Present: Mrs J Priest Mr E Martin Mr D Wight
Mr B Craighead Mr R Russel Mr J Swift
Mrs A Cosgrove Mrs L Shaw Stewart Ms A Pearson
Mr J Robson Mr A Reid
In attendance: Ms A Hunter (minutes) Cllr S Kempson
Mr A Gibson Ms T Ward
1. Apologies: Mrs J Parish
Potential new DCC member for Tyninghame ward Alan Reid was welcomed to the meeting.
2. Minutes of previous meeting and AGM held on 6th June 2019
Minutes accepted.
3. Police report & CAPP priorities
Police report presented to meeting.
Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting - priorities mainly Dunbar focused.
4.1 Noble board planning permission application
Mrs Cosgrove/Mr Russel attended planning meeting ñ application progressing slowly.
4.2 Rennie Place
Mrs Parish is meeting with residents regarding play park and the vennel between Rennie Place and Kingsburgh Gardens and is investigating insurance for the play park.
4.3 Meetings attended.
Mrs Cosgrove attended ñ Community Rail Partnership and RAGES meetings. RAGES AGM to be held on 18th September in Reston village hall.
Mr Wight attended Sustaining Dunbar meeting where the focus for next year was deliberated. There is recognition of need for coordination with East Linton Melting Pot. Mr Swift attended the local access forum in July and is now chairman.
Mr Swift met with East Lothian Council (Eamon John and Andrew Hogarth ) about the figures within the urban green space audit and expressed concern over the accuracy of the figures ñ ELC to investigate. There are concerns over the designation of the park with differences existing between the local development plan and the green space audit. Mr Craighead attended CAPP & DELAP meetings and reported next DELAP meeting meeting on 7th Oct. General discussion over voting rights within Area Partnerships in East Lothian. Mr Swift has requested from DELAP (Doug Haig) a record of monies spent ñ when and on what in last 5 years to help clarify the level of support received by East Linton from DELAP. Mr Craighead has been asked to produce list of priorities for the 2020/2021 DELAP budget. General request to come back to next meeting with ideas.
4.4 Park/School meeting
Mr Craighead reported that at the last DELAP meeting it was announced there would be a meeting at the school on 29th August to discuss the needs of the school and facilities required. The meeting was later cancelled and Dunpender Community Council were not informed. Mr Swift will follow up with ELC (Doug Haig) on the urgent need for a meeting to discuss the park with regards to the school extension, the train platform and the Skatepark. He will seek to determine if the cycle path in the park is a Right of Way.
Skatepark ñ approximately 250 signatures have been secured by East Lothian children in petition regarding the Skatepark. Mrs Cosgrove will respond to the petition organisers to confirm money is in place and it is progressing albeit slowly.
4.5 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Martin will write the ELDA article for October.
Dunpender News layout and content to be progressed with decision over online publishing or printing to be taken later depending on funding.
4.6 Roads
There was a proposal to close School Road at the start and end of school day. ELC has been asked to provide an update on progress.
Bus shelter - Bridgend ñ when wall finished (cap stones) new shelter to be installed. Ms Pearson to monitor.
Climate change strategy meeting held by DCC Friday 19th July 2019 and response submitted to Council. It was noted that ELC have now declared a climate emergency.
5.0 Planning Matters
5.1 Karele
A vehicle audit has been requested but concern expressed that there may be more activity than being reported. The Portakabin has been painted brown. Ms Pearson is monitoring.
5.2 Whitekirk house DCC previously supported the objection of Whitekirk residents. The application has changed to address objections but it was agreed that DCC will continue to support residentsí objections with emphasis on the close proximity to Hall and possibility of activities in it being compromised.
5.3 Noble plaque ñ no objections
6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities.
The Treasurerís Report was presented to meeting.
Outstanding balances: Current Account - £8782.64 and Grants Account £1546.17.
Local Priorities budget presented to meeting.
DCC currently banks with RBS. Mr Robson will investigate alternative options which would allow online banking.
7.0 Projects
7.1 Walks leaflet
Mrs Priest expressed thanks to all involved. The quality of the leaflet was recognized.
7.2 Community Fair Mrs Priest expressed thanks to all involved. It was agreed the event was successful.
7.3 Fountain repair
Cllr Kempson thanked Mr Craighead for putting forward a good case and securing money for the fountain repair. Mr Craighead will meet with the blacksmith next week to confirm the final estimate for work required.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
8.1 Speed Reactive Sign in Tyninghame
Mr Wight to chase ELC on this as it is not yet in place.
Mr Craighead reminded the meeting that the £3800 from DELAP is only to be used for the windows in Tyninghame Hall. If unspent after 6 months an explanation required. Alternative funding sources discussed including CALA, Viridor, Tarmac, Torness.
8.2 Whitekirk
Mr Martin reported that the floor had been oiled in Whitekirk Hall. Cllr Kempson has has requested rumblestrips from ELC and it was agreed that the approach from Binning Wood would be best location.
8.3 Markle Mr Swift is following up the planning application regarding the quarry extension. It was noted that trees have not been planted as promised 15 years ago.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Mrs Shaw Stewart reported that the Whittingehame phone box is up and running as a book and information hub.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
The second platform at Dunbar is scheduled to open in Dec 2019 with a bridge and lifts for accessibility. Parking has been reduced which is a concern. Work is ongoing to secure an outside ticket machine for when the station is closed and also to increase the local Dunbar ñ Edinburgh service as it has been confirmed the demand exists.
Mr Wight seeking information regarding a covered cycle rack. Mrs Cosgrove will progress this.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
06/06 Smith, Alison - ELC Committees
13/06 Saunders, Sharon - SFRS Draft Strategic Plan 2019-22 Consultation 21/06 Sewell, Kevin - Resilient Community Update
25/06 Grants available for resilient community groups 27/06 ELC - Freedom of East Lothian ceremony - L&B Yeomanry
28/06 ELC - Invitation to the Resilient Communities Conference 2019 28/06 ELC - Edinburgh Airport Community Survey
01/07 RELBUS - minutes of meeting 12 June 01/07 ELC - Community Councils Mobile SiteConsultation on short term lets (Air BíNB)
03/07 Veterans Scotland - June 2019 Monthly Newsletter 04/07 ELC - Information on a supplementary planning guidance
11/07 ELC - Scotland's Most Beautiful High Street 2019 16/07 ELC - Co-op grants for communities
24/07 ELC - Scottish Land Commission seeks community views 29/07 ELC - Neighbourhood Watch Scotland Newsletter†
30/07 ELC - NWS Newsletter [OFFICIAL: POLICE AND PARTNERS] 30/07 ELC - East Lothian Courier article (RVS)
31/07 ELC - New factsheet for Community Councils on Land Reform 31/07 ELC -† MSP Connector Programme 2019
06/08 Sustaining Dunbar - The Climate Crisis and Me -upcoming events 08/08 ELC - Application for Provisional Premise Licence - Whitekirk Hill
14/08 Jonathan Charles - New Planning Application behind Whitekirk Village Hall - Reference 19/00781/P 14/08 ELC - Climate Change Conversations
14/08 ELC - 3rd Annual Resilient Community Seminar 15/08 ELC - Update on Resilient Communities
16/08 ELC - Message for Issue to Area Partnerships and Community Councils
21/08 ELC - Notification: Licensing Sub-Committee - 28 08 19 26/08 Skatepark online petition †
27/08 ELC - Planning Committee 3 September
School 140th anniversary
Ms Ward asked if DCC consider being involved with event to be held in 2020 and will report back with ideas that DCC might support.
Resilient Communities workshop ñ leaflet has been produced ñ defibrillators are in place ñ emergency planning complete. It was felt that further attendance is not required.
Automated Alert Communication System ñ It was felt that the DCC area is too big and that this is a role for the police rather than DCC.
SEPA held a meeting with owners of Knowes Weir (Haddington Estates) at the end July ñ no information on the outcome.
Ms Pearson is progressing grants for defibrillator maintenance. It was agreed there should be a rolling programme of maintenance.
Mr Swift requested that contact details held by DCC and ELC be confirmed. Mrs Priest to ensure details held by DCC are correct and to send that to ELC.
MR Craighead raised issue of his discussion from shops who stated that tourists love the traditional village but it is currently let down by phone box which needs painted. Mrs Priest will raise this with BT.
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
No other competent business
Thursday 3rd October 2019