Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - April 2022

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday
7rd April at 7.30pm in The Stables

Present: Mrs J Priest, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr E Martin, Mr R Russel,
Mr D Wight, Ms A Pearson, Mr N Morland, Mrs V Hoban

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes)

Cllr S Kempson, Cllr P McLennan, Mr G Henderson, Mr B Wilson, Mr G Cusden, Mr S Gilmour, Mrs A Gilmour

1. Apologies: Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart

2. Minutes of meeting held 3rd March were agreed.

3. Police Report / CAPP meeting

There has not been a CAPP meeting and police reports will no longer be issued.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Queenís Jubilee/Trees

Mr Wight confirmed that there will be no trees planted on Tyninghame cricket pitch.

4.2. Bike Racks

Mrs Priest met with Iain Reid (ELC Sustainable Transport Officer) about the proposal for bike racks at the Co-op and it was agreed the pavement is too cluttered at that location. Ms Pearson suggested bike racks be installed near the bus stop. It was agreed these should be in a well-lit area as close to the bus stop as possible without obstructing the pavement. Mr Wight agreed to take this forward with the CAEL active travel group and will contact Mark James.

4.3. Tyninghame motorbike events

Mr Wight reported that Nature Scot is concerned about the proximity of these events to the Special Protection Area and their impact on the birdlife. They clarified that the proximity to the SPA means the normal permissions relating to agricultural land do not apply. Neil Clark (ELC Principal Countryside Officer) has been informed and has been asked to progress this with ELC planning department.

4.4. Meetings attended

Ms Pearson and Mr Russel attended the JMCP Advisory Group meeting where the Tyninghame motorbike events were discussed. Also under discussion were the education measures employed to address the issue of camping and the new app to be introduced before Easter which will inform people when car parks are full and direct them to available parking.
Ms Pearson attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group meeting where Historic Environment Scotland confirmed there is no time frame for opening the castles which are currently closed.
A vote decided against a beacon on Traprain Law due to concerns about fire risk and public safety.
The archaeology group will investigate the pond on Traprain Law by drilling core samples.
Sheep will be introduced to the bottom fields at North Berwick Law from January - March.
U3A geology group are producing leaflets on both Laws and it was agreed to put the link to these documents on DCC website.
Mr Morland attended a Roads and Highways induction session and has circulated relevant materials including a useful list of contacts.

Mrs Cosgrove attended a meeting on rail nationalization. She reported that RAGES are publishing photographs on their website of progress on the East Linton Station. RAGES are also holding a meeting in the Community Hall on 20th April.

4.5. EV Charger

Mrs Priest accompanied Ryan Robertson (ELC EV Infrastructure Officer) around the village to identify locations for EV charger points. He will complete a survey and recommend locations which will avoid pavement clutter while allowing households without driveways access to charger points. Mrs Priest confirmed these spaces will not be dedicated to cars using the EV chargers.
Mr Martin questioned the charging time which is overnight in Whitekirk. Mr Wight reported that Ryan Robertson also visited Tyninghame and confirmed that residents there had no need of public charge points and also suggested that cable could cross the pavement as long as it was covered.

4.6. St Baldred's Well/blocked pavement

Mr Russel has followed up with Scottish Power on the damage caused at St Baldredís well when replacing poles. He has also contacted the contractors and expects the issue to be addressed soon.
Mr Russel contacted Keith Scott and the damage to a stone wall caused by Storm Arwen which was blocking the pavement has been cleared and potholes at The Manse and The Dean have been filled in.

4.7. Preston Road

Mrs Priest requested help from ELC councilors as she has had no response from ELC Ian Lennock (ELC Operations and Assets Manager (Roads)) on when the traffic lights will be installed on Preston Road. Mr Wilson questioned the process around the installation of these lights and Cllr McLennan confirmed a Traffic Order will be advised to DCC and in The Courier. There will be a consultation process and opportunity for residents to comment. He committed to ensuring immediate neighbours would be informed directly.

5. Planning Matters: Local Place Plan

Mr Morland confirmed he is waiting for a representative of ELC to visit the group set up to create the Local Place Plan. Cllr McLennan reported that the National Planning Framework is currently going through parliament and in consultation with ELC the Scottish Government has identified a need for 6400 houses in East Lothian over the next 10 years. ELC will create a Local Development Plan which should be fed by individual Local Place Plans and should include the idea of 20minute neighbourhoods. He will liaise with ELC on timescales for these documents. Mr Morland and Mr Wight expressed concerns over the time it would take to consult and produce the Local Place Plan.
Mrs Priest reported that DCC had objected to the proposal of a Garden Building in Preston Road due to the area being part of the flood plain.

Mr Gilmour described his plans for erection of two two-storey houses with their own entrances and onsite parking in the Walled Garden at The Manse to maximize the value of the land after the recent tough years in the hospitality industry. He reported that the previous application by Church of Scotland for a house on that site was withdrawn due to concerns over root protection of two large sycamores. Tree surveyors have confirmed the roots of these trees do not penetrate under the wall and so this is no longer a consideration. He stated that the application is low impact and will not be visible from Preston Road or from the Stables and that the houses will be built to a high specification and will be eco-friendly.

As members had no details of this very recent application members of the public attending the meeting were given the opportunity to state their objections but no discussion was possible at this time.
Mr Henderson reported there had been no consultation with neighbouring residents prior to the planning application. He drew the attention of the meeting to a magnolia tree (4-6m high) as a useful indicator of whether the houses will be visible and confirmed that in his view they would be seen from Preston Road, The Stables and The Glebe.
Mr Gilmour reported that ELC tree officer will visit to inspect this Magnolia and expects it to be cut back significantly as it has a serious lean.
Mr Wight questioned the decision on the type of housing and asked whether affordable housing had been considered. Mr Gilmour confirmed that discussion with planners initially suggested three houses for the site but two had been agreed to provide more space for each house.
Mr Henderson also questioned the energy efficiency of the buildings which will have open fires.
Mr Wilson expressed his concerns about the impact on the stone wall which forms a boundary between Glebefoot and the Walled Garden. The immediate impact from groundwork and tree removal was a concern and also planting of replacement trees along the wall may result in future impact on the wall.
Cllr McLennan reported that ELC planning officers will consider the scale of the development, amenity of others, car parking, traffic, oversight and whether they fit into the design of existing buildings. Residents will have an opportunity to object at that point but suggested concerned residents contact planners now so they can be informed about how these particular concerns are addressed.
Cllr Kempson stated that ELC are very reluctant to remove existing trees due to the Climate Emergency and would ensure any building would not impact on tree root areas. Replacement of trees was not encouraged as new trees took 10 years to sequester carbon.
th April to respond to the application but was told that DCC have longer. She also pointed out that the development is in the conservation area and it was agreed to discuss this at the next DCC meeting once members had the opportunity to study the application.

6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Wight reported that Tyninghame Hall received £5000 from the Community Intervention Fund which gave them 50% of funds required for the kitchen. DELAP declined an application due to previous funding.

Cllr McLennan reported on meetings between the Scottish Government, ELC and Openreach to identify next steps in the roll out of fibre broadband. Mr Martin and Ms Pearson will attend the follow-up meeting at the end of April.

7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Ms Pearson reported that hatches on the recycling lorries now seem to be closed but not always and there is still a lot of litter. The situation is being monitored.
Mr Pearson is also following up on a traffic order that was issued to close the road and resurface it between Traprain and Kippielaw to determine when the work will take place.
th April between 11am and 3pm.

8. Finance

Mr Martin reported an end of year balance of £1683 and will progress the end of year accounts.
Mrs Hoban suggested a donation to the Gala Committee as equipment has been damaged in storage. Mr Martin asked that they submit a request for specific items with costs. There is an expectation of a request from the Horticultural Society for new planters.

9. Correspondence

9.1 04/03 PMcLennan: BT Openreach Whitekirk
9.2 07/03 ELC R Robertson EV charging points 9.3 08/03 V Stewart: Planning application near Preston Mill
9.4 09/03 ELC PForsyth: Trees 9.5 09/03 CCís: Tesco Community Fund
9.6 10/03 and flyers Wind Farm consultations 9.7 15/03 D Affleck new planters?
9.8 19/03 ELC KScott: reduced speed limit 9.9 25/03 Papple Steading: invitation to visit 26 April 11-3pm
9.10 30/03 ELC KScott: blocked footpath Dunbar Rd 9.11 01/04 VCEL F OíDonnell: Introduction

Mrs Priest highlighted communications concerning Newlands Hill windfarm and invited individual responses.
Keith Scott has confirmed the existing 20mph limits will remain.
A representative from Volunteer Centre East Lothian will be invited to attend the next meeting.

10.0 Any Other Business

Mr Morland provided an update on next steps in the consultation process for the new school. The consultation on early stage layouts received a range of feedback from individuals and groups across the village sharing views on the four key areas: the school, site, green space and community facilities. This feedback is now being considered by the Learning Estate Review team to draw together the conclusions and ensure all feedback is considered. A report will be prepared for elected members setting out an analysis of the consultation feedback and appropriate responses to points of query raised. The report will also confirm the preferred layout for the school. Further technical work along with consultation feedback already received will inform more detailed design work that in turn will be the subject of further consultation with the East Linton Community in due course. A decision was taken to include the replacement school in the approved Council Budget 2022-2025 and further engagement will continue with Scottish Futureís Trust in attempt to secure grant funding support. Further feasibility and technical works are required and these will be undertaken at the same time as design work is progressed.

Mrs Cosgrove asked the opinion of the pupils. Mr Morland reported that they had been engaged in the consultation and were enthusiastic about the new school and had requested new sports equipment. Mrs Cosgrove confirmed that DCC were still actively pursuing a new skate park. Mr Morland stated that the Parent Council thought it was important for the school to meet Passivhaus standards and that due to orientation of the building only one option fulfilled that requirement.
Mrs Priest requested assistance from councilors in developing a route to the village from The Orchard. She highlighted that there had been a planning condition to make up and light the path running from the underpass behind Andrew Meikle Grove to The Orchard. It was agreed a path was required to create a Safe Route to School and to avoid people driving due to the indirect access to the village.

Mrs Priest led thanks to Cllr Kempson and Cllr McLennan for their attendance at meetings and for listening to and supporting DCC. Cllr Kempson replied that it had been a privilege and honour to serve as a local councilor and that she has enjoyed the well-organised DCC meetings and recognized the outstanding contribution made by community councilors in East Linton. Cllr McLennan confirmed he will continue to attend meetings as an MSP and invited DCC to visit the Parliament.
Cllr McLennan requested people contact him with any queries about Ukrainian refugees and confirmed the existence of a large Ukrainian community in East Lothian.

11.00 Date of next meeting: 12th May 2021