Mr J Robson Mr B Craighead
Mrs J Parish Mrs J Priest
Ms A Pearson Mr E Martin
Mrs Shaw Stewart Mr R Russel
Mr D Wight
In attendance Mr A Jeffrey
Anna Griffin, SEPA
Morag Cook
Trace Ward
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr J Swift
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 7th March 2019
Amend 4.1 re. Mrs Priest to:-
Mrs Priest had passed on the landowner's details to the local resident and explained that there were no tree preservation orders on the trees and no felling license was required.
3.0 Police report
POLICE REPORT - PC Gavin Ross (submitted by email)
The last month has quiet in the East Linton area, there may be other incidents that for specific reasons I cannot mention.
Road Safety:-
About 2am on 7th March a vehicle was seized near East Linton due to having no insurance.
On 21st March an outstanding stolen vehicle was seized from Monksmuir
About 3a on 10th March an attempt was made to steal a vehicle at Markle Mains by 2 males wearing balaclavas. They crashed the vehicle and ran off.
Antisocial Behaviour:-
Nothing to report.
Complaints of dog fouling, community warden aware and conducting patrols.
Nothing to report.
Other issues:-
About 1am on the 20th March a shed was set alight at Drylaw Terrace.
Other incidents of note:-
As we are unable to attend the meeting I'd encourage feedback by email with any questions or information. Either that or report at Dunbar CAPP, Thursday 9th May.
4.4 Knowes Weir
SEPA update:-
Forthcoming tasks:-
- Meet with factor of Tyninghame estate to discuss taking preferred option forward
- Meet with Scottish Water to ensure on impact on septic tank outfall
- Meet with local stakeholders including Knowes farm, Knowes Mill and Tyninghame Mill
- Undertake flood modelling to confirm there would be no negative impacts on flood risk
- Extend ecological survey to ensure no significant impact on wildlife.
- Monitor water levels in the lade to assess need for alternative water supply.
Anna Griffin, River Basin management planner, SEPA attended meeting to discuss Sap's plans for Knowes weir aiming to improve fish passage. SEPA are researching improving fish passage. Discussed in detail and explained local concern for†maintaining environment of the Lade.Studies are still being undertaken by SEPA and owner negotiation to be undertaken. A formal meeting in Tyninghame will take place. †SEPA to update DCC quarterly and anyone with any concerns can email
4.1 Paths
Mrs Parish updated meeting re. Rennie Place path. She has written a letter and visited some residents with some more residents still to be visited. The aim is to set up a committee or group for Rennie Place residents. There are some local residents interested in the possibility of removing playpark and transforming it into a garden.
Mr Wight reported that there were no further developments with Tyninghame path, possibly in this financial year. Mr Russel had discussion with landowner re. bench at Weir. The landowner has offered to use his forklift to move the bench to riverside and possibly replace barbed wire with plain wire - he will do this when less busy on the farm. The landowner has a duty to maintain safe access over land as it is a right of way so Local Access Forum will monitor situation re. cattle placement.
Mr Craighead reported that he now has enough materials in stock for 7 seats (5 x 5ft and 2 x 6ft). There is a location for 1 x 6ft bench earmarked. He also has material in stock for 6 x benches.
4.3 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write ELDA article.
Mr Robson attended the Tarmac liaison meeting. Tarmac reported that there was enough limestone left for another 33 years - until 2052. Coal usage is 60% fuel consumption/40% other. There was a shutdown in January/February this year for maintenance. Reported on new RSPB quarry nature reserve. Mr Robson to let Cllr Kempson know re. date of next Tarmac meeting.
Ms Pearson attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group. A trough has been put at east side of Law for ponies. Badger set has been tampered with. ELC are removing gorse. Interpretation panel is undergoing replacement. They are exploring path repairs but need funding.
AELCC - no representative from DCC attended. NBAP reported that there was to be an exhibition about North Berwick in police station.
5.0 Planning Matters
Ms Pearson rang Stephanie McQueen, ELC re. Karella - no new developments. They have now started building field shelters. Ms Pearson now to contact ELC Planning Enforcement Officer. Residents asked to back Cllr Kempson.
The Wok 'n Go bus applied for and was granted planning permission for its new location.
The scrapyard planning permission was granted.
6.0 Treasurers Report
The Current Account balance was £1,271.18 at end of March 2019. At today's date, 2019/20 Current Account balance is £859.68 which includes £467.37 for benches. Mr Craighead has spent 87% of bench budget. Expecting £651.00 admin grant.
The Grants Account balance was £1,545.97 at end of March 2019
Discussed Dunpender News going online from late 2019. Ms Pearson and Mr Russel still to pull together the content.
7.0 Projects
Mr Russel and Ms Pearson to pull together Walks leaflet. Alan Meadows to print for approx. cost of £1,400. Mr Wight to contact Nick Morgan, ELC. Discussed potential local advertisers and advert cost.
Mrs Parish is planning Community Fair - Sunday 25th August 2019. A letter asking about involvement has gone out to all community groups (30-35) - offered out option to do catering as fundraiser for interested groups. The only cost implication to DCC is likely to be the hire of the hall (approx. £120).
The fountain repair project remains unfunded. The funding application has been submitted to DELAP and will be considered at next meeting - asked for £3,500.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mr Wight has received a price for the speed reactive sign for Tyninghame for the A198. Socket could point each way. Decided to apply for funding for sign from DELAP. Mr Wight to fill in form. Discussed rumble strips on A198 also.
The improvement work to Hall is ongoing, so far have been using their own fund. Plan to submit funding application to ELC Community Intervention Fund and Viridor.
Waiting to hear about planning application for house discussed at previous DCC meeting.
Consultation and meeting has been held with SLF - village hall has been surveyed and valued - £40,000.
Discussed location of electric vehicle charging points for Whitekirk although this won't be during this financial year.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Nothing to report not already discussed at meeting.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mrs Cosgrove reported via email that she was attending the Cross Party Group on Rail in the Scottish Parliament where Network Rail were presenting their Workplan and she hoped to get information about the timescale for East Linton. Mrs Cosgrove reported that she had also had a meeting with Mike Ross from LNER who are committed to providing services at Dunbar.
The next bus forum is on 26th April.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 20/3 ELC Bus forum meeting 26th April
11.2 26/3 AELCC: notes on meeting 11.3 27/3 Scottish Improvement service: celebrating CC's in April
11.4 31/3 D Karpacz: road safety in Longstone Ave 11.5 1/4 AELCC: Crowdfunding workshop/info
11.6 2/4 Planning Democracy: invite to People Powered Planning conference 11th May
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
The damage to the verge near St Baldred's Well has been reported to Callum Redpath, ELC.
The retrospective planning permission for Noble Board still needs to be applied formam Craighead to cost up new scenic board up for car park at Pencraig and research if any funding is available.
Mrs Ross, High Street resident attended to complain about the unauthorised signs which are put in the grass opposite the Community Hall advertising the Sunday Market at the Mart. As this is a commercial venture she felt these signs should have planning permission. The meeting did not feel it was a serious enough issue to follow up.
Thursday 2nd May 2019