Present Mrs J Priest Mr B Craighead
Mr J Swift Mr G Gray
Mrs L Shaw Stewart Ms A Pearson
Mr J Robson Mrs A Cosgrove
Mr E Martin
In attendance Cllr S Kempson
Ms T Ward
Mr A Gibson
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1. Apologies
Mr R Russel
Mr D Wight
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd May 2018. Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report ñ none submitted.
CAPP priorities include dog dirt & monitoring speeding in East Linton
Mr Craighead will ask about the results from the speed counter that was recently situated outside Monks Muir, now gone.
Next CAPP meeting, Tuesday 12th June, 7.30pm, Dunbar Police Station.
4.1 Paths
Mr Craighead reported that the benches work was in a lull, however he has all the material he needs. Still requires suggestions for bench placement ñ Whitekirk, suggested and Ms Ward suggested a bench in Whittinghame, where children wait for school bus. P7s wanted benches near skatepark and football pitch in park. Picnic bench in park reportedly broken, Mr Craighead to check.
Mr Swift reported that there had been no progress on the new path in Tyninghame, next Local Access Forum is in July.
Efforts appreciated to cut back the path at Phantassie.
The single yellow lines on Browns Place and opposite Community Hall are under review. ELC have agreed to remove single yellow lines but will make double yellow line length longer, this creates 8 more daytime spaces. Mrs Priest to meet Keith Scott ELC to finalise plans. Peter Forsyth, ELC also suggested smartening up car park on Dunbar Road with some tarmac, Mrs Cosgrove to apply to DELAP for £12,000. May have missed chance this year for electric charging points, follow up next year.
Discussed 40mph reminders on A199, there is a 40mph reminder painted on road.
Discussed road edges coming out of Whitekirk. Broken verges and potholes. Cllr Kempson to look into this.
4.3 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mrs Priest to submit articles for July and August ELDAs, inc. AGM Chair report.
Dunpender News to be printed and distributed in November/December again and it will be in colour again. All ideas and suggestions for articles for Ms Pearson and Mr Russel. The News budget is £900.
4.4 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Funding agreed for local projects at DELAP. Chair is standing down, DCC have no one to offer.
NBAP AGM poor attendance. Hilary Smith Chair/Gordon Gray Vice-Chair. Next meeting, 12/6, where they will decide priorities. Whitekirk to apply for North side kerbstones replacement at a cost of £12,000.
AELCC recent meeting was on 23/5, 3 officers were chosen. Office bearers were re-elected. Joint issues can be collated.
Ms Pearson and Mrs Cosgrove had a recent visit to East Linton PS P7s. Discussed drug use, skate park and toilets being locked. Park meeting outstanding with Cllr Hampshire and Eamon John.
4.5 Fountain repair/paint/maintenance
The fountain in East Linton Square is now working. Discussed future maintenance. Quotes received for repair (£1,000) and painting (£1,440) from local firms. Mr Craighead, with support from Ms Pearson, to apply to DELAP for funding, DCC has allocated £800 from Local Priorities budget.
Mr Gray has written to City of Durban re. their similar sister fountain, awaiting response. Mr Gray to do some genealogy.
5.0 Member vacancy
Ms Finch has left DCC. There is now a vacancy for East Linton Ward. Mrs Priest to advertise on website/noticeboard/ELDA. Thank you, Ms Finch, for your time with DCC.
6.0 Planning Matters
Mr Martin to speak to Tony Thomas re. path through Whitekirk golf course in regards to new development.
Mr Swift received email from licensing re. Monks Muir. Recently granted license - 1 May 2017. ELC would not supply a copy of the conditions. Mr Craighead to pass to Monks Muir committee.
A letter of objection has been sent regarding the scrapyard. If planners are in favour, Cllr Hampshire will ask for application to be called to Planning Committee.
DCC has no comment regarding the offshore wind turbines to be placed off coast of Dunbar with a cable running from there to Torness.
7.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
The Current Account balance is £3,713.99, which includes DCC's Administration Grant from ELC of £566, and the balance of funds for additional seating benches (those with backs) from Partnership Funding.† That was £3,672, but £716.40 plus £43.18 paint costs, has already been spent.† The Council Grants Account balance is £2,489.97, including £1,506.47 from the defunct Youth Club, ring-fenced for youth activities.† DCC still had £25.17 left over from Robert Noble funds.
The Local Priorities budget - spreadsheet circulated previously by Mr Robson - was discussed.† The majority of activities, as per allocation, were agreed, and the balance of the original carryover for additional benches install of £100, was reallocated to cover costs to replace Mr Craighead's burnt-out drill and worn saws in the making and installing the basic bench seats around the area.
8.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Cllr Kempson wrote to Peter Forsyth, ELC regarding speeding in Tyninghame. Discussed more rumble strips and speed bumps, majority of residents appear to be keen, but Peter Forsyth, ELC was not keen for various reasons. Look at advantages/disadvantages. These could be a meter short at the end of the road, to help cyclists. Current rumble strips to be refreshed when yellow line wagon is next in the area. Keith Scott, ELC encouraged community to apply to DELAP for speed reactive sign and 3 sockets for Tyninghame, ELC to maintain. Still affected by noise of motorcycle racing ñ police to do speed checks in area, these have already been done but there wasnít a lot of traffic in the area at the time.
Mr Swift to pass a copy of the Knowes Weir report to Mrs Priest. Conclusion is that they want to get rid of the Weir. Mr Swift to follow up outstanding work.
3 Markle planning applications still outstanding. Markle recently on national news on day of recent royal wedding.
9.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
ELC came to look at Whittinghame postcode board.
10.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES to have a stall at Haddington show and East Linton and Reston Galas.
11.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
No progress with heritage boards.
East Linton Hall now has wood carvings based on Robert Noble paintings done by local schoolchildren assisted by Dave Crosbie of Tree-ditions. Also to be featured in Dunpender News.
East Linton Cubs have planted wildflower seeds in the park.
12.0 Correspondence & consultations
12.1 4/5 L Pryde (Improvement Service): Nations tribute 11 Nov 2018 - Guide for CCís
12.2 4/5 D. Affleck: Hepburn of Smeaton events 12.3 10/5 Cllr Kempson: Scrapyard support and Tyninghame speeding
12.4 11/5 J Pleasance: High St Phone box 12.5 13/5 Sustaining Dunbar: AGM 4th June & Co-working info
12.6 14/5 AELCC: Meeting with A Leitch 12.7 15/5 L Pryde (Improvement Service) workshops on participation requests
rd May
12.9 16/5 F Finch: DCC membership 12.10 17/5 ELC: Licensing Board mtg 24/5
12.11 17/5 ELC: Licensing policy consultation still open 12.12 18/5 AELCC: Response from A Leitch
th May discussing Local Devt Plan
12.14 21/5 Network Rail: repair of fence at Station Yard East Linton 12.15 21/5 Paths for All: Community Paths grants
12.16 22/5 ELC I Macfarlane: Notification of planning applications 12.17 23/5 L Pryde (Improvement Service):Great Get Together weekend 22nd June
12.18 23/5 AELCC: new committee 12.19 24/5 P Dibsdale/LBPolice: speeding in Tyninghame
12.20 24/5 L Pryde: GDPR info 12.21 24/5 AELCC: Constitution
12.22 25/5 ELC: Juniors Explorers events 12.23 29/5 ELC: Miller Homes Artwork
12.24 29/5 ELC: Planning Presentation 12.25 29/5 AELCC: Offshore wind turbines revised proposal
12.26 30/5 L Pryde(Improvement Service): Democracy Matters Conversation 12.27 30/5 Cllr Kempson: Rumble strips update
12.28 31/5 ELC K Scott: Rumble strips 12.29 31/5 D Affleck: Press release re Hepburn Exhibition
12.30 2/6 Scottish Water: Consultation on future of water and waste services 12.31 3/6 Paths for All Volunteer Awards
12.32 5/6 ELC: Cabinet meeting 12 June (inc. ban on drinking in public places)
12.33 5/6 ELC: Audit & Governance Cttee mtg 12 June
Discussed adopting phone box outside 21 High Street, East Linton. Mrs Cosgrove to ask BT for call statistics. DCC to make a decision at next meeting.
Discussed public drinking bylaw, draft bylaw with Scottish Ministers, Cllr Kempson to give DCCís view within ELC and Mrs Cosgrove to write to Scottish Ministers.
Network Rail at Station Yard w/c 8th June to repair fence.
See for local consultations.
Mr Swift to be added to DCC bank account as signatory.
Mr Swift to judge floats on Gala day.
Rest Centre exercise coming up next month.
Thursday 6th September 2018.