Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - September 2017

Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 7th September 2017 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Ms A Cosgrove Mr J Swift
Mr J Robson Ms A Pearson
Mr R Russel Mr E Martin
Mrs A Jolly

In attendance Cllr Sue Kempson (ELC)
Cllr Norman Hampshire (ELC)
Alec Gibson, Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)

Mrs J Priest
Ms L Shaw-Stewart

Minutes of previous meeting & AGM held on 1st June 2017
Mr Russel noted a correction on the Minutes of 1st June 2017 at 12.0. This is to be corrected to:-
Mr Russel will place depth gauge at white bridge this year.
Otherwise these Minutes and the AGM Minutes are accepted as a correct record of the meetings.

3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
There were only 5 people at the recent CAPP meeting, held on Tuesday 29th August and consequently, not a lot to discuss. Parking problems at Dunbar PS were discussed. Mr Craighead brought up issues with the introduction of the 20mph areas in East Linton and will also approach East Lothian Council. Drivers are not adhering to the new speed limit. Mr Craighead also noted that someone was using the ground opposite Phantassie Cottages as a sale room for cars. Current CAPP Priorities within East Linton are road signs and moving existing signs. Next CAPP meeting is 19th October.

4.1 Fish Ladder
There was a presentation by Charlie Perfect from SEPA. SEPA fund improvements to Scotlandís rivers and have a specific fund to help landowners deliver their statutory responsibilities. They have identified 6 or 7 barriers for fish to get through the Tyne and one of these barriers is at Knowes Weir. Two options have been identified by a consultancy firm ñ removing the structure or building a fish pass on side of bank ñ the Estate are now weighing up the options. SEPAís preferred option is the removal the structure ñ this restores fish access and requires no maintenance. Report by consultancy firm to be circulated to DCC members. Planning permission will be required. Mr Perfect took questions from DCC members. Mr Perfect thanked by DCC for coming.

4.2 Paths
Ms Pearson reported that DCC were unsuccessful in their recent Paths for All application and that this may have been because the priority was to create suburban paths. Ms Pearson is looking into other areas of funding ñ this funding would have been used for Stories Park path maintenance. The Tyne path has recently been cleared, however the Stories park and Stonelaws paths are overgrown. ELC are overstretched. Ms Pearson is attending a free course on Wednesday 13th September on paths maintenance. There is another course on Maintaining your Community Path on 27th September if anyone wants to attend, Ms Pearson cannot attend.
There has been no formal response from Kenneth Gray regarding the Preston Road footpath option, however DCC understand that verbally he has indicated he wonít give his permission for this.

4.2 ELDA article/Dunpender News
Mr Gray to write ELDA article for October ELDA and Mr Russel to write ELDA article for November ELDA. Mrs Taylor to remind Mr Gray.
Re. Dunpender News. Ms Pearson and Mr Russel have again split up the organisations to ask for copy from ñ Mr Russel has sent emails to request copy and images/photos, Ms Pearson still to email her allocation. Mrs Taylor to design Dunpender News, liase with Lothian Printers and distribute this for DCC. Copy to be with Mrs Taylor for the end of October. The publication will be designed and printed during November and distributed with ELDA at the end of November/start of December. Brief discussion on copy ñ Robert Noble centenary, playgroup and Christmas lights noted as ideas.

4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
Mr Craighead attended DELAP where Pippa Swan was re-elected as Chairperson. Belhaven Hospital was discussed. It is understood that NHS Lothian have indicated that the future provision of the area will be known before any final decision on the future of Ward 2. The funding has been ring fenced by DELAP for the potential traffic lights at Preston Road. £5,000 has been granted for the Christmas lights in East Linton. Mr Swift checked if other areas have had Christmas lights funded? Ms Cosgrove advised that other areas have made applications.
The Christmas lights in East Linton are being installed on 28th September. The tree has been trimmed and lights removed. Christmas lights committee expecting Christmas market to go ahead but unsure who is leading organisation of this ñ Ms Pearson to check. Traditional Christmas tree to be supplied.
Mr Swift attended Local Access Forum. Path at Dean discussed. Path at Tyninghame House needs progressed. There is to be a review of the coastal car parking charges
next year.
There is to be a full public consultation regarding opening East Linton and Reston stations. This will include questions on the potential closure of Markle crossing. There is now the possibility that the station/trains stopping at East Linton may not happen until end of 2024. The funding for the station reopening has been ring fenced by ELC and the amount has been capped. There are infrastructure improvements required at Waverley and Portobello Junction and currently no capacity on the line ñ awaiting confirmation of finishing dates of this work by Transport Minister. SG are still committed to delivering station but trains/a timetable are also required.
Mr Swift attended East Lothian Plan drop in event on behalf of DCC. Mr Swift to work on DCCís formal answer to East Lothian Plan.

The 20mph limit is not yet successful along Drylaw Terrace/Browns Place. There are currently speed limit reminders at entrance to village and a couple on road but it is felt that there is not enough signage. Traffic speeds will be checked at the halfway point and end of experimental period ñ these should show whether average speeds have come down.
Mr Craighead asked what is happening re. School Road ñ no update available.
Mrs Priest to report on new dropped kerbs for East Linton at the next DCC meeting.
Discussed the verge at Preston Road, which is growing gradually out. The road leads directly into the wall. Ms Pearson to chase up a response to her June email to Peter Forsyth, ELC, where this was mentioned. If there is still no response, then Ms Pearson to email Alan Stubbs.

Mr Robson got in touch with Glen Kane, Senior Lighting Officer, ELC. He reported a no supply fault to Scottish Power and Mr Robson will continue to follow up.

Mr Russel and Ms Cosgrove met with young people to progress and have a plan to meet Nick Galloway and Dougie Fox, ELC. The young people would like a poured concrete structure. There are cost issues to solve. Perhaps this may be funded by developers if new houses are planned for East Linton. Other funding sources will be examined.

5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Current account balance is £824.76, including the £300 refund from Local Priorities, covering the bench flat-packs. Agreed, in line with ELC guidelines, to increase mileage claims for DCC members to 45ppm. Mr Robson to send round mileage claim forms to DCC.
Grants account balance is £2,920.57 allowing for the final payments from the Robert Noble donations, leaving only £25.17 remaining.
Local Priorities account balance is £2,421.14 uncommitted. The spreadsheet was recently circulated and discussed, agreed to grant £140 (full cost of First Aid £151) to Gala Committee towards the provision of first aid at the Gala. £5,800.00 spent to date.
The old LED Christmas lights are being stored at Mr Craigheadís house.
The electricity in the park was scheduled to be carried out this month.
The Treasurer's Report for 2017, delayed because of the late audit of the 2016/2017 Accounts, having been circulated before the meeting, was proposed by Mr Swift, and seconded by Ms Pearson.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
The path from Orlits cottages to Whitekirk bus stop has been granted funding from Area Partnership. Mr Martin to liaise with farmer who has granted permission to use this land. Whitekirk broadband and survery currently being worked on.
Concerns regarding parking and speeding at Tyninghame links have been passed on to ELC. The plans to introduce a 30mph limit through Tyninghame are being progressed and possibly also a 40mph limit on A198. Foliage has recently been cut back along A198 past Tyninghame, however road signs are still obscured ñ Mrs Jolly has reported this to ELC. Two residents in Tyninghame have reported that their broadband is too slow ñ Lothian Broadband will do a survey of the area including Smeaton and Lawhead. The cricket pitch is not being maintained and recently a local resident has cut it. The factor will cut it once a year. The Tyninghame pub nights are going well ñ everyone takes bottles and snacks. There will be a Harvest lunch on October 15th to which all are warmly invited. Tyninghame Hall is being hired frequently.
Markle crossing consultation discussed at 4.3. Mr Swift responded to Markle Quarry extension plans as previously discussed. It was not known if Monks Muir residents had submitted a response.

7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame Mud on road has been reported to ELC.
A planning application has been put in for area where illegal portacabin currently sits at Sunnyside. Ms Pearson to go into ELC to review plans as these are not currently available online.

8.0 Planning matters
Mr Swift reported that the appeal against non-determination of planning application 16/00328/PM was notified to DCC on 1st September. ELC will not provide DCC with a copy of their response to this appeal despite submitting it without taking into consideration the responses from previous objectors such as DCC. This is in breach of their statutory duty. Their response was not accepted by the DPEA for this failure. They also failed to meet the extended deadline, which was given by the DPEA, for submission of their response - a fact that Holder Planning recognised. In theory, the Reporter could ignore their submission for not meeting the response criteria.
Mr Swift circulated DCC draft reponse, all agreed with this draft and had no comments to make. Mr Swift will submit tomorrow. Determination date is 10th October.
Mr Swift to respond to East Lothian Plan consultation on behalf of DCC as per 4.3.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES AGM will be held on Wednesday 20th September at Reston Village Hall. ë The Transport Minister has been invited, but no response yet.
There are no bus issues to report on. Continued praise for the 107 service and images of East Lothian on the backs of the buses were also praised. Cllr Kempson has enabled the children attending high school in Dunbar and travelling with bus passes to use their bus passes until 5pm, allowing them to attend after school activities.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Lesley Smith, ELC has reported that the Miller Homes artwork is progressing. Mr Russel to continue to check progress regularly.
Ms Cosgrove will meet with ELC next week to discuss Noble storyboard and where this should be placed.
The Robert Noble art competition takes place on Saturday 16th September and is being run in conjunction with art show. The Robert Noble banners at entrances to village will be taken down after art competition.

Correspondence & consultations

• Lilian Pryde, ELC, FW: Community Council Research, June 2

• Esme Clelland, ELC, 16/01066/P Markle Mains Quarry Extension, request for response from DCC plus reply, June 13

• 27 June SESplan: submission of proposed Strategic Plan

• L Pryde, ELC, FW: Community Choices Fund 2017/18 open for applications, June 28

• L Pryde, ELC, FW: Climate Change Bill Consultation Launch - Link fixed July 3

• Lilian Pryde, ELC, FW: ELCH Bulletin- Summer 2017, July 3

• 29 June Tim Mullen: Climate Challenge Fund opens

• EDI Communications, FW: CAA noise consultation, Jul 10

• 18 July ELC N. Clark Countryside Service Annual Report

• Paths for All, FW: Enter our 2017 volunteer awards, Jul 24

• Lilian Pryde, ELC, FW: Bags of Help Fund, Jul 24


• Hilary Smith, AELCC, Planning training, Jul 25

• Peter Forsyth, ELC, New Speed Limits for Tyninghame Amendment proposals, July 31 (Posted correspondence dated 24/07/31)

• Edinburgh Airport, FW: Airspace Change Programme - update Aug 3

• Daryth Irving, Carlo Grilli, both ELC, Follow up questions so that DCC can respond to The Reporter - Orchardfield/Pencraig Development, 16/00328/PM - various emails to from Aug 8-21

• 16 Aug S Richards: continued recall of some defibrillators

• Colin Bell, DPEA, re East Lothian Council's response to Appeal: Land adjacent to Orchardfield, East Linton, Aug 24

• 23 Aug and others D Luke : Station Yard

• 25 Aug -5 Sept ELC Estates and others re Station Yard


• Emma Taylor, ELC, Appeal against non determination of planning application 16/00328/PM - Erection of 93 houses, 20 flats, landscaping, SUDs and associated works on land adjacent to Orchardfield, East Linton, East Lothian, Sept 1

• Planning Democracy, Dunpender CC & planning - thanks for response, Sept 1

• 2 Sept RAGES Rag issue 69

• 4 Sept ELC L Smith : Miller Homes Artwork

• Alison Smith, ELC, Cabinet 12 September - Agenda and papers, Sept 5

• ELC, Licensing Sub-Committee 14 September 2017, Sept 6

Discussed use of station yard site. Cllr Kempson reported that ELC have requested that storage†on buildersí yard be lowered to height of fence (1.8m) and a proper fence be†put round the scrapyard site as per lease.†The use of the land does comply with planning policy however ELC Enviromental Health and Estates depts are aware of and monitoring situation

Discussed Rennie Place, lack of public liability insurance and the walkway between Kingsburgh Gardens and Rennie Place not being maintained (responsibility with Rennie Place residents). RP do not have a residentsí association and are not looking after common ground. There is no factor. The playpark is in disrepair. DCC to keep up communication with RP residents and encourage action on this issue.

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/ for local consultations.

Any Other Competent Business

Kingsburgh Gardens would like the road sweeper to visit, particularly to the crescent at the end. Mr Robson to speak to road sweeper on his next visit to East Linton.
It was discovered that the old bench at Phantassie dooícot was not missing as previously thought. This had been removed by Patricia Stephen, painted and put back in place.

Discussed the benches being built by Mr Craighead. 3 locations to be decided on.

Discussed the new homes at the entrance of Monks Muir. These do not have planning consent. ELC Planning enforcement are aware. There is now less recreational ground for residents.

DCC members to advertise vacancy for East Linton. Mention it to friends/neighbours.

It was observed that only 2 of the 6 elected Cllrs were in attendance ñ Cllr Kempson and Cllr Hampshire. It was noted that a warm welcome is extended to all 6 Cllrs.

Thursday 5th October 2017