Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 3rd December 2020 at 7.30pm via Zoom
Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mrs L Shaw Stewart
Mr E Martin Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mr C McWhannell
Ms A Pearson Mr D Wight Ms V Hoban
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr N Hampshire Cllr P McLennan
1. Apologies: L Shaw Stewart
2. Minutes of meeting held 4th November - agreed
3. Police Report
Speed checks in East Linton and Tyninghame resulted in 12 warnings issued and a driver was charged with dangerous driving for overtaking on A199 at East Linton. A man was arrested for behaving in a threatening and abusive manner on East Linton High Street.
Enquires are ongoing into theft of red diesel near to Fortoun Bank. Approximately 50m of fencing on Traprain Law has been damaged by kicking and pulling over fence posts. Mr Craighead enquired about the resumption of CAPP meetings. Cllr McLennan confirmed these will resume in January via Microsoft Teams.
4. Matters Arising
4.1. Dunpender News
Mrs Priest thanked those involved for their fantastic effort in producing the Dunpender News. Mr Russel will ensure a copy is placed on the website.
4.2. Benches and Fountain
Benches have been installed at Braehead and Traprain Farm. Plans are in place for benches at Kippielaw and on the river near Hailes. Two benches have been repaired in East Linton Memorial Park.
Repairs to the fountain are progressing well and have attracted a lot of positive comment. New lamps are ready to be fitted. A new, stronger pump has been installed.
4.3. Finance
£7048 in account. £2418 has been paid for painting of the fountain and the remaining works are estimated around £3500. £150 has been paid to the parent council. DCC has supported the printing of the school yearbook in addition to providing money for books.
4.4. Spaces for People proposals (East Linton)
The plan for speed restriction gateways in East Linton was discussed, in particular the entrance from Tyninghame where it was agreed that the gateway, with road markings, should be at the start of the 20mph before the Smeaton entrance. This will be communicated back to East Lothian Council.
4.5. AELCC meeting
Mr McWhannell confirmed that no further meetings have been held.
4.6. Dunbar & EL Area Partnership
Mr Craighead reported that funding applications in relation to Christmas lights from Dunbar, West Barns and East Linton were successful receiving £4000, £500 and £2100 respectively. Applications for projects outside the DELAP area were rejected and Mr Craighead was thanked for his contribution to that. It was confirmed that members are not allowed to vote where there is a conflict of interest.
4.7. A1 Action Group meeting
Cllr McLennan confirmed that lighting options for the cement works junction were being considered after Hallhill residents raised concerns following a recent accident. Cllr Hampshire informed DCC that a meeting will be held with BEAR and Transport Scotland.
4.8 Station progress
Cllr Hampshire confirmed ELC is waiting for details of the Network Rail proposal. Timescales are tight if this is to go through planning and be completed by 2024. There are concerns around construction at the site due to the height of the railway at that point, proximity to residential properties and access to the site. Mr Swift has agreed that Network Rail can use the fisheries car park while carrying out a survey at Markle Crossing relating to installation of a new state of the art crossing.
5.0 Planning Matters
Ms Pearson expressed disappointment that the enforcement notice date has passed for
Karele and they are still operating. Cllr Hampshire confirmed that a new application had been submitted which means the enforcement notice is now on hold until the new application has been considered and he will investigate why the application is not showing on the planning website. Concern was expressed over this new application since the reasons for refusing the original were the dangerous exit junction and the proximity of the portakabin to private buildings. Unless the new application included a new junction and moving the portakabin it should be refused again on the same grounds.
Appeals by the Museum of Flight and the new house in Whitekirk have been rejected.
Mr Craighead raised concerns from Monksmuir residents about new mobile homes and a shower block being erected without planning permission. Mr Swift confirmed that area was designated in planning as green space. Previous DCC objections to ELC planning regarding Monskuir failed to raise a response. Cllrs Hampshire and McLennan agreed to take it forward and Mr Craighead will assure residents it will be addressed.
6.0 School proposals
Cllr Hampshire informed DCC that the 139 year old school building is classed as Cat C
meaning it needs significant investment to bring it up to modern standards. Combined with the need to expand school facilities to accommodate a proposed school role of 200
by 2024, the property department are looking at sites for a new school incorporating a community hub. Mr Swift asked if Myraís field, which is currently designated as
educational land under the local development plan, was being considered however Cllr Hampshire confirmed that it was too small. No discussions have been held with
landowners and a consultation process will take place with the community regarding potential sites although the aim will be for a central location which reduces car usage and
encourages walking or cycling. Cllr Mclennan will share the process for the consultation. The timeframe for completion is 2024. No plans exist for the current school building.
7.0 Whitekirk news
Mr Martin reported that installation of the electric charging points is underway. He expressed concern that on entering Whitekirk the 60mph limit dropped to 20mph. Cllr Hampshire confirmed there should be an intermediate 40mph zone. Mr Martin expressed the preference of the village that this does not reduce the area of the 20mph zone but extends outside the village. Cllr Hampshire will take this back to ELC.
8.0 Tyninghame news
Funding applications to DELAP for village hall heaters and to the Community Climate Asset Fund were successful with the latter awarding £9000 to insulate the roof. DELAP also agreed to fund 20mph signage and improved rumble strips although funds will not be released until next year. Mr Craighead raised the issue of public funds being allocated to improve the village hall which is in private ownership. Mr Wight confirmed that the lease has been extended to 2040 and the community hopes, in time, to acquire the hall through a community buy-out.
Some progress has been made with landowners over the footpath to Binning Wood.
Tyninghame village hall are hosting a COVID safe wreath making workshop this weekend.
9.0 Traprain / Markle / Whittingehame news
Nothing to report
Mr Russel has anti-slip strips to apply to the white bridge which is slippery when wet. Mrs Hoban will assist. £230 will be paid by DCC to cover this. Scotways funding was investigated but is only available (to fund 50%) of projects over £1000. Mr Swift will investigate possible Green Trust Action Group funding. Cllr Hampshire will investigate who has liability for accidents on the John Muir Way to confirm that DCC will incur no liability if they carry out these improvements.
11.00 Correspondence:
11.1 EL Community Hall ñ committee members
Mrs Hoban is waiting for a response from the committee to her offer to join as a representative for DCC. She has also applied for membership of the Parent Council. Mr Craighead raised an urgent maintenance issue concerning the window above the entrance doors to the hall. Mrs Hoban will take this forward.
11.2 Woodland Consulting: Newbyth Wood
Mr Swift invited comments around what needs to go into the management action plan for the east and west woodlands at Newbyth. There have been complaints about the wire around the new paths which do not easily allow for social distancing. Mr Swift will request sight of the proposal before it becomes a plan.
11.3 Scottish Water: Top-up-Tap
This is under re-consideration and a potential site opposite the hall was discussed. Mr Swift is seeking information on who pays for installation and maintenance.
12.0 Any other business
Extra copies of the Dunpender news will be placed in the cafÈ in Tyninghame.
13.0 Date of next meeting: 7th January 2021