Present Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr J Swift Mr J Robson
Mr D Wight Mr B Craighead
Mrs J Parish Mr R Russel
In attendance Mr A Jeffrey
Mrs H Patterson
Representatives from ELPS Parent Council (ELPSPC)
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Ms A Pearson
Mr E Martin
Mrs Shaw Stewart
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 4th April 2019
7.0 change to £1,800 (£1,400 was charged in 2014)
3.0 Police report & CAPP priorities
No police report submitted.
No updated CAPP priorities since DCC previous meeting, next CAPP meeting is on Thursday 9 May 2019
4.1 Noble board planning permission application
Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Russel met with Paul Zochowski and David Sillar, both ELC to look at all options and positions. Decided that the present position is the best position at the moment due to condition of Wall (belongs to ELHA) and lack of wheelchair access to the raised area. Mr Russel and Mrs Cosgrove to apply for planning permission for the Board. Mrs Patterson wished to have input into the Boardís position and said that the Community Council should work with people. Mrs Patterson left the meeting.
4.2 Paths
Mrs Parish gave an update into the Rennie Place path issue she has been working on. All RP residents are liable for upkeep in 3 communal areas and have 1/39th responsibility for areas shaded in black in deeds. Mrs Parish to meet with Mr Swift to discuss previous research done in this area. A RP resident who works as a landscape architect has been very helpful. A potential Treasurer has been identified from residents. If residents wish to change use from a playpark then this would require planning permission. Any equipment needs to be maintained or renewed with the cost borne by the RP owners
The bench at the Weir has been lifted from its previous position and reinstalled. This work is now complete and the bench seems secure.
Nick Morgan, ELC advised that the potential Tyninghame path shouldnít be included in new paths leaflet and that it is still not definitely going ahead, however he is hopeful that if it does, it will be in this financial year.
4.3 Meetings attended
Mr Craighead attended DELAP meeting on Monday 29th April. Civic Pride fund has been withdrawn which means that there will be no fountain funding from this source. DCC has since been advised to apply for funding for the fountain from DELAP and the project may be supported from the General fund. Mrs Priest to fill formñ application to be in by Friday 6th June. Applications were approved from General fund which included £2,000 for Tyninghame Hall for secondary glazing. DCC will apply for funding for a speed reactive sign on A198 in Tyninghame. The next meeting is the open day/AGM on Thursday 9th May, then a normal meeting on Monday 24th June. Area Partnership training days are to be arranged.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access forum ñ nothing in DCC area discussed. There is a paths review coming up. Mr Swift mentioned livestock in field at Preston Mill to Nick Morgan, ELC who will hopefully mention to landowner as this path is a ROW. Paul Chandler from NTS was also present at meeting.
4.4 Park
There has been a change to the opening times of the toilets in the park ñ 6pm in summer and 4pm in winter. Mr Swift to write to ELC re. early closing and to ask how this compares to other 32 public toilets locally.
Discussed school expansion on Myraís Field ñ this is on ELC public asset list. ELPSPC and DCC have had no contact with consultants and have not seen any plans. How will this be affected by build of train station and platform. DCC and ELPSPC want to know where ELC are up to. Mr Swift to get in contact with consultants and attempt to arrange a meeting including all parties.
A planning application has been submitted for the train station ñ 2 platforms each taking 6 carriage trains.
4.5 ELDA article
Mrs Priest to write ELDA article for June issue.
6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities
Karele have now submitted a planning application and had a site visit at the end of March. They will also have a public health inspection. Cllr Kempson said they only seemed to be concerned with the welfare of horses not people and without running water, they are unlikely to get a building warrant. There are outstanding planning applications for Luggate Burn and Eastfield.
6.0 Treasurers Report & Local Priorities
2017/18 DCC Accounts have been audited and Mr Robson is now sending now to internal audit in ELC
Current account stands at £5,120.69, of which £267.38 is for benches. 92.71% of bench budget has been spent.
Council Grants Account balance is £1,545.97 / £889.50 for DCC after youth matters money taken into account
Local Priorities balance is £3,990 with £65.00 uncommitted. At the moment DCC can no longer put things through ELC and avoid VAT. AELCC is looking into how this can be continued. At the moment, all invoices must be sent to DCC directly. Discussed Local Priorities budget and planned expenditure. The fountain costs are likely to be higher than previously quoted. Do ELC have duty of care to maintain this? Cllr Kempson to follow up within ELC. Mr Swift to send fountain photos to Mr Robson and Cllr Kempson.
No response received from ELC re. money that was recovered from 2017/18 budget and DCC were expecting to be carried over the 2018/19 as per previous years ñ Mr Robson to follow up.
7.0 Projects
Mrs Parish is continuing to work on setting up the Community Fair in EL Hall on Sunday 25th August 2019. She is currently sending out reminders to local groups to request responses. She will give feedback at the next meeting.
Briefly discussed the Walks leaflet however Ms Pearson not at meeting. Discussed and decided to charge £50 per advert.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Speed reactive sign- discussed at 4.4
Markle Quarry planning issues are ongoing.
Tyninghame Village Hall are looking for funding for their refurbishment. They have an applied to the Calor Gas Community Fund ñ AS to be asked to put this link on the DCC website to ask people to support the application.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
No issues raised.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
As mentioned at 4.4, the planning application for the station has been submitted to ELC. Network Rail workers have been sighted at Reston. Have SBC also received a planning application for the station at Reston? The Transport Minister, Michael Mathieson, is coming to the next Cross Party Rail Group.
Briefly discussed further electric vehicle charging points in Dunpender area.
New lamps have been fitted on old bridge. All 3 lights have been replaced.
DCC received an email from a Tyninghame resident regarding road markings at the Mart. The email raised issue that there is not enough indication on road on where traffic is meant to go. Mrs Priest to raise this with ELC Transportation ñ can entrance be widened/lines of sight improved and what is happening about pavement.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 9/4 North Berwick Coastal AP: New Health & Wellbeing website
11.2 9/4 ELC N. Morgan: Tyninghame path
11.3 12/4 ELC S.Baptie revised legislation for Torness Nuclear PS
11.5 12/4 Community Councils: Survey on local road networks
11.6 16/4 Scottish Govt: Animal Health and Welfare Act Amendment consultation.
11.7 16/4 Community Councils: †Baillie Gifford Community Award Grants
11.8 16/4 CCís: Celebrate CCís throughout April
11.9 23/4 I Fordyce: Funding request for Karele Equine Charity
11.10 26/4 Scottish Community Development Centre†: report on Strengthening CCís
11.11 28/4 J Huband: Melting Pot consultation ñ individually reply with support
11.12 2/5 Tyninghame Village hall newsletter
See for local consultations.
- A1 corridor consultation available for responses.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
DCC vacancy for Whitekirk/Lawhead/Newbyth ñ put in ELDA/website/noticeboard.
Mr Craighead has been undertaking regular inspections of defibrillators ñ last inspected on 24th April. He has been called out twice recently to the defibrillator at the doctors to reset the box. The batteries in two of the defibrillators are low ñ send a photo of the defibrillators and their registration numbers to manufacturer and they will supply DCC with a costing for replacement batteries ñ Mr Robson to take photos for Mr Craighead.
Thursday 6th June 2019