Present Mr J Swift Mr E Martin
Mr D Wight Mr B Craighead
Mrs J Parish Mr R Russel
In attendance Cllr S Kempson
Mr A Jeffrey
Mr A Gibb
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Mrs J Priest
Mrs A Cosgrove
Mrs Shaw Stewart
Mr J Robson
Ms A Pearson
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd May 2019
Cllr S Kempson was in attendance at the meeting.
3.0 Police report & CAPP priorities
No police report submitted
Mr Craighead attended DELAP and therefore could not attend CAPP meeting on same night. By all accounts, CAPP meeting was very brief and the same priorities were set as last month ñ none for Dunpender area.
4.1 Noble board planning permission application
A retrospective planning application was submitted on Friday 31/5 alongwith fee. The wall is owned by Northern Lights Housing Association. Mr Russel to make contact with owner of wall in case application has to be withdrawn.
4.2 Paths
No progress with Rennie Place communal areas but Mrs Parish continues to work on the project. Potentially need public liability insurance.
4.3 Meetings attended
Mr Craighead and Mr Wight attended DELAP on Thursday 9/5. Mr Craighead attended East Lothian Partnerships Government Group.
Mr Martin attended NBCAP where priorites and voting were discussed. Money for a disabled access toilet at Whitekirk Hall has been applied for.
4.4 Park/public toilets
Mr Swift handed round a list of ELC toilet opening hours (gained via FOI request) ñ only 8 are open until 8pm in the summer/6pm in the winter. Shared with AELCC. AELCC putting on their next meeting agenda to discuss.
4.5 ELDA article
Mr Martin will write ELDA article for July. Other summer months tbc.
4.6 Member for Whitekirk/New Minutes Secretary
DCC require a member to represent Whitekirk/Newbyth/Lawhead ñ no interest shown so far. Put in ELDA/ on website again.
Re. DCC Minutes Secretary - can the DCC Secretary write the Minutes? It would be best to have a Minutes Secretary to allow the Secretary to concentrate on the meeting. Decided to put an advert in ELDA. Mrs Taylor to put together an advert.
5.0 Planning Matters
Karele riding school needs fresh running water and toilets to get a building warrant then can resubmit planning application.
No new information about Wilkie Developments project at old Whitekirk Golf Club in Whitekirk.
Tyn Links ñ no information.
MacArthurs ground ñ work has begun.
6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities
No report submitted and Treasurer absent.
7.0 Projects
Walks leaflet ñ Mr Russel and Ms Pearson collecting adverts, however due to personal circumstances, this may be delayed.
The Community Fair is on Sun 25/8 from 11am-3pm. 17 tables have been taken. Volunteers are needed to man DCC stall (rota required) and ideas also needed of what to have available on stall for people to take home/look at ñ DCC News/Walks leaflet. Mr Craighead to bring a bench. Discussed poster ñ to be distributed locally and put in ELDA. There have been no offers to do lunches so decided that this should be tea/coffee/homebaking instead ñ see if any groups attending want to take this on as a fundraising activity. Liaise about final plans via email.
Mr Swift to judge Gala floats and address the Queen from DCC at East Linton Gala on
Sat 9/6.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mr Wight reported that Tyninghame have applied for funding from DELAP for a speed reactive sign on A198 ñ to be decided on 24/6. Community Choir started in Tyninghame which meets on a Sunday evening - mention in ELDA.
Mr Martin reported that there have been complaints about speeding motorbikes in at Orlits cottages in Whitekirk ñ Mr Craighead to mention to CAPP. Are rumble strips (with cyclist gap) a possibility? Cllr Kempson to follow up.
No update from Markle.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Can businesses put up flyers on Whittingehame noticeboard? Decided that if space is at a premium, then no, but if there is plenty of space available on the board, then yes.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
No update. Excellent RAGES article ñ see 11.16.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 8/5 Scottish Govt: new fund Investing in Communities
11.2 8/5 Scottish Fire & Rescue Service Strategic Plan
11.3 8/5 and others AELCC: Early closure of toilets
11.4 14/5 AELCC: BT Phone boxes
11.5 14/5 NBCoastal AP: priorities
11.6 17/5 J.Bell: Health & Wellbeing sub group of DELAP, meeting11th June 4pm
11.7 21/5 Road works alert 22 July for 15 days Walker Terrace
11.8 21/5 Scottish CCís: Local Governance review newsletter
11.9 21/5 AELCC: 20/5 meeting with ELC on budget management
11.10 21/5 ELC: East Lothian Children with Additional Support Needs Activity Survey
11.11 22/5 AELCC next meeting 4th Sept 6.30pm
11.12 22/5 ELC M Haddow: RELBUS meeting Weds 12 June at 2pm
11.13 23/5 AELCC: Sesplan rejection by Scottish Govt
11.14 23/5 via website: †Patient and Public Involvement Advisory Group. Needs
11.15 27/5 NBCAP: Community Conversation pop up 29-31st May
11.16 28/5 RAGES newsletter: †meeting re Case for Change for transport links to &
from East Lothian
11.17 29/5 Dunbar CAPP priorities [OFFICIAL]
11.18 [AELCC] Potential funding pots from ELC The Community Intervention Fund
(£600k pot), The Partnership Fund.
11.19 RAGES Electronic News 449
11.20 Co-op Community Fund (£600k)
11.21 Smith, Alison: Agenda and papers for the PPRC on 12 June are available on the
website now
11.22 Development of East Linton Primary School ñ email correspondence with Graham Miller, JM Architects.
- Re. 11.4 BT phone boxes ñ received a reply from a group that co-ordinates CCs and assets. They ran the adoption idea past their solicitors and the legal advice given was that they recommended CCs should not take these on but use a legal vehicle such as a Trust, Charity or Community Interest Company instead.
- 20mph back on the table locally, contact MSP to support.
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead reported that Mr Russel and Mr Craighead recently installed a bench at Lawhead Road/Preston Road end and also 2 more benches with the ELC Rangers at Whitesands. In total, 18 seats and benches have been installed locally.
Thursday 5th September 2019