Present: Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift Mr J Robson
Mr E Martin Mr D Wight Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson
Mr A Gibson Mr A Jeffrey Mr M Dick
1. Apologies:
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 5th December 2019
Correction to attendees ñ Mrs J Parish was not present. Mr A Reid was in attendance. Section 9 ñ information relating to Markle should be in section 8.
Going forward draft minutes will be distributed to DCC members only with 7 days allowed for corrections to be passed back to the minute secretary. The draft minutes will be amended and the final minute will be distributed to all and placed on the website.
3. Police report & CAPP priorities
In December a house in East Linton was searched under a misuse of drugs act warrant, the male occupier has been charged with drugs possession. Visits were made following complaints about parking obstructions on Bridge Street and site vehicle movements at the new housing development. Volume and speed of traffic in East Linton will be monitored.
4.1 New member ñ Mrs Priest will arrange for an advert to be placed on website.
4.2 Meetings attended:
th December. Membership and representation was discussed. It was agreed that individual Area Partnerships should address the issue if they were not happy with the current situation. Mrs Priest will arrange a meeting with George Robertson to highlight the concerns of DCC ñ Mrs Cosgrove, Mr Craighead and Mr Swift will attend. It was agreed that a new constitution would be a way forward.
4.3 ELDA article ñ Mr Russel has agreed to write the article this month.
4.4 Roads:
20 mph ñ Mr Martin will chase Norman Hampshire for a timeline relating to this. Mr Martin will also contact ELC transportation about the state of the road at Whitekirk. Cllr Kempson advised that the council is responding quickly to reports of road problems made via the Reportit section of the ELC website.
4.5 Park/School/Station ñ It was agreed that DCC will wait until further information was available from ELC although DCC should be involved prior to planning submission. Cllr Kempson advised that ELC are waiting for plans from Network Rail. Mrs Priest confirmed that there will be between 100 and 140 parking spaces for the station according to PForsyth at ELC
5.0 Public transport/RAGES:
The new platform is now open at Dunbar. RAGES are to contact LNER, in light of new trains on the route, to request an increased service at Dunbar.
The Community Rail Partnership exists to promote the railway and receives around £8000 from Transport Scotland from which it funds projects with a rail element.
There was discussion over whether an application could be made before the next meeting on 15th Feb regarding the flooding in the field adjacent to the railway on the Andrew Meikle Grove side. The flooding impacts the right of way, the vennel and the park in addition to the railway. Mr Swift will investigate who owns the land and where the responsibility for addressing this lies and will take this forward.
Network Rail is progressing station design and have tasked their designer to identify whether ramped access to the platforms would be compliant with industry standards and negotiable for individuals with reduced mobility. Transport Scotland has asked Network Rail to consider the use of lifts. Network Rail intend to submit their planning application in late Spring 2020 but are now collating the information to undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as the first stage in the planning application process. A dedicated communications representative for the two new stations will be appointed and community liaison will begin in early spring via community/ public events. This will include visits to primary school to inform pupils about the processes involved in building the station and the importance of STEM subjects for future railway workers. Transport Scotland is engaging with the East Coast Event Steering Group (ECESG) and has commenced discussions with the train operating companies with regard to the timetable.
Mr Gibson raised a question regarding the X7 and 253 bus services which are currently running at similar times. Mrs Cosgrove reported that the 253 depends on pickup in Berwick so it is unlikely the operator could do anything about the timing but agreed she will contact Harry Barker at RELBUS to suggest possible changes to the X7 times.
A1 Action Group was attended by Cllr Kempson and Mrs Cosgrove who reported that useful information was available concerning alterations to junctions including progress on a flyover at Sheriffhall. Mrs Cosgrove will attend the meeting going forward. There was discussion around the need to close a section of the A1 due to wind and the resulting adverse impact on the A199. The design fault was introduced when the route was initially investigated and there have been suggestions of installing wind breaks but these have not been taken forward.
6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities budget.
Treasurerís Report presented to meeting. Outstanding balances in Current Account - £8093.92 (£5000 earmarked for fountain repair) and Grants Account - £866.17.
Local Priorities budget presented to meeting. Outstanding balance is £1780.78. A bill is outstanding for work to upgrade the website. Mr Craighead will progress purchase of defibrillator batteries. There was discussion around the remaining Area Partnership funding reported last month. Mrs Priest contacted the hall committee who confirmed that they would like funding for funding to install hand dryers. Ms Pearson will progress this.
Mrs Cosgrove approached the playgroup about a possible application and is waiting for a response.
7.0 Projects
7.1 Fountain repair
Mr Craighead will contact the fabricator about starting this as Xmas tree is now removed.
7.2 DELAP Priorities Suggestions were made relating to dropped kerbs at Bridgend or removal of the grassed area at Orchardfield to widen road. No agreement was reached. Funding for the Tyninghame path was suggested but it was agreed to wait until the route is known.
Mr Martin highlighted that the bus shelters in Whitekirk have been removed. This does not relate to DELAP funding and Mr Martin will chase this with ELC via Keith Scott
Funding for Tyninghame hall was discussed. Funding has already been received from DELAP for windows but obtaining funding from other sources is difficult as the hall is on a 25 year lease. It was agreed an application for funding to upgrade the kitchen/toilets would be submitted to DELAP at the end of March for next yearís budget.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
8.1 Cricket pitch ñ Haddington Estates have responded to queries from community meeting to confirm that access to the cricket pitch was not a condition on new housing receiving planning permission and that it is open to the village hall committee to have a long term lease on the pitch. A meeting of the Tyninghame hall committee is underway to discuss the possibility of a community buy out of both the pitch and hall.
There is widespread concern in Tyninghame regarding the level of traffic and speeding. Mr Reid has written to Keith Scott of ELC concerning the Lawhead junction. Depending on this response a wider 30mph limit may be possible around Tyninghame.
Tyninghame Links car park was discussed. ELC are waiting for the outcome of the planning application for a restaurant and holiday accommodation in the steading prior to deciding whether to apply yellow lines on the road. This application includes 80 car parking spaces. Cllr Kempson will chase this with the planning office. Mrs Priest will write to Alan Stubbs of ELC Transportation with a copy to Neil Clark of John Muir Country Park. Mr Swift will raise the issue at the local access forum.
Whitekirk have received £30,000 from the Scottish Land Fund to assist with purchase of the village hall from Church of Scotland.
In Markle, in response to the recent flooding, work has been carried out at the railway crossing and drainage is being laid to prevent further impacts to housing.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
No issues to report
10.0 Planning Matters
10.1 Karele is crowd funding but still do not have planning permission. Local residents are meeting to discuss the situation. It was suggested that Ms Pearson contact Ian Gray, MSP to seek further clarification.
10.2 ñ Scottish Water have a new waste water treatment plan to provide increased capacity for planned growth.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 06/12 ELC: Invitation to Provostís Reception - 23 Jan Musselburgh
11.2 09/12 J Edmonds: Hall hand dryers 11.3 10/12 (letter)ELC: Sale of Council Chambers
11.4 11/12 J Edmonds: Tree planting plans
11.5 17/12 J Bell/ELC: Transforming services for older people - Communities meeting ñ 14 Jan- Community Hall, East Lothian Community Hospital - 13.00-16.00
11.6 17/12 AELCC : Meeting with ELC on 16th Dec
11.7 18/12 ELC: New Chief Executive appointed 11.8 23/12 Rages: New platform opens at Dunbar
11.10 06/01 Galbraiths: Cricket pitch consultation
11.11 06/01 A Gibson: A Meikle Grove issues 11.12 07/01 & others Scottish Water: new Water Treatment Plant to be built (on existing site)
Mr Craighead will attend the provost reception possibly accompanied by Mr Swift.
Mrs Cosgrove will investigate use of the school for DCC meetings following closure of the Council Chambers.
Mr Reid will attend the Community Hospital meeting. It was noted that parking at the hospital will be increased from March following demolition of existing buildings.
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Gibson reported on flooding of gardens and properties in Andrew Meikle Grove due to run off from the new building site. ELC have been contacted to prevent further occurrences.
The issue of dog fouling throughout village was discussed. Mr Craighead will raise this at the CAPP meeting. Mrs Shaw-Stewart raised the issue of rubbish on the verges and slip roads of the A1. Cllr Kempson highlighted that some of this is due to lorries returning from the Viridor site. Travelling to the site the lorries are covered by sheeting but not on exit. If anyone spots a lorry spilling rubbish then they should contact Sue Anderson at Viridor who will deal with this and fine the offenders. Cllr Kempson will raise the issue of other litter with ELC.
Mr Russel highlighted the new path at Binning Wood ñ opposite the cemetery car park ñ 1 hour loop circular walk ñ all fenced.
Mr Craighead advised that the display board from Pencraig is in his shed for repair.
Thursday 6th February 2020