Present Mrs J Priest Mr D Wight, Mr R Russel Mr B Craighead, Mr J Swift Mr G Gray, Mrs L Shaw Stewart
In attendance Cllr N Hampshire, Mr A Gibson (local resident), Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1. Apologies Ms A Pearson, Mr J Robson, Mrs A Cosgrove, Mrs F Finch, Mr E Martin
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 5th April 2018
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
Next CAPP meeting, Tuesday 8th May, 7.30pm, Dunbar Police Station.
4.1 Paths
There are now 4 benches on the river walk to Hailes, 1 bench at the weir at Preston Mill and 2 adapted benches at Smeaton Lake. Mr Craighead has also repaired 3 benches within the town. Thank you to Mr Craighead and all the helpers. This has come in within budget. Phase II of this project, using money from DELAP, has started and material to make a further 5 benches has been purchased. Ideas of more locations required. Mr Russel and Mr Craighead will install. All feel that these benches have a positive impact on the community. In future, could place a DCC plaque on benches.
Mrs Cosgrove will put forward articles regarding the new benches and the Whittingehame noticeboard to the East Lothian Council newsletter.
A local resident, Mr Dicks, has been in touch regarding a commemorative bench in the park, Mr Russel to liaise with Mr Dicks and ELC.
Mrs Priest to distribute the remaining Walks around East Linton leaflet.
4.2 Roads/pavements
20mph repeater signs have appeared ñ Mr Russel provided locations. Mrs Priest has asked for the speed reactive sign to be moved to Haddington Road. Mr Gray to chase Peter Forsyth for halfway-through-trial figures. Reports of speeding in Tyninghame, which appears to be predominately motorcycles doing speed trials from Whitekirk to Tyninghame. On Monday 30th April, police were speed checking in Tyninghame. Discussed options for lowering speed such as planters to show driver s/he is coming into a settlement, rumble strips. Cllr Kempson to speak to ELC Transportation to ask for a hole in ground to enable speed reactive sign to be moved there. She will also ask about other speed reducing measures ELC could suggest.
4.3 Emergency contacts leaflet
4.4 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Gray to write ELDA article for June ELDA.
Discussed Dunpender News, decided to write and produce again in 2018. Contributions required from early August onwards. Mr Russel to look out last yearís costs.
4.5 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
DELAP/NBAP ñ no recent meetings.
Local Access Forum ñ nothing that affects DCC discussed apart from potential Tyninghame path noted at 4.1.
5.0 Planning Matters
Mr Swift and Mr Martin to work on submission regarding Whitekirk development noting comments discussed last month. Possibly request 30mph limit is moved to North Berwick side of junction. Case Officer to be asked for an extension.
Monks Muir:-
Mr Swift received a response from ELCís Ian MacFarlane. They are currently gathering evidence. The builder is allowed to maintain mobile home site but not to do work outwith site. Mr Swift to make formal request for site certificate as residents may want to challenge recent building of 5 new properties.
Scrapyard has applied for PP and Mrs Priest is preparing an objection on behalf of DCC - will discuss with Mr Swift before submitting. How are they recycling materials? This also appears to be a retail operation and it is an unsuitable business for a residential area. Stonemason also has many breaches of planning which Mrs Priest has submitted to planning enforcement.
AELCC/ELC Planning:-
AELCC had contacted DCC regarding a joint complaint about ELC Planning. DCC did not sign letter as were not given enough time. AELCC will now be meeting with Angela Leitch, ELC Chief Executive to discuss but unsure on what mandate ñ 9/20 CCs signed letter. DCC feels it has a good relationship with ELC depts. There are issues but any complaints need to be co-ordinated properly.
Stewart Milne Homes:-
Plastic sheeting has been put up to help protect from newts. There is work being done on the dyke on front of estate. Reporter decision was due by 27th April. ELC has agreed with Holder Planning the final details of the conditions. Work is likely to start by end of the year.
6.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
DCCís Local Priorities budget for this year is set at £4,000. The balance to spend in the Local Priorities budget is £6,135.76, discuss how money should be allocated at next meeting. Fountain repair, park railings, community resilience leaflets to be added to budget when costs are confirmed.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
There are various events happening in Tyninghame and Mr Wight is working on progressing the Tyninghame path.
Whitekirk ñ no update.
Markle ñ still awaiting decision on 3 outstanding planning applications.
8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mr Wight got in touch with Harry Barker, Chair of RELBUS and RAGES. Mr Barker explained why it was a very complex issue to get bus and trains syncronised,
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
The Noble board has been commissioned by Border Graphic Services, awaiting delivery date.
The defibrillator cabinet has been placed on a different part of the Hall than was in the planning application and DCCís understanding is that this will require a new planning application to be funded by the Hall. Cllr Hampshire to ask ELC Case Officer if anything can be done. Material variation to planning consent can be given. Fountain ñ Mr Robson has asked for quote from Sandies & ELC Property. Could this be funded by DELAP to restore. Submit application to DELAP before next DELAP meeting on 28th May 2018.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 3/4 & others: R Averbuch re letter to Chief Exec re ELC Planning Dept
11.2 6/4 Sustaining Dunbar newsletter 11.3 8/4 and 13/4 H Barker: Co-ordinating train & bus services
th April
11.5 10/4 ELC L Pryde: Budget for 2018/19 11.6 10/4 ELC Planning D Taylor: Monksmuir
11.7 13/4 J Bell: knitted poppies. Discussion on where these could be put ñ possibly draped round trees leading to war memorial? But these will need to be taken down before Christmas decorations will be going up. 11.8 17/4 A Davidson: Fountain paintwork
11.9 18/4 ELC P Zochowski: The Mart
11.10 18/4 RAGES Rag issue 70 11.11 18/4 ELC Papers meeting 24/4
11.12 18/4 ELC P Zochowski: Listing of Prestonkirk wall re potential pavement work 11.13 19/4 ELC Licensing Board papers 26/4 meeting
11.14 19/4 Foodbank Team newsletter 11.15 19/4 D Luke: Scrapyard
11.16 19/4 L Ward, Prestonpans CC Sec: Port of Prestonpans plans 11.17 20/4 East Lothian Joint Integration Board meeting 26 April
11.18 23/4 L Dorrian: plans for Hall sign refused 11.19 24/4 ELC S Baptie: leaflet etc, info on Resilient Communities
11.20 25/4 T Ward: Skatepark 11.21 1/5 ELC Agenda for Cabinet meeting 8 May
11.22 2/5 P OíDonnell: disabled space at Co-op and traffic speed 11.23 2/5 Scottish Community Development Centre Survey for CCllrs
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Russel and Mr Swift to deliver the 40 letters for Rennie Place.
Mrs Cosgrove to be asked to judge the Gala floats on behalf of DCC.
Vote of thanks to CHAIR.
Thursday 7th June 2018 (inc. AGM).