Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr E Martin Mr N Morland
Mr B Craighead Mr D Wight Mr J Swift Ms A Pearson, Mrs L Shaw Stewart
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes)
Cllr S Kempson Cllr N Hampshire
1. Apologies: Mrs V Hoban Mr R Russel
2. Minutes of meeting held 3rd February were agreed.
3. Police Report / CAPP meeting
There has been no meeting since 3rd February so no report - next meeting is in April.
4. Matters Arising
4.1. Queenís Jubilee/Trees
After a general discussion it was decided not to proceed with a beacon for the Queenís Jubilee. Mr Wight is progressing planting of trees on the Tyninghame cricket pitch. Mrs Shaw-Stewart will investigate planting trees on the road at The Orchard with the intention of softening the new approach to the village.
4.2. School Consultation
Mrs Cosgrove coordinated and submitted the DCC response to the consultation.
rd February, concerning the legal conditions attached to the sale of land by Phantassie estate to East Linton to form War Memorial Park and also at handover to ELC have not been answered. Whether ELC can legally build on War Memorial Park is unknown. It was agreed that the legal position should have been determined prior to opening of the consultation. Cllr Hampshire agreed to take this forward with Douglas Proudfoot. Mr Craighead expressed his opinion that the consultation had not been presented in a manner that was easy for the public to understand.
Cllr Hampshire informed the meeting that the consultation would answer the question of whether, in principle, the community supported a new school. The council would then proceed on the basis of the most popular option with the next stage being presentation of the design for the new school. Mr Morland informed the meeting that he is acting chair of the Parent council and
confirmed that they would prefer that the build is progressed as soon as possible. Mr Swift also questioned the legality of using space which had been marked as the highest level of green space in the Open Space Audit without any suggestion that it be re-provided. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that Eamon Johnís team (Sport Countyside and Leisure Services) have confirmed the East Linton has sufficient green space. Mr Swift sought assurance that the erroneous figure of 19.5 hectares presented previously is not being used in this analysis. He met with Eamon John and Andrew Hogarth to determine the location of this space as the park contributes only 4 hectares. Farmland was included in the total and there was an admission this had been a mistake. It was recognized that the village is expanding but the green space is not. The money provided by Stewart Milne for the skate park was instead of another yet small play park provided in the development.
Cllr Hampshire confirmed that more houses would need more green space.
4.3. Tyninghame motorbike events
Colin Clark (ELC - Environmental Health) responded to Mr Wight about DCC concerns confirming there is no need for a public entertainment license or planning permission for these events unless the site is not returned to agricultural use between events. There can be 28 days per annum without permission and there is no set noise limit on daytime activities. However, if development is within 500m of a European protected site and is causing significant effect then it can be prohibited. There is no certainty on how any possible impact could be measured. There is a concern that the course is not only in the field but in the woods and that this is not published and may not be visible to authorities. Mr Wight will pursue this with SEPA who have an interest in SPA sites and with Nature Scot in relation to the SSSI site.
4.4. Meetings attended
Mr Morland attended Community Council training sessions relating to the constitution of ELC, the role of community councils, licensing and planning.
Mrs Cosgrove has requested ELC provide hard copies of the latest planning information to DCC. Cllr Hampshire agreed to request this. Mrs Cosgrove reported that there will be an official opening of Reston Station in April to which Iain Gray will be invited. She will share the date.
Mrs Priest enquired about Area Partnership training. Mr Craighead confirmed it was to be discussed at the next AP meeting. There would also be a discussion on how the AP works. Mrs Priest recommended the scoring matrix used by North Berwick when allocating funding.
5. Planning Matters: Local Place Plan
Mrs Priest recognized that developing a Local Place Plan would be a challenge for DCC. Mr Morland confirmed that it would contain views on the number and type of homes and the level of green space the community aspired to. It would then have to be considered by ELC when allocating land for development. Concern was expressed that this was all put in place prior to the most recent developments in East Linton and it was ignored.
ELC planning officers will present to community councils on the issue. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the Local Place Plan could include footpaths, tree planting and protection of historical features but it canít put a green belt in place to restrict growth. He stated there is no plan to add any more houses to East Linton and that depending on what is imposed by the Scottish Government relating to the number of houses to be built in East Lothian it might already be covered. Mr Craighead expressed concern that infrastructure is ignored when developments are agreed and cited the example of the East Linton Surgery which canít cope with the additional 135 houses. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that NHS Lothian was consulted and responded that no extension to the Surgery was required.
It was agreed that Mr Morland, Mrs Shaw Steward, Mr Wight and Mr Swift would form a sub-committee to develop the plan and would consult others as required. Cllr Hampshire suggested ELC staff living in East Linton can provide advice with no conflict of interest. Mr Swift confirmed nothing of interest to Dunpender on the Expedited Planning List.
6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk
Mr Wight reported that the Tyninghame community is exploring sites for EV charging points. He reported on concern that cottages to be sold by Tyninghame Estate will be purchased as second homes or short term lets. Cllr Hampshire reported that ELC is investigating this issue at present with North Berwick having a large percentage of holiday homes which is detrimental to locals seeking to purchase first homes. Mr Morland suggested Tyninghame residents complete the ELC open consultation -
Mr Martin will contact Keith Scott concerning the bus shelter at Whitekirk which is not as yet in place. Mr Martin will also contact MSP Paul McLennan on behalf of DCC to express concerns that fibre has been laid to rural areas (with public funding) but there is no plan for connection to homes.
7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame
Ms Pearson confirmed nothing to report from Traprain.
Mr Morland reported that Markle residents are looking forward to closure of the level crossing and that they have plans to install a defibrillator. Mr Swift and Mr Morland have been in contact with ELC concerning Markle Quarry and the breaking of existing planning commitments. Trees have not been planted as promised, last in 2018. Noise, dust and vibration monitoring should have been carried out by a company employed by the quarry and results provided to ELC with any breaches immediately highlighted. Mr Swift has requested this data from ELC. Cllr Hampshire will take this forward and ask Keith Dingwall to respond. Concern was expressed over where and when the monitoring was being carried out and the opinion was it should be continuous over a prolonged period and any inspection should be without prior notice.
Mrs Priest enquired if Markle were investigating EV charging points. Mr Morland confirmed there is no public land at Markle for ELC funded installation. Cllr Hampshire committed to speaking to Tom Reid again about litter caused by open doors on recycling lorries around Traprain and Whittinghame. Ms Pearson suggested visiting on a windy collection day to witness the situation. Mrs Shaw Stewart suggested future contracts should have penalty clauses for causing litter.
Mr Craighead raised concerns of residents at Monksmuir relating to dog breeding. Cllr Hampshire confirmed a licence was required and will raise it with Environmental Health. Cllr Kempson also suggested contacting the SSPCA. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the planning permission for development at the front of the site has not yet been granted. He also confirmed there is no site license and that will be addressed once planning is decided.
8. Finance
Mr Martin reported a balance of £2256. The donation to Dunbar Harbour Trust has been made and will be used to bring a boat from Anstruther. The bill for bat/bird boxes in the park is outstanding.
9. Correspondence
9.1. 06/02 AELCC: Local Housing Strategy Engagement
9.2. 09&23/02 Scottish Power: St Baldreds Well 9.3. 21/02 Berwick Bank Windfarm consultation March 8th
9.4. 22/02 ELC N.Clark: Meeting 23 March JMCP Advisory Group
9.5. 22/02 CCís: Planning Guide for CCís 9.6. 23/02 CCís: Induction Training
9.7 28/02: ELC I.Reid: Bike racks at Co-op
Mr Morland and others have responded to the Local Housing Strategy Engagement. Mr Russel will attend a site meeting with Scottish Power at St Baldreds Well.
Ms Pearson will attend the JMCP Advisory Group meeting on 23rd March.
There was a general discussion about the request for bike racks at the Co-op. It was agreed the area at the front of the shop is already congested and an option is to place a sign on the pole to the right of the front door advising the location of racks at the Community Hall and the Library. Mrs Priest is meeting Ryan Robertson on Tuesday to discuss the issue of access to EV charging points for the many houses in East Linton with no drives. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that once an electric car parking space is created it cannot be used by non- electric vehicles. It was agreed this was not a solution for East Linton. Mrs Shaw Stewart suggested the solution was not points at each house but superfast charging at petrol stations.
Mrs Shaw Stewart also drew attention to the proposed 23 turbine wind factory close to Snawdon. She expressed concern about the height of the turbines which will be 230m. Mr Martin will attend the CAEL Home Energy event.
10.0 Any Other Business
Mrs Shaw Stewart asked about the possibility of planting trees at the station. Cllr Kempson suggested between the car park and Andrew Meikle Grove to mitigate the sound. It was agreed this was not for the jubilee as those would have to be planted this autumn.
Ms Pearson reminded the meeting of a Repair Cafe event in the Hall on 12th March.