Present Mrs J Priest Mr J Swift
Mr J Robson Mr E Martin
Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead
In attendance Mr Jim Herron (local resident)
Mr John Gray (local resident)
Mrs Helen Patterson
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
Mrs A Jolly
Ms A Cosgrove
Mr G Gray
Mr R Russel
Mr R Mosley
Ms L Shaw-Stewart
PC G Ross
PC J Stewart
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 6th April 2017
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
CAPP meeting was held on 13th April 2017. Community policing team to talk to licensed premises in East Linton regarding obstruction to footways and roadways caused by patrons’ and delivery vehicles. Concerns around large volume of lorries coming through Markle and East Linton moving soil from housing developments in Dunbar. Community policing team to liaise with site managers to see if an alternative route can be found.
4.1 Roads/pavements
Residents present at meeting reported a recent road accident at Monks Muir, while turning onto A199. Police were not involved until day after incident. Residents feels that this is an example to back up their request to lower the speed limit on the A199 past Monks Muir. Residents advised to report to new Councillors, however Monks Muir residents have already been to CAPP, reported to Peter Forsyth and Alan Stubbs at ELC and feel they are not being listened to. Residents are worried about social isolation of fellow residents if they cannot cross road to/from bus stop Ms Pearson to ask Peter Forsyth, ELC if it is possible to finish the chevrons & for a speed check/ traffic counter. This issue will be put on agenda for discussion for when there will be ELC Councillors present at DCC meeting.
The 20mph experimental order for East Linton has been published. Data taken from recent use of traffic counters in East Linton will be compared with new data once 20mph limit is imposed.
Ms Pearson also to remind Peter Forsyth, ELC re. repairing potholes in East Linton Square and also request a visit from a traffic warden regarding persistent parking on double yellow lines in the Square.
ELC also to be asked to clear verges at the side of Preston Road.
ELC to be contacted regarding pile of rubble left after Openreach work opposite Community Hall.
4.2 ELDA article
Mrs Priest to do ELDA article for June ELDA.
4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
Mrs Cosgrove is looking for someone to go to DELAP meeting to represent DCC as she is also the group’s Vice Chair. This is a quarterly meeting Mr Craighead has volunteered.
Mr Swift attended the Local Access Forum. Discussed informal path through Tyninghame estate, which is quite overgrown and possibly requires a gate or stile at fence. Ms Pearson to request help from Friends of River Tyne at next meeting. Also discussed Markle Crossing consultation, which was meant to be out end of March, but nothing has been published yet. Blocking up the crossing would mean shutting a right of way down & closing road. Also discussed Tyninghame car park. Negotiations are ongoing with landowner re doubling car park as visitors are parking right down drive. Keen not to double yellow whole drive. Possibly put in a turning point.
On 16/5, a consultation exercise on Fish Pass will be held drop in 2-7pm. Mr Swift has requested information from consultants on behalf of SEPA/SNH/Historic Scotland, then Mr Swift can draft a letter to SEPA. There will be a SEPA presentation at Friends of River Tyne AGM on 10/5.
East Linton Square’s Fountain is full of slime and scrummy water. Ian Govan usually cleans out pump and gets fountain going for Gala, request this is done for Noble centenary celebrations. Mr Robson to chase painting work requested.
4.4 Paths
Discussed at Tyninghame estate path at 4.3.
5.0 Treasurer’s Report/LP budget
Mr Robson reported that the balances, at the beginning of the new financial year, in both the Current and Grants Accounts were £123.76 and £7,126.41 respectively. The majority of funds in the Grants Account were for Robert Noble Centenary celebrations. The balance under Local Priorities shows £2,860 uncommitted. £300 had been paid from DCC funds for the benches materials, and would be recovered from Local Priorities. A thank you e-mail has been received from the Secretary of the Whitekirk Church Hall, for DCC’s donation of £500 towards the restoration.
2015/2016 accounts are not yet back from Accountant.
Request from resident to review dropped kerbs in village and possibly put in more where necessary for wheelchairs/scooters/buggies and prams.
6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Whitekirk fly tipping reported near Becky’s Strip, advised to phone ELC and tell them.
Whitekirk new path in Binning Wood. Mr Swift to walk it then bring up at LAF if problem. Funding from SRDP.
No update on Whitekirk broadband.
Tyninghame reported by Anne Jolly. Cricket club have folded and are no longer maintaining field. There are now new signs regarding dog fouling. The village hall is planning a ‘pub night’ once a month.
7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Nothing to report.
8.0 Planning matters
Nothing new to report.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Nothing to report.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Mrs Patterson attended the meeting and gave update re. Noble centenary celebration events. Paintings are being delivered to the Town House and exhibition opens on Friday 12th May with a drinks reception exhibition to be opened by Iain Gray MSP. BBC Arts Correspondent has been contacted. The book commemorating the centenary has been published and is priced at £15 for hardback and £10 for softback all profits to community. A committee has been set up to decide how to spend the money. There is to be an art competition at ELPS.
Mrs Priest contacted ELC re. the possibility of having electric car charging points in East Linton positive reply. ELC will put on list for next round of Transport Scotland grant funding. Will look at location once funding in place.
No progress in reviewing skate park facilities.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 Apr 10. LPryde Edin Airprt Flight Paths briefing 20 April
11.2 Apr 11. ELC A Stubbs: electric car charging points
11.3 Apr11. ELC P Forsyth: results from recent traffic counters in East Linton
11.4 Apr12. ELC NClark: mins JMCP Advisory Gp March meeting
11.5 Apr 13. B Whitson: proposed traffic lights at Preston Rd
11.6 Apr 13. J MacNamara: Youth Club residual funds
11.7 Apr 19. R Stewart: Playparks in Rennie Place and Longstone Ave
11.8 Apr 24. ELC SPryde: response re Playparks at 11.7
11.9 Apr 24. A Cowe: Speeding and indiscriminate parking at Tyninghame Links
11.10 Apr 23. ELC: Agenda for meeting of Licensing Board
11.11 Apr 28. JBA Consulting: Knowes weir consultation Tues 16 May 2pm 7pm
11.12 May1st. Paths for All grant applications invited
11.13 Apr 28. A Davidson: potholes/parking in Square, Fountain needs attention
11.14 Apr 29. FoRTyne AGM May 10th
11.15 May4. P Rycroft: Thanks for grant to Whitekirk hall
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Discussed playpark at Rennie Place should be maintained by Rennie Place residents.
Thursday 1st June 2017 (after AGM)