Present Ms A Cosgrove Mr J Swift
Mr J Robson Ms L Shaw-Stewart
Mr G Gray Ms A Pearson
Mr R Russel
Mr E Martin
In attendance Mr A Gibson (Andrew Meikle Grove RA)
Mr N Wilkin (Monks Muir)
Mr J Gray (Monks Muir)
Mrs J Taylor (Minutes)
Cllr S Kempson
Cllr J Goodfellow
Mrs J Priest
Mrs A Jolly
Minutes of previous meeting held on 4th May 2017
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
Ms Cosgrove reported that the Big Issue seller at East Linton Co-op is not a registered Big Issue seller ñ Ms Cosgrove has reported this to PC Gavin Ross. Mr Craighead is attending the CAPP meeting on Monday 5th June 2017.
4.1 Roads/pavements
Parking at Tyninghame Links is still an issue. Mrs Jolly reported by email that she had given the residents some 20mph signs to see if that helped to alleviate speeding on Limetrees walk. ELC reviewing situation and may amended parking restrictions.
DELAP application for funding for traffic lights at Preston Road was discussed at recent DELAP meeting. There is sympathy for residents who have objected and for residents who feel trapped in their homes due to the lack of accessible pavement. DCC to revisit idea of alternative pedestrian route in meantime ñ speak to landowner to see if the path via churchyard would be allowed. Does churchyard wall have heritage status? Mrs Cosgrove to write to Kenneth Gray.
Mr Russel reported persistent bad parker at the Square to PC Ross.
There have been issues with parking on double yellow lines at Langside. Mr Craighead to raise at CAPP and mention to Callum Redpath, ELC.
Rubble outside community hall belongs to Openreach. Ms Pearson to complain to Openreach.
4.2 ELDA article
Ms Pearson to do ELDA article for July ELDA. Mr Gray to write ELDA article for October ELDA and Mr Russel to write ELDA article for November ELDA.
Mrs Cosgrove attended recent DELAP meeting ñ mainly looked at financial applications. Summer school is full with children from East Linton catchement attending. Next DELAP meeting is on 7th August ñ Mr Craighead to attend.
NBAP ñ had their initial Charette meeting which was very well attended. Charette to look at solutions over next few days and their report will be available for NBAP meeting. Whitekirk community hall will be granted another £1,000 for this financial year. Scotrail are considering an application for toilets at North Berwick train station.
New hall rep needed for DCC ñ no volunteers. Please let Mrs Priest know if you are keen..
Fish passage consultation ñ Mr Swift attended event on 16th May and spoke to Charlie Perfect, project leader from SEPA. Charlie Perfect has offered to come to next DCC meeting in September 2017. Planning permission may be required for any changes. Reply received from Historic and Environment Scotland stating that the weir at Knowes is not listed. Mr Swift gave update to owners of Mill House in Tyninghame.
Paths for All grant ñ Ms Pearson has submitted expression of interest and will submit application prior to deadline. Options include repairing and upgrading existing paths ñ at Monks Muir/Stories Park/Tyninghame/underpass to Pencraig Brae. Possibly submit application for general grant for paths around then see what we can afford to fix. Binning Wood path recently walked by Mr Swift ñ nice to walk.
Mr Robson to chase up Graham Brotherston regarding painting the fountain. Ian Govan to be asked to clear slime from fountain prior to East Linton Gala.
Only one toilet is currently open, locks have been vandalised. Need 2 toilets for Gala day. Reported to Paul Iannetta, ELC. No repair has previously been requested for toilets but Mr Iannetta will send someone out straight away to check and will endeavor to fix before Gala day.
5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Current Account balance is £90.76 ñ awaiting refund for benches £300 + £571 admin grant from ELC
Council Grants Account £7,402.07 majority of which are Robert Noble funds
Local Priorities £2,860 uncommitted. It was agreed to round up the Dunpender News budget to £650.00 and increase the Christmas light tree fixings to £500.00.
Mr Robson was thanked by Ms Cosgrove for keeping on top of Robert Noble finances.
6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mrs Jolly reported via email re. Tyninghame:-
ï Village hall garages have had their asbestos roofs removed and replaced with new galvanised ones.
ï Pub night in the village hall a success, next one on Friday 9th June 2017
ï Landlord of Tyninghame village rented houses are having them repaired.
ï Grass has been cut in the cricket pitch but as it was so long it requires to have a few cuts more to make it presentable. Mrs Jolly plans to contact Mike Thompson (estate factor) again to ask him to give it another cut quickly.
Mr Martin reported a planned leaflet drop in Whitekirk to inform residents about the Whitekirk Community company and community broadband.
Discussed lack of path/pavement from Orlits cottages to bus stop. Mr Gray to take to NBAP to ask them for fund or perhaps could use future Paths for All funding. Discussed project could possibly be assisted/managed by East Lothian conservation volunteers, new organisation of countryside volunteers.
No consultation yet published on the Markle rail crossing.
Planning application for extension of Markle quarry, DCC have been asked to respond. Application is for 200m x 100m on the east side. This would extend the lifeline of the quarry. Monks Muir residents who attended meeting advised to respond to planning application proposal prior to deadline. Mr Swift to collate DCC responses and submit DCC response.
7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Portakabin still situated at Sunnyside ñ no further progress.
Nothing further to report.
8.0 Planning matters
Discussed Markle Quarry at 6.0
Nothing further to report.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Cllr Hampshire is ELCís Environment spokesperson.
Discussed 2nd platform at Dunbar train station, scheduled for 2019.
106/107 Lothian Country buses praised.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Robert Noble reception was well attended by 85 people. Local resident, David Affleck, led walk round village, there was talk in church and the rededication of gravestone. Noble art competition is still to come.
Discussed using £1,500 youth club funds to follow up suggestions from young people re. toilets & skate park.
Mr Russel is chasing up Miller Homes artwork.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 May 5. Scoping opinion of proposed 36 application for offshore wind farm Angus coastline
11.2 May 9. H White: Christmas lights on tree in Square (no response from Mike Foy)
11.3 May 16. Mark Ruskell MSP: 20mph Membersí Bill consultation 11.4 May 16. ELC: Papers for ELC meeting 23 May
11.5 May 17. Al Beck Humbie CC Hustings Tuesday 30th May 11.6 May 17. S Gibb DELAP funding proposal for Preston Road
11.7 May 17. ELC Local Plan goes to Scottish Ministers and Reporter 11.8 May 18. Paths for All Community Path Drop-in surgeries
11.9 May 25. 16/01066/P - Markle Mains Quarry, East Linton - quarry extension 11.10 May 28. Richard Mosely - stepping down (Mrs Cosgrove to contact)
11.11 May 29. An invitation to participate in a workshop - Sustaining Dunbar and others on 10/06/17 11.12 May 30. Currie, Fiona, ELC: Papers for the Planning Committee meeting on
06/06/17 to view on the Councilís website:-
11.13 May 31. Parnell, T: Response to enquiries by DCC to the 3 weirs consultation
River Tyne from Historic and Environment Scotland. 11.14 June 1 Jim Park re double yellow lines at Langside
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Vacancy for East Linton DCC member.
Roundabout at Phantassie dirty however expect that this will get washed by forthcoming rain.
Decided that Dunpender News will be collated and printed later in the year. Mr Russel and Ms Pearson will get together soon to plan.
Reported that there used to be a bench at Phantassie dooícot. Mr Craighead to see if DCC have a spare bench that can be placed there.
Mr Russel will place depth gauge at white bridge this weekend.
Mr Gray to summarise the forthcoming ELC survey of its residents, which is about to be published.
Discussion around the speed of vehicles past Monks Muir.
Thursday 7th September 2017