Present Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson Mr R Russel, Mr J Swift
In attendance Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1. Apologies Cllr S Kempson, Mrs F Finch, Mrs L Shaw Stewart, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Mr D Wight, Mr G Gray, Mr E Martin
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 1st February 2018
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
CAPP priorities:-
- Speeding on A1087 between Queens Road and Broxburn
- Houses of multiple occupancy at Harbour Court
- Lack of visibility of road kerbs and islands due to mud
Next CAPP meeting is Wednesday 28th March 2018.
4.1 Welcome new member for Tyninghame, D. Wight
As reported at last DCC meeting, Mrs A Jolly, who represented Tyninghame, has stepped down from DCC. Mr Wight attended February DCC meeting and indicated he would like to join. Elected by DCC members by email vote.
4.2 Roads/pavements
Mr Russel had emailed Keith Scott regarding promoting the 20mph limit ñ more painting on the roads and roundels ñ it is likely there will be some delay with the painting now due to the current bad weather or this may be done in May when there is already a plan to refresh the current lines on the roads. It is now halfway through the 20mph trial so there are currently average speed counters in East Linton High Street to compare data taken before & during the trial. Mr Gray to be asked do the comparison summary. Discussed 20mph signs bought on eBay however wind breaks these in half,however decided to leave signs until DCC see figures taken from speed counters.
New speed limit in place in Tyninghame ñ 30mph through Main Street and 40mph along A199.
Residents from Monks Muir Park have been in touch with DCC to request average speed notifications requested, they have been advised to contact Peter Forsyth, ELC.
The Preston Road traffic lights survey had 185 responses ñ 12% return on the 1,500 distributed. 68% want lights, 30% didnít want lights, 2% didnít know. Some replies suggested alternatives but these have already been looked at. DCC discussed and propose that project is to proceed. The money available from DELAP has gone. DCC to reapply to DELAP and try to persuade ELC Transportation to put it on their budget list. This project will cost £50k and DELAP to be asked for £30k. Mrs Priest to take this project forward.
4.3 Rennie Place common ground
4.4 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write ELDA article for April ELDA.
4.5 Park
Re 11.3 Correspondence, DCC received an email from Ms Ward on 6 February 2018. Ms Ward had emailed to say that she felt that the January minutes did not include some details of the discussion of the school playground. DCC reiterated their support in principle of sufficient school play space to meet regulations and agreed that no further action on the skatepark would be taken until a meeting has been convened by Cllr Hampshire (no date yet) to discuss the whole park with all interested parties. There is ELPS Parent Council meeting next week.
4.6 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mrs Cosgrove has stepped down from DELAP. Mrs Priest has asked Mrs Finch to represent DCC on DELAP ñ awaiting response. Mr Martin and Mr Gray attended AELCC meeting in February.
Mrs Cosgrove is going to next meeting of the Community Rail Partnership.
DCC were unsuccessful in their recent application for a Civic Pride Grant, however ELC Groundcare will repair Stories Park path as routine maintenance.
5.0 Planning Matters
Mr Swift, Mr Martin and Mr Gray attended public meeting on Friday 2nd February regarding Whitekirk development. There will be a public exhibition 24/3 to 24/3. Plan is to submit planning application for Clubhouse at the end March. This Clubhouse would be open to public and a hub for houses. This would be a bar/restaurant/leisure facility. Larger application for houses is now subject to an Enviromental Impact Assessment, then the planning application is to be submitted over the summer. DCC interested in fine detail of planning application ñ keen to ensure conditions of planning are included in case developer sells land in future with planning consent.
Monks Muir Park. Mr Swift, ELC has written to Keith Dingwall to see if new properties at Monks Muir passed building control and also mentioned caravan on right hand side of entrance. Cllr Hampshire was also going to chase up queries regarding Monks Muir planning.
Markle Quarry. A further application has been submitted and there are now 3 active planning applications, none of which supersede each other ñ these are for the rescinding condition 32/quarry extension/extra quarry extension (retrospective). Mr Swift to meet ELC Planning Officer soon to go through DCC questions.
6.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
The Current Account balance is £3,758.67, allowing for the £540 payment towards the Drysdale Fountain maintenance, and receipt of East Lothian Council Partnership's £3,672 for additional benches, for the area. † The £540 was being recovered from ELC and Mr Robson was in correspondence with Paul Iannetta to find a more efficient method to pay future fountain costs.†
The Grants Account balance is £2,507.11, including a £100 donation to the Ridge Cafe Foodbank, which was being recovered from DCC's Local Priorities budget.† The use of the Grants Account was necessary because of lack of funds in the Current Account due to ELC payment problems.† Funds will be transferred back in due course.
The Local Priorities 2017/18 spreadsheet which was previously circulated, showed a final spend of £24,520.12, from a total budget of £26,759.14, leaving a carry-over of £2,201.74 to the 2018/19 financial year. Mr Martin to be reminded to claim donation for Whitekirk Hall cooker.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
See also 4.1 & 5.0.
Tyninghame village hall committee have been in touch regarding money to refit hall, advised to contact DELAP.
Whitekirk now has a path from Orlits cottages to bus stop.
Markle quarry ñ see 5.0.
8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
DCC has adopted phone box at Whittinghame.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES meeting next week.
Second platform at Dunbar planned.
Petition for Reston/East Linton is to be sent to Scottish Government Transport Minster.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Defibrillator cabinet for Hall to be followed up ñ cheque has been cashed.
The benches at Stories Park have been paintedñ thank you Mr Russel and Mr Craighead.
Friends of St. Baldredís Well, thank you received for work done here.
Ideas required for other bench placement ñ ideas include Lawhead and Smeaton Lake.
Former vista board at Pencraig viewpoint discussed ñ decided that this isnít really required with two other noticeboards already provide by DCC at the layby.
Heritage boards in East Linton to be replaced. This will cost £2,590. Plan is to replace 4 boards and create 1 new board. Mrs Cosgrove to work with Mr Affleck and they will apply for DELAP funding.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
st March
11.2 6/2 NHS: Launching ëA connected Scotlandí 11.3 6/2 T Ward: January DCC minutes
11.4 8/2 B Cox Dunbar: Tyninghame Links (letter) 11.5 14/2 ELC: PPRC meeting papers 21 Feb
11.6 14/2 ELC Audit & Governance committee meeting 11.7 15/2 ELC: Licensing Board meeting 22 Feb
11.8 15/2 Note of AELCC meeting 11.9 15/2 ELC E Lothian Integration Joint Board
11.10 19/2 ELC D Rutherford: Park railings
11.11 19/2 ELC S Baptie: Community Resilience toolkit
11.12 20/2 Payphones: Adopt a kiosk enquiry 11.13 20/2 ELC: Council meeting papers 27/2
11.14 21/2 S McDougall: Traffic Lights 11.15 22/2 ELC LPryde: March training sessions
11.16 22/2 LPryde: Airport Noise Advisory board 11.17 26/2 ELC Paul Iannetta: Drysdale Fountain
11.18 27/2 ELC Planning Committee meeting 6 March 11.19 27/2 APT Development: Whitekirk Hill
11.20 28/2 Tyninghame Village hall newsletter
See for local consultations.
There still appears to be someone selling cars at ELC ground opposite Phantassie cottages. Police and ELC have been made aware but proof is required. Mrs Priest to contact Mr Craighead to see if he can follow this up.
Letter received from Brian Cox, Dunbar regarding plans for Tyninghame Links and the fact DCC did not object to plans. Mrs Priest has sent a response.
DCC replied to consultation on local bylaw barring of public consumption alcohol and included Mrs Priestís previous reply. Statistics on alcohol related crime in East Linton have been requested from ELC.
Park railings will be painted by ELC Community Services.
The deadline for agreement ELC/SM Homes at Orchardfield has been extended to 20/3.
Thursday 5th April 2018