Present Mrs J Priest Mrs L Shaw Stewart
Mr J Robson Mr B Craighead
Mr D Wight Mr E Martin
Mr R Russel
In attendance Whitekirk residents
Whittingehame residents
Mr A Gibson
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Cllr S Kempson
Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr J Swift
Mr G Gray
Ms A Pearson
Mrs J Parish
• Minutes of previous meeting & AGM held on 6th September 2018
Mr Swift requested an amendment at 5.0. Read out to DCC and no objections:-
The decision to erect the Robert Noble story board on the wall without planning permission was NOT made by the DCC Committee. No provision had been made in the budgets for the planning application for the story board despite being told this would be done retrospectively. Why there appeared to be no clear funding budget for the board - how did we get in this position?
Mr Russel requested an amendment at 12.0. Discussed and no objections:-
Mr Russel asked if Noble board frame could be painted brown - all agreed.
3.0 Police Report & CAPP priorities
Road Safety:-
Numerous calls to the A1, nothing of note.
Antisocial Behaviour:-
Hare coursing season is upon us. Any incidents please report them to the police immediately. Keep your distance and pass details of descriptions (people and dogs) and note registration numbers.
Other incidents of note:-
Travellers have been in the area for a couple of months moving between Skateraw, the cement works junction, Newtonlees and Beltonford.
No other incidents of note. In general the East Lammermuir and East Linton areas have both been extremely quiet in recent months. Dunbar remains busy with a number of ongoing issues. As we are unable to attend the meeting Iíd encourage feedback by email with any questions or information. Either that or report at Dunbar CAPP, Tuesday 22nd October.
PC Ross asked DCC to discuss the idea of placing ëcardboard copsí at entrances to villages around area. This idea has been proven to be a success and reduce speed in Edinburgh. This is not intended to replace police, but there just isnít the manpower to police speed as much as the police would like and this initiative is expected to improve road safety. All agreed that this was an idea worth pursuing and suggested that a good location may be the A198 Tyninghame road ñ Mr Craighead to reply to PC Ross with DCC views.
PC Ross also distributed information about a potential new scheme called Community Speed Watch, summarised as:
Community Speed Watch Schemes can be set up by a community group to address their concerns re speeding traffic. This will complement the work the police do. Volunteers would be trained to do speed checks which would result in a series of warning letters to offenders.
The costs of equipment for this scheme are not insignificant but CCís could perhaps share equipment?
This does NOT replace conventional policing. Should an issue be identified police would consider conducting their own speed check which would be enforceable.
Should you be interested please get back to me to discuss further.
DCC agreed that they need longer to consider this initiative ñ to discuss at DCC November meeting then get back to PC Ross.
CAPP priorities:-
- Youth and adult cycling on pavements & bike lights
- Speeding in 20mph zones including Drylaw Terrace in East Linton
- Parking complaints of illegal parking in East Linton
The next CAPP meeting is on Monday 22nd October 2018 ñ Mr Craighead to attend on behalf of DCC.
4.1 Paths
There are no new developments to report about the potential new path in Tyninghame ñ Mr Wight to get back in touch with Nick Morgan, ELC.
A new bench has been placed next to the iron bridge in East Linton making a total of 9 fitted within the area. Suggestions for other areas welcome. The bench between the dooícot and the white bridge has been repaired and is now back in place.
4.2 Roads/pavements
There is a current survey running on climate change (see 11.3) which encourages responses on electric vehicle charging points. Responses encouraged and closing dates is soon, 14/10.
Mr Martin to email Alan Stubbs ELC attaching photographic evidence regarding the condition of the roads around Whitekirk, where it is broken up at the sides.
The streetlights out on East Lintonís bridge have been reported to ELC, no response received yet.
Mr Swift has reported the pavement at the Mart.
The road at Hailes is reportedly closed until 12/11, possibly meant to be 12/10.
Discussed speeding on A198, unsure why it is not possible to put rumble strips on that
4.4 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to write ELDA article for October ELDA.
Mr Russel and Ms Pearson are working on Dunpender News and have requested articles/photos to be received by 23rd October. These will be sent to the designer and Dunpender News will be designed and printed during November and distributed with December ELDA over the last weekend of November/first week of December. 1,600 copies ordered, 1,500 will be distributed with 100 copies left over for DCC.
4.4 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mr Craighead attended recent DELAP meeting, where there were 26 present. Mr Craighead was voted on as vice chairman, chairman is George Robertson. The next funding will be available in March 2019 where the funding application for the fountain can be resubmitted. Discussed alternative funding for fountain, costs still unclear. Mr Gray attended recent NBAP meeting:-
- Peter Forsyth, ELC had a good reception as he outlined suggestions in the recent Charrette the Partnership commissioned.
- Area Plan discussed.
- matters regarding Whitekirk reported at 7.0.
Mrs Priest to meet Sharon Saunders, ELC next week to clarify funding for Area Partnerships. Mr Russel attended the Joint Laws Advisory Group 16,000 people visited Traprain Law last year and both Laws have seen visitor numbers increasing each year. 105 runners took part in this yearís Gala Traprain Law race.
5.0 Ongoing projects
Discussed project to repair and repaint fountain ñ Mrs Priest to apply for £5,000 from Civic Pride fund. Mr Craighead will also contact other local firms for quote ñ SP Blair and Horsburghs.
A small sub group to be set up to discuss park and ongoing park projects, meeting to be set up with ELC asap. Concerns raised about the wood splitting and resin running on new wooden art structure in the park, Mr Russel has reported this to Lesley Smith, ELC. Robin Wood to come and look at this to advise about repair work required.
Noble board, Walks leaflet and Knowes Weir discussions deferred to next DCC meeting.
6.0 Treasurerís report
Current Account balance £2,992.71
Grants Account balance £2,588.30
Local Priorities remaining funds to be allocated before end of financial year £473.31
Briefly discussed a potential update to EL website, which is very valued and used but doesnít seem to run on some browsers. Mrs Priest to discuss with webmaster.
Jon Champion still to undertake maintenance of areas around village.
Mr Craighead raised a question about DCCís funding towards the art exhibition, Mrs Priest replied that this exhibition part funds the running of the Hall.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Whitekirk residents present at meeting spoke about the Save Whitekirk campaign which opposes the lodges potentially being built on Whitekirk Hill, do not oppose the main building/clubhouse. All village residents have been surveyed ñ 47 responses, 70% against the lodges. Discussing possible alternative use of land as suggestions will have to be given, disagreeing with planning permission but not providing alternative use is not very productive. DCC to discuss and take a view once planning application for lodges has been submitted.
Mr Gray attended recent NBAP meeting where upgrading Whitekirk village hall for disabled access and kitchen refurbishment was discussed. This is to be added to 2019/20 funding, circa £7k. No objections from those present. Plans and applications will need to be done in due course.
8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Various residents from Whittingehame spoke at meeting regarding a resident of Whittingehame estate who is causing multiple problems to residents. There is a general frustration regarding the management of this family by SEPA/ELC/SSPCA, there has been a lack of interest/response. The landowner is currently going through the courts to force removal but this is a long process. DCC agreed to write to Scottish Power, SSPCA, ELC Environmental Health and Police Scotland ñ these letters have already been written by residents but it is hoped DCCís support will help to resolve issues. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to write letters on DCCís behalf.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
10.0. Planning Matters
th October in the Community Hall. Mr Swift is arranging a site meeting at the quarry, sometime 22-24 Oct, meeting time to be circulated by Mrs Priest.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 7/9 ELC: public toilet opening times 11.2 7/9 & 26/9 Alistair Smith: ††PAN for Markle Quarry, public/site meeting
11.3 11/9 ELC: Climate Change Strategy consultation events and survey 11.4 13/9 AELCC: next meeting 30th Oct (Ian MacFarlane, ELC)
11.5 22/9 & 30/9 Mr & Mrs Patterson: Noble Storyboard 11.6 26/9 Dementia Friendly E.Lothian annual gathering 11th Oct
11.7 1/10 NBAP: Emergency Plan meeting 3 Nov 9.30am
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
DCC members to send questions for Ian MacFarlane, ELC who will be attending next AELCC meeting ñ Mr Martin possibly to attend meeting on behalf of DCC.
Iain Gray, MSP to attend next DCC meeting on Thursday 1st November. DCC members to send suggestions of what to ask Iain Gray MSP to Mrs Priest who will collate questions and send to his Secretary prior to meeting.
Mr Craighead (Mr Russel back up in case of illness) to lay poppy wreath on behalf of DCC on Remembrance Sunday.
Mrs Priest to follow up possibility of having a drinking water tap, perhaps in East Linton Square.
Thursday 1st November 2018.