Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - March 2017
Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 2nd March 2017 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove
Ms L Shaw-Stewart Mrs A Jolly
Mr J Robson Mr R Russel
Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead
Mr E Martin Mr G Gray

In attendance Cllr M Veitch
Mr Anthony Jeffrey – local resident
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Mr J Swift
Mr R Mosley
PC G Ross

Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd February 2017
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report
Since the last police report of 2nd February 2017 there have been no incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area.
CAPP meeting also held on same night as DCC meeting so Mr Craighead unable to attend CAPP. Higher profile on dog fouling in East Linton.

4.1 Roads/pavements
Correspondence received regarding Preston Road lights, forwarded to ELC and Alan Stubbs, ELC replied. Applied for funding from DELAP 2017/18 budget - £20k requested of £50k total expected cost– decision expected at next meeting. There were 8 responses received from recent local consultation – majority in favour of lights.
Cllr Veitch asked Alan Stubbs, ELC re. parking on Browns Place and opposite Community Hall. No progress so far but Alan Stubbs now aware of this issue.

4.2 ELDA article
Mr Russel to do ELDA article for April.
4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
DCC have applied for more funding from DELAP - £17k for electricity in the park and £4k for benches etc opposite Community Hall. DELAP AGM on Tues 28/2 – Mr Craighead and Mrs Shaw-Stewart attended.
Local groups to be encouraged to apply for money from FLAG funding (Fisheries Local Action Group).
Ms Pearson reported back from recent Friends of River Tyne meeting – SEPA going to work on Knowes Weir. Litter cleaning day Saturday 11th March. Photos for Friends of RT calendar requested. Ms Pearson to make them aware of FLAG funding.
4.4 Defibrillator
Planning for defibrillator on Community Hall not yet granted. Mr Craighead and Mr Robson to liaise re funding from Co-op for installation & cabinet, DCC grant £600.

4.5 Fountain painting
Mr Robson had contacted East Lothian Council, and had been advised that Graham Brotherston (Senior Repairs Officer) would be getting some quotations for repairs and painting of the Fountain. Mr Robson to check progress prior to next DCC meeting.

5.0 Treasurer’s Report/LP budget
Mr Robson informed Members that the Current Account stood at £427.50, and the Grants Account's balance was £6,668.03 - £5,281.70 for the Robert Noble Centenary in May.  A separate spreadsheet on these donations and expenditure had been previously circulated.  The Local Priorities Budget had been updated to show the East Linton in Bloom activity would spend their £700 allocation this year, a completed £500 request for the Whitekirk Church Hall restoration received, and a separate donation form to be submitted for the £600 towards the PAD cabinet relocation.  The £442 allocated for Christmas lights would be spent on preparing the Square's tree and lights, for hand-over to the new organisation - a further £500 to be donated for replacement lights, from 2017/18 DCC budget.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Whitekirk – Whitekirk are keen to look at introducing a 20mph zone. Advised to get support locally and once got signatures then bring to DCC for submission to ELC.
Re. WiFi hotspots in Whitekirk & East Linton, it is possible, but expensive - £3k quoted. Discussion around whether having a hotspot is a useful thing for business and community. Involves £30 p/m broadband connection fee. Approach DELAP (Mr Martin) and NBAP (Mr Gray) for funding. Tyninghame - there has been no feedback about the cricket pitches in Tyninghame yet. Contacted EL Roads department re. knocked sign on A198 – this will be repaired soon. 30mph speed limit consultation process has formally begun.

7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Still waiting to hear about Portacabin at Sunnyside – no planning permission yet. Several people locally have put in complaints.

8.0 Planning matters
Mr Swift has sent off DCC’s response to proposed Pencraig development.
Mrs Shaw-Stewart and Mr Russel met Rachael Hamilton, Mr Russel and Mrs Priest met George Kerevan to discuss planning issues. Cross party approach requested and early adoption of Local Plan.
AELCC held a meeting on Scottish Govt Planning changes consultation. All CCs present felt planning process not currently fit for purpose. All CC responses to consultation to be co-ordinated. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to prepare DCC response.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Chair and Vice Chair of RAGES met with Humza Yousaf and discussed actual date for station, Mr Yousaf would not guarantee but should be in next control period 2019- 2024. Markle crossing issue in consultation.
Cllr Veitch chasing up 20mph proposal for East Linton.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Christmas lights – any lights DCC owned have been given to new Christmas lights team. DCC to spend £442.08 left in Christmas lights budget to get tree pruned and get lights down – then tree will be new group’s responsibility but DCC will hand over a fit -for- purpose tree. £500 to be donated from next year’s DCC LP budget towards Christmas lights.
Noble events – 12/5 Iain Gray to open exhibition at 6.30pm. Exhibition will run for 2 months. Discussed programme of events.
Consulting young people – Ms Pearson and Cosgrove to visit School on 6th March.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 Feb 7 LPryde: Community Council website newsletter and feedback survey
11.2 Feb 7 ELC D Priddle: Mud in your Eye
11.3 Feb 7 ELC Agenda for Cabinet meeting 14th Feb
11.4 Feb 8 B Whitson: proposed traffic signals on Preston Rd
11.5 Feb 12 D Joules: proposed traffic signals on Preston Rd
11.6 Feb 13 L Pryde: ELREC Diversity survey
11.7 Feb 14 NHS Lothian: Hospital Construction update 23rd Feb Roodlands
11.8 Feb 14 ELC L Smith: update on Artwork
11.9 Feb 15 H Smith AELCC mtg on Changes in Planning Townhouse 7pm 28 Feb
11.10 Feb 15 Sustaining Dunbar: local events and opportunities
11.11 Feb 16 PAS: Forum on future of the Scottish Planning System Edin 14 March 6-8pm
11.12 Feb 16 ELC: Licensing Board mtg 23 Feb
11.13 Feb 16 ELC Budget meeting papers 21st Feb
11.14 Feb 15 Scottish Govt: Planning consultation event March 2 Gyle 9-4 and links to easy guide to Changes in Planning consultation docs.
11.15 Feb 20 Scottish Govt: Consultation on Unconventional Oil & Gas (Fracking)
11.16 Feb 21st ELC: agenda etc for meeting of Council on 28th Feb
11.17 Feb 21 ELC: JMCP Advisory Gp mtg March 9th 2pm
11.18 Feb 22 ELC: agenda for Police, Fire and CSSC meeting March 1st
11.19 Feb 22 NHS Lothian : ELC Hospital Feb bulletin
11.20 Feb 28 20’s Plenty Steering Group meeting 8 March
11.21 Feb 23 and others, J Ross: gate at Park entrance by Bowling Green
11.22 Feb 27 LPryde: CCouncils Twitter hour on 7th March 8-9pm

See also https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Knowes Farm Shop has moved to old Saleground.
Wall at Preston Road is awaiting repair – Cllr Veitch to chase

Thursday 6th April 2017