Present Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson, Mr J Swift, Mrs F Finch, Mr B Craighead, Ms A Pearson, Mr R Russel, Mr E Martin, Mr G Gray
In attendance Cllr S Kempson, Mr S Baptie, ELC, Mr D Wight, Ms T Ward, Ms L Jardine, Mr A Gibson, Mr A Jeffrey, Mr A Thomas, Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1. Apologies Mrs J Priest, Mrs L Shaw Stewart
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 11th January 2018
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
CAPP priorities:-
- Travellers at East Fortune Hospital
- Speeding on A1087 between Queens Road and Broxburn
- Litter on A1 between Dunbar and Haddington
Next CAPP meeting is Wednesday 14th February 2018.
A report was given by Mr Baptie, Emergency Planning & Risk Manager, ELC re. community resilience. Mr Robson and Mrs Cosgrove to attend rest centre exercise on 27th June. Mr Robson, Mrs Finch and Mrs Cosgrove to attend event in Corn
Exchange in October. Further questions and comments can be directed to Mr Bapite at
4.1 Member vacancy for Tyninghame
Mrs A Jolly, who represented Tyninghame, has stepped down from DCC. Mr Wight attended meeting to see if heíd like to join DCC. There are another 2 interested people from Tyninghame. Mr Wight to work with other interested parties to decide who should represent the area.
4.2 Post Office
Mrs Priest reported by email that at one time the Post Office in East Linton was run by a Postmaster employed by the Post Office and that was probably still the case at the last round of closures when we pleaded to keep ours open. Now itís a franchise - so it needs an existing business or person with premises to apply for the franchise with a business plan. Unsure who may take this on among shops we have now. Ms Cosgrove has contacted the Post Office about it and Mrs Priest has asked ELC Economic Development if thereís anything they can do. Mr Swift has spoken to an interested party who is looking into the possibility.
4.3 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Craighead attended recent DELAP meeting where funding applications were agreed. DELAP has some surplus funds and DCC were encouraged to apply. Ms Pearson and Mr Craighead put together an application for 3 heavy duty seats & 6 more benches for the area. DCC have been awarded £3,672 ringfenced for this project. Bench locations are still to be decided and can get ideas. Also discussed plans for DELAP summer school and have ideas for 12 possible activities for the children. Gala queens (& court?) are being encouraged to come to the open day/AGM.
Mr Swift attended Local Access Forum where nothing in Dunpender area was discussed. Some paths are getting upgraded. As requested by Mrs Finch, Mr Swift did bring up lighting on core path up past AMG to proposed new scheme at Orchardfield, however donít know exact specification yet.
The wall opposite Prestonkirk has been hit by a vehicle and is quite damaged, info passed to ELC.
Mr Martin reported that the road into Whitekirk is severely degraded by heavy use vehicle. Mr Martin advised to report to Callum Redpath, ELC with photos. The mud on the road between Whitekirk and Newbyth is to be reported to police.
4.5 Rennie Place common ground
Mr Swift has made one final request for file from original plans, has now been waiting 4 months. If file is not available, then plan is to write a generic letter to residents with copy of relevant information from title deeds, however if someone questions planning, DCC wonít have information.
4.6 Station Yard site
Mrs Priest has had correspondence with Estates about site, Mrs Priest not present to report on outcome. There have been more complaints received. The road leading to the site is privately owned and has potholes, ELC will investigate and get back to Mr Russel.
The Housing Association replied to say that it is thought that it is one person making an ill founded complaint and there is not a serious problem.
4.8 ELDA article
Mr Russel to write ELDA article for March ELDA.
5.0 Planning Matters
There is a meeting at Whitekirk Village Hall, 7pm on Friday 2nd February regarding the proposed Whitekirk development, the developer Mr Wilkie will attend. Mr Martin is co-ordinating a village response for East Lothian Courier.
Mrs Shaw Stewart reported by email that she had spoken to Patricia Stephen of Phantassie Farm. It was reported that the planning application has occurred with Mrs Stephenís encouragement. After she bought the steading the conditions were that the Hamiltons would form a†new access road and it was agreed that it would all happen at the same time as her development occurred. As the development plans werenít realised they left it.† However she has suggested to the Hamiltons that they get on with it so that whatever new plans are made for the steading ñ this part of it would be done.†
Monks Muir ñ Cllr Hampshire was going to send a Planning Officer to look at the 5 new cabins, unsure if this was done. Mr Swift to contact Keith Dingwall to see if they passed building control. The caravan was not mentioned in the planning application which has been approved. DCC now feel that ball is now in ELCís court to decide what progress to take. Monks Muir residents feel that their communal area has been taken away. The families that have moved in do not meet criteria of retirement village. Residents are of the opinion that their Council Tax should be reassessed. No consultation with landowner or ELC during both planning applications. Mr Swift to pursue.
ELCPC were this week shown plans for the new extension for the school. This will be fully funded by the developers and include an extension of playground over Myraís field. Unsure when consultation will be held.
6.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
The Current Account stood at £35.41, only after £100 had been transferred from the Grants Account, to cover recent admin charges.† The low balance resulted from East Lothian Council's Accounts Branch having a holiday backlog, with only one member of staff making payments.† Because of the funding difficulties, after consulting the bank, Mr†Robson†proposed changing the banking mandate.† Mr Swift would be added as an extra signatory, and change the signing rules to only one signature required for amounts up to £50, but two signatures required for any amount over that.† Mr Gordon seconded the motion.† A BACS remittance advice for a refund of £586, had just been received from ELC, but there would be a delay of some days before funds were cleared.† The Grants Account stood at £2,607.11, allowing for the £100 transfer to the Current Account.
The Local Priorities budget was discussed and the majority of uncommitted funds was allocated to playground equipment training donation (£140) and Food Bank donation (£100).† Mr Robson to send a donation form to Mrs Shaw Stewart for the phone box painting. A revised spreadsheet will be circulated in due course.† ††††
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Whitekirk have a meeting regarding the proposed new development on Friday, 2nd February, 7pm, Whitekirk Village Hall.
Mr Wight reported that Tyninghame residents are delighted with new 40mph speed limit, Mrs Priest to check re progress with 30mph through village plans. Mr Robson asked if Tyninghame Hall had received heating donation, yes they had.
Markle ñ Cllr Hampshire was to put the rescinding of condition 32 to Planning Committee.
8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
Ms Moulin is progressing with handover of phone box. Mrs Shaw Stewart has requested a small sum of money from next yearís Local Priorities budget to get it painted. Mr Robson to forward form to Mrs Shaw Stewart.
The Whittinghame noticeboard has been made. It now needs to be painted and put on wall. Mrs Shaw Stewart requesting £400 from next yearís Local Priorities budget. The joiner is happy to wait for the payment until the start of the new financial year.
Mrs Shaw Stewart has introduced a new Whittingehame information service email which has been well received.
There have been complaints about flood lighting at Sunnyside riding stables ñ owner has promised to reduce the impact of the lights.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Nothing to report.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Skate park ñ it is proposed to have a meeting with all park users. Ms Pearson to get involved when deciding where park benches could go.
Heritage boards ñ Whitekirk and Pencraig. Also Phantassieís board requires repair. Discuss at next meeting.
Miller artwork ñ email received Lesley Smith. June 2018 installation promised. Mr Robson to send photos to DCC.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 15/1 Paths for All: grants available 11.2 15/1 ELC S Baptie: Resilience in our Communities
11.3 15/1 Scottish Civic Trust my Place awards 11.4 16/1 Bus Media: Press release re Lothian Buses
11.5 16/1 A Gibson: Post Office and other issues. 11.6 18/1 ELC: Licensing Board
11.7 22/1 FFinch: enquiry re lights on Core path round Pencraig Devt 11.8 22/1 H Smith AELCC meeting 14th Feb 6.30pm, Mrs Cosgrove, Mr Martin, Mr Russel and Mr Gray to attend.
11.9 28/1 D Wight: Tyninghame vacancy 11.10 29/1 T Ward: School field
11.11 30/1 Sustrans Street Design grants 11.12 30/1 ELC: Planning Ctee 6th Feb
11.13 30/1 & others ELC S Leathard: Scrapyard 11.14 31/1 ELC L Smith: Miller Homes Artwork
11.15 31/1 A Jolly: salt bin request 11.16 1/2 ELC: County-wide ban on alcohol in public spaces
See for local consultations.
Discussed Preston Road questionnaire. These are being distributed in ELDA, available on website and copies are also available in the library. The boxes in the
Co-op and library will be emptied by Mrs Priest.
DCC has received a letter from ELC consulting DCC about the possibility of ELC introducing a blanket ban on alcohol in public places for all of East Lothian. This was discussed which culminated in a unanimous vote against this proposal. Mr Swift to respond to ELC.
Thursday 1st March 2018