Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - December 2018

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 6th December 2018 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr J Robson Mr E Martin
Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead
Mr J Swift Mr D Wight
Mrs Shaw Stewart Ms A Pearson
Mrs J Parish Mr G Gray

In attendance Mr P Dibsdale
Mr A Gibson
Mr A Jeffrey
Ms B Taylor
Ms T Ward
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

Cllr S Kempson
Cllr J Findlay

Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st November 2018
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report & CAPP priorities
No police report submitted.
Bleachingfield youth disturbance discussed at recent CAPP meeting. Police have recently apprehended 10 youths between ages 10-21. There is currently an increase in police presence at the weekends at Bleachingfield.
CAPP priorities relating to East Linton from meeting on 22 November 2018 include:-
- Cardboard cut outs - a male and a female cardboard cop have been purchased. DCC will be notified of placement, each cop will stay no longer than 2 days at each location.
- Parking and speeding through East Linton

The next CAPP meeting is on 22 December 2018 ñ Mr Craighead to attend on behalf of DCC.

4.1 Paths
Mr Craighead reported that the 3 benches planned for the Bay/Ware Road have been ready for 3weeks, however ELC Rangers have not been in touch to arrange fitting them. Mrs Pearson to chase the Rangers regarding this matter.

4.2 Roads/pavements
DCC were pleased to read in EL Courier that the 20mph limit through parts of East Linton has been approved. There will be an interim period when notices are taken down and then put them back up again when the TO is permanent. There may possibly be no repeater signs going forward. DCC do not wish to object to this move ñ Mr Swift to reply to Peter Forsyth, ELC.

Ms Pearson and Keith Scott, ELC dealing with the bus shelter, the strut is falling down and the electricity has been cut off. No timescale on when this will be fixed.

Mr Wight reported that there had been some interest (3 people) in Tyninghame in doing the Community Speedwatch ñ Mr Wight to liaise with PC Ross.

4.3 Dunpender News
Dunpender News has been printed and is being distributed.

4.4 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mr Craighead reported back from DELAP recent meeting, all funding has now been spent. Next funding available in March 2019 but amount as yet unclear. Funding to fountain repair to be applied for but the in the meantime DCC have applied for Civic Pride funding, awaiting decision
Mr Gray reported that NBAP met 2w ago and that they have £35k unallocated. Whitekirk hall refurbishments are likely to be funded and Mr Martin is working on an application at present. The park in North Berwick has a disused fountain, they are thinking of digging it up and refurbishing it. All areas in East Lothian should have a fountain, drinking water should be available to all.
Mrs Cosgrove attended recent Democracy Matters event which was made up of a collection of people from Community Councils across Scotland. Interest in Local Priorities scheme. DCC's P7 consultation was congratulated.
Mrs Cosgrove also attended recent Melting Pot meeting, the climate change group in East Linton. They have lots of ideas but no focus yet, things will develop. Links are being made with Sustaining Dunbar and Sustaining North Berwick.

4.5 Defibrillator maintenance log
Mr Craighead to keep the defibrillator maintenance register for East Linton. Mrs Parish to assist by informing Mr Craighead of what information should be recorded.
Tyninghame Hall would like to keep their defibrillator where it is currently situated (at the back of the Hall).

5.0 Planning Matters
Discussed Whitekirk planning application for lodges. Philip Dibsdale from Save Whitekirk campaign spoke. This campaign would like to preserve the landscape and to prevent this and any future planning proposals. The campaign has 1,200 online signatures. Mr Martin reported that 3 people were in favour of the development. Discussed. DCC decided to object based on the strength of public opinion opposing the development and relating to the scale of the development. Mr Swift to write and submit letter by Monday 10/12.
DCC discussed the parking of the yellow Wok 'n' Go bus at the Mart. This is a bright yellow double decker bus being parked in a conservation area. DCC to object.
Discussed 11.4 (correspondence) - ELC consultation on town centre strategies. Available on consultation hub.
Discussed 11.12 (correspondence). Ms Stephen from Phantassie to attend January meeting to discuss Hamilton's planning application round Phantassie steading. Expecting Charlie Perfect to speak at this meeting also.

6.0 Treasurer's report
Current Account £2,412.61 (£754.74 DCC/£1,657.87 benches)
Grants Account £2,395.05, of which £1,506.57 ring fenced for youth matters. DCC decided to donate as follows:-
Scouts £250
Guides £250
After School Club £250
Junior football £250
P7 yearbook £100 (request for funds towards printing P7 yearbook)
Balance £406.57 still to spend

Local Priorities £384.84 uncommitted. DCC discussed and decided to grant £300 towards the Whiingehame playpark, they are hopeful also for funds from DELAP in the next financial year. Mr Craighead to research costs of maintaining defibrillators. Leave £84.84 in reserve for another month or two - use for defibrillator maintenance or donate to Foodbank.
Plan to renew the local Walks leaflets in financial year 19/20.

7.0 Projects
There is no update from LNER, Mrs Cosgrove to investigate Viridor for grant for fountain.
Snow shovels locations on website, DCC think they have enough snow shovels distributed.
Discussed idea of a community fair. Possibly first week of May 2019. Cost of hall hire is only cost. Mrs Parish, Mrs Cosgrove and Ms Pearson to work on this project.
No progress with Noble leaflet.
Expecting correspondence from ELC regarding Robert Noble board. Mr Russel currently working on planning application with Mrs Cosgrove. Require £132 for planning application but DCC do not have the funds remaining for this.
ELC Planning are not keen on a bronze plaque on the wall.

Tyninghame - not a lot to report. A successful ceilidh was held at the end of last month. 2 x funding applications have been submitted for the hall and they plan to apply to DELAP next year. There was a complaint re. beach parking machines not working.
Mr Martin to write to ELC Roads dept regarding Whitekirk roads. The farmer at Balgone is working on a paths network.
Mr Swift followed up TRO at Markle. Case Officer noted.

9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Planning enforcement have visited Karele Equine Centre, have now applied for planning permission. They will also look at planning condition for Rock Rose regarding floodlighting and lack of landscaping. Also looking into illegal caravans at Whittingehame. Court case regarding dangerous dog on Whittingehame estate at court this week.

10.0 Public transport/RAGES
Martin Whitfield MP is asking about EL and Reston stations.

There is no money to extend Drem car parking. Bike parking discussed.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 5/11 AELCC: Council practice on affordable housing
11.2 6/11 ELC: Cabinet meeting 13th November
11.3 7/11 J Bell: Planning Bill 11.4 9/11 ELC P Zochowski:Consultations on Town Centre Strategies
11.5 13/11 L Pryde: Democracy matters events
11.6 13/11 ELC A McLellan:Bus Forum meeting
11.7 14/11 J Bell: Integration Joint Board re-provisioning of Services
11.8 16/11 H Smith: New member of Fringe by the Sea contact info
11.9 21/11 ELC: Consultation on off shore wind farm
11.10 22/11 A Cosgrove: new group looking at Climate Change
11.11 23/11 ELC MHaddow 20 mph limit
11.12 23/11 P Stephen: Proposed new access road at Phantassie
11.13 26/11 L Pryde: The latest news from the Scottish Community Councils Website
11.14 27/11 J Bell: Bus shelter at Bridgend needs repair
11.15 28/11 T Ward: Dunpender Constitution and proposed meeting
11.16 29/11 Foodbank team: AGM on January 23rd
11.17 30/11 ELC S.Saunders: Invite to Briefing - Community Asset Transfer Opportunities - JS to go.
11.18 30/11 Climate Challenge Fund newsletter.
11.19 2/12 ELC S Baptie: power cut information
11.20 2/12 ELCV AGM 9am 20th Dec, Haddington Town House
11.21 3/12 ELTRP Christmas Buffet 6.30pm 13th Dec
11.22 4/12 L Pryde: Training sessions in Jan and Feb
11.23 5/12 J Taylor: request for funding for P7 yearbook

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Discussed putting power cut information in ELDA, call 105 to find out latest information during a power cut.
Dog fouling discussed. Junior Football team having problems with dog mess on pitch. Dog warden to be informed however issue is that they have to catch owners not picking up after their dogs and the onus is on members of the public to report people not picking up dog poo so that they can be caught by the warden in future. Deterrents like spray paint and signage to be discussed in January.
Ex ELC Cllr Michael Veitch was in touch with DCC recently.
Mr Craighead, Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Robson to attend the Provost Christmas reception.

Thursday 10th January 2019