Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove
Ms L Shaw-Stewart Mr J Swift
Mr J Robson Mr R Russel
Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead
Mr G Gray Mr R Mosley
Mr E Martin
In attendance Cllr N Hampshire
Cllr M Veitch
Mr Anthony Jeffrey local resident
Mr Alex Gibson AMG Residents’ Association
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Mrs A Jolly
PC G Ross
PC J Stewart
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd March 2017
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
Since the last police report of 2nd March 2017 there have been no incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area.
CAPP meeting is being held next week, Thursday 13/4. There was a focus on Dunbar at last CAPP meeting. Local East Linton offender identified & fined for allowing dog fouling.
4.1 Roads/pavements
Correspondence received and responded to regarding Preston Road lights from Preston Road resident. Information passed to him regarding local consultation. Agreement to fund £20k from DELAP, another £30k to be found. Mrs Cosgrove to contact ELC re. timeline and funding for this project.
Cllr Veitch gave update re. introduction of 20mph in East Linton, this is to be actioned before end of this month.
East Linton School Road process was approved 6 weeks ago at ELC cabinet meeting. This process has begun and should take 10-12 months. This will initially be a trial.
Browns Place, East Linton is pending issue with ELC Roads Manager.
Cllr Hampshire explained that traffic counters seen recently in East Linton are recording average speeds.
Correspondence received from High Street resident asking about electric car charging point in village. DCC discussed. This is grant funded. Cllr Hampshire explained how funding works once identified a location, send to ELC Transportation and will be considered when funding available. Mrs Priest to pursue with ELC. Potential locations identified as in Library car park, at surgery or under railway bridge.
Preston Road wall is being fixed.
4.2 ELDA articleMs Pearson to do ELDA article for May.
4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
DELAP attended by Mrs Cosgrove. Thanked for funding on behalf of DCC. As well as contributing towards cost of Preston Road lights, DELAP also funding £15,688 to provide electricity in the park Paul Zochowski to take this project forward. This will mean that local activities and projects can plug into electricity without having to hire generators. DELAP are organising a summer school pilot scheme using educational attainment money and this will be for families who don’t have the chance to do exciting things in the summer holidays. This project will be centered around Dunbar. Local schools help to select children.
NBAP attended by Mr Gray. North Berwick Seabird Centre have plans to apply to become the Scottish National Marine Centre. £1k funding put aside for the Whitekirk Community Hall.
DCC has discussion around Area Partnership funding put something on website/in ELDA to ask for suggestions on what DCC should ask for funding to support.
Mr Robson attended the Tarmac Liaison Committee Meeting on 4th April. The main points being 1. The Irish Parent Company CRH had spent £10 Million on the Dunbar Plant in the last 2 years. 2. Emissions were well under control. 3. The Quarry restoration (the old used West quarry) will be completed in 5 weeks and seeded. Next meeting 3 October 2017.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart attended the AELCC planning meeting
Ms Pearson attended meeting re. fish pass at Knowes Weir see 4.5.
4.4 Defibrillator
Planning granted for defibrillator at Community Hall. Money to come from ELC to be processed. When payment is made, defibrillator will be delivered.
4.5 PathsThere was a recent meeting with SEPA regarding the fish pass at Knowes Weir this was attended by Ms Pearson. Another public consultation to be held in May in Haddington. 2 other weirs along the Tyne to be looked at. Consultation is being led by SEPA and may require planning. DCC representative asked at the meeting if we have a preferred option however no decision could be made based on no evidence presented. Mr Swift to write to SEPA write it on behalf of DCC. Mrs Priest to get back to owner of Tyninghame Mill.
5.0 Treasurer’s Report/LP budget
The final balances for 2016/2017 were £461.50 and £6,393.06 for Current Account and Grants Account, respectively. Mr Robson's spreadsheets agreed with balances in the bank statements and the Accounts would be ready for presentation to the Auditors, next week. The present balances were Current Account £428.50 and Grants Account £6,137.26 - the majority of which is allocated to the Robert Noble Centenary celebrations.
The Outturn for 2016/2017, agreed with Mrs Pryde, in the Local Priorities Budget, showed out of a total of £5,766.57, £2,755.43 had been spent, leaving £3,011.14 carry-over to 2017/2018. A new spreadsheet for 2017/18 has been circulated and discussed - a budget of £700 was agreed for the Horticultural Society, and an unallocated £2,000 put forward to residents for suggested spending activities ask in ELDA for spending suggestions.
6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Whitekirk Community Company discussed broadband options.
WCC to formulate a questionnaire for residents re broadband & 20s Plenty consultation.
Mr Martin reported that Whitekirk Hall renovation coming along and they have also adopted the phone box, which will contain leaflets and books.
No information yet re. Markle crossing rail consultation reported Cllr Veitch. Network Rails responsibility to take lead on this.
Markle Quarry has plans for an extension.
Mrs Jolly reported that 33 people attended AGM of hall hopefully can engage residents. No word about cricket field.
7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Fly tipping complaints underneath A1. Cllr Veitch to follow up and ask ELC to remove. Encourage to report fly tipping to ELC.
8.0 Planning matters
Cabling at Dunpender job finished but ground finished unsatisfactorily. Cllr Hampshire to raise with Utility Works.
DCC’s response to planning consultation submitted by Mrs Shaw-Stewart. All the responses were listed.
Local Development Plan has gone to Scottish Reporter with submissions. A lot of LDPs will go to enquiry. People who have made representation will get chance to represent themselves at enquiry.
Pencraig Hill plans continued at recent ELC Planning meeting. The road junction was felt to be insufficient and reservations about infrastructure, landscape etc. Mr Swift and representatives from SELFIE and AMG spoke. Other objections raised. 10 residents from East Linton present. Will be tabled at future ELC Planning meeting.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Community Rail Partnership First has pulled out from running buses in Borders. East Linton station reopening - funding has been agreed by all parties and ELC funding has been capped. No further progress on this, pressure to be kept on SG.
More parking agreed at Drem Scotrail taking this forward. 33 extra spaces.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Tree work in progress Mrs Shaw-Stewart will chase up.
Mrs Cosgrove gave update re. Noble centenary events. Book of paintings in production. Art competition is taking place over summer and being judged in September. Art Officer going into school. Grant of £850 from ELC Partnership budget.
Recently DCC have been consulting with young people regarding what they liked about East Linton this was that they felt safe, playing in park, loved having a sweet shop, liked having 2 hairdressers. Also spoke about what needed changed skateboarding area needed updating (funding required Mr Mosley to investigate). Lights at skateboarding area aren’t working (Mrs Priest to follow up). Toilet locks not safe (Mr Craighead to follow up). Swings not exciting enough (Mrs Priest to follow up). School children delighted that DCC took time to consult with them.
Dunbar is getting wi-fi hotspots.
Dunbar election hustings on Weds 12/4 Belhaven Church Hall.
Scottish Government have consultation running on improving parking in Scotland all can have a look at and respond.
Paths for All funding - Ms Pearson to apply for funding for Stories Park path.
Mr Craighead and Ms Peason reported back re. benches. They can purchase 6 benches 3 this year and 3 next year at a total cost £300. These come flat packed so Mr Craighead will build them.
Sincere thank you to Cllr Veitch (his last DCC meeting) for all his work in Dunpender area.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 Mar 4. M Haddow: Agenda for RELBUS meeting 15th March
11.2 Mar 6. N Clark ELC: JMCP Advisory Group minutes
11.3 Mar 6. JBA Consulting meeting re fish passes on Tyne
11.4 Mar 7. L Pryde: Training on Participatory Budgeting
11.5 Mar 7. H Smith AELCC: Draft Local policing Plan for East Lothian
11.6 Mar 7. H Smith AELCC: Report on meeting re planning consultation
11.7 Mar 9. N Armstrong: suggests provision of public electric car charging point
11.8 Mar 14. Cllr Veitch: Wall at Preston Road to be repaired shortly
11.9 Mar14. G Gray: Invitation to be involved with the development of the East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership Engagement Strategy
11.10 Mar15. A Semlyen: 20’s updates
11.11 Mar 21. ELC: Papers for ELC meeting 28 March (includes LDP)
11.12 Mar22. Scottish Community Alliance newsletter (Local People Leading)
11.13 Mar 22. M Haddow: Minutes of RELBUS meeting on 15 March
11.14 Mar 23 and others B Whitson: Traffic lights Preston Rd
11.15 Mar 23 Scottish Govt: Consultation on Fracking
11.16 Mar 29 K Baird: Best Boot Forward
11.17 Mar 31 LPryde: DCC Budget 2017/18
11.18 Apr 3 Paths for All grants
11.19 Apr 3 Scottish Govt: consultation on Improving Parking in Scotland
11.20 Apr 3 M Cook: Protecting the Lade from Knowes Weir
11.21 Apr 4 Edinburgh Airport Airspace change consultation
11.22 Apr 4 C Mackenzie: Agenda Bus Forum 5th April and note of November meeting
11.23 Mar 29 ELC: ELC Partnership Funding grant of £850 for Noble centenary events
11.24 Apr 4 J Bell: Dunbar CC election hustings. Weds 12/4, 7.30pm, Belhaven Church
See for local consultations.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Robson has been contacted by Graham Brotherston regarding the Fountain painting. ELC's Painting Supervisor was looking at the possibility of a good painters’ clean up and will report back.
Thursday 4th May 2017