Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - May 2022

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday
12 May at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr E Martin Mr R Russel Mr D Wight Mr J Swift Mr N Morland Mrs V Hoban Mrs L Shaw- Stewart Mr B Craighead

In attendance: Mr D Gilmour Mrs J Pepper Mr B Whitson Mr A Jeffrey

Apologies: Mrs A Hunter, Ms A Pearson

1. Minutes of meeting of 7 April were agreed, with the proviso that Mr B Craigheadís apologies should have been noted.

2. Police Report

A short report had been provided. Mrs Priest will ask that these are no longer issued as the CAPP meetings have ceased and DCC is not able to take any action about items reported.

3. Matters Arising

3.1. Bike Racks

Mr Wight had been in touch with Active Travel - they had confirmed it would be a good idea to have racks near the Bridgend bus stop. The Co-op site was still favoured by some: Mr Wight will look for an alternative site.

3.2. Tyninghame motorbike events

Mr Wight had investigated. NatureScot was concerned about these events and had asked if they were authorized by ELC. There were also concerns that dogs in the area could affect wildlife. A meeting had been held with ELC representatives to discuss concerns: they had said they wanted to avoid making restrictions on access, but they may give guidance on times to avoid being on the site in future.
Planners were trying to find out if an environmental assessment had been carried out. It was confirmed that no licence was required. The John Muir Advisory Group was also considering these matters.

3.3.Meetings attended

Mr Swift had attended the Local Access Forum: noted ELCís Coastal Car Park app, which gives guidance on how busy local car parks are at any given time. Some funding had been applied for for the path from Preston Mill to Smeaton.
Mr B Craighead, Mr Wight and Ms A Cosgrove had attended the Area Partnership meeting. The Roads budget was as yet unused: Mrs Priest and Ms Cosgrove would put together an application for Preston Road works. Mrs Hoban had attended a meeting with Mr Russel on Dunpender News. She thanked him for the excellent portfolio he had made available.

3.4.Roads Issues

The Bus Shelter in Whitekirk had not yet been replaced.
Path at Stewart Milne Homes ñ this would need to wait until Councillors attended.

3.5.Primary School

There was no update as no Councillors present. Mr P Forsyth, Senior Officer, had advised that an updated Notice would be in the Library within 14 days.

4. Planning Matters

4.1 Proposal for Erection of 2 Houses in Manse Garden
Mrs Hoban declared an interest as an affected resident, stating she would not participate in any decision on this application. Two residents made statements as follows:

Mr Whitson, Glebefoot, added to his previous statement by noting the impact on the Conservation Area.
Mrs Pepper, The Glebe, expressed concerns regarding the preservation of heritage, the visibility of the proposed new buildings and the architectural design. Mr D Gilmour, for the applicant, advised that several points raised by ELC Planners were being addressed, including changing materials to more local ones, provision of a planting schedule on the site and noting the changes that had taken place to East Linton over the years with regard to other buildings.

in camera after the meeting and form a view.

Other planning matters
The Preston Mill cottage application had been withdrawn.
Confirmed that DCC would pay for the cost of the planning application at Longstone Gardens. Local Place Plan ñ Mr Morland explained the position of these Plans when local authorities were forming Local Development Plans, saying that it gave a degree of local influence over a Local Plan. It was agreed that it would be best to consult locally by giving some ideas to choose from. Mr Morland would ask ELC if there would be any assistance by way of guidance or financial help towards producing the LPP, and would ask Keith Dingwall, Head of Planning at ELC, to attend a future meeting.

The cost of new planters was not yet determined.
Following discussion with Gala representatives, it was agreed to contribute £400 towards the cost of replacing items damaged while in store since 2019.
Current balance at Bank - £1,627.

6. Fountain and Other Projects

Mr Craighead advised that he had not yet contacted the electrician but would do so immediately so the fountain would be working for Gala Day.
Bike Repair Station Possible sites for this were suggested, including beside Bostock Bakery and Tyninghame bus shelter. Mrs Priest would investigate and Mrs Shaw-Stewart would find out about Bostock Bakery.
Water Tap ñ Ms Cosgrove to take up again with Scottish Water and ask for installation if DCC provides some funding.

7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

No information on road resurfacing which was due to take place in the Traprain area.
Markle - Residents were looking at purchasing a defibrillator. Mr Craighead will provide information on ongoing maintenance.
Crushers at the Quarry would be replaced with mobile crushers which could be moved into the quarry and should lessen noise.
Road Replacement Crossing ñ some delays were reported. Whittingehame - The Guides had agreed to the use of Alison Cargill House for community events.
Papple Steading - several members had attended an opening event. Noted that they had fast broadband while neighbouring properties did not. Plans for creation of a Conference Centre had changed.

8. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

No word yet from Paul McLennan MSP on a meeting concerning broadband.
Traffic Calming at Tyninghame had not yet happened. The Pump had been repaired by the Estate with a new housing.

9. Other Items

Mrs Hoban was organizing the Community Fair. The Hall was booked for 28 August from 10-2. Mrs Hoban would contact those who had attended previously.
Mr Russel noted the broken planter in the Park had been replaced by the Council extremely quickly. Mr Russel referred to the repair works at St Baldredís Steps which he had overseen. He plans to install a drainage channel there. A bench had been suggested at the riverside near the steps and Mr Gilmour had offered some gravel for the path.
Mr Craighead reported that the vandalised bench in the Park had been repaired by him and then vandalised again the following day. Sufficient force had been used to indicate that adults had done this, not children. The bench at Pencraig had also been broken.

10.00 Correspondence
None that had not been dealt with during the meeting.

Date of Next Meeting and AGM - Wednesday 8 June 2022.

Post Meeting Discussion:

Mrs Hoban and the visitors to the meeting then left.

Members discussed the planning application for the Manse Garden, and decided by a vote of 6 - 2 (with one member abstaining) to oppose the application on the grounds of breaching the fundamental conditions of the Conservation Area, with particular reference to the Cultural Heritage and Built Environment Guidance adopted in the 2018 Local Plan.
DCC also accepted verbal and written submissions that the privacy of near neighbours would be breached by the proposed development.

Mr Swift would advise ELC accordingly.