Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - January 2018

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council held
on 11th January 2018 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present; Mrs J Priest Mrs A Cosgrove, Mr J Swift Mr J Robson, Mr E Martin Mr G Gray

In attendance Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr S Kempson, Mrs Sue Holder, Mr Robin Holder, Mr Alec Gibson, Mr Anthony Jeffrey, Mr Tony Thomas, Mrs Bea Taylor, Ms Trace Ward
Mrs F Finch, potential DCC member
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

Apologies: Mr R Russel, Mrs A Jolly, Ms A Pearson

Minutes of previous meeting held on 7th December 2017
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.1 Police Report
Submitted by email by PC J. Stewart:-
Since the last police report of 5th October 2017 there have been a few incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area.

Road Safety
th December involving a gritter and a car. No injuries were sustained and the driver of the gritter was cautioned and charged.
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
There have been a number of break-ins to garages in early November. Nothing appears to have been stolen from any of them. Enquiries are either ongoing or have concluded.
Two bikes were stolen, one being later recovered nearby. One of the bikes was unsecured in an open garage the other had a bike lock on but it was not secured to a fixed object. Two thefts have been reported from the Co-op. One male has been charged with one.
Two named suspects are yet to be traced and charged.

The only other incident of note was one of a male entering a house in the village. He was disturbed by the occupier whilst trying to steal his vehicle keys. Enquiries are ongoing.

CAPP priorities:-
- Travellers at East Fortune Hospital
- Speeding on A1087 between Queens Road and Broxburn
- Litter on A1 between Dunbar and Haddington
Next CAPP meeting is Wednesday 14th February 2018.

3.2 Information from Mr R Holder on plans for McArthurís Yard.
Mr Holder has already applied to ELC for planning permission to take away trees, remove rubble and asbestos and to replant trees. There will be a further planning application submitted, at the end of February, for a single house where sheds are, then a change of use for the 2 houses and plans to redevelop them into homes.

4.1 Paths
DCC are still waiting to hear about path grant. The board has gone from Pencraig viewpoint Also, Whitekirk information board has rotted through. Contact Nick Morgan at ELC.

4.2 ELDA article - Mrs Priest to write.

4.3 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mrs C went to meeting of DELAP funding panel, discussed summer school for next summer. Next meeting on Monday 15/1.
NBAP not met since last meeting. A petition re a community buy-out of Lime Grove is pending.

4.4 Roads/pavements
Re. East Linton 20mph - waiting for roundels to be painted on road and repeater signs on lampposts.
Discussed draft of Preston Road consultation. This will be double sided, colour on white paper. It will be distributed with February ELDA. Decided to place boxes to return questionnaires in Co-op and Library, subject to agreement. Agreed that some DCC members would pick up completed questionnaires if residents were unable to return them.

4.5 Rennie Place common ground
Mr Swift has made further request for archived file, been waiting 2 months for this info already.

4.6 Station Yard site
Scrapyard are reportedly applying for planning permission.

5.0 Planning Matters
- Tyninghame Links ñ DCC didnít want to object, however sent in comments re. the unsuitability of approach road, parking issues, that functions should not finish late, the development may disturb wildlife.
- Whitekirk development ñ Tony Thomas spoke on behalf of developer. The idea is to in 2 phases ñ the first phase, for which plans would be submitted first, is for a clubhouse which would stand on its own. The second phase is a lodge development over the golf course. There would be occupancy control and a planned closure in January. No intention of permanent housing on site. Both phases have a lot of local impacts to be considered and studies are being done. Whitekirk residents have requested an Environmental Impact Assessment. Mrs Priest/Mr Swift to second this. There has already been an initial meeting in Whitekirk and the developer, Mr Wilkie, will be at a second meeting of Whitekirk residents on Fri 2/2 ñ ahead of and in addition to formal consultation.
- Extra road for Phantassie. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to contact Patricia Stephen for background. Is there another reason for wanting an extra access road?
- Monks Muir - the industrial building at the right-hand side of the gate has been granted retrospective planning. Caravan not mentioned. Mr Swift spoke with residents who are upset with decision and some felt unable to object. Residents could request a review of their Council Tax due to changes to estate. If residents can prove breach of planning, enforcement action would be next step. Planning application is now to be submitted now for extra units on left-hand side of gate. Cllr Hampshire to ask ELC Planning to visit site.

6.0Treasurerís Report/LP budget
The Current Account stood at £8.01, but a request had been made to Lilian Pryde for a total refund from the Local Priorities Budget of £624.26, covering Dunpender News printing and website costs.† The Council Grants Account balance was £2,707.11, including a £1,500 `ring-fenced` for "Youth Matters".† An updated Local Priorities spreadsheet previously circulated was discussed showing only £277.28 uncommitted for 2017/18.† Mrs Shaw-Stewart requested an allocation of £400 for a new noticeboard for Whittingehame, in next year's budget - agreed.† A few copies of a spreadsheet showing historic initiatives funded from the Local Priorities budget - 2012/13 to 2016/17 - were distributed, and Mr Robson†will circulate this to DCC.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Tyninghame ñ 40mph plan is going ahead on A198.
Whitekirk ñ re. path to bus stop. Currently negotiating with owner of first Orlits cottage who may own some of this land and will check his deeds.
Markle ñ Cllr Hampshire to call Markle Quarry application to planning committee re. the rescinding of section 32.

8.0 Traprain and Whittingehame issues
There is money Local Priorities budget for Whittinghame phone box. Now trying to get owner of land to sign permission letter.
There are 35 houses spread out over postcode EH41 5QA. Residents wish to put up a noticeboard to show delivery drivers where the properties are. This will cost £400 and it was agreed to provisionally put this into 2018/19 Local Priorities budget.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES Committee members are meeting a Councillor from Northumberland to discuss transport to Berwick upon Tweed.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Preston Road questionnaire going out with Februaryís ELDA.
The School Road railings can be repainted for the cost of paint by the Community Service Volunteers. Or £1,895 has been quoted to have this done professionally.
Mrs Cosgrove reported back on progress on extending the skate park. There has been an alternative site for new skate park proposed beside the tennis courts. This will be funded by the new housing development and the money should be available as soon as the building work starts.

The new defibrillator cabinet, paid for in mid November, has not arrived yet.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 8/12 ELC S Leathard: Station Rd site 11.2 13/12 ELC: Agenda Council meeting on 19 Dec
11.3 17/12 S Pryde: bush cuttings collection at Rennie Place 11.4 17/12 ELC: Changes to Blue badge process
11.5 21/12 ELC NClark : Tyninghame Steading plans 11.6 21/12 ELC Bruce Allison: quote for painting Park railings
11.7 22/12 APT Development: PAN for Whitekirk Hill 11.8 23/12 Lothian Buses: Our year
11.9 3/1 EMartin fwd emails from Whitekirk Community Company 11.10 3/1 ELC Empowering Schools, consultation on 2018 Education Bill
11.11 8/1 Scotways: small project grants 11.12 10/1 APT: further details on Whitekirk Hill
11.13 10/1 ELC A Stubbs: reply re entrance road at Day Centre 11.14 10/1 ELC: Cabinet meeting 16th Jan agenda
11.15 10/1 Energy Saving Trust: Public EV chargepoints grants
https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

Ian Govan has requested that Jessie chime until midnight. Mrs Cosgrove to follow up with ELC.
East Linton Post Office is due to close at the end of February ñ Mrs Cosgrove to write to Post Office to find out plans.
Mr Craighead reported that the first two benches are going in on Thursday 25/1, weather dependent. The other will be placed on 22/2. These will be on the riverbank from East Linton to Hailes Castle.
Hare coursing takes place in East Lothian this weekend. This is a big scale event with heavy betting expected. Residents reminded to report suspicious behaviour to police.
Fiona Finch welcomed and will join DCC, representing East Linton.

Thursday 1st February 2018