Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 7th December 2017 at the Council Chambers, East Linton
Present Mrs A Cosgrove Mr J Swift
Mr J Robson Mr R Russel
Mr B Craighead Mr G Gray
Ms A Pearson Mr E Martin
In attendance Cllr S Kempson
Mrs F Finch, potential DCC member
Mr A Gibson, Andrew Meikle Grove RA
Ms T Ward, Whittingehame resident
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
1. Apologies
Cllr N Hampshire
Mrs J Priest
Mrs A Jolly
Mrs L Shaw Stewart
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd November 2017
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
4.1 Paths
Benches are still in Mr Craigheadís garden and he is keen to get them in place. Ms Pearson has been getting permission from landowners. Ms Pearson is meeting Martin at Hailes Mill on Saturday regarding placement of benches. There will also be a third bench near East Linton on way to Hailes. Mr Craighead isF to be in charge of putting benches in. Ranger volunteers also to help. Benches are to be fitted then embedded in postcrete. Mr Craighead and Ms Pearson to work together to get this project completed.
Mrs Priest contacted Mr Robson and Mr Russel re. benches deteriorating in village. Bench at Stories Park is finished and the Preston Road bench is to be done. Mr Robson was able to allocate LP money. Benches to be painted by Mr Russel.
Stories Path quote for digging out and renewing Stories Park path, came in at £5,082 + VAT. Mrs Cosgrove has applied for £4,200 from the Civic Pride fund, with the thought that if DCC apply for less than the project cost, it may be more likely to be granted. Decisions made known at the end of January. Earmarked £800 from Local Priorities Fund to make up balance.
4.2 ELDA article/Dunpender News
No ELDA published in January 2018. Next ELDA is in February 2018.
1,500 delivered with ELDA.
4.3 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
Mr Craighead attended recent DELAP meeting. DELAP have some surplus funding and are looking for projects up to value of £5,000. This could be back-up option for Stories Park path funding. Mr Craighead agreed to be permanent member on DELAP.
Mr Craighead reported back re. recent CAPP meeting, which was very short. Dog fouling is back on agenda. There have been some youth disturbances in Dunbar and reports of drugs being passed around at DGS.
Mrs Cosgrove attended the Community Rail Partnership meeting, Mrs Cosgrove is now the groupís Secretary. The group have a plan to publicise activities in East Lothian next year.
Mr Gray attended Belhaven Forum, which is to discuss the future of Belhaven Hospital. There is a small working group being set up. Someone should attend from DCC ñ to be determined. Mr Gray has conflict of interest. IJB meeting will be held later this month.
4.4 Roads/pavements
20mph ñ Mr Russel spoke with Keith Scott, who works on ELCís signs and lines. Together they looked at Mr Russelís suggestions from improving 20mph signage in East Linton. Both agreed that there were not enough reminders. Agreed that more ovals on road were required particularly where no lampposts for roundels. More locations for small 20mph signs were also identified.
Potholes in square ñ these were reported to Peter Forsyth, ELC on 30/11. Unsure if these have been done, although ELC vans have been spotted working in the road.
Preston Road ñ Mrs Priest has suggested that DCC do a questionnaire drop to all East Linton households in February 2018. Unsure at present how to get them back ñ could a box be placed in the Post Office or the Co-op? Discussed who should get questionnaires. Mrs Priest thought these should just go to East Linton households although DCC discussed this and agreed that the questionnaire should go out to all of Dunpender area as a lot of the outlying areas enter East Linton via Preston Road so this would affect them. Discussed best way to get responses. Could these be delivered by DCC members knocking on doors and coming back for responses? Agreed that a consistent approach was required and distributed with ELDA would be best so no requirement for door knocking. Mrs Taylor reported that she was currently getting quotes from printer although it had been made clear to her that VAT would have to be charged on this as it will be a questionnaire, not a leaflet.
ELC have been contacted re. Preston Road hedges being overgrown. ELC are inspecting locus and if they identify a problem they will ask occupiers to undertake work. If they donít do work, a notice may be served.
4.5 Rennie Place common ground
Mr Swift hasnít yet drafted letter. The original planning application file from ELC still hasnít come through although he has received a file he requested at the same time. Mr Swift wanted to check original planning application and conditions and what is in residentsí deeds before sending out letter. There has been some confusion about who applied for planning ñ land was bough then sold. A group of volunteers has chopped back path between Rennie Place and Kingsburgh Gardens. 20 bags were cleared and taken away by ELC. Work will continue later this month. This is great progress but the issue remains a problem with the liability of shared ground and playpark. Rennie Place residents would need a representative body to get insurance.
4.6 Station Yard site
The stonemason has been asked to lower scaffolding below fence and both tenants have been asked to remove pallets from outside yard. There is now also an abandoned van with no engine. ELC Planning is still investigating scrapyard.
5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
£340.90 Current Account, awaiting o/s refund of £353.86
£2,707.11 Council Grants Account, of which £1,500 is ring fenced for youth matters
Discussed Local Priorities remaining funds.
Whittinghame resident, Ms Ward, discussed playpark. Agreed that this funding wouldnít be required this year, but that Whittingehame families would really appreciate DCC LP assistance with playpark in 2018/9. Mr Robson can move these funds to help with meeting balance of Stories Park path project.
Discussed where remaining Local Priorities money could be spent, agreed:-
Whitekirk Hall cooker donation £500.00
Tyninghame Hall heating donation £500.00
Questionnaire for Preston Road lights £200.00
Whittingehame phone box fit & paint £100.00
Park Railings paint materials (by C.S.) £200.00
£291.28 left in Local Priorities budget ñ Mr Craighead to get costing for Christmas lights timer, which has recently been vandalised. Congratulations to Christmas lights committee for wonderful display.
Mr Robson will circulate a spreadsheet of where DCC LP funds have been spent in last 5 years.
6. Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Tyninghame speed limits ñ there have been some objections to the 40mph, wanted 30mph, however it is 40mph or no change. Keith Scott, ELC plans to ask the objectors to withdraw objections so 40mph plans could proceed.
Planning application submitted for Tyninghame links, further discussed at 8.0.
Mr Martin passed round plans for kitchen at Whitekirk Hall. Further discussed new footpath to be created from the Orlit Cottages to the bus stop (also discussed at 4.3). This will not be paved, but will be a shale/cycle type footpath. Perhaps some of the funding for this could be from a Community Paths grant ñ up to £4,000 available, this may be followed up by Peter Forsyth, ELC.
Broadband - Mr Martin has written to MSP and has made Freedom of Information request to ask how much money for rural broadband is available to ELC.
Markle ñ objection submitted for Markle quarry re. application for rescind tree condition. DCC have not objected to quarry extension.
7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Ms Pearson reported that planning permission for stable block, tack room and associated buildings was submitted in August 2017. Ms Pearson asked re. progress of this application as it has not come to Committee. It appears that there has not been a fee paid for this application. If this isnít done by 18th Jan, then this will be referred to ELC Planning Enforcement.
8.0 Planning matters
- Pencraig Housing ñ DPEA Reporter have granted consent if conditions are met. They have to agree conditions with ELC. Plans involve core path 83, changing into tarmac along site boundary. Mr Swift has requested further information from Local Access Officers ñ to do this permission must be sought and an alternative route must be set up. No mention of a roundabout at Eastern end of A199. Reporter agreed with ELC traffic audit.
- Monks Muir ñ JS spoke to ELC Case Officer and asked for an extension to see what DCC agree. This planning application references the hard-standing area/builders yard on r/h side of entrance. Discussed and agreed DCC would object because the area is an eyesore, industrial use on residential site. Area not in original plans. Residents are not happy. Mr Swift will write letter of objection, circulate to DCC and submit next week. Mr Swift mentioned 5/6 new units/properties on l/h side of entrance to Case Officer who was not aware of these. CO will go for a site visit. Are Planning Enforcement involved?
as it was not felt appropriate where neighbours had not objected..
- Tyninghame Links, 4 holiday lets and a cafÈ. Parking at facility will be 84 spaces. Wildlife survey will be undertaken. Landowner owns a lot of similar land. At recent LAF meeting ñ ELC were looking into doubling size of their car park there. Nearby cottages are not happy with development. DCC will not be objecting to this application, as it may help to solve parking issues on the road.
- New entrance to Phantassie, proposing a gate entrance opposite Rutherfords. This will stop large farm vehicles going down same way as pedestrians. Why canít they come through existing farm buildings? Need to determine ownership of land. Ask Mrs Priest to speak to Patricia Stephen then DCC can decide how to proceed.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Mrs Cosgrove reported that RAGES are continuing to meet. East Linton and Reston stations appear in control period 6 (2019-2024), as part of East Coast mainline improvements.
Discussed bus timetables being small and unreadable. Mrs Cosgrove will inform Harry Barker and ask him to take it to the bus forum.
Mr Russel reported that there are no Borders buses or East Coast buses timetables at busy bus stop outside Bank of Scotland in Haddington. Mr Russel emailed bus companies and email has been acknowledged.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Skate park ñ Mrs Cosgrove advised that planning gain money of approx. £58k from new development at Pencraig has been earmarked by Stuart Pryde for new skate park. ELC have requested money as soon as work begins. Local schoolchildren have put in suggestions and agreed some rules and regulations.
Mr Russel has emailed Arts Officer, ELC re. Miller Homes artwork, no response received.
Robert Noble banners are in process of being removed and the metal structures can be reused throughout community. Mr Swift reported how the money raised from the sale of Robert Noble books was to be granted. Mrs Cosgrove had helped to set criteria. Funding decisions have been made. Funding has been granted for:-
- Emergency trolley in Medical Centre
- new signage on hall (via Tree-editions ñ 10 kids will get chance to create 5 wooden plaques based on Noble art done through workshops)
- Bronze bust of Noble outside Community Hall.
Discussed Local Priorities money allocated for pamphlet. Mrs Cosgrove to speak to David Affleck. Nick Morgan, ELC also to get involved.
Discussed sending details of local walks for Local Access Forum to advertise on their website.
DCC keen to renew heritage information boards and can apply to DELAP The quote for this work is £5,216.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 10/11 ELC Planning Local Review body meeting 16 Nov
11.2 13/11 ELC S Pryde: Park railings 11.3 13/11 ELC D Rutherford: Park railings
11.4 14/11 ELC Education Ctee 21 Nov 11.5 14/11 ELC Licensing Board 23 Nov
th Nov
11.7 16/11 ELC K Scott: Tyninghame speed limits 11.8 16/11 J.Bell: Draft letter to Planners
11.9 17/11 A. Davidson: potholes in the Square 11.10 20/11 & others H.Smith : NBerwick Coastal Area Partnership meeting
11.11 20/11 D. Affleck: History boards 11.12 21/11 ELC: Audit & Governance Ctee
11.13 22/11 & others H.Smith: Economic Devt group N Berwick Coastal 11.14 24/11 Darling builder: price for Stories Park path
11.15 27/11 L Pryde: ELC Public Budget consultation 11.16 30/11 LPryde: Fwd ELAssociation and ELothian Partnerships
11.17 30/11 N Armstrong: Electric car charging points 11.18 13/11 ELC A Stubbs response to EVC points
11.19 1/12 ELC E.Morrison: cash payments to ELC 11.20 1/12 ELC S Leathard: Station Yard site
11.21 4/12 ELC C.Redpath: Hedges on Preston Rd 11.22 6/12 Paths for All: Community Active Travel Grants
11.23 6/12 ELC C Goodwin: Alcohol Sales - Licensing Consultation
See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.
Communication received re. electric car charging points ñ ELC may have more funding available early next year if SG give more grants. DCC discussed where these charging points could be, some concern raised about these being under the railway bridge as previously discussed.
Discussed the potential closure of East Lintonís Post Office in February 2018, which is causing concern in village. Discussed some options on how to keep a Post Office ñ in Hall or local shop. All agreed that DCC should help in trying to retain a Post Office in East Linton. Mrs Cosgrove to write to Post Office to ask about future plans for providing a Post Office in East Linton and to be discussed further when the Post Officeís plans are known.
Ms Ward fed back plans to improve East Linton PSís playground by Parent Council ñ any ideas or support welcome.
Thursday 11th January 2018 ñ apologies submitted from Mr Russel.