Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr G Gray, Mr R Russel , Mr J Swift, Mr B Craighead, Mr D Wight, Ms A Pearson
In attendance
Cllr S Kempson, Mrs J Parish Mrs E Millar, Mrs H Patterson, Mr I Patterson, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1.0 Apologies
Mrs J Priest, Mr E Martin Mrs L Shaw Stewart
2.0 Minutes of previous meeting & AGM held on 7th June 2018.
Accepted as a correct record of the both meetings.
3.0 Police Report & CAPP priorities
No police report submitted.
Last CAPP meeting was on 19th July 2018, where speeding problems in Belhaven and Queens Road, Dunbar and serious road repairs to be completed to the junction at Eweford were discussed.
Next CAPP meeting is on Wednesday 12th September 2018 - Mr Craighead to attend.
4.1 New member Mrs Parish was introduced to DCC. She is interested in becoming a Community Councillor for the Dunpender area, representing East Linton.
4.2 Paths East Lothian Countryside Volunteers work at the Tyne once a month.
Benches ñ Mr Craighead has installed a bench in the park in memory of a local resident, this has been installed opposite the play area. Mr Craighead has also completed a repair to another bench by the new monument. There has been a new bench fitted at Pencraig Hill and one at Craigmore Wood, near Stonelaws. There are still 3 benches/2 seats to be situated ñ this money should be allocated by the end of the financial year so that a progress report can be submitted to DELAP. Mr Craighead purchased a drill with the funds, this drill belongs to DCC. There has been no reply to a request to put a bench at Phantassie. The Bench at the Harvesters has been fixed. Ms Pearson to follow up request for bench for Whittingehame schoolchildren waiting for school taxi. A report about the new benches will be written for Dunpender News. Mr Wight gave an update about the potential new path in Tyninghame, past the schoolhouse to Binning Wood. There has been local interest in opening it up again however the person who is currently renting the schoolhouse from Tyninghame estate isn't keen. Therefore Nick Morgan, ELC thinks this can no longer be pursued. Mr Wight has also explored other options with Nick, it may be possible to negotiate with Quentin Gray for another alternative, further East. Mr Swift noted that a right of way can be sacrosanct, depending on status ñ Mr Wight to check the status of the original path right of way with Local Access Forum and/or Scotways. Mr Swift had approached Mr P. Gray, landowner, to ask again about idea of path at the back of cemetery to help with the Preston Road pavement issue. This idea has been refuted as Mr Gray doesn't want to encourage kids to hang around there and there are too many legal issues.
Ms Pearson reported that a group got together to attempt to clear the giant hogweed from the Tyne, the plan is to remove it from Haddington to coast. The group have been in touch with all landowners and all are in principal happy to help and have spraying licenses. This project has finished for this year, but will start again in early Spring 2019 and a request for help in the villages will be publicised. Methods of removal were discussed including digging up by the root (for young hogweed) or herbicide.
Mr Swift reported that he had attempted to contact Charlie Perfect, SEPA for an update on the removal of the Knowes fish passage. No contact yet but Mr Perfect to be asked to attend a future meeting of DCC when contact is made. There has been correspondence from the resident at Tyninghame Mill who is looking for support to keep the weir.
4.3 Roads/pavements
Peter Forsyth, ELC met Mrs Priest to discuss options for Preston Road pavement. Discussed option of using grass verge opposite Smeaton, which would remove the need for traffic lights as then the pavement could be extended out at the church side. Feasibility study to be completed. Peter Forsyth, ELC and Mrs Priest also discussed options for electric vehicle charging points in East Linton. Chevron parking is proposed at Harvesters including two electric vehicle charging points. Discussed recent application to DELAP for tarmac and charging points under bridge which didn't get to the table for discussion. Correspondence received regarding poor signage on Browns Place/Drylaw Terrace, new sign planned.
4.4 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to do ELDA article for October ELDA.
Mr Russel and Ms Pearson are working on Dunpender News and have requested articles/photos to be received by 23rd October.
4.5 Area Partnership/other meetings attended Applications for tarmac/charging points and for fountain repair were not discussed at recent DELAP meeting. The fountain application was in on time, but not put forward to the meeting, as the Area Manager was on holiday. To be hopefully resubmitted to next DELAP meeting on 1 October. Cllr Kempson to speak to new Chair of DELAP to bring up the issue of voting ñ Dunpender has 23% of population but DCC representative has to sit out of vote if a Dunpender application is being considered, therefore it appears applications from within Dunbar have an advantage as there are many more representatives from various organisations based in Dunbar with a specific interest in Dunbar based projects. This is a recent change and DCC reps did not appear to have been advised of it.
(Post Meeting Note - the Standing Orders of Dunbar and Haddington APs appear to have been revised to exclude local representatives from voting.)
East Linton Christmas lights group was awarded funding of £2,000, not the £5,000 requested. Mr Craighead to put himself forward as DELAP Vice Chair with support of DCC.
There is a NBAP meeting on Tuesday 11 September. NBAP have a different voting system with 12 voting members, and everyone able to vote on all projects. Mr Swift attended Local Access Forum in July. Gullane/Drem path and moving core path at Newhailes discussed. Also discussed path proposal at Tyninghame, a public meeting is possible.
The Shed in East Linton is now open every Tuesday afternoon. This is based at the back of The Mart in a portacabin. ELPS have asked for planters to be made. The Shed project is to be mentioned in ELDA article and Dunpender News. There was an open evening held at the new Community Hospital on 2 August. 35-40 attendees. The outpatients department is currently open, with the rest of the hospital due to open Autumn 2019. The First Minister reported that a minor injuries department may open here in the future. There is plenty of car parking.
5.0 Ongoing projects
Discussed the fountain application to DELAP - Mr Craighead will submit the application again. Ms Pearson to send fountain application to Mr Gray. Haddington fountain is maintained by ELC. Issues with repair quote and funding further discussed at 6.0. Sean Govan to clean fountain and pump, take pump out and store it for winter, money to be refunded by Paul Ianetta, ELC.
Discussed defibrillator maintenance, DCC need to find some way to maintain them. Mr Gray to check how this is done in North Berwick and report back to Mr Craighead. At the moment, the 3 Dunpender defibrillators are up-to-date and serviced. Discussed Rennie Place playpark and common ground. This issue has been highlighted to residents in ELDA and by letter and it is now up to the residents to do something about it ñ to create a residents' association, employ a factor and purchase public liability insurance. Mrs Parish to consider this and follow up.
Longstone Avenue playpark is being upgraded. The East Linton park railings have been painted for £134.02 rather than £2,000 quoted. This was completed by East Lothian's Community Service volunteers. Discussed potential adoption of the phone box on East Linton High Street and some research done by Mr Swift. It appears that DCC would have to set up a community interest company, a trust or a charity. This body would need to attend a DCC meeting to request funding for maintenance. The other option is to ensure the phone in the box is regularly used. ELC will not buy the boxes, although it sits on ELC land, due to cost burden.
The Heritage Boards were put up by the History Society and a quote has been obtained for their replacement. David Affleck who was responsible for the original boards will take this up through the Horticultural Society. Mr Swift asked if the Noble board could be discussed although it was not on the agenda. Mr and Mrs Paterson felt it contained inaccurate text and was a missed opportunity for East Linton. Ms Cosgrove confirmed that the wording was correct
Dunpender Community Council Draft Minutes 06/09/2018 3
and was geared for casual visitors, not academics. Mr and Mrs Paterson asserted that Robert Noble had not lived in the Square, however the Valuation Rolls of 1910 had confirmed that he lived in the Manor House, as the guest of Provost Storie. Mr and Mrs Patterson also objected to the wood frame, and the board colour and wording, but Ms Cosgrove pointed out that this had been agreed with the designer after he visited the site. Mr Russel is intending to paint the frame brown to match the other board, with DCC's approval. Ms Cosgrove noted that the board also directed visitors to other sites for those interested in Robert Noble, the Library and Prestonkirk. Ms Cosgrove reminded members that the wording had been circulated some considerable time ago, and the completed board brought to the March meeting for members to view. No comments had been received from DCC members, and no comments had been received from any other residents.
6.0 Treasurer's report, LP budget
The Current Account is £3,552.99 - boosted by the £3,672 Partnership funding, to be spent this financial year - and the Council Grants Account balance is £2,588.30 (including the £202 expenditure towards the Robert Noble panel costs, covered by the £300 income from the Antiquarian Society. The Local Priorities spreadsheet, previously circulated by Mr Robson, was briefly discussed. The painting of the school park railings was complete and the balance of £134.02 authorised to be transferred to ELC Community Service Team. Mr Robson will contact Mrs Shaw- Stewart to clarify if the £500 donation towards Whittingehame playpark is still required. The Local Priorities contribution to the costs of repairing the fountain contribution were found to be insufficient as the latest estimate put costs at £1,000 and above. Internal problems within the firm were delaying a firm quotation, advised by Mr Craighead. As the budget stood, there was an uncommitted balance of £495.65.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Discussed Knowes weir at 4.2 above. All 3 Markle planning applications previously discussed are still ongoing. Tyninghame currently has a very active village hall committee and have been asked for contribution to Dunpender News regarding activities.
Report read out from Mr Martin regarding activities in Whitekirk:- - Save Whitekirk campaign has been launched which is trying to stop all development. All residents have been surveyed for their opinions, after the results of this survey are known, a meeting is planned. A couple of Whitekirk residents have asked to be able to have a slot at DCC meeting next month. Wilkie developments are going to present their plans to the village on the 19 September.
- Some residents are upset because fencing has been put in place at the side of Beckie Strip however residents have been informed that their intention is to have some livestock on site (at least on an interim basis). - The notice board outside the church has been repaired.
- The new path in is well used but needs to have a minor repair. - The signage on the road has completely worn away.
- The back road to North Berwick was recently closed for 3-4 days, unsure what is being done.
8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues None
9.0 Public transport/RAGES RAGES AGM is on 19th Sept in Reston Village Hall. .
10.0 Planning Matters
Monks Muir - Mr Swift passed on an email to Monks Muir residents from ELC about planning conditions for site, these cannot be given to Mr Swift as he is not a resident at Monks Muir. These have not been requested by Monks Muir residents yet. The scrapyard has been tidied up and two vans and a Landrover have been dismantled. The scrapyard has now applied for retrospective planning permission. DCC requested Cllr support with this, why are ELC allowing this site to keep going while planning application is pending. Cllr Kempson will take this forward.
New sign for hall has been granted planning permission.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 13/6 & others J Lockhart NBCC: defibrillator maintenance
11.2 21/6 & others R Averbuch AELCC: websites and email addresses for CCís
11.3 18/7 M Draffan: poor signage Brown's Place/Drylaw Terrace
11.4 23/7, 9/8 & 23/8 S Baptie Resilient communities survey & workshop 27th Oct
11.5 30/7 APT Devt: Bankhead Planning application support
11.6 30/7 C Gunstone: Knowes Weir report & request for meeting
11.7 2/8 & 31/8 L Dorrian: new sign for Hall gets PP
11.8 6/8 ELC S Kimsey: street names for new development at Pencraig Hill
11.9 23/8 Paths for All newsletter and invitation to host a workshop
11.10 31/8 A Gibson: parking for proposed station
11.12 3/9 Poppy Scotland: Cycle event 30th Sept, food & water stations @ the Mart
11.13 3/9 RAGES AGM at Reston Hall Weds 17th Sept 7pm
11.14 ?? Christmas lights request for funding
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
st November 2018.
Briefly discussed printing of new Walks leaflet. It cost £1,430 to print 5,000 last time. Some businesses have moved on so reprinting previous leaflet with no update is not possible. Adverts to be sold ñ how much for. Plan to discuss this further at a later date. Mr Russel to attend resilient communities workshop on 27th October. Ms Cosgrove and Mr Robson attended recent emergency planning workshop on behalf of DCC. Ms Cosgrove will attend the art exhibition and competition opening evening on Friday 7th September on behalf of DCC.
It was reported that the Christmas lights committee are looking for funding, however DCC have no spare funds and have already supported the lights this year. Mr Russel reported that Philip Gray has put in hardcore at bottom of steps towards white bridge from Preston Road.
Mr Craighead asked if the Secretary of DCC informed that there were art banners to be purchased for art club. There was an email sent round with no objections received. David Affleck has been in touch to say that the flowerbed work opposite the
Community Hall to be done soon, Mackintosh beds reduced and replanted with red roses and Noble beds enlarged.
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Cllr Kempson spoke to Cllr Hampshire to follow up about a park/school plans meeting. No further forward and no meeting is currently planned. Mrs Cosgrove spoke to Stuart Pryde, ELC about the plans and the skate park. An all-weather pitch for school is planned and all the money required for the skate park may not now be available.
13.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Thursday 4th October 2018.