Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - November 2022

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 3rd November at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr N Morland Mrs V Hoban, Mr E Martin Mr J Swift Mr R Russel Ms A Pearson, Mr D Wight Mrs L Shaw Stewart

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes), Cllr L Jardine Anthony Jeffrey, Hillary Smith & Doug Haigñ North Berwick & Coastal Area Partnership, Stevie McKinlay - ELC Community Development Officer

1. Apologies: Cllr Carol McFarlane, Cllr Liz Allan, Mr R Cramb

2. Minutes of meeting held 6th October were agreed.

3. Police Report - 1st September to 31st October

Improving Road Safety

• No incidents of note

Reducing Violence and Anti-Social Behaviour

• 1 call re youths lighting bonfires on private land. Not attended as land owner moved youths on and no longer wished police to attend.

• 1 fireraising reported where garden fence was damaged. Suspect is male youth. Enquiries exhausted.

• 1 call re youth setting off fireworks in the public park. Enquiries exhausted.

• 2 vehicles vandalised at local property. Enquiries exhausted.

Tackling Serious and Organised Crime

• 1 report of remotely perpetrated fraud re crypto currency. Financial loss. Enquiries ongoing.

Reducing Acquisitive Crime

• 1 reported housebreaking to shed of dwellinghouse. Canoes and fishing gear stolen. Enquiries exhausted.

Other matters: Please be vigilant of online scams utilising email or social media.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Meetings attended - North Berwick & Coastal Area Partnership(NBCAP)

Hilary Smith informed the meeting that NBCAP are seeking input as they update their Area Plan. Funding and resources are the same as DELAP. NBCAP is split into subgroups such as Health and Wellbeing, Local Economy, Children and Youth Network and On The Move. Doug Haig will pass electronic copies of the documentation distributed to Mr Martin as Whitekirk is the only area within Dunpender and also within NBCAP. Doug Haig reported that the Children and Young Peopleís network meet 6 times a year in schools. He spoke about summer holiday activities delivered in villages with volunteers and low budgets and that the last meeting decided to focus on the cost of living crisis. Suggestions to tackle Climate Change are also coming from this group.
Mrs Cosgrove confirmed that DELAP currently have one subgroup - Health and Wellbeing and are looking to set up another - On the Move ñ to address public transport and cycling. Mr McKinlay reported that DELAP is also investigating a Children and Young Peopleís Network in conjunction with Dunbar Grammar. Mr Wight suggested that one way to reduce the environmental impact of tourism in EL would be a bus linking stations with beauty spots along coast which could also address existing car park issues. Hilary White confirmed the On the Move group was investigating a slow route for tourism along the coast but only for NBCAP and agreed collaboration with other groups would be a way forward. Doug Haig reported that the newly established East Lothian Climate Action Network are considering transportation as a priority for the group. Cllr Jardine made us aware that larger attractions have identified that families travel with lots of equipment making the car better suited to these journeys.

4.1.1. Planning Democracy meeting

Mr Wight and Mrs Cosgrove attended this meeting for Community Councils (CCs) throughout Scotland to raise awareness of the support available in engagement with planning departments and local councils. There is a recognition that current processes donít work well and a survey revealed the perception of a lack of consultation and a sense that CCs have no say on big decisions eg housing leading to feelings of disempowerment. Technical planning advice is available on specific matters to assist CCs.

4.1.2. Joint Laws Advisory Group

Ms Pearson attended. The archeological group has submitted a grant application for funding to investigate the pond at the top of Traprain Law. The Law is still popular with climbers who are parking responsibly and causing no issues. David Wild is taking over from Laura Douglas as the Ranger for Traprain.

4.2. Representatives/Allocation of jobs

4.2.1. Dunbar and East Linton Area Partnership (DELAP)

Mr Wight and Mrs Cosgrove attend and it was agreed that if either was unavailable an e-mail will be sent round members seeking a deputy. Mr Craighead is vice-chair and now acting as an individual which raised concerns that a DCC vote has been lost. Mrs Cosgrove is interested in attending DELAP as a public transport representative. It was also highlighted that tenants associations and CAEL could apply for membership. Mrs Cosgrove will write to the chair noting groups interested in becoming members in an attempt to increase the number of East Linton votes. Mr McKinlay reported that the next meeting is 28th November where the focus will be solely on the 10 funding applications received. He also highlighted that the governance of the partnership was under review.

4.2.2. Community and Police Partnership (CAPP)

Mrs Hoban volunteered to attend when possible. The next meeting is 1st December which clashes with the next DCC meeting. Mr McKinlay agreed to ensure the issues of anti-social behavior at the Linn Rocks is raised and is highlighted to the community warden.

4.2.3. Defibrillators

Ms Pearson has taken on responsibility for this and has carried out initial checks. The defibrillator cabinet in Tyninghame needs replaced due to damage and a new battery may be required. A spare battery and pads in Tyninghame hall need to be checked. St Johns will provide a grant of 20% towards the cost of replacing the cabinet and Tyninghame Hall will apply for this. Ongoing maintenance costs will apply for each defibrillator - £140 for new battery and £58 for new pads ñ every two years.
Mr Martin reported on the first potential use of the Tyninghame defibrillator at a village hall reception 4 weeks ago which highlighted the lack of signage inside the hall regarding the location of the device. Mrs Cosgrove raised the question of signage in East Linton. Mrs Priest will pass Ms Pearson details of the site for online registration.

4.3. East Linton Station

Mrs Cosgrove attended a meeting with Scotrail, Network Rail and ELC which revealed that work on the station will be finished by March 2023 but no scheduled opening date. She raised the issue of the Markle Crossing which may hold up the station opening if the new bridge is not in place. Peter Forsyth had previously suggested the crossing could be closed but has since backtracked. The last indication was a planning application to be entered in November. She believes negotiations with the landowner at an advanced stage.
Mr Swift confirmed that Markle Crossing cannot be closed by ELC as it is a Right of Way and any attempt would be subject to a prolonged legal process. He suggested the alternative that had been indicated was a new style full barrier crossing. Time is running out for the promised pre-planning consultation if the planning application is to be submitted this month. He also reported on a previous attempt by Network Rail to close the crossing which resulted in a vote at a public meeting indicating access had to be kept with pedestrian access, via a bridge, as a minimum. The timetable suggests 7 Scotrail trains a day southbound with the last train at 23:29 and 5 trains northbound starting at 08:33 and ending at 22:27. There was a suggestion that planters at the station could be funded by the community rail partnership and maintained by the Horticultural Society.

4.4. Dunpender News

Mrs Hoban and Ms Pearson are working to streamline the process. Articles have been provided by 28 groups. A first draft is expected on 4th November.

4.5. Preston Road

Mrs Priest expressed her disappointment that despite repeated visits by ELC and assurances this was on the list to be done is it now not happening. The meeting agreed the footpath was dangerous and a priority for attention. Mr McKinlay agreed to raise this with the chair of DELAP and highlighted it would be next year at the earliest but due to cost might take longer. A discussion took place about having a footpath on the other side of the wall or widening the road on the river side but this would be more expensive than the current proposal of a single carriageway, wider pavement and traffic responsive lights.

4.6. Sheriffhall Corner

Mrs Cosgrove has sent a letter of thanks to Calumn Redpath following the completion of road repairs.

4.7. Footpaths

4.7.1. Longstone ROW (grant / lighting)

Lights are up on the new path but not all the way as agreed. However Mr Cramb had reported that poles had appeared beside the path. Concern was raised about the need to constantly chase developers to ensure agreed actions are taken. Ms Pearson will put in a grant application to Paths for All for funds to improve the path to Pencraig.

4.7.2. Linn Rocks access

Cllr Jardine will e-mail Cllr Hampshire to add this to the agenda for the next CAPP meeting. Mr Swift confirmed it had been discussed at the Local Access Forum with many landowners reporting similar issues throughout East Lothian. This was an on-line meeting with no public attendance. He has contacted the owners of impacted properties and suggested a meeting with himself and Nick Morgan which could be expanded if required to include others such as the Police, community wardens and ELC. The issue could then be escalated and entered into the database to remain until it is fully addressed. Education and negotiation were the advised response rather than exclusion which might come into conflict with policies held by Scotways and the Ramblers Association or may break the Land Reform Act. He also confirmed that the Police canít walk away from criminality. Mr Wight raised the issue of access to alcohol which will also be highlighted to Cllr Hampshire.

4.8. Water Point

Mrs Cosgrove had no reply from Scottish Water. Mr Swift will pass on contact details.

4.9. Primary School Update

Cllr Jardine reported that the Education Estates Review will come before ELC at the December meeting.

5. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

BT Openreach
Following letters sent from Mr Martin to his MP and MSPs about the lack of fibre broadband in Whitekirk this has now been installed. Cllr Jardine reported that Paul McLennan had discussed the issue with BT Openreach and re-confirmed on-going meetings with stakeholders, all firms, ELC and the Scottish Government on how to fill gaps in rural areas. Mr Russel reported that The Dean residents have been asked to sign wayleaves to allow installation of fibre in their private road. Lothian Broadband are installing fibre throughout East Linton.

5.1. Speed restrictions

Mr Wight reported that ELC are chasing the contractors responsible for repairing the speed reactive sign and installing the rumble strips.

5.2. Tyninghame Motorbike Events

Mr Wight reported that ELC have informed the landowner of the need to submit a notification to the Countryside and Leisure department if they plan to hold these events in 2023. This will allow the impact on the saltmarshes protected area to be assessed.

6. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

No update.

7. Projects - Fountain update/long term maintenance

Mrs Cosgrove reported that the fountain appeared to be back up and running and will contact the electrician to enquire if he is interested in maintenance. Alternatively Mrs Priest will approach Mr Govan who previously carried out this service.

8. Planning Matters

8.1. The Mart

Mrs Priest expressed support for new business but concern over the number of retrospective applications. Planning permission for The Mart to host functions/weddings runs out on 31st December and DCC do not want it renewed as the building does not seem suitable for these types of event. It is not insulated and the toilet facilities are inadequate. There have been noise issues reported by local residents. Mr Swift has looked previously at the noise management plan and thinks the limit is 60-65 db is the limit which is low level noise not a live band. Cllr Jardine suggested contacting Keith Dingwall which Mrs Priest has already done. The feeling was this was another instance of lack of enforcement.

8.2. Markle Quarry

No update.

8.3. Papple

Mrs Shaw Stewart reported that the locals are animated and active in relation to the latest planning application for Papple which has changes to access and the transportation plan. A meeting is planned with the transportation department on 15th November.

8.4. Letter to Keith Dingwall

Mr Morland has had no response to e-mails sent on 20th September and followed up on 20th October. He has requested ELC planning provide details of planning conditions attached to Quarry, Monks Muir, The Mart and The Orchard and details of how these conditions are being enforced. Mr Swift confirmed that these conditions are all available online. Ms Pearson suggested that ELC are reluctant to enter into legal enforcement.

th November about Local Place Plans where Keith Dingwall is presenting and may have an opportunity to speak to him.

9. Finance: Funding Requests - defibrillator battery for Tyninghame

See 4.2.3

10. Correspondence

10.1 05/10 Newlands Hill wind farm exhibitions in November
10.2 17/10 F Byrnes Remembrance Day service 10.45 13th Nov (Robert) 10.3 21/10 Cllr Jardine: Asda ëWinter Warmerí deals and grants
10.4 24/10 A Davidson: Xmas lights on their tree
Mrs Priest asked for suggestions about community benefit relating to Newlandshill Wind Farm and reported that a subgroup of AELCC are looking at spreading this benefit as these turbines will be visible from a large part of East Lothian. Mr Wight suggested using the benefit to insulate houses. Mrs Shaw-Stewart expressed her opposition to the development as being in an inappropriate location. Mrs Cosgrove and Ms Pearson are to attend the Haddington consultation to discover more about the proposals.
Mr Russel will represent DCC laying the wreath at the War Memorial in Memorial Park. Ms Pearson confirmed that Mr Craighead has handed over the key to the War Memorial.

Mrs Priest confirmed that Hilary White and Mr Govan hold keys for the box controlling the Christmas Lights.

11. Any Other Business: delay to bridge repairs

Cllr Jardine suggested an insurance claim may be delaying matters.

12. Date of next meeting: Thursday 1st December 2022