Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 3rd October 2019 at the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present: Mr E Martin Mr D Wight Mr J Robson
Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Ms A Pearson
Mrs A Cosgrove Mr A Reid Mrs J Parish
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Mr A Jeffrey
1. Apologies: Mrs J Priest, Mr J Swift, Cllr S Kempson
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 5th September 2019
It was noted that the £8782.64 present in the current account includes £5000 from DELAP for restoration of the fountain.
3. Police report & CAPP priorities
Police report - On the afternoon of 21st September a car travelling North on the A198 @ Tyninghame failed to give way to a lorry travelling South. The vehicles collided and the lorry struck the bridge wall.† No injuries. Car driver charged with careless driving.
rd November.
Mr Craighead highlighted that the trial period for the 20mph speed limit in East Linton has ended. Mrs Cosgrove will seek clarification from Peter Forsyth at ELC to confirm the limit remains in place.
4.1 Rennie Place
Pruning of vegetation in the vennel between Rennie Place and Kingsburgh Gardens was organized by Groundforce and carried out by an appointed contractor. Garden refuse was removed. Thanks to the residents who assisted and contributed financially.
4.2 Meetings attended.
DELAP ñ next meeting 7th Oct.
Mr Wight reported that DELAP is consulting on priorities to revise the area plan which will shape funding applications. Sustaining Dunbar, in response to the climate emergency declared by ELC, are suggesting the plan should include goals of addressing climate change and that local residents contribute in terms of a local assembly. DCC agreed to support this proposal but it was highlighted that ELC insists that set amounts are apportioned to specific areas such as education/roads meaning DELAP cannot allocate all money as it wishes.
Mr Craighead provided a list of funds to East Linton from DELAP this year. An agenda item for DELAP AGM will cover voting rights and in particular the fact that East Linton has one vote whereas Dunbar, due to the number of voting institutions based there, have the majority of the votes.
th Sept.
www.canmore.org.uk. A new sign is in place following recent issues with metal detecting. The 5 year plan for 2020-24 will include new interpretation boards, main path restoration, renewing eastern fence, reviewing grazing regime and continued gorse removal. Any other issues to be raised with Ms Pearson.
4.3 Park/School meeting
The previous meeting regarding the school and park was cancelled to allow ELC
time to carry out a learning estate strategy review to consider all options with respect to the school site. Norman Hampshire has undertaken to report to the community council. Mrs Cosgrove will invite him to the November meeting.
4.4 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Russel has agreed to write the next ELDA article.
Mrs Cosgrove applied to Tarmac and Torness for funding to print the Dunpender News. Tarmac are sorry they canít help and Torness are still to reply. It was agreed to proceed with a printed version of the Dunpender News using existing funding.
4.5 Roads
Mrs Priest has written to Peter Forsyth concerning School Road parking and has been advised that it is an item of business for ELC to progress.
It was noted that the new bus shelter at Bridgend is now in place.
5.0 Planning Matters
5.1 Karele ñ no update
5.2 Whitekirk house ñ discussion is ongoing.
The clubhouse to open for business by end of the month. No news on the lodges.
6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities budget.
Mr Robson presented the Treasurerís Report to the meeting.
Outstanding balances: Current Account - £8592.64 and Grants Account £1546.17.
Local Priorities budget presented to meeting. £1726 has been spent out of £3990 budget.
This includes £300 for defibrillator batteries. A funding application for defibrillator batteries has been made to the resilience fund. Closing date is 30th November.
7.0 Projects
7.1 Fountain repair
Mr Craighead has agreement from the blacksmith to try to work within the amount estimated but until the repair starts this canít be confirmed however confidence is high that all work will complete within the original budget. The aim is complete the repair before the Christmas lights are switched on. Mrs Cosgrove will write to ELC to request they make up any shortfall if costs exceed the budgeted amount. It was noted that there is an incoming bill relating to vandalism of the fountain which has damaged the new pump.
7.2 Skatepark
Mrs Cosgrove has contacted ELC concerning the skatepark with no satisfactory response. Norman Hampshire will be asked to cover this when he attends the November meeting.
7.3 Defibrillator Batteries
See item 6.0 above
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
8.1 Tyninghame
Mr Reid attended a meeting relating to the Tyninghame cricket pitch. This was granted to the village cricket club by Haddington estates. The club is now disbanded and agreement is required on future use of the area. This will be taken up by the Tyninghame Village Hall committee who will respond on the matter. No further action for DCC.
8.2 Whitekirk Mr Martin asked if the DCC letter of support in objection to the planning application for a house in Whitekirk had been sent. Mr Martin to contact Mr Swift for confirmation.
8.3 Markle No issues to report.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
No issues to report.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
10.1 RAGES
Mrs Cosgrove reported that RAGES AGM in Reston Village Hall was well attended including 3 representatives from Network Rail. A liaison officer will be appointed when work is imminent in East Linton based on the success of this approach in Dunbar.
nd Oct was poorly attended. The Scotrail presentation is to be sent to DCC. Proposals are for an hourly service from East Linton, to move the Drem station onto the North Berwick branch line with a timescale of 2022-2023, a new station at Blindwells and improved service at Dunbar which will be helped by the new platform.
Mr Wight is continuing to try to establish the situation with regard to covered cycle racks at Dunbar station. Mrs Cosgrove advised that station car parks, currently owned by Scotrail are transferring to ELC ownership. It was noted that all existing car parks are over extended.
10.2 Bus stop on High Street outside Votadini
This stop was removed when the pavement was replaced. Mr Craighead reported an incident where the 120 refused to stop at this point. The result was an elderly member of the public falling while trying to their make way from the community hall to the pharmacy. Mrs Cosgrove will contact Keith Scott of ELC to confirm the situation with respect to the bus stop.
10.3 Supported bus consultation Mr Wight attended the North Berwick consultation meeting. A request from North Berwick residents to have a bus service supporting outlying housing estates within North Berwick to access the town centre may detract from longer distance bus routes eg. 120 which may become less financially viable as a result. Mr Wight raised the issue of buses not being co-ordinated with trains but there is no plan to change the current hub location at Church Road.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 28/8, 5/9: A Mackay (Glebe) re ownership of path at Glebe
Mrs Priest to ask ELC to confirm ownership 11.2 6/9 ELC P Forsyth: School road
11.3 6/9 AELCC: document re APís for Sharon Saunders 11.4 6/9 AELCC: updating constitution
11.5 8/9 M.Strachan to ELC : widen pavement at Bank Road corner DCC to contact Peter Forsyth of ELC on this issue.
11.6 9/9 ELC: Supported bus consultation by ELC 11.7 12/9 AReid/MThompson : Tyninghame Cricket Pitch meeting
11.8 13/9 M Evans: Tyninghame Cricket pitch 11.9 7/9 Cllr Kempson: Cancelled School meeting
11.10 19/9: ELC S Davie: Chief Exec resignation
See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
12.1 Mr Craighead agreed to lay the remembrance day wreath.
Mr Russel communicated that poppies will soon be available in East Linton.
th November.
12.3 Mr Craighead reported that 19 benches are in place. Potential sites for remaining benches include the Rennie Place park, the proposed path from Tyninghame to Binning Wood and Tyninghame Cricket pitch. Mr Craighead thanked Ms Pearson and Mr Russel for their help.
12.4 Buddleia The horticulture society have advised that buddleia has been placed in the same category of invasive plants as Japanese Knotweed.
12.5 Mr Craighead proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs Cosgrove for chairing the meeting.
Thursday 7th November 2019