeding quickly and may be complete in Spring.

4.2. Local Place Plan

Mr Morland attended a meeting facilitated by ELC including other community councils to discuss Local Place Plans. Some community councils, outwith East Lothian, took part in a pilot exercise and created an LPP and others are in the process. The plan would cover the preferred location and type of future development, path networks and the use of public land. It was agreed it would be useful to have one and although clear methodology exists on the production concerns were expressed over timescales and the commitment involved in running public consultations and collating the results. There was a suggestion of paying a consultancy to produce one but funds in the region of £5-10k would be required. It was agreed that a sub-committee of Mr Morland, Mr Wight, Mr Swift, Mr Cramb and Mrs Shaw-Stewart would convene to decide the way forward and would draw on previous experience from the time of the A1 bypass of East Linton. Mrs Cosgrove will raise a request for funds at DELAP although it was agreed that all Community Councils interested in producing an LPP should receive equal funding.
Cllr Jardine reported that once National Planning Framework 4 is approved by the Scottish Government ELC have 5 years to put the Local Development Plan in place. An up-coming cross party meeting on the ELC budget will include devolved decision making funding and may address whether ELC can help with the cost of producing LPPs.

4.3. Meetings Attended

4.3.1. Mrs Cosgrove has written a letter of protest to the head of the A1 Action Group following a decision to have only one representative from DELAP present resulting in no representation from East Linton. Cllr Jardine was invited but was the only councilor to receive an invite. She agreed to pass on details of forward strategies on priorities for trunk road infrastructure. Cllr Collins reported on a meeting concerning recent closure of the A1 in both directions at the same time with an agreement reached that it will only ever be closed in one direction at a time and closures will be preceded by consultation and increased notice periods.

4.3.2. Mr Morland reported that designs are progressing for the new school, funding outcomes from the Scottish Futures Trust will be known soon and there will be a further public consultation this year. The school are awaiting the results of a recent inspection. He requested help with funding for mySchoolApp which will provide a single source of information and streamline communications between parents, Parent Council and the school, replacing the existing website and social media channels. The cost is £1764 for 3 years. It was agreed to provide funding of £500 and to assist with an application to DELAP for additional funding. Mr Wight raised the possibility of digital exclusion and it was confirmed that written material will still be available if required. The current school role is approx. 200 pupils with approximately 20 teaching staff and additional support staff.

4.4. Preston Road

Mrs Priest reported on an e-mail from Calum Redpath stating this is not in the budget but if DELAP support a new application ELC can progress with further engagement, design and costing. A planning application may be required as this is within the conservation area. An application to DELAP has been submitted to widen the footpath and install traffic lights. Mr Wight will investigate other options with the assistance of Philippa Swan from Dunbar Community Council.
Mr Russel has reported potholes in Preston Road on ELC website but no action has been taken. Mr Morland has had a similar experience. Cllr Jardine offered to take this forward. Mrs Priest highlighted that street lighting, potholes and fly tipping can all be reported online and that she has reported the High Street streetlights directly to Glen Kane at ELC.

4.5. Footpaths

4.5.1. Longstone ROW

Cllr Jardine reported that engineers are going out to investigate the drainage issue. Mr Cramb will liaise on this issue.

4.6. Linton Brig Repair

Mrs Priest contacted Keith Scott who confirmed that Andy Hunter ñ ELC - Structures Officer is waiting for replacement coping stones ñ the originals now being in the river. Mrs Shaw-Stewart has offered to donate replacements. Andy Hunter has also been asked to investigate the eroding stonework on the bridge.

5. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Martin reported the need for a replacement grit bin in Whitekirk. Cllr Jardine will take it forward. He also reported that fibre broadband is being installed to houses in Whitekirk by BT Openreach. Cllr Jardine confirmed that ELC has taken on a new member, Billy Agnew, to lead on digital issues and broadband installation to small rural settlements.
Mr Wight reported that the kitchen in Tyninghame Village hall is completed to catering standard. A Sustaining Dunbar subgroup is exploring a community supported agriculture scheme and Tyninghame Estate has been approached regarding a lease. Members of the scheme could be involved in production and would commit to veg boxes to secure the sustainability of the scheme.

6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported that the Papple development has been approved with constraints added to address local concerns.

7. Finance - cash

The defibrillator seems to have been stolen recently from the community hall. It was agreed not to replace this due to cost and the presence of other devices at the surgery and the fire station. Another is to be installed at the school. In case of any future damage steel cabinets and Smartwater will be considered.

8. Planning Matters

8.1. The Mart

No new applications have been submitted to cover the lapsed permission to hold events. A Freedom of Information requests shows a number of complaints submitted in 2021 and confirmation that noise levels exceed the allowed limit. Mrs Shaw-Smith will contact Tommy Dale to discuss future plans and existing issues including ice in the car park.

8.2. Markle Quarry

Mr Morland will contact Keith Dingwall about compliance with planning applications.

9. Projects

Mrs Cosgrove received a response from Scottish Water on her enquiry about a water tap in East Linton which made no reference to East Linton. She will follow up.

10. Correspondence

10.1 1/12 DELAP: £1m energy fund for vulnerable residents in East Lothian (from Aikengall)
10.2 09/12-13/12 ELC K Scott: Boulders in layby at Markle

10.3 09/12 CCouncils: Community Mapping Tool
10.4 09/12 N Morland: Markle on site consultation

10.5 13/12 ELC: FOI info on noise complaints re Mart
10.6 14/12 D Affleck: compliant re disruption and marketing tactics of Lothian Broadband

10.7 14/12 CCouncils: Info on ELC Cllrs attending CC meetings
10.8 16/12 Police Scotland: Local Police Plan consultation

10.9 20/12 K Smith: complaint re new 40mph limit at Drylawhill
10.10 21/12 ELC K Scott: reason for 40mph at Drylawhill

10.11 21/12 CAEL: request to distribute various leaflets re climate change etc

11. Any Other Business - email address, FB

Mr Wight questioned whether the wind farm subsidy fund (10.1) was covering insulation. Cllr Jardine confirmed it is currently being used to provide funds to households in need but future plans include the intention to retrofit properties throughout East Lothian. Cllr Collins reported that ELC are now looking more favourably at new uPVC type window replacements in conservation areas and also solar panels depending on the siting. Mrs Shaw-Stewart suggested that conservation grade aluminium windows are also an option.

Boulders have been placed in the layby next to Markle Crossing by the adjacent homeowner following repeated fly tipping incidents. They believe they have followed regulations and will liaise with ELC if contacted.
The removal of the 30mph limit at the north end of the village (10.9) was raised by Mrs Priest with Keith Scott and given it is policy that areas on the outskirts of settlements with no house frontages fall into the policy guidelines for a 40mph limit it will not be taken any further by DCC.

David Affleck copied in DCC (10.6) concerning the disruption and marketing tactics of Lothian Broadband. He also contacted Trading Standards. Cllr Jardine highlighted this is similar to reports about this provider from other areas. Mr Martin reported no issues with Openreach installations in Whitekirk. Concern was expressed that the obligation to return things to as-is condition has not been fulfilled. There was also wider concern about the aggressive sales tactics. Mr Cramb confirmed that there has been no installation at The Orchard. Cllr Jardine confirmed funding has come from the Scottish Government for the roll-out and suggested DCC write to MSPs on the issue.

Mr Martin agreed to set up a group e-mail address based on the DCC domain name.

Mr Cramb will set up a DCC Facebook page which will provide contact details but will not have regular updates or accept comments.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 2nd February 2023