Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 13th May 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mr C McWhannell In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson Cllr P McLennan Enquiries are ongoing into three thefts reported in the last month. Preston Mill has been included in the police patrol matrix due to possible anti-social behaviour and littering. 4. Matters Arising 4.1. Finance £3753.02 remains of last yearís funding. Cllr McLennan confirmed the same budget would be available this year. It was agreed to provide £500 to Whitekirk village hall and Tyninghame hall were invited to apply for similar funding. Funding for a visitor leaflet was discussed but will be held over until a detailed estimate of cost is available. 4.2. School Mrs Hoban will take up a position on the Parent Council (PC) as a co-opted member. Mrs Cosgrove reported that a letter has been sent from the PC to ELC regarding the station expressing concerns over insufficient consultation with the school and the community, the visual impact of the lift towers and the dangers to children of open access to the platform. Mrs Cosgrove confirmed that the towers were required and that the underpass cannot be used due to the Equalities Act legislation. Cllr Kempson reported that she had been contacted by Lyn Jardine for assistance following a response from Keith Dingwall which indicated the date for submissions regarding the station had passed before the letter was received. 4.3. Roads Mr Russel contacted Morag Haddow regarding road markings on Preston Road and was informed they would not be in place earlier than late summer. Mrs Priest reported there had been a number of calls from residents objecting to wheelie bins stored on the pavement and taking up an entire parking space in the Square. Mr McWhannell looked into this last year but no-one was available due to COVID. Cllr Kempson agreed to raise it with Tom Reid, the Head of Infrastructure. 4.4. Paths Mr Swift reported on the proposal for a new path on Drylaw Hill. Nick Morgan has agreed to look at it when he has time as he wants to ensure any signage erected does not confuse anyone using the John Muir Way. Mr Swift confirmed there is access from the Markle Road round the field down to Dunpender Road. 4.5. Visitor Numbers Mr Wight contacted ELC on behalf of DCC to suggest options for managing visitor numbers at Tyninghame Links. Option 1 was to restrict overall usage and for visitors to be channeled into distinct paths through the woods and the sensitive area round estuary protected. Option 2 was to extend car parking and provide portaloos and possibly a campsite in summer. No response has been received. The current situation is that ELC employ 2 men to stand half way down Limetrees Walk to stop traffic when the car park is full and to operate a one-in one-out policy. There was a suggestion that a barrier at the entrance to Limetrees Walk regulated by the number of spaces taken up would be more effective. Cllr McLennan reported that ELC is working with Edinburgh University on a system to monitor traffic and direct it appropriately depending on visitor numbers at various sites. He also asked for the options to be sent to him and he would try to get a response. Mr Wight suggested that for holiday periods there is potential for a bus service linking the train stations and hubs to coastal spots which would avoid car parks being over-crowded. Mrs Cosgrove highlighted an issue at East Barns car park where someone paid 95p for parking on his phone only to discover that heíd signed up for a subscription service and was charged a further £24.99. 4.6. Projects 4.6.1. Fountain Mr Craighead reported that there has been no progress on the installation of the lights despite numerous attempts to contact Mr Govan via several different channels. Mrs Priest agreed to write a letter to Mr Govan from DCC and will ask that Mr Craighead be informed of any planned work in order that he can attend. Mr Russel has painted Jimmy Allenís bench in the memorial park, 2 benches around Smeaton Lake, the Noble Notice Board and Town Map and the notice board at Pencraig. He has agreed to paint the notice board at council buildings. 4.6.3. Pharmacy sign Mr Craighead confirmed that the sign is in storage after being taken down in poor condition. The chemist has no plan to reinstall the sign. Mr Craighead will discuss it with the building owner. Mrs Priest agreed to write the next article. Mr Martin attended the North Berwick Area Partnership where Scottish Government funding of £270,000 was announced to promote children and family activities in summer. He invited submissions on small projects that could benefit the community. 5.1. Monks Muir Mr Swift confirmed to ELC to confirm that DCC objections will stand until they are addressed. Mr Swift reported that trees and shrubs have been planted on the new northern edge where the quarry has been extended. There are still no sign of the trees on the east and west edges which should have been planted 20 years ago. 6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk Mr Wight will contact ELC to retrieve the findings from the traffic counter which has been in place in Tyninghame. He reported that the residents are delighted the hall is now back in use for weddings and that significant effort from volunteers was required to ensure the toilet refurbishment was complete in time for the booked weddings. 7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame Mrs Shaw-Stewart will contact Peter Forsyth to clear up clods of earth left on the road at Whittingehame after a dangerous rut was filled. Mr Swift reported 2 visits from Network Rail and ELC regarding the proposed new over-bridge at Markle. Cllr McLennan committed to contact Peter Forsyth for details on progress. Mrs Cosgrove asked about progress on the planning application for the station. Cllr Kempson confirmed that it has not as yet come to the planning committee. 8.1 April ELC, S Baptie: Snow shovels 8.3 28/04 Community Councils: consultation on draft Community Justice Local Outcome Improvement Plan 2021-24 8.4 29/04 Community Councils: Tesco Community grants 8.5 04/05 Community Councils: Survey on Volunteering and the Third Sector Response to COVID-19 8.6 030/5 N Morland: Info on Markle Steading Residents Assn Mr Russel has collected and distributed 8 large snow shovels. Mrs Priest asked the councillors if they had any detail on the proposal to put running of the Day Centres out to competitive tender. Cllr McLennan is attending a meeting of the Health and Wellbeing group on Monday and will request details. Mrs Priest confirmed that Alison Cargill House had received money from Tesco Community Grants for work relating to disabled access. Mrs Priest has responded on behalf of DCC to the Survey on Volunteering and the Third Sector Response to COVID-19. Mrs Priest has had contact from the Markle Steading Residents Association who expressed an interest in having a member on DCC. It was noted that Cllr McLennan will continue his council duties until the next elections. 10.00 Date of next meeting: 3rd June 2021