1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd November
3. Police Report
4.0 Matters arising
4.1 Markle crossing - Peter Forsyth
4.2 Dunpender News
4.3 Meetings attended: Viridor, AELCC
4.4 Preston Road Longstone ROW grant , Linn Rocks access
4.6 Water point
4.7 Parent Council update
4.8 EV chargers
5.0 Tyninghame/Whitekirk
6.0 Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame
7.0 Projects
8.0 Planning Matters - Local Place Plan, Mart, Markle Quarry, Papple.
9.0 Finance - funding requests
10 Correspondence
10.1 05/11 & others J Bell: application for DELAP funds
10.2 09/11 & others ELC Ryan Robertson : EV chargers
10.3 10/11 Viridor: Dunbar ERF Community Liaison Group Meeting - Wednesday 23rd November
10.4 10/11 AELCC (C Bruce) proposal for windfarm Community benefits
10.5 10/11 & 11/11 ELC (various officers): Auction Mart
10.6 11/11 ELC P Forsyth Markle crossing
10.7 15/11 Cllr Jardine: Defib grants available from London Hearts
10.8 21/11 N Morland: Parent Council update
10.9 22/11 ELC K Dingwall: Synopsis of Local Place Plan meeting
10.10 22/11 CCouncils: Local Place Plan website now online
11. Any other business: email address
12. Date of next meeting : Thursday 5th January 2023