Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove
Ms L Shaw-Stewart Mrs A Jolly
Mr J Robson Mr G Gray
Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead
Mr J Swift Mr E Martin
In attendance Cllr J Goodfellow
Cllr M Veitch
Mr Anthony Jeffrey local resident
Mr Reg Drysdale AMG Residents’ Association
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
• Apologies
Cllr N Hampshire
Mr R Mosley
Mr R Russel
PC G Ross
PC J Stewart
• Minutes of previous meeting held on 13th October 2016
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
• Police Report
No police report submitted.
Mr Craighead attended recent CAPP meeting efforts to be concentrated on Dunbar area and include; foot patrols for youths causing disturbance at schools, youths passing around abusive substances and alcohol and numerous drivers causing obstructions on Dunbar High Street being moved on this may be helped by traffic wardens starting work on 7th November. The police have recently issued winter warning reminding local residents to lock garages and huts on dark nights as there are incidents of bikes and tools being uplifted.
4.1 Roads/pavements
Mrs Jolly attended recent 20s Plenty Steering Group meeting. There were 114, mostly positive, responses to the recent 20s Plenty ELC consultation from East Linton residents this has been approved to go ahead after Dunbar’s 20mph zones have been finalised. Tyninghame discussed, possibility of 30mph to be adopted, but plan to introduce 20mph zones locally first. There is no update regarding resident concern with speeding in Longstone Avenue, Cllr Veitch has asked for a meeting.
DCC viewed drawing, prepared by ELC, of proposed traffic light locations and wider pavement in Preston Road. The road would become single lane round the Church. DCC happy with plans. Discussed local consultation A2 sized drawings to be placed in Library for 6w Ms Cosgrove/Mrs Priest to arrange. Also to be mentioned in ELDA and placed on Dunpender website. DCC to make case for change, feedback local comments to ELC then ask ELC to put on consultation hub. Possibly ask DELAP to fund otherwise will take a long time to find funds via ELC.
Bill Laird ELC rang up DCC regarding 2 x sets traffic lights along East Linton High Street to apologise for the disruption and also spoke to contractor.
4.2 ELDA article for November/Dunpender News
Mrs Priest to write ELDA article for December/January ELDA.
DCC members to distribute Dunpender News ideally before East Linton Christmas Market on 4th December. DCC members co-ordinated distribution areas among members. News copies to be collected from Mrs Priest’s house.
4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
Mrs Cosgrove attended recent DELAP Educational Attainment Sub Group meeting to discuss allocation of the £100k area allocation. There were 12 applications which were reviewed, decisions taken now to be agreed by full DELAP meeting. At next DELAP meeting, Cllr Veitch to mention Prestonkirk path and traffic light plan/drawings as this is a project DELAP could potentially fund.
Mr Swift attended recent Local Access Forum meeting. There is a proposal to create a local/national database for shooting to give people warning of planned shoots this is in the early stages of discussion. Mr Swift reminded all members that there is a LAF Facebook page and it is looking for photos and stories. LAF praised Area Partnerships for funding local paths and projects.
Mr Robson attended the recent Tarmac Liaison Committee Meeting and reported the following:
- New Plant Manager Oliver Curtin introduced.
- Safety at date was 528 days LTI free
- Plant reducing SO2 emissions to half of permit limit (500mg/m3), for new 400mg/m3 limit in April 2017
- Previous owners between 2008 & 2015 did not do much investing at works, subsequently present grinding mill capacity is reduced, potential for new vertical cement mill being discussed. Still 40 years of limestone left in area
- Aberdeen bypass contract is their major supply job at the moment.
Mrs Cosgrove attended recent Fisheries Group meeting where a proposal to introduce beach huts on wheels at North Berwick harbor was approved these will be retail units or provide storage.
4.4 Paths
Discussed alternative option for Prestonkirk pavement no progress on proposed footpath from Smeaton drive through the graveyard since last meeting
4.5 Defibrillators
Mr Craighead has checked all local defibrillators after receiving a list with serial numbers of ones with potential problems placed throughout East Lothian none with problems in Dunpender area. Mr Craighead reported concerns the defibrillator at Tyninghame that it is not hard wired and about its accessibility. Mrs Jolly reported that there are signs on noticeboard, bus shelter and café. Florescent signs suggested by Cllr Goodfellow. Record of theft is tiny all defibrillators are supposed to be in unlocked boxes. Mrs Priest suggested robust signs for village entrances.
4.6 Phone box
ELC and Community Councils contacted simultaneously re. local phone boxes. Cllr Veitch explained that he was trying to avoid DCC having to adopt it if ELC decide to object to phones being removed. Strong feeling that DCC wish to keep phones and phone boxes but do not wish to adopt. Mrs Priest to respond to ELC on behalf of DCC re. phone box on East Linton High Street and in Tyninghame.
5.0 Treasurer’s Report/LP budget
Current Account balance, after the refund of East Linton Horticultural and Gala Day costs from Local Priorities, was £635.56.
Council Grants Account, after path maintenance costs paid, balance was £1,386.33.
The Local Priorities budget, which still showed an uncommitted amount of £1,256.08, was discussed and the following additional Activities were included: Christmas Market, Whittingehame play park, and an additional wooden bench for the area were allocated £100, £500, and £500 respectively. Mrs Cosgrove to research cost of benches. The balance of £156.08 was allocated to the funding of more replacement Christmas lights.
6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Tyninghame defibrillator discussed at 4.5.40m of Christmas lights already purchased to be delivered to Tyninghame for tree in front of village hall.
7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Cllr Veitch reported portacabin at Sunnyside to ELC Planning Enforcement Officer, David Taylor, now to chase up how this has been actioned.
Whittinghame plans for playpark progressing. The landowner has been contacted and Mrs Shaw-Stewart will meet with him to discuss plans.
8.0 Planning matters
PAN has been submitted for houses at Prestonmains. Developers have offered to come to a DCC meeting however this is not felt to be necessary. There will be a public meeting on 13th December.
Response to draft Local Development Plan to be written by Mr Swift reiterating DCC view of no large scale development on top of what has recently been done and agreeing with ELC that no other suitable sites have been identified. Comments to be forwarded to Mr Swift by Mr Martin re. Whitekirk graveyard for inclusion in letter.
SESPlan2 (see Oct correspondence at 11.0). Ms Cosgrove to attend a public meeting in Musselburgh on 9th November. Plan proposes 4,000 houses exploiting A1 and railway corridors and this will affect East of the county as there will be saturation in West. ELC are backing the adoption of SESPlan2 and it will input significantly into next Local Development Plan. Ms Cosgrove to respond on behalf of DCC by 24 November 2016.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Ms Cosgrove could not attend recent RELBUS meeting, however relayed comments to meeting.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Christmas Market will be going ahead in the Square on Sunday 4 December and 2 rooms are booked at Hall in case of bad weather.
£656.08 allocated in Local Priorities budget for Christmas lights Mrs Shaw-Stewart to arrange a new box/timer for lights in tree and will buy new lights and also arrange for a local tree surgeon to trim tree and put up lights by 1 December.
Robert Noble Anniversary Mrs Cosgrove met with Catherine Weldon, ELC’s Exhibition Organiser to draw up a plan drawn up of where pictures will hang and funding has been requested. Mr Craighead reported that the base of gravestone has been installed. The surrounding ground reinstatement will be completed by Mr Craighead and David Affleck is to start flowers in greenhouse. David Affleck been in touch with relative of Robert Noble to ask if s/he wishes to take part in celebrations.
No update provided re. Miller Homes artwork.
AELCC meeting Mr Gray to attend on 9/11 so Mrs C can go to SESPlan2 consultation meeting on same evening.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 Oct 18 ELC LPryde: Interim Review of Polling Districts and Places
11.2 Oct 18 ELC Meeting papers 25th Oct (Parking wardens start 7th Nov)
11.3 Oct 18 Paths for All, technical advice on paths offered.
11.4 Oct 20 FoRT minutes
11.5 Oct 21 ELC Licensing Board meeting 27 Oct
11.6 Oct 24 ELC Planning Ctee meeting 1 Nov
11.7 Oct 24 Zero Waste Dunbar Clothing sale 29 Oct
11.8 Oct 25 Agenda 20’s Plenty Steering Gp 26th Oct
11.9 Oct 27 M Haddow: RELBUS Local Plan objection
11.10 Oct 20 S Richards: Lifepak AED Technical problem
11.11 Oct 28/Nov 1st Clarendon Planning & Devt for David Wilson Homes:
PAN for houses at Prestonmains
11.12 Oct 30 K Baird: Christmas wreath making workshop for Dun Cons Vols
11.13 Oct 31: ELC: Civic Pride Fund application form
11.14 Nov 1st ELC: Cabinet agenda 8 Nov
11.15 Nov 2nd AELCC meeting 9th Nov 7pm Town House, Health & Social Care
11.16 Nov 2nd Improvement service: Community Councils hour on Twitter 8 Nov
Ms Pearson to fill in Civic Pride Funding application for funding for benches. Mrs Shaw-Stewart to suggest to people keen to build a new Whittinghame playpark, that they could apply for Civic Pride funding in future. Mr Gray to investigate costs of drinking fountain for future Civic Pride funding application.
East Lothian Proposed Local Development Plan - closes 7/11/16
See also
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Craighead to lay wreath at Remembrance Sunday service on Sunday 13th November on behalf on DCC.
Box installed for superfast broadband in garden area opposite hall. Contractor ripped up established plants with no clear intentions of reinstating area. ELC Ground Care to contact BT Cllr Veitch to follow up.
The colour of the bridge is felt to be disappointing. Supposed to be Flying Scotsman green quite dark, looks black. Mrs Priest to contact Network Rail regarding colour.
Thursday 1st December 2016