Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 4th March 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Ms A Pearson Mr D Wight Ms V Hoban In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr N Hampshire Cllr S Kempson Cllr P McLennan 1. Apologies: Mr C McWhannell 2. Minutes of meeting held 4th February - agreed 3. Police Report A vehicle was seized and the driver charged with no insurance after being stopped near to Pencraig layby. Two males have been charged for threatening and abusive behaviour and vandalism, following a disturbance on High Street, East Linton on 26th February. Between 15th and 16th February two metal bars were stolen from Tyninghame Sawmill. This is believed to be connected to an attempt to force open a parking meter at Tyninghame Links. A further theft from a motor vehicle was reported at Tyninghame. Mr Craighead attended CAPP and confirmed that the deployment of ìPop Upî Police Officers has been requested for Tyninghame and East Linton. One of the ìPop Upî Police Officers was stolen from West Barns and DCC has agreed to contribute to funding a replacement. 4. Matters Arising 4.1. Station Update Mrs Cosgrove reported on items followed up on after the Zoom meeting on 10th February. The use of the lifts and over-bridge rather than the underpass is due to the need to comply with the Equalities Act legislation. It has been confirmed that tactile strips at the platform edge to assist blind and partially sighted people are standard at all new stations. No further information is available as yet on the route into the park for construction work and Cllr McLennan confirmed this will be the subject of a formal community consultation. Network Rail has been contacted regarding the possibility of an information board at the station but has not responded as yet. Cllr McLennan reported that Network Rail has been in contact with the school to address the safety concerns raised at the meeting. It has been confirmed that the escape route steps from the north end of the platform adjacent to the underpass on the park side will be on Railway land and the brick wall which currently keeps water out of the Longstone Avenue tree belt will be adapted. Mr Craighead reported that the lamps have been installed and are waiting to be wired. They were altered to include a piece of the original lights. The account is anticipated to be less than the £3000 estimate. An additional account will be due from the electrician. 4.2.2. Tourist Information Leaflet Mr Russel circulated the text for a proposed leaflet and requested feedback to be passed to him. Mrs Cosgrove suggested that pictures would make it more engaging. Mrs Priest suggested that the information could be online and linked to QR codes placed in the village. 4.3. Finance The current balance is £6224. £314 was paid to the Horticulture Society and £56 for gravel at the Mill Lade path. Mr Craighead received the go ahead to purchase materials for work at the War Memorial to ensure the gate opens properly and to replace the topsoil in the beds. 4.4. Phantassie Miss Pearson reported that the community payback team painted the White Bridge last time and are happy to consider doing it again. Mr Russel reported that the bridge over the mill lade has been repaired. Mrs Cosgrove has reported to Nick Morgan that the path between Knowes and the Black Bridge is in a poor condition due to horses and bikes. 4.5. New path at Drylaw Hill A request has been made for a path to link the Markle road end to the John Muir Way at Drylaw Hill as an alternative to walking down the road. Mrs Priest will request further information on the proposed route. 5. Planning Matters 5.1. Papple Steading Mrs Shaw Stewart raised local concern that the planning report is not available on ELC website to allow the community to see any conditions attached to the consent. The Transportation Report is of particular interest. Cllr Kempson and Cllr McLennan confirmed they have called it in and Cllr McLennan committed to making a request to Keith Dingwall to make the report available. Cllr Hampshire reported that it should be available online and should contain the reason why the planners felt objections were not valid however it will be available prior to the planning committee meeting on Thursday 1st April. 5.2. Karele Miss Pearson reported that the November planning application is still not validated due to lack of information and an enforcement notice was served on 16th February to remove the unauthorized portacabin. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the applicants have 21 days from that date to move it otherwise ELC will appoint a contractor to move it and store it at Macmerry at the applicantís expense. 5.3. Monksmuir Mr Swift reported that a two week extension has been granted to allow DCC to prepare a response to this application. He reported that the building yard which had a static caravan now has another two and seems to have been taken over as a mini campsite. Mr Swift has received a letter from Monksmuir Residents Association detailing their concerns and Mr Craighead reported that an altered meeting room and the construction of a shower block is troubling residents. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the development is unauthorized as consent was granted to Monksmuir on condition that green space was maintained at the front the area. Mr Swift confirmed that caravans on the frontage would only be allowed to be in residence for 10 months so they are not being treated as static homes. 5.4. Markle Quarry Mr Swift reported that a two week extension has been granted to allow DCC to prepare a response to this application. He has asked for the baseline data for dust, noise and vibration from the 1996-98 application to re-open the quarry and for ongoing monitoring data. The information has not yet been provided and he questioned whether an extension to 2042 could be granted without knowing if the nuisance has become worse. He also confirmed that Markle residents had been in contact to express their ongoing concerns about the noise, dust and vibration. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that environmental health would be looking for that same information to ensure that current regulations are being met and if not to advise on mitigating measures. Mrs Priest raised the issue of the location of the stone crusher which was mentioned in the 1996-98 application with a timeframe of 5-7 years given for moving it into the quarry. Mr Swift raised the issue that previous conditions relating to tree planting have not been met. Mr Swift will submit DCCís objection next week. 6. Tyninghame/Whitekirk There was a discussion on the Land Management Consultation. Tyninghame residents have concerns about how to manage the John Muir Country Park and the estuary to address the tensions between providing access to beauty spots and the beach and preserving the SSI. Cllr McLennan suggested a user group be set up around Tyninghame similar to other existing groups in Dunbar. Cllr Kempson reported that her suggestion, last year, for portaloos at Tyninghame was not taken forward. Mr Swift reported on the successful approach taken to educate campers and provide bin bags. Cllr Hampshire reported temporary additional parking may have to be provided for this year with directions on routes to follow. It was recognized that the Land Reform Act allowed people to camp and permits would be difficult to enforce. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that councils and Police Scotland are seeking additional powers from the government to allow better control of irresponsible behaviour. 7. Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame Cllr Kempson confirmed that wild camping was a problem on Traprain Law last year 8. Correspondence 8.1. 09/02 ELC Planning: Monksmuir 8.2. 10/02 ELC Planning: Markle Quarry 8.3. 11/02 ELC: Land Management Rules Consultation 8.4. 11/02 JMcGuinness: Markle Quarry 8.5. 13/02 A&T Miller: Papple 8.6. 16/02 Area Partnership: Update on Vaccination programme from NHS Lothian 8.7. ELC: Community Lottery launch 8.8. 19/02 ELC: Learning Estate Review pre-consultation 8.9. 21/02 H Barker: Station: disability legislation 8.10. 23/02 CAEL: Phone box adoption goes ahead Learning Estate Review pre-consultation. Mrs Hoban will respond on behalf of DCC and will be assisted by Mr Craighead and Mrs Cosgrove on questions regarding the interior of the school building. Cllr McLennan confirmed that this is a prequel to community engagement workshops to be held between 10th and 28th May. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that the previous funding bid was not successful due to a lack of information on how the school would be used by the community and consultations will seeking to address that by agreeing the location and community usage of the school with the community. 9.0 Any Other Business Mrs Hoban questioned the location of the mortar and pestle above old chemist. Mr Craighead volunteered to find out where it is. Mrs Shaw Stewart suggested that DCC could submit a planning application to have it re-instated. 10.00 Date of next meeting: 1st April 2021