Dunpender Community Council
Minutes AGM 2016


Minutes of AGM held on Thursday 2nd June 2016, 7.30pm in the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Mrs A Jolly, Mr J Robson, Mr J Swift, Mr G Gray, Ms A Pearson

Mr B Craighead, Mr R Russel, Mr M Strachan, Mr E Martin

In attendance Mr Anthony Jeffrey, Mr Alex Gibson, Mr Richard Mosley, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Ms A Cosgrove, Ms L Shaw-Stewart and Cllr Veitch


J Priest - Chairwoman
A Cosgrove - Vice-chairwoman
M Strachan - Secretary
J Robson - Treasurer

We welcomed new members for Tyninghame & Whitekirk: Anne Jolly and Eric Martin.
This year our members have, among other things:

* had a Public Access defibrillator installed in Tyninghame

* worked on objections to proposed housing at Whitekirk

* renewed the High St pavement through the Dunbar Area partnership

* joined discussions about broadband provision in Whitekirk

* supported the Horticultural Society in keeping East Linton blooming.

* provided the Christmas lights

* continued to support the Friends of John Muir Country Park work group and volunteer path wardens

* had work done at the Co-op to help prevent dangerous parking

* pushed forward plans for a 20mph limit for East Linton

* had warning signs installed at Lauder Place

* tackled a dog-fouling problem on Tyninghame Cricket Pitch

* supported the new residents at Andrew Meikle Grove

* started planning for the Noble anniversary in 2017

We have reported numerous broken streetlights, signs and potholes to ELC.

Members continued to represent the Dunpender community on various groups and at a number of consultations and meetings this year including ELC Bus Forum, RELBUS, RAGES, CAPP, two Area Partnerships, Lafarge, East Linton Community Hall, John Muir Country Park and Joint Laws Advisory Groups and the Local Access Forum.
Dunpender News this year and have written a short report each month for the East Linton & District Advertiser as well as ensuring our news is on the website.

Thanks go once again to Alastair Seagroatt who looks after our website, www.eastlinton.uk.com, to Mrs Taylor who takes the minutes for our meetings and to all members for their hard work throughout the year.


The 2015/2016 Accounts were audited in April, confirmed to be correct with the Treasurer's records, and a certified copy passed to Internal Audit at East Lothian Council.

The Income of £2,607.78 was significantly less than the previous financial year's (75% less), largely due to no large donation from the Co-Operative Society.
Expenditure at £2,705.20 was correspondingly less than 2014/2015 (65%), mainly because of no defibrillator or Walks leaflet costs. Funding, totalling £1,104.59, covered costs towards the Fountain maintenance, the East Linton Horticultural Society, and new LED Christmas lights purchase. Donations amounting to £800, were given to East Linton Arts & Crafts, Senior Citizens, Day Centre, Scouts, Playgroup, Babies & Toddlers, and RAGES. Most of these were recovered from our Local Priorities budget, controlled by East Lothian Council.
The final cash balance for 2015/2016 was £2,002.69, comprising of £413.26 in the Current Account (BUSINESS) and £1,589.43 in the Council Grants Account (TREASURERS).
Copies of the Abstract and Notes to the Accounts, in digital format, were circulated to Members for the June 2016 Meeting. Should anyone wish to query any figures in the Accounts, or require a fuller explanation, please contact the Treasurer.

Proposer:- Ms A Pearson
Seconder:- Mr B Craighead

The Treasurer would like to thank Robin Dickson who took a personal interest in auditing the Accounts. Appointment of Auditors Douglas Home & Co, Chartered Accountants in Haddington (transferred business from Dickson & Co.)


The following office-bearers were re-elected. Chair ñ Mrs Priest, Vice chair ñ Ms A Cosgrove, Treasurer ñ Mr Robson.

Proposer:- Mr J Swift
Seconder:- Mrs A Jolly

No Secretary appointed -review at next DCC meeting - Thursday 1st September 2016.

There being no other business, the AGM was closed and followed by an ordinary meeting of Dunpender Community Council.