Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr E Martin Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead Mrs V Hoban Mr D Wight Mr J Swift
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson Cllr N Hampshire
1. Apologies: Mr R Russel Mrs L Shaw Stewart Cllr P McLennan
2. Minutes of meeting held 14th October were agreed.
3. Police Report
Community Officers are aware of reports of speeding on Drylaw Terrace and ELC plans to introduce speed measuring strips in the near future. On 28th October one male, arrested for behaving in a threatening manner in the village centre, was retained in police custody to appear at court the following day.
CAPP report - Community Wardens and the Council Rangers Service worked over the summer to address Anti-Social Behaviour at the Lynn Rocks. New signage will be erected warning of the dangers at the Lynn Rocks and requesting that people respect the area. Police patrols will cease for the winter and the situation will be reviewed next summer. Cllr Hampshire reported that the police are keen to continue the CAPP meetings but donít currently have time to attend. The next meeting will be held in person when there can be police attendance. Mr Craighead will be the DCC rep and Mrs Priest will receive the minutes of the meeting.
4. Matters Arising
4.1. Finance
Mr Martin reported the following expenditure: £350 to Sustaining Dunbar (paint for phone box), £320 to Horticulture Society. The following additional expenditure was identified: £329 for Christmas Lights insurance, approx. £300 for Fountain, £148 for repair and installation of benches, £735 for printing visitor leaflet, £967 for Dunpender News.
Mrs Priest requested Mr Martin create a breakdown of the normal annual spend.
4.2 Funding requests
Mrs Cosgrove reported the cost of Jingle bags as £20 for single person and £40 per family. It was agreed to provide £400 funding for bags for 10 families.
Cllr Kempson reported that Whittinghame residents had been canvassed and would like a picnic bench at Ludgate burn. £300 has been allocated. She has contacted Tom Reid from ELC regarding installation.
4.2. Roads:
4.2.1. Pavement at Drylaw Terrace
Cllr Hampshire suggested an application for a length of pavement be made to DELAP who will liaise with ELC transportation department on cost. Mr Craighead will progress this.
Cllr Kempson reported that Tom Reid (ELC) carried out an investigation into reports of bins cluttering The Square. Residents stated there was nowhere else to store them and agreed to keep them tidy as the alternative is bin bags.
4.2.2. Grass at bus-stop
Cllr Hampshire confirmed the request has been put forward and he will report back on timescales.
4.2.3. A199 Junction at Haddington Rd
Mr Swift contacted ELC but has yet to receive a response.
4.3. Paths
4.3.1. Drylawhill
Nothing to report.
4.3.2. Binning Wood
Funding was requested for paths from Preston Mill to Smeaton and from Tyninghame to Binning Wood. Both requests were turned down as there had been no contact with ELC planning department. Nick Morgan (ELC) reported he had confirmed to the planning department that this was not required for core paths. This is being appealed. Negotiations are ongoing with Tyninghame Estate around access into Tyninghame village around the Old School House which will provide a route to the Binning Wood path. A stile or kissing gate will be required to cross a fence. DCC have agreed to provide funding towards this. Mr Swift confirmed there is no requirement for any resurfacing of a rural path and the important thing was to establish a desire line which might make future funding more successful.
4.4. Projects
4.4.1. Visitor Leaflet
Ms Pearson reported that leaflets are expected from the printer in the week beginning 15th November and these will be stored by Mr Russel.
4.4.2. Fountain
Mr Craighead reported on a snapped cable inside the fountain necessitating a re-wire. He hopes this will be completed prior to switch on of the Christmas Lights on 28th November.
4.4.3. Park Benches
Mr Craighead has repaired 3/5 benches in the park. The two benches at the war memorial are complete and the aim is to paint them before the memorial service.
Additional funds have come from DELAP for benches but due to increase in the price of materials £195 has been paid for timber and postcrete to cover the remaining work in the park and installation of a bench at Hailes and one other.
4.5. Dunpender News
Mrs Hoban is proof reading the draft.
4.6. ELDA article
Mr Russel has agreed to write the article.
4.7. Meetings attended
Mrs Hoban attended the Community Hall AGM. All office bearers have been replaced and there is an outstanding post for a repairs organizer. Maintenance has taken place due to flooding in the small room and a safety check was carried out. The location of the stop cock was identified and signs will be made. A safety check confirmed that the window above main door is safe. Mr Craighead will be provided with access for himself and the electrician to carry out required work on the Christmas tree. Ian and Helen Patterson who curated the Robert Noble art exhibition and produced a book whose profits provided a door and sign for the hall will install a stone and plaque at the corner of Preston Road. ELC have committed to repair the cobbles by May 2022.
Mrs Cosgrove attended a meeting regarding upgrades to the electricity network near Branxton substation. An environmental assessment is going ahead. Temporary jobs should benefit local restaurants and guest houses. She reported that the Viridor plastic recycling plant is not going ahead and hopes to have more news following the next Viridor meeting.
Mrs Priest attended the Berwick Bank Windfarm roadshow. This will be the biggest offshore windfarm in Europe. Following discussion with RSPB higher turbines will be installed in an attempt to reduce bird strike. Enough power will be generated for 5 million homes. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that a bid of £5 billion needs to be authorized by the UK government and that the power will not be used locally but will flow south to the grid. Power will come onshore at Skateraw with a substation built west of Innerwick. There will be jobs offshore during the construction stage but there may be opportunities for further jobs in the area relating to energy storage. The turbines to be installed are 18MW which wonít be seen from North Berwick although companies are working on 50MW turbines which will be much taller. Mr Wight asked if the energy could be used locally in the Cement Works to replace coal. Cllr Hampshire reported on a recent meeting with the Cement Works on reducing emissions. Although coal is required to reach the temperatures needed alternative fuels make up 40% of the energy mix. They are also looking at re-using old concrete in with the powder to reduce emissions.
Mr Swift chaired the Local Access Forum and reported that Edinburgh University was working with ELC to look at a Car Parking capacity app for coastal car parks. Cllr Kempson reported that £27,000 had been provided for this PhD project and that the planned summer monitoring of car parks did not take place.
There will be a further report at the next Local Access Forum meeting.
4.8. Vacancies
Mr Swift will represent East Linton leaving a vacancy for a Markle representative. Neil Morland, the chair of the Markle residents association has expressed interest and will be invited to introduce himself at the next meeting. The remaining vacancy for a Whitekirk/Tyninghame representative remains unfulfilled.
It was agreed to approach residents of the Orchard once the estate is complete.
5. RAGES/Station Update
Mrs Cosgrove attended the launch of the new LUMO train service at Waverley.
She has sent apologies to the next Rail Forum meeting which will be attended by another RAGES representative.
6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk
Mr Wight met with 2 officers from ELC Roads Department and confirmed that the
£4000 received from DELAP for traffic calming would provide improved rumble strips on all 3 entrances to the village. The gateway entrance from East Linton will have a planter containing the Village sign, instructions to drive slowly and the road will be red. The speed reactive sign has been reversed to avoid driver complacency. There was no concession on the request for a 20mph limit but this will be readdressed once the 20mph zones installed as part of the Spaces for People initiative have been ratified.
Mr Swift reported that SEPA have confirmed the intention to remove Knowes Weir however they are looking at ways of retaining water to the lade to Tyninghame. Cllr Hampshire confirmed planning permission would be required to remove the weir.
7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame
Mr Martin reported that Open Reach would not confirm to ELC what they were installing at Whitekirk and has requested Cllr McLennan raise with the Scottish Government. He has also observed signs that fibre has been installed on a telephone pole at Whitekirk.
Cllr Kempson reported that similar works are going on at Whittinghame. Ms Pearson reported works at Sunnyside and an engineer confirming it was Fibre Optic Broadband. Keith Scott (ELC) has agreed two locations for speed reactive signs in Whitekirk monitoring traffic approaching from Tyninghame and from North Berwick. He is also progressing re-installation of the bus stop and bus shelters removed during earlier work.
8. Planning Matters
Nothing to report.
9. Correspondence
9.1 14/10 AELCC: Planning applications weekly list
9.2 14/10 ELC: Spaces for People 20mph consultation 9.3 18/10 LJardine: Playpark equipment Whittingehame
9.4 20/10 SEPA: Knowes Weir update 9.5 21/10 CCouncils: National Care Service proposal briefing
9.6 23/10 JBell: Berwick Bank Windfarm roadshow dates 9.7 24/10 CAEL: Upcoming COP26 events
9.8 24/10 Scottish Community Councils Newsletter 9.9 25/10 VCEL: grants from Social Isolation Fund
9.10 27/10 EL Community Hosps and Care Homes Provision ñ community update
9.11 01/11 DELAP: future care needs for elderly, "Great Expectations: Action for Changeî.
Mrs Priest will ask Mrs Shaw Stewart about passing the AELCC weekly list to Mr Swift.
Mr Wight asked about the council obligation to take into account DCC views on planning. Cllr Hampshire confirmed DCC is a statutory consultee and as such its views carry more weight than a member of the public but that planning decisions were made according to planning laws. Decisions in opposition to DCC views would be explained by the planning officer.
It was confirmed that several members had responded the 20mph consultation.
Mrs Priest suggested DCC were not qualified to comment on the National Care Proposal (9.5). Cllr Hampshire confirmed that ELC are of the view that the care service needs to be as close to location where care is required. National standards are probably a good thing. ELC are at a critical position on the provision of care due to lack of staff with Brexit having an impact and higher wages being offered in the retail sector. Only people with substantial or critical needs were being dealt with at present. ELC is not the only local council facing these issues and a recent review confirmed insufficient funding.
Mrs Priest expressed her opinion that DCC were not qualified to respond to the DELAP ñ health and wellbeing group ñ community hospitals and new model of care for old people (9.11). Cllr Hampshire reported on work ongoing to identify the requirements for extra care housing at Herdmanflat and upgrading required at Belhaven Hospital. Mrs Priest highlighted a COP26 vigil taking place at 6pm in The Square on Friday. She attended the exhibition at the at phone box on behalf of DCC.
10.0 Any Other Business
Mr Martin and Mr Swift will progress a Dunpender CC email address to remove the need to use personal e-mails.
Mrs Priest requested members consider the need for a media person/press secretary prior to the next meeting.
Mrs Hoban will represent DCC on AELCC.
11.00 Date of next meeting: 2nd December 2021