Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - June 2016

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 1st September 2016 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove
Mr J Robson Mr G Gray
Ms A Pearson Mr B Craighead
Mr J Swift Mr R Mosley
Mrs A Jolly

In attendance Cllr M Veitch
Mr Peter Forsyth, ELC Transportation
Mr J Heron, Chair of Monksmuir Residents’ Association
3 representatives from Monksmuir Residents’ Association
Mr Danny Wright, Tyninghame resident
Mr Alex Gibson (AMG Residents’ Association)
Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

Cllr N Hampshire
Cllr J Goodfellow
Mr R Russel
Mr E Martin
Ms L Shaw-Stewart
PC G Ross
PC J Stewart

• Minutes of previous meeting held on 2nd June 2016 & Minutes of AGM held on 2nd June 2016
Both accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report
No police report submitted.
Mr Craighead reported that the recent CAPP meeting was held on Thursday 11th August 2016. New CAPP priorities are youths, speeding, dog fouling. Plea for funds to buy a new speed gun. After discussion DCC conclude that this should be funded by Police Scotland.
CAPP also urge residents to report dog fouling.
Next CAPP meeting Mon 5/9.

4.1 Roads/pavements
Peter Forsyth from ELC, Transportation attended meeting
ELC Transportation dept are working hard on the parking agenda and to get this up and running as soon as possible, focusing on parking to be decriminalized in East Lothian and on repainting and renewing double yellow lines.
Mr Forsyth reported that ELC have formally consulted on 20mph limit for East Linton, this closed on 18/8, and ELC staff will now analyse responses. Initial responses show that there is far more support than opposition for this. Mr Forsyth stated that it could happen fairly quickly – 4 months if no objections or up to 18 months if there were objections.
ELC Transportation department are also working on the schools streets agenda which includes East Linton. This policy is rolling out throughout East Lothian. ELC are engaging with Parent Councils.
Mrs Priest asked re. the single yellow lines opposite Browns Place/East Linton Community Hall – a review has been requested. Mr Forsyth stated that removing these would mean revoking order which is a lengthy process. Network Rail have put in an application for partial closure of Station Road to allow bridge to be strengthened and painted. Expect Network Rail to contact local traders and have public transport, fire brigade been informed? DCC to be made aware of exact dates and times of work. Mr Forsyth reported an update re. the work proposed to Preston Road – potential work to deal with blind bend – widening footpath and signaling. This works well on Victoria Bridge in Haddington. Callum Redpath, ELC Transportation has discussed it with Church and he will produce drawings which DCC could display. Potential cost around £40k which ELC can’t fund for a number of years. Can DELAP fund? What do people locally think? Based on community demand – assess views – ELC not committed. Option of path behind Church still to be explored. Mr Swift, Cllr Veitch and Nick Morgan to discuss.
DCC asked for update re. dropped kerbs – Day Centre/Prestonkirk Gardens and Bridgend. ELC team are currently working in Musselburgh but Mr Forsyth expects this to be completed in East Linton by middle of September, this is weather dependent. Give Way at Andrew Meikle Grove to be completed at same time.
Mr Forsyth reported back re. query about pavement at Co-op and puddle. It is thought that this issue was caused by public utility works however can’t prove it so ELC will add to a long list of remedial works as they can’t.
Mr Gray asked re. progress of rebuilding stone dyke after road traffic accident in Preston Road. Prestonmains Farm to rebuild wall and they can recover costs through insurers. ELC will give him time to complete work but chase if it is not completed soon. If this is not completed then ELC can raise a Roads Scotland Act Order. Mr Gray from Prestonmains Farm felt that underneath section of road is undercut by river erosion. David Northcott, Structural Manager, ELC has examined this and found no issue, but will carry out inspections regularly.
Monksmuir Residents asked Mr Forsyth if the chevrons would be finished on the East side of Monksmuir. Yes, but ELC are finding it difficult to secure services due to pressure on department.

4.2 ELDA article for Sept/Dunpender News
Ms Pearson to speak to Mrs Taylor re. quote for Dunpender News. DCC members to distribute Dunpender News.
Mrs Taylor to send Ms Pearson contact for Christmas Market for potential article in Dunpender News. Other possible articles include RAGES update/Robert Noble/Monksmuir Residents’ Association. All articles to be submitted by end of September – Dunpender News likely published in November/December 2016.
Mrs Priest to write ELDA article for October.

4.3 Area Partnerships/other meetings attended
DELAP have £100,000 available for Children and Young People – Mrs Cosgrove will put forward ideas at November meeting. These ideas must make a difference to young people in the ward.
Monksmuir have received funding for lights at the bus stop –2 lights at £10,000 have been paid for at full cost. Residents very grateful. Future ideas for Dunbar ward being discussed include High Street works and repairing coastal trail.
NBAP held a Community Conversation event at Spiegeltent on 15/8, during Fringe by the Sea– 200 people turned up. Lots of ideas put forward. Mr Gray put in a bid for £1,000 to do up Whitekirk Community Hall – granted. This can be spent on roofing, kitchen, windows, an event - unrestricted. £500 requested to go to North Berwick Museum to support Robert Noble events.
Mr Swift attended Local Access Forum in July. Main issues for area – core path audit being conducted, looking at all aspects of core path network – condition, signage, any problem areas etc – plan to get schools involved. The path was overgrown next to Andrew Meikle Grove – Mr Swift reported that this path was cut recently – unsure who by. Irresponsible dog walking still a big problem, areas like JMCP, Seacliff suffering from dog fouling. The forum wants to host National Access Forum – in Haddington/Brunton Hall, hosted by ELC. One of agenda items for discussion will be irresponsible dog walking. East Linton to Hailes Castle is very overgrown. Ms Pearson to suggest that they include Hailes to East Linton path in local Path Warden scheme. Path from Stories Park to Linn Rocks – on ELC’s list. Path Wardens asked to audit their patches and pass to LAF.

4.4 Paths
Debris in river – sorted. Linton Brig work being done. Concrete strengthening it. Logs being taken for no cost.
Weir above Knowes is covered in debris. Fish pass in middle but no fish are passing. Tyninghame estate has an outside factor, CKD Galbraith. Should DCC contact SEPA directly/Marine Scotland? Decided to contact Mike Thomson at CKD Galbraith initially. Mr Swift to send photo and remind him.
Mud on John Muir Way at Tyninghame, Mr Russel to meet up with farmer and Nick Morgan at the end of September.
Path going down to Mill, at St Baldreds Well – lady fell on path with weeds. Jon Champion has since put down chips and strimmed weeds.

4.5 SUDS fence at AMG
A site meeting was held on 1/9 to discuss the drainage basin at Andrew Meikle Grove. Attendees included 3 people from Scottish Water, Cllr Veitch, a representative from Miller Homes, 2 x AMG residents, Cllr Hampshire, Mrs Priest. Miller Homes agreed to progress the actions required on their part to enable Scottish Water to take responsibility for the basin itself. The surrounding area will become the responsibility of the factor appointed by the Residents’ Assn. It seems a proper fence is not a requirement.

4.6 Defibrillator relocation
One defibrillator was initially placed internally in Co-op. When refurbishment came along, management decided they didn’t want defibrillator inside or outside Co-op. Iain Yeaman took defibrillator to Votadinis. ELDCA have since agreed to it going on Hall. Mr Craighead to apply for planning permission. Will require £600 for case from DCC.
Private donation for defibrillator, it has been suggested this go on Fire Station. Fire Station cannot say yes yet as has to go through Property at SF&RS.
Monksmuir residents are interested in a defibrillator.

4.7 Miller Homes Artwork
Planning requirements – this should be concluded quite soon and artwork placed.

5.0 Treasurer’s Report/LP budget
Current Account balance £672.26
Council Grants Account £1,599.83 - need to pay Jon Champion for refurbishing paths at St. Baldred’s Well.
Local Priorities - £432 spent/£3,392.23 commited remaining, uncommitted of £2,374.34. Invoice sent to Lilian Pryde for PAD signage at Tyninghame. Requested suggestions for Local Priorities.

7.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Monksmuir residents reported a potentially very serious crash at Monksmuir – looking for info from Perrymans Buses CCTV – Cllr Veitch will request this. Email to be sent to PC Ross. Police can warn driver. Continuing issues with speeding – expect nothing will be done until fatal accident. Possibly place a speed sign there to see if this has any impact?
Monksmuir mains gas being fitted.
Nick Morgan – thank you from Monksmuir residents as they now have a fantastic path.

6.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Wednesday 7th Sept 4.30pm meeting in East Linton Council Chambers re, speed limit.
Mr Wright, Tyninghame resident reported that from consulting Tyninghame residents, there is overwhelming support to reduce speed limit. Ambition is 20mph - bridge to junction to Lawhead opposite Lodge House. ELC Colin Baird has ruled this out and said that 30/40mph more likely. DCC discussed and will provide full support from DCC. Mrs Priest to write to Alan Stubbs, ELC to provide evidence of DCC support.
Cllr Veitch said that the possible closure of Markle crossing if railway station opens in East Linton was mentioned in East Lothian Courier. Have they consulted and have they said where footbridge would go? If finances were secured or station – then this would be dealt with.

8.0 Planning matters
Local Development Plan meeting on Tues 6/9 to look at East Lothian Local Development Plan 2016.
No other planning matters to report.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES AGM is on 12th Sept in Reston Village Hall.
RAGES had organised a Public Meeting at Longniddry Community Centre on Thursday June 30th at 7 pm with Phil Verster, Head of Scotrail Alliance, to discuss rail issues in East Lothian. North Berwick line, Dunbar, Drem parking, fare evasion, overcrowding and dumping passengers discussed No new trains until mid 2017 – second in line for receiving new trains after Edinburgh/Glasgow line.
Cllr Veitch has written to Transport Minister regarding ELC and SG contribution for railway in East Linton – awaiting formal response. Is funding from City Deal possible?
RAGES grateful for continued support from DCC.
RELBUS AGM was held on Wednesday 31st August – Harry Barker has taken over as Chair.
New bus services – East Coast Buses have begun – commuters and travellers seem happy with service. Some timetable teething issues but expect that timetables will be adjusted to suit in time.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Robert Noble Anniversary:-
65 paintings identified so far for exhibition and Mrs Cosgrove has 2 more to see at City Arts Centre. Commemorative brochure to be produced. ELC is going to pay for work to be done to gravestone. Gravestone weighs ¾ tonne they plan to stabilise this. This work to be completed before end 2016. Restore ground area round gravestone – possibly require money from DCC. Cannot touch copper faceplate. David Affleck has applied for heritage status for 5 gravestones. Mrs Cosgrove asked what do DCC think about sponsoring an art competition possibly involving local art groups during Robert Noble celebrations next May? DCC thought that this was a nice idea but possibly a lot of work.
Thanks to Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Craighead for their work on Anniversary.
Community Payback Team on agenda, c/f to next month

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 June 2. ELC K. Scott: dropped kerbs at Bridgend
11.2 June 22. ELC C. Baird: current ELC Speed Limit policy
11.3 June 27. L. Pryde: Community Choices Fund
11.4 June27. SESPlan proposed strategic development plan
11.5 July11. ELC N. Clark: JMCP Advisory Gp mins 10/3 and next mtg 6th Oct
11.6 July19. ELC L. Smith: Artwork PP progressing
11.7 July 27. Rev D. Scott: Projects for young US visitors Summer 2017
11.8 Aug 1. L. Pryde: Scottish Resilient Communities Conference 7th Oct Leith
11.9 Aug 5. L. Pryde: fwd Edinburgh Airport Airspace Change programme
11.10 Aug 8. L. Pryde: NHS Annual Review 10 October
11.11 Aug 9. Relbus AGM, 31st August 7pm, Haddington Town House
11.12 Aug 11. East Lothian Bus Forum meeting 2 November
11.13 Aug 17. RAGES AGM 12th September 7.30pm, Reston Hall
11.14 Aug18. Cllr Veitch: SUDS meeting 1st September
11.15 Aug 22. ELC: Meeting 20’s Plenty Steering Group
11.16 Aug 23. Homes for Life AGM Weds 14th Sept 7pm Maitlandfield Hotel.
11.17 Aug 27. A Skinner Bridgend Ho: concerns about remedial work at Linton Brig

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Community Council elections to be held on Thursday 6th October – DCC members took nomination forms – Mrs Cosgrove to return to ELC. Poster in box outside East Linton Community Chambers. Other posters to be put up locally by DCC members.

Thursday 13th October 2016 (note second Thursday in October)