Minutes of AGM held on Thursday 7th June 2018, 7.30pm in the
Council Chambers, East Linton
Present Mrs J Priest Mr J Robson, Ms A Cosgrove Mr J Swift, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mr E Martin, Mr G Gray Ms A Pearson, Mr B Craighead
In attendance Cllr S Kempson, Ms T Ward, Mr A Gibson, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
Mr R Russel, Mr D Wight
Postholders for the year were:-
Mrs J Priest - Chairwoman
Ms A Cosgrove - Vice-Chairwoman
Mr J Swift - Secretary
Mr J Robson - Treasurer
Postholders for the year were: J Priest Chairman; A Cosgrove Vice-chairman; J Swift Secretary and J Robson Treasurer. Members: Richard Mosley and Anne Jolly resigned, Fiona Finch and Daniel Wight joined us.
This year our members have, among other things:
• Studied and responded to an ever-increasing number of consultations
• Objected to many planning applications and breaches of permission
• Contacted residents about maintenance of common ground
• Run a full consultation on traffic signals at Preston Road and applied for funds
• Funded, built and installed a number of new benches along our footpath network and repaired existing benches in the village
• Updated our emergency contacts leaflet for re-issue
• Continued to support the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers and volunteer path wardens who do so much work in our area.
• Brought the 20mph trial for East Linton to reality and reduced the speed limit in Tyninghame
• Begun the process for a new footpath from Tyninghame to Binning Wood
• Worked on a new skatepark following discussions with P7 children
• Organised a new display map of Whittingehame houses
• Adopted the phone box in Whittingehame
• Funded and organising the building of a new pavement in Whitekirk
• Successfully lobbied for faster broadband speeds in Whitekirk
• Worked on a storyboard for Robert Noble and continued Noble celebrations
• Handed over the Christmas lights to a new group of volunteers
• Supported the Horticultural Society in keeping East Linton blooming
• Had the verge partially cleared on Preston Road
• Reported flood debris in the river and broken streetlights, potholes etc to ELC.
• Joined the discussion of the fish passage or removal of Knowes Weir
• Had the Tyne footpath at Stories Park repaired
Members continued to represent the Dunpender community on various groups and at a number of consultations and meetings this year including ELC Bus Forum, RELBUS, RAGES, CAPP, two Area Partnerships, Tarmac, John Muir Country Park and Joint Laws Advisory Groups, Friends of the River Tyne and the Local Access Forum.
Dunpender News this year and have written a short report each month for the East Linton & District Advertiser (many thanks for the free space we are given) as well as ensuring our news is on the website.
www.eastlinton.uk.com, to Mrs Taylor who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.
The 2017/2018 Accounts were audited in May, confirmed to be correct with the Treasurer's records, and a certified copy passed to Internal Audit at East Lothian Council.
The income of £8,698.64 was slightly more than the previous financial year's (13% more), largely due to funding from East Lothian Council Partnership and a contribution from youth club funds. Expenditure at £9,039.91 was significantly more than 2016/2017, mainly because of the Robert Noble Anniversary spending. Funding, totalling £7,189.38, including recovered expenditure from the Local Priorities Budget (controlled by ELC), covered costs towards the Fountain maintenance, the East Linton Horticultural Society, internet, News artwork, and East Linton Gala First Aid. A donation of £100, was given to the Hungry Hatch Project (local Food Bank). The `deficit` of £341.27 is an accounting phenomenon due to the fact that funds for the Robert Noble Centenary were received in 2016/17, but expenditure was incurred in 2017/18. Our Assets for that year were not affected.
The final cash balance for 2017/2018 was £6,513.29, comprising of £4,023.32 in the Current Account (BUSINESS) and £2,489.97 in the Council Grants Account (TREASURERS). Copies of the Abstract and Notes to the Accounts, in digital format, were circulated to Members after receipt, should anyone wish to query any figures in the Accounts, or require a fuller explanation, please contact the Treasurer. The Treasurer would like to thank the auditors Douglas Home & Co, at their second attempt to compile our Accounts. Unfortunately, whilst they did an acceptable job, the Treasurer is not convinced that given our small Admin budget, and the 2 months they took, DCC can afford to spend a fifth of that on a compulsory audit. The Treasurer shall make enquiries with ELC and their Internal Audit to find a quicker and cheaper alternative.
Proposer:- Mrs Priest
Seconder:- Mr Martin
Auditor to be appointed during 2018/19 as Mr Robson will research suitable alternatives.
The following office-bearers were re-elected. Chair ñ Mrs Priest, Vice chair ñ Ms Cosgrove, Secretary ñ Mr Swift, Treasurer ñ Mr Robson.
Proposer:- Mrs Cosgrove
Seconder:- Mr Swift
Vice Chair
Proposer:- Mr Robson
Seconder:- Ms Pearson
Proposer:- Mrs Shaw-Stewart
Seconder:- Mrs Priest
Proposer:- Mr Gray
Seconder:- Mr Craighead
There being no other business, the AGM was closed and followed by an ordinary meeting of Dunpender Community Council.