Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 2nd December 2021 at 7.30pm in The Stables, Preston Road Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr E Martin Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead Mr D Wight Mr J Swift In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson Cllr N Hampshire Mr N Morland There were reports of minor traffic collisions and minor traffic offences dealt with by a Fixed Penalty. No evidence was found after an allegation of Cannabis misuse at Binning Wood carpark however patrols will continue. Enquiries and forensic analysis are ongoing following a break-in at a business premises. Police assisted Ambulance and Mountain Rescue with recovery of an injured male from a remote wooded area. 4. Matters Arising 4.1. Vacancies Mr Morland was welcomed as the potential new Markle representative. Mr Swift will take up an East Linton seat. There has been no interest in the vacancy for a representative for Whitekirk/Tyninghame so it was agreed this will be another East Linton seat and will be advertised following normal procedure.
4.2. Finance The current account balance is £3151.07. Mr Martin will provide details of annual commitments to the January meeting. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that funds due in March from ELC will be the same as the previous financial year. 4.3. Paths There is no progress on proposed paths at Drylaw Hill or Binning Wood. 4.4. Projects 4.4.1. Park Benches Mr Russel confirmed that all benches in the park had been painted with the exception of two which are under repair. Mr Craighead has the bench for Hailes ready to install. 4.4.2. Fountain Storm damage to the lights on the fountain mean they have been switched off. They will be rewired in spring at a cost of approximately £300 and responsibility will then be handed back to ELC for inspection and servicing. 4.4.3. Queenís Trees It was agreed that trees could be planted for the Queenís Jubilee subject to available grant funding. A suitable location and suitable trees need to be identified. It will be discussed further in January when Deputy Lieutenant Mr Kinnaird attends the meeting. 4.5. Dunpender News The Dunpender News has been printed and is being distributed. Mr Russel will retire as editor and Mrs Hoban has volunteered to be involved.
4.6. Meetings attended 4.6.1. DELAP Mr Wight reported that the meeting had one funding application for the community garden in East Linton at Longstone Avenue. Before funding can be granted the owner of the site needs to be identified. 4.6.2. AELCC Tyne-Esk Mrs Cosgrove reported that funding for Rural Communities is available from the Scottish Government. Previous Leader funding provided funds for lampposts and the Community Hall as well as a County wide Small Grants Scheme. The hope is that the new process is less bureaucratic.
4.6.3. SUSTRANS Mr Wight attended a talk organized by CAEL. The role of SUSTRANS in supporting active travel was described and emphasis was placed on the importance of community engagement and consultation including working with children to identify safer routes. A group will be set up in East Linton to work with SUSTRANS and ELC to establish priorities for improvement to paths in the local area. The path between East Linton and Dunbar has already been identified as being too narrow and intimidating due to the proximity of traffic travelling at high speed. Another possibility is a route to Tyninghame Links to be used by families to access the beach, however it was agreed that any route through Binning Wood would have to take account of walkers possibly with separate walking and cycling paths. A reduction in carbon footprint could also be realised by encouraging people to use the very good bus service in East Linton.
4.7. Roads: 4.7.1. Pavement at Drylaw Terrace An administrative error held up registration of the request for resurfacing 95m of the pavement at Browns Place but this has been addressed and is now with DELAP. 4.7.2. Disabled Parking Cllr Kempson raised the issue that the disabled parking space at the Co-op is often occupied by cars with no blue badge. Mr Swift will contact Tom Reid at ELC to request the space be clearly marked according to current traffic regulations.
4.8. Dunpender E-mail Address A Gmail group has been set up and ELC will use that for future contact. The requirement for a single e-mail address will be discussed in January. 5. RAGES/Station Update Letters have been arriving in East Linton about the start of work on the station. Cllr Hampshire warned that the construction will be noisy and disruptive throughout the village particularly works carried out at night. Concern was expressed about the use of the Mart for access due to the entrance having poor visibility. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that a transportation engineer was involved in the construction plan and that heavy vehicles exiting the site might require use of a banksman or traffic marshal.
6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk Mr Martin reported that the speed camera will be installed in Whitekirk before Christmas. 7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame A picnic bench will be installed in the park at Whittingehame. In response to a request from Mrs Shaw-Stewart about replacing play equipment there Cllr Hampshire advised getting three quotes and to raise some funds then apply to ELC for the rest.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart reported on recycling spilling onto the road from the new lorry. This is with ELC, Tom Reid. She also highlighted the problem faced by some rural residents who have to transport the heavy recycling boxes a considerable distance when previously wheelie bins were used. Cllr Hampshire explained that there was a high level of contamination in the bins which increased the amount sent to landfill and that the boxes have resulted in much cleaner material encouraging good bids from buyers who donít need to separate it before processing. The council may consider provision of trolleys. The fact that old boxes are not being collected was also raised. In response to a question from Mrs Priest about supermarkets collecting soft plastic Cllr Hampshire confirmed that ELC will be looking at doing the same. 8. Planning Matters Nothing to report. 9. Correspondence 9.1. 08/11 GHorsburgh: ELC proposed Visitor Management Plan 9.2. 10/11 AELCC: Meeting with Tyne Esk Leader team on 23Nov 9.3. 14/11 ELothian lieutenancy: Queenís Jubilee beacons 9.4. 15/11 CCouncils: temporary closure of some public toilets 9.5. 15/11 Area Parts: Minersí Strike (Pardons) (Scotland) Bill 9.6. 18/11 CCouncils: Community Councillor induction sessions on 7 December 9.7. 22/11 CAEL: discussion on Sustrans and active local travel 1st Dec 9.8. 23/11 CCouncils: Learning Estate review 9.9. 23/11 Scottish Water: £4 million waste water upgrade, East Linton 9.10. 23/11 ELC: Picnic bench for Whittingehame
Mrs Cosgrove reported that the QC in charge of the review into Minerís pardons has thanked DCC for their support. 10.0 Any Other Business What to do in East Linton leaflets will be distributed to local businesses. 11.00 Date of next meeting: 6th January 2021