Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 4th February 2021 at 7.30pm via Zoom
Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr N Hampshire Cllr S Kempson
1• Apologies:
2• Minutes of meeting held 7th January - agreed
3• Police Report Following a disturbance on Sunday 31st January at a property within East Linton, 2 males required stitches, were charged with serious assaults and held to appear at court. 4• Matters Arising • Station Update Cllr McLennan reported that the planning application has been validated and is available for comment on ELC planning website. Safety concerns have been raised relating to the bridge and an online meeting has been arranged: • Projects Lamps will be installed on the fountain next week, weather permitting. Mr Craighead will arrange the required suspension of parking. • Finance The current balance remains at £6681.48 with bills for the fountain and the horticultural society expected. • Spaces for People proposals (East Linton) Mr Russel reported that that road markings will be installed at the east entrance to East Linton opposite the 20mph limit signs at The Dean when the weather allows. • Scottish Water Top-up Tap Mr Swift is chasing Scottish Water but no response to date. 5• Climate Action East Linton - CAEL Mr McWhannell circulated a report on recent activities summarized below. East Linton Community Project ñ Growing Local Food and Supporting the Local Natural World. A survey was launched in late 2020 across the East Linton area to look at: • Creating a network for wildlife through gardens • Community garden and any other ideas from the community • Garden share scheme The survey report will be reviewed by a cross section of local East Linton groups and decisions made on the next steps including the possibility of using the Longstone Avenue play park as a community garden. Mr Craighead will liaise with Longstone residents. Fixing for the Future project ìFixing for a Futureî is a collaboration between CAEL and Sustaining Dunbar. It is funded for 2 years, April 2020 ñ April 2022, by the Climate Challenge Fund. • 24 monthly Repair Cafes • 10 series of Skill Workshops (2 joinery, 4 clothes repair and 4 bicycle repair) • Training of 8 people to become Carbon Conversation Facilitators Since April 2020, an alternative program of activities has been delivered: • A series of online conversations ìNeed or Want: What matters Post -Covid-19? focusing on Consumption; Work & Use of Time; Nature and Environment • A series of online sewing classes for beginners. • Online carbon conversation facilitator training has been completed. Three sets of 6 sessions have been delivered to members of the local community (approx. 24 people). A fourth series of carbon conversations is being planned. • 2 Bicycle Repair Cafes at The Mart, East Linton. • Work is underway to recruit volunteers, compile an inventory of tools and research online borrowing systems in order to set up and run East Linton Tool Library. The Shed are collaborating to ensure there will be no duplication or competition. They will benefit from the close proximity of the Tool Library. Further details of the Repair Cafe activities can be found on the Repair Cafe website www.repaircafeeastlinton.org Working with young people in the East Linton area - CAEL has started exploring how best to engage and support local young people.
6• Planning Matters • Papple Steading Minutes of the last meeting stated that George McIntosh would be invited to attend this DCC meeting however a meeting was held on 20th Jan attended by Mr Martin, Mr Swift, Ms Pearson and Mrs Shaw-Stewart. This led to a good understanding of the development scope and an appreciation for the quality of the restoration. DCC have no issues with construction of the museum, cafe or shop. Discussion on noise and lighting impact highlighted a need for a comprehensive lighting design to accompany the application. Full ecological and arboreal surveys are lacking and DCC are still very concerned about traffic, access and the potential impact on local roads given the anticipated number of visitors. Mrs Shaw-Stewart has written to the planning department to express these concerns and would appreciate a response. Mr Swift visited the site and was concerned about flooding on the surrounding roads due to run-off from fields. He reported that the applicant had addressed issues with drainage but asked that ELC to address this issue with landowners along the full length of the road from East Linton to Papple. Mr Martin expressed frustration with ELC planning department in relation to lack of communication with both DCC and the developer regarding traffic plans for the site. Cllr Hampshire advised that during the pre-application planning stage discussions would have been raised with the developer on any areas of concern and that ELC are aware and addressing issues with run-off impacting roads. Mr Wight highlighted that run off from fields is due to lack of organic matter in the soil as a result of farming practices and that ELC have the opportunity to influence that. • Karele Ms Pearson reported that she is receiving no response to emails or calls and is unaware of the current situation. • Monksmuir Mr Craighead thanked Cllr Hampshire for his help but reported that residents were still very upset at the lack of facilities. Mr Swift has been advised that the residents are now withholding the increase portion of rent due to the removal of facilities. Residents have raised issues of council tax and standards for permanent residency relating to the 6 units now located on what was recreational ground. Mrs Priest has advised them on the importance of submitting individual planning objections in addition to the Residents Association objection. The site is currently operating without a licence which is being addressed by ELC but residents are encouraged to object to the licencing officer or by e-mail to Cllr Hampshire if they feel the applicant is not fit and proper to hold a licence. Mr Swift advised that the licence has never been displayed or provided to residents. Mr Swift will put together a letter of objection from DCC. SCOPHRA (Scottish Confederation of Park Home Residents Associations) have contacted Mr Swift and Cllr Hampshire has agreed to receive their concerns. • Markle Quarry Mr Russel reported that the application to remove a certain condition was because that condition applied to open cast mining and there was a separate condition relating to recovery of rock. Mr Swift expressed his concern that the time extension to 2042 should not be considered until conditions relating to the previous planning applications have been fulfilled. The area of a previous DCC site visit is shown on the current application as being planted with trees but this has not been done. He has asked that ELC enforce the previous planning conditions (1998 and 2018) relating to tree planting. He also highlighted that in the original application the grinder and crusher were to be located in the quarry to address concerns about noise. This has not happened and East Linton residents are reporting associated issues. Mr Swift will formulate a response from DCC. • Relationship with Planning Dept. There is a feeling that this relationship is fraught with ongoing communication issues. Cllr Hampshire will advise the Head of Planning and invite him to meet with DCC.
7• Tyninghame/Whitekirk cycle path to East Linton Mr Wight reported that a letter has been sent to Peter Forsyth seeking clarity around the implementation of traffic calming measures in Tyninghame for which funding is in place. 8• Traprain/Markle/Whittingehame Allison Cargill house a meeting will be held once lockdown restrictions are lifted.
9• Correspondence 08/01 & 13/01 ELC, M. Haddow: Spaces for People gateways Mrs Priest highlighted a complaint received about lack of salt on the pavements. Cllr Hampshire advised that ELC are working flat out but must prioritise main roads. He agreed to arrange for the salt bins to be filled. Ms Pearson advised the meeting of the online facility to order a new bin from road services. 11.00 Date of next meeting: 4th Mar 2021