Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - October 2021
Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 14th October 2021 at 7.30pm in The Stables, Preston Road

Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr E Martin Ms A Pearson
Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mrs V Hoban

In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson Cllr Paul McLennan
Lyn Jardine

1. Apologies: Mrs L Shaw Stewart Mr Jon Swift Mr D Wight Mr A Gibson

2. Minutes of meeting held 2nd September were agreed

Cllr Kempson opened the meeting and the following office holders were elected:
Chair Mrs Priest proposed Mrs Cosgrove, seconded Mrs Hoban Vice-chair Mrs Cosgrove proposed Mrs Priest, seconded Mr Russel
Secretary Mr Swift proposed Mrs Priest, seconded Mr Martin Treasurer Mr Martin proposed Mrs Priest, seconded Mrs Cosgrove

Mr Craighead requested other nominations for chair. No-one was nominated and Mrs Priest agreed to act for a further three years. Cllr Kempson expressed her thanks for the manner in which Mrs Priest carried out these duties. Mr Craighead questioned the role of secretary in relation to dealing with correspondence. Mrs Priest agreed to investigate the job description within DCC documentation and the community councilís green book.
Mrs Priest confirmed that the Chairís report has been circulated and loaded to the website. She also thanked everyone for agreeing to continue as members.

3. Police Report

Community Officers are aware of complaints relating to speeding on Drylaw Terrace and through the village. No speed checks have been carried out due to staff being abstracted to other duties. There was a report of vandalism to a property at Browns Place.
Cllr Kempson highlighted that lack of manpower was hindering speed checks in villages throughout East Lothian. Cllr McLennan confirmed that checks were still taking place on the A1. He also reported that in response to concerns raised at the previous meeting by Mr Skirving ELC (Peter Forsyth) will install speed measuring strips on Drylaw Terrace in order to gather evidence to be passed to the police.
th September ñ Mr Craighead reported that the meeting was chaired by Cllr Hampshire but had no police presence. Concerns were raised about the viability of the forum if the lack of police presence continued. This will be monitored.

4. Matters Arising

4.1. Finance

Mr Martin presented the accounts for the 20/21 financial year. Current account balance at 15th October is £6349. The Horticultural Society received £300. Alan Meadows cost for designing the newsletter was £820. There were no other major expenses although there are outstanding expenses associated with the fountain. Mr Martin confirmed a manual second authentication procedure involving checking outlay with either Mrs Priest or Mrs Cosgrove prior to payment. It was also explained that a ëPoor image quality feeí was work done to enhance the quality of a receipt to be submitted with the accounts.
The accounts were agreed - Mrs Priest proposed, Mr Craighead seconded. It was agreed to re-appoint Douglas Home & Co to prepare the accounts for the next financial year.

4.2 Funding requests Mr Martin reported Whitekirk had received £500 from DCC for a speed reactive sign.

Mrs Cosgrove asked if DCC could make a donation to East Lothian Foodbank to support their Christmas Jingle Bags. It was agreed to donate £200 and to contact the Association of East Lothian Community Councils to suggest other community councils to also donate.
Mrs Hoban asked if DCC would support the school yearbook again this year. Lyn Jardine reported on successful school fundraising of around £3000 in support of the Horizons initiative and work in school around welcoming refugees. She agreed to write formally requesting funds for the yearbook. It was agreed in principle to support this.
Mrs Priest reported that CAEL had requested funding for work at the Longstone playpark. Mr Craighead confirmed that the Longstone Residents and Tenants Association will present a plan to DCC including costings. Work has commenced and because ELC have confirmed it must be maintained as a park the swings will be upgraded. The Residents Association continues to be responsible for the costs of inspection and liability insurance. Cllr McLennan suggested contacting Andrew Hogarth from ELC on the details.
Mr Craighead asked if it would be possible to request funding from DELAP for removal of grass on the main street at the Mart. Mrs Cosgrove requested a cost be provided.

4.2. Roads:

4.2.1. Pavement at Drylaw Terrace

Following concerns raised by a resident Mrs Priest has requested a cost per metre to repair the pavement between Drylaw Terrace and the Co-op. Cllr McLennan will ensure costs are passed to DCC who will put in a funding application to DELAP.

4.2.2. Grass at bus-stop

No action to report

4.2.3. Speed sign application

Mrs Cosgrove reported the application to DELAP for funds had been successful.
Lyn Jardine reported that the Parent Council meeting heard concerns about speeding in the High Street and children scared to cross the road. A Health and Safety group in school will campaign and may install signs made by children. She requested that the children be allowed to let DCC know how they feel which was welcomed. Lyn Jardine also raised awareness of a new consultation about the extension of Spaces for People which relates to the 20mph limits but is extended to cover issues such as noise and emmissions. Mrs Cosgrove agreed to take this forward on behalf of DCC.

4.2.4. A199 Junction at Haddington Rd

Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association has raised concerns about the new layout at the West Approach to the village. Mrs Priest/Mr Swift will contact Peter Forsyth regarding time limits for a review of this junction. Cllr McLennan will contact Transport Scotland for details on any accidents and how the junction complies with the updated standards.

4.3. Paths

4.3.1. Drylawhill

Nothing to report

4.3.2. Binning Wood

Mrs Priest highlighted that grants available from Paths for All might be useful for signage.

Mr Russel reported that the White Bridge has been painted by Lothian Conservation Volunteers but is still waiting for repair by ELC Landscape and Countryside.

4.4. Projects

4.4.1. Visitor Leaflet

Ms Pearson reported that this had been submitted to the printer on 24th September with a cost of £735 for 5000 copies.

4.4.2. Fountain

Mr Craighead expects the fountain will be up and running within 2 weeks. A new plumber has been engaged who has committed to future servicing. East Linton Electrical will carry out the required work and supply a completion certificate. One of the missing clocks has reappeared and been fitted leaving one to be purchased. The internal rust will be maintained by Sandie.

4.4.3. Park Benches

Mrs Hoban reported that Bill Brodies bench required only painting. Mr Craighead confirmed that five benches required restoration. The cost of materials will be covered by remaining funds from DELAP and additional funding of £150-200 from DCC. This will include installation of the bench at Hailes. Mr Russel reported the cost of supplies to paint the benches as £60. Mrs Priest reported that the war memorial benches were supported by old well heads from East Linton.

4.5. Dunpender News

Ms Pearson and Mr Russel have set a deadline of 18th October for submissions and requested members to submit a photo and text of introduction.

4.6. ELDA article

Mrs Priest will prepare this monthís article.

4.7. Meetings attended

Lyn Jardine disclosed that she works for Cllr McLennan and that following concerns raised by the Parent Council around safety aspects of the station confirmation has been received from Network Rail about engagement with DCC, the school and the Parent Council to ensure awareness of activities and timescales.
It was agreed that DCC and the Parent Council could work together on this. She also covered the long term expectation for the school which is currently over capacity with split classes in a building in poor condition. A planned extension was cancelled due to cost and the current consultation process will not complete until autumn 2022. The consultation is at stage 2 and drop in sessions are being arranged. Cllr McLennan stated the current consultation should have happened prior to be submission of the failed funding bid for a new school and that temporary accommodation would be provided if required.
Ms Pearson attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group and reported on the expected installation of a new interpretation board at the north car park at Traprain Law. The fence around the pond is to be removed and a kissing gate may replace the stile at the car park. A new fence will be installed due to the wall along the northside road becoming dangerous.

nd November and any funding applications should be submitted prior to that.

5. RAGES/Station Update/Access Plan

Mrs Cosgrove reported that Transpennine would provide five trains per day in both directions stopping at East Linton. Scotrail timetable cuts will not impact Dunbar which will be serviced by longer trains. Reston will have an additional morning and evening service from LNER taking it up to 9 trains a day. Mr Martin raised the point that the timetable rather than the number of trains is the important issue with trains to suit commuting to Edinburgh being vital. He also expressed concern about the scale of the station at Reston and how something that size would sit within East Linton. Mrs Cosgrove clarified that embankment works required at Reston will not be needed in East Linton. Mr Craighead reported on concerns raised by residents about the size of the towers and the potential nuisance of the platform speakers. Cllr McLennan reported that bimonthly meetings are underway with Transport Scotland and rail providers and that the timetable should be clarified by Sep/Oct 2022. He also reported on an upcoming open meeting between Network Rail, DCC, the Parent Council and residents of Andrew Meikle Grove. The contractor working on Reston hopes to finish by end of 2021, early 2022 and expects to start on East Linton following that.

An Access Plan consultation which relates mainly to Haddington was agreed to be not immediately relevant to East Linton, however, Mrs Cosgrove has responded to it.
Cllr Kempson expressed concern about centralization of social care which is currently run locally and tailored to suit local communities. Cllr McLennan raised the issue of staff shortages in the care sector and higher pay in the retail sector resulting in people leaving the profession. Cllr Kempson suggested DCC might want to respond to the consultation.

6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk

Mr Martin has been investigating BT conduit being laid in Whitekirk and raised complaints about poor internet connection in Tyninghame, Cllr McLennan will investigate and respond.
Mrs Priest raised concern about possible work to remove Knowes Weir which DCC has previously objected to. Cllr McLennan will investigate if planning has been requested.

7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame

Cllr McLennan reported on a successful public consultation on Markle Crossing and confirmed the new road is going ahead. It will be paid for by government funding and will be completed prior to the station opening.

8. Planning Matters

Mrs Priest raised awareness of a planning application to convert 4a The Square into a house. There were no objections. She also reported on noise complaints relating to weddings at the Mart on two consecutive weekends. She confirmed there is a noise management plan in place but mitigation measures didnít seem to be working and residents were not being informed about planning changes as the building not the site is not within regulatory distance for neighbor notifications. Mr Craighead reported that the owner, Tommy Dale, was trying to address ELC recommendations. Mrs Priest suggested that he should provide contact details to local residents as planning conditions state the person responsible should be easily contactable. Mr Craighead will take this to him.

Cllr McLennan confirmed DCC will now receive the delegated planning list as standard.

9. Correspondence

9.1 26/08 J Stewart (verbal) condition of pavement at Drylaw Terrace
9.2 01/09 A Gibson: west entrance to East Linton 9.3 01/09 G Dignan and 05/10 P Gibson: noisy functions at the Mart
9.4 23/09 I Paterson: setts needing repair at Preston Rd corner 9.5 27/09 E Whewell: Sale of Whitekirk Church
9.6 28/09 CAEL update (Longstone playpark) 9.7 30/09 S Thompson, Stantec: EL Access Study
9.8 30/09 RSA: Consultation re Healthier & happier East Lothian 9.9 04/10 F Byrnes: Remembrance Sunday wreath

Cllr McLennan will take up the issue of repair of the setts at Preston Road corner.
There was a general discussion on the sale of Whitekirk church and whether it would be purchased as a community asset by the community or privately by the Dale family. The Church of Scotland are required to achieve the best price. Mrs Cosgrove confirmed that the graveyard belonged to ELC.

A Remembrance Sunday wreath has been ordered and will be laid by Mr Craighead on behalf of DCC. Cllr McLennan will confirm the COVID regulations applying this year.

10.0 Any Other Business

Mrs Priest will attend the Association of East Lothian Community Councils supported by Mrs Hoban.
Mrs Cosgrove reported that she and Ms Hunter along with David Affleck of the Horticulture Society had assisted the Brownies in planting of tulip bulbs in containers to be installed on the Bridge. It was recognized that a lot of thought is put into the selection of suitable species by David Affleck. Cllr Kempson commented on the attractive nature of the containers in particular the begonias this year. Ms Hoban will attend the Village Hall AGM with a view to becoming a DCC representative on the committee. Mrs Priest has agreed to be a trustee.
Mr Craighead reported that the defibrillators had been checked and all batteries were fully charged however there had been regular interfering over the last month with the one installed at the Health Centre.

11.00 Date of next meeting: 4th November 2021