Dunpender Community Council
Agenda December 2022


AGENDA of Meeting to be held at 7.30pm at The Stables

1st December 2022

1. Apologies for absence

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd November

3. Police Report

4.0 Matters arising

4.1 Markle crossing - Peter Forsyth
4.2 Dunpender News
4.3 Meetings attended: Viridor, AELCC
4.4 Preston Road Longstone ROW grant , Linn Rocks access
4.6 Water point
4.7 Parent Council update
4.8 EV chargers

5.0 Tyninghame/Whitekirk

6.0 Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

7.0 Projects

8.0 Planning Matters - Local Place Plan, Mart, Markle Quarry, Papple.

9.0 Finance - funding requests

10 Correspondence

10.1 05/11 & others J Bell: application for DELAP funds
10.2 09/11 & others ELC Ryan Robertson : EV chargers
10.3 10/11 Viridor: Dunbar ERF Community Liaison Group Meeting - Wednesday 23rd November
10.4 10/11 AELCC (C Bruce) proposal for windfarm Community benefits
10.5 10/11 & 11/11 ELC (various officers): Auction Mart
10.6 11/11 ELC P Forsyth Markle crossing
10.7 15/11 Cllr Jardine: Defib grants available from London Hearts
10.8 21/11 N Morland: Parent Council update
10.9 22/11 ELC K Dingwall: Synopsis of Local Place Plan meeting
10.10 22/11 CCouncils: Local Place Plan website now online

11. Any other business: email address

12. Date of next meeting : Thursday 5th January 2023