Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - December 2022

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 1st December at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs V Hoban Ms A Pearson, Mr E Martin Mr J Swift Mr R Russel, Mr D Wight Mr R Cramb Mrs A Cosgrove

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes)

Cllr N Hampshire Anthony Jeffrey Ruth Ellis, Peter Forsyth - East Lothian Council - Growth and Sustainability project manager

1. Apologies: Cllr Carol McFarlane, Mr N Morland, Mrs L Shaw Stewart

2. Minutes of meeting held 3rd November were agreed.

3. Police Report

There have been reports of vandalism and fire-raising relating to garden fences.
The next CAPP meeting will be held in 2023 depending on police availability.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Markle Crossing

Mr Forsyth reported that the planning application was lodged on 29th November despite the land purchase not having completed and there being no detailed design. It is hoped both the purchase and design will be complete by February when the application will be considered by ELC. A 40 week schedule of work will commence in March to complete in time to meet the commitment to open the station in March 2024. The fallback position remains a full barrier crossing. Questions were raised about compulsory purchase but this will not be pursued as it is unlikely to succeed because there is a fallback option. The cut-off point for proceeding with the bridge is determined by the length of time required to install the fallback option. Concerns were raised about pressure to close the crossing to ensure the station could open. Cllr Hampshire indicated ELC wanted to retain access.
A meeting will be held in Markle on 9th December at 2pm to discuss closure of the crossing with residents.

4.2. Dunpender News

This is complete and is being distributed. Copies will be available in the library and the notice board in the High Street.

4.3. Meetings Attended

4.3.1. Viridor

Ms Pearson will circulate the minutes from this meeting. There was a presentation about soil, air and water testing and the interaction with SEPA. A 10% increase in movement is anticipated next year due to a new contract with Highland Region. Concerns were expressed about lorries carrying waste with no covers. Questions were raised as to why waste cannot be transported by rail as there is a siding at the cement works.

4.3.2. AELCC

Mr Morland attended this meeting which addressed the Local Place Plan.

4.3.3. DELAP

Mr Wight and Mrs Cosgrove attended. Funding of £7000 was secured for installation of another EV charging point in East Linton, possibly at the Library or in McCall Gardens. Representatives from The Dean Residents Association and CAEL will attend the next meeting with a view to becoming voting members. In addition an attempt will be made to secure the vice chair position at the AGM to secure another vote for East Linton.

4.4. Preston Road

Cllr Hampshire clarified that the proposal for a single carriageway on Preston Road did not proceed due to objections received and indicated that if the desire was still there it should be raised at DELAP to secure funding. Mr Wight reported that it had been raised but could not proceed this year due to lack of funds but may receive funding next year. At DELAP Stevie McKinlay intimated an intention for a longer term approach to the roads budget with a 4 year period suggested to provide a more strategic approach.

4.5. Footpaths

4.5.1. Longstone ROW

Mr Cramb confirmed this is complete but reported a drainage issue. Mr Swift highlighted that this historic issue had been addressed by Network Rail in the past to prevent flooding at the underpass. Cllr Hampshire confirmed ELC were aware of the issue and thought there was a solution to drain it into the Andrew Meikle SUDS. Ms Pearson has discussed options concerning the path to Pencraig with Nick Morgan and will progress a grant application.

4.5.2. Linn Rocks Access

Ms Pearson reported on a meeting between residents and the police which was unsatisfactory.

4.6. Water point

No update.

4.7. Parent Council update

Together with the School the parent council is exploring the possibility of replacing the existing website and social media channels with an app with the intention of improving communication and coordination. Concerns have been raised about the lack of nursery places in the school. Cllr Hampshire confirmed this will be addressed once the new school is complete but there are no funds to put a temporary solution in place. He confirmed that there is sufficient capacity throughout East Lothian but acknowledged that due to the lack of a catchment area for nurseries it means some parents having to travel.

4.8. EV chargers

See 4.3.3

5. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Martin reported that work is ongoing to install fibre broadband in Whitekirk. Mr Wight invited those who are interested to the Christmas party in Tyninghame Hall on Friday 9th December at 7.30pm. Refurbishment of the new kitchen is underway. There is limited appetite to for a community buy out of the Hall.

6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Nothing to report.

7. Projects

Mrs Cosgrove confirmed the electrician will take over maintenance of the fountain.

8. Planning Matters

8.1. Local Place Plan

Mr Morland and Mr Wight are both registered for training in March.

8.2. The Mart

Mrs Priest highlighted that there is no application as yet for renewal of the planning permission, which allows the Mart to be used for weddings and dances, which expires on 31st December. She suggested that DCC would object to any application to extend this. Mr Swift will investigate the current planning and any associated conditions. A Freedom of Information request was submitted to ELC to obtain a record of complaints.

8.3. Markle Quarry

No update.

8.4. Papple

Cllr Hampshire indicated that planning officers have recommended approval of the application.

8.5. Monks Muir

Two applications will be discussed at a planning meeting next week, one of which aims to remove a planning condition restricting the length of time residents can stay in the park. DCC submitted their objections to these in January 2019. Cllr Hampshire reported on the many and contradictory applications regarding Monks Muir and the significant effort required by the planning department. Once the planning issues are addressed ELC will be look at issues with the site operating license.

9. Finance: Funding Requests

Mr Martin reported a balance of £1912. A decision was taken to donate £300 to Dunbar Food share. Funds will also be provided for defibrillator maintenance.

10. Correspondence

10.1 05/11 & others J Bell: application for DELAP funds
10.2 09/11 & others ELC Ryan Robertson : EV chargers 10.3 10/11 Viridor: Dunbar ERF Community Liaison Group Meeting - Wednesday 23rd November
10.4 10/11 AELCC (C Bruce) proposal for windfarm Community benefits 10.5 10/11 & 11/11 ELC (various officers): Auction Mart
10.6 11/11 ELC P Forsyth Markle crossing 10.7 15/11 Cllr Jardine: Defib grants available from London Hearts
10.8 21/11 N Morland: Parent Council update 10.9 22/11 ELC K Dingwall: Synopsis of Local Place Plan meeting
10.10 22/11 CCouncils: Local Place Plan website now online

11. Any Other Business

Concern was expressed about the work being carried out by Lothian Broadband who are restricting parking and access to houses and making a mess of the pavements, spoiling the aesthetic of the village. Particular concern was expressed about the pavement between The Crown and the Co-op which was funded by a grant of £30,000 from DELAP and there is a strong desire for this to be replaced as is. There was also concern expressed that another provider may do exactly the same thing again as they may not be allowed to use the ducting installed.

Mr Cramb asked about the trees between Andrew Meikle Grove and The Orchard as they are encroaching on the garden of a resident in The Orchard. It was confirmed that these are the responsibility of Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association. The Orchard may form a residents association once the development is formally handed over but are currently in contact via Facebook.
Mrs Priest reported that DCC are working on having a rack in the phone box where path leaflets will be available.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 5th January 2023