Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 5th October 2017 at the Council Chambers, East Linton
Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove
Mr G Gray Ms L Shaw-Stewart
Mr R Russel Mr E Martin
In attendance Mr Gibson, East Linton resident
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Cllr Sue Kempson (ELC)
Mr J Robson
Mr J Swift
Mrs A Jolly
Ms A Pearson
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 7th September
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
Submitted by email by PC J. Stewart:-
Since the last police report of 3rd August 2017 there have been no incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking:
Community officers have carried out patrols following the introduction of the 20mph speed limit. On the whole people are complying and there have been no reports of specific vehicles speeding within the village.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour:
No issues reported
You told us that a particular issue was littering and peopleís lack of concern for the area.
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money.
No issues reported
Other incidents:
In general, the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, out buildings and properties are secure overnight.
CAPP priorities are:
- Following reports of youths congregating in the open air theatre area at Lamer Island, Dunbar; conduct evening patrols to check all are behaving responsibly and no damage is being caused.
- Following introduction of 20mph limit throughout East Linton, conduct enforcement.
- Patrol Countess Crescent area, Dunbar to prevent non blue badge holders from using disabled only car park.
Next CAPP meeting is 19th October 2017.
The land opposite Phantassie Cottages being used as a car saleroom was discussed again. This is land owned by ELC. Mr Craighead has reported to CAPP and will follow up.
4.1 Paths
Mr Craighead and Ms Pearson have discussed the locations of benches along the Tyne and the East Lothian Countryside Volunteers will be helping with installation with Mr Craighead overseeing this. The benches are ready ñ there will be 3 placed this year, and 3 placed next year. There is £200 left in budget - £100 offered to ELCV to assist with the installation & £100 to buy materials and postcrete for next yearís 3 benches.
No update on grants for Stories Park path ñ c/f to next meeting.
4.2 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Russel to write Novemberís ELDA article and Mr Martin to write Decemberís ELDA article.
Mr Russel and Ms Pearson are busy working on copy for Dunpender News. Deadline date for copy is Monday 23rd October. This will be designed and printed during November and delivered with December ELDA.
4.3 Area Partnership/other meetings attended
NBCAP ñ Mr Gray attended finance agenda setting meeting on 2/10. It was confirmed that Orlits cottages in Whitekirk will get funding for a path from cottages
to bus stop. £10,000 allocated out of the APís paths budget of £50,000. NBCAP have completed their Charette, and Mr Gray has dropped off copy of the report at EL Library and this is also available online. DELAP ñMs Cosgrove and Ms Pearson attended the recent funding/education funding panel ñ granted £4,000 to Dunbar Grammar for a reading programme and £41,000 for a Support from the Start Worker in the ward. There were 21 people at the meeting. The next meeting is on 27th November 2017.
4.4 Roads/pavements
Discussed the new 20mph zones in East Linton and all were in agreement that, in certain parts of village, the new speed limit is not signed well and that drivers are not consistently sticking to new speed limit (although it was recognised that some drivers are). Mr Russel had mapped 20mph zone and signage and handed out copies, discussed by DCC. DCC concluded that there is not enough signage and that 20mph ovals on road are required due to lack of lampposts (to put 20mph stickers on) in parts of village. The main reason for requesting 20mph limit originally was for up Bridge Street, along High Street and along Drylaw Terrace and these streets, in particular, are where there is a lack of signage/speeding. ELC Cllr Hampshire was following up this issue so DCC to ask him to update at next meeting. Mr Russel also to contact ELC and also Eves bus company who it is thought have not been sticking to new speed limit. Mr Gibson, resident at Prestonkirk Gardens spoke about issues he had experienced with speeding and lack of deterrent police coverage.
Mrs Priest to follow up on dropped kerbs plans and report back to next meeting.
No further update on the verge at Preston Road.
The money for the Preston Road lights has been ring fenced. DCC plan to start work on this in January and consult with residents. Possibly put this in ELDA but ideally responses will be collected from each household.
Scottish Power have repaired electricity supply and a new pump can now be be fitted. The fountain was also cleaned out today.
DCC are no further forward with this issue. Mrs Priest to find out who in ELC can write to residents to make them aware of their liability. There is no factor in place as this was not a legal requirement at the time.
ELC Estates dept who are pursuing this issue and have asked the stonemason to lower materials to below his fence by 10th Oct.†Planning say there is a potential planning enforcement investigation regarding the use of the land at the third unit as a scrap yard. Mrs Priest has reported the pallets lying outside the yard to Estates and fly-tipping there has been dealt with.
5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Treasurer not present so full report not available.
The Gala Committee have been give £140 towards their first aid provision at Gala.
Mr Martin reported that the £500 previously granted for Whitekirk hall will be acknowledged by Whitekirk community soon with a letter stating how they have used the funding.
6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
- Mr Martin reported a plan to survey residents in Whitekirk regarding broadband.
- The speeding at Tyninghame Links was discussed at recent John Muir County Park Advisory Group meeting who are dealing with this issue. Ms Pearson and Mr Russel usually attend this, although neither could go to most recent meeting.
7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
- Kate Moulin has been in touch with DCC re adopting the old phone box at Whittinghame, she has been advised to contact Mrs Shaw-Stewart.
- Issues reported with mud on road at Whittinghame/Traprain/Whitekirk & Waughton, Mrs Shaw-Stewart to report to police.
8.0 Planning matters
- Mr Swift submitted DCC response to Scottish Government reporter re. plans for houses on Pencraig hill. Determination date is 10th October.
- Discussed the new homes at the entrance of Monks Muir. These do not have
- Mrs Priest attended recent East Lothian Housing Strategy drop-in consultation.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
- RAGES AGM in Reston was well attended. Various politicians attended and the Transport Minister sent a letter stating he was still in favour of the reopening of Reston and East Linton stations. This work appears in the Network Rail control period 2019-2024.
- The consultation on the Markle level crossing will likely take place next year.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
- A new hole has been dug at East Linton Square for the Christmas tree.
- To celebrate the switching on of East Linton Christmas lights, there will be a torchlight procession through East Linton on 24/11. Children can meet Santa at Hall and he will give them chocolates if they hand in a letter to him. There will also be a Zumba class for children.
- Ms Cosgrove gave update on plans to revamp East Lintonís skate park. Paul Zochowski will co-ordinate what the children want. ELC will do the work if DCC can find funding.
- The Noble storyboard is in progress. The Noble art competition has taken place and the prizewinners will receive their prizes on 14/10 at tea party in the Linton Inn.
• Correspondence & consultations
• 8/9 Planning Aid Scotland: Patrick Geddes learning Festival 28/9
• 10/9 A. Gibson: SUDS etc at Andrew Meikle Grove
• 11/9 L. Pryde: Scotlandís Low emission zones consultation
• 12/9 L. Pryde: Devt of EL Local Housing Strategy drop in consultations
• 13/9 ELC M Foy: Tree trimming opposite Community Hall
• 13/9 Foodbank Team newsletter
• 14/9 ELC: Local Review body meeting 21 September
• 17/9 Sustaining Dunbar: Climate change
• 19/9 ELC: Audit & Governance Cttee 26 September
• 19/9 ELC: Fountain electricity supply fault
• 20/9 L. Pryde: Scottish Govtís Making Places initiative
• 21/9 ELC N. Clark: JMCP Advisory Group papers
• 25/9 L. Pryde: Edin Airport Airspace Change update
• 29/9 M. Munro: Community Paths Training courses
• 2/10 L. Pryde: Community Fire & Rescue Plan†for East Lothian feedback ñ GG to look at & respond on behalf of DCC.
• 3/10 ELC Estates: Station Yard site
11.17 3/10 ELC K. Baird: Best Boot Fwd & ELCountryside Volunteers new charitable status
11.18 4/10 L. Pryde: EL Community Training calendar Oct/Nov
See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.
• Any Other Competent Business
- Mike Foy, ELC has been in touch with DCC (see 11.5) re. ELCís plans to remove an ash tree and raise the crown of other trees near the new Noble benches, opposite the Hall. This area is overcrowded and light needs to get to flowerbeds and lawns. This will be completed by the end of October. Mr Craighead to make Christmas lights committee aware for light placement purposes.
- Discussed Making Places funding ñ DCC could access funding but any amount would have to be matched and also this funding is for consulting, not for project work.
- DCCís vacancy has been advertised on East Linton website, at Library and on DCC noticeboard and will also be put in ELDA article.
- Discussed request from Rev. Scott that DCC take on responsibility for organising and running carols round Square on Christmas Eve. It was agreed that this is not really within the remit of the Community Council and we have too much to do already.
- Discussed new Gala Committee, quite a few people have stood down and there is a lack of committee members ñ all to ask contacts and raise awareness of this. There will be no fundraising Halloweíen disco this year due to lack of volunteers, but there may be a fundraising ceilidh held next February.
- Mr Craighead has completed necessary checks on all the defibrillators in the area. There are 3 defibrillators in East Linton and 1 in Tyninghame. The one at the doctorís surgery was faulty and was recently replaced. There has been a delay to the defibrillator to be placed at the Community Hall.
- Mr Gray passed round the summary report of the East Lothian Health & Social Care Partnership.
Mr Russel and Mr Craighead still to place depth gauge at the white bridge.
Thursday 2nd November 2017