Present Mrs J Priest, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Mr G Gray, Ms A Pearson, Mr E Martin, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Swift, Mr R Russel, Mrs A Jolly
In attendance Mr Anthony Jeffrey, Mr Richard Mosley, Mr Alex Gibson (AMG Residentsí Association), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
* Apologies Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr M Veitch, Cllr J Goodfellow, Ms A Cosgrove, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, PC G Ross, PC J Stewart
* Minutes of previous meeting held on 5th May 2016
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking:
3 reports of motorcycles speeding past Tyninghame on 11/5 and 1/6. No trace on police arrival.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour:
No reports of antisocial behaviour
You told us that a particular issue was littering and peopleís lack of concern for the area:
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money:
25/5 ñ theft of trailer from Sunnyside Farm between 15:00 and 18:45pm. Enquiries ongoing
Other incidents
In general the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, outbuildings and properties are secure overnight.
CAPP meeting was held on Tuesday 31st May. All priority areas identified related to Dunbar. Youths congregating at JMCP after exams ñ police present in plain clothes.
Police and DCC members discussed issue of motorbikes and a speeding car in Tyninghame and East Linton. Police have plans to visit Tyninghame and various Dunpender locations over the next week with a speed gun. There is a meeting re. Tyninghame speed limits with residents, police, Cllrs etc. on 22 June 2016.
4.1 Bridge painting of Bridge 66
Mr Russel, Mr Robson, Ms Pearson and Mrs Priest met with Network Rail ñ decided on green and black colours. Bridge 67 also to be repainted green (across Tyne). Colour swatches to be sent. Brickwork to be cleaned and bridges will be strengthened. Work planned to start August 2016 taking 20 weeks. Work funded by Network Rail.
4.2 Vacancy
DCC vacancy advertised and Mr Mosley attended meeting. Mrs Newcombe will not be taking up opportunity.
4.3 Roads/pavements
East Linton residents have received letter re. proposed Experimental Traffic Order for 20mph speed limit through East Lintonñ ELC have listened to DCC feedback and added in extra areas as detailed in previous meeting Minutes (dated 5/5/16). Await results to consultation from local residents ñ responses due by Friday 17 June. Experimental Order will be in place for 18 months if it goes ahead.
Cllr Veitch not present to report on Traffic Options.
4.4 ELDA article for June
Mrs Priest will write article for July ELDA.
4.5 Area Partnerships
DELAP ñ Mrs Cosgrove reported by email that she is hoping to arrange a meeting of interested parties before the end of June to work out a draft plan for the £100k equality in attainment funding. Next Partnership meeting is at the end of June.
Money planned to use for drinking fountain from Queenís birthday gift to area has gone to Day Centres instead.
£5,000 requested for a speed reactor for East Linton area of Dunpender, which can be moved about.
NBAP ñ have set up subgroups for Older People and Transport. IJB NHS Board coming to speak to NBAP re. Haddington hospital. Carol Lumsden will also be attending a future meeting to talk about Day Centre provision.
£5,000 allocated for a speed reactor for North Berwick Coastal area of Dunpender, which can also be moved about.
4.6 Meetings Attended
None apart from those noted elsewhere in these Minutes.
4.7 Paths
SUDs pond meeting with Cllr Veitch not arranged yet.
Hogweed and debris and tree trunks against Linton Briggs ñ local Rangers dealing with, involving engineers and ELC Roads dept. A lot of debris at Weir near Knowes. Ms Pearson to raise with Friends of River Tyne. Mr Russel to contact factor to report on debris. Poaching possibility as fish pass blocked.
JMWay from bridge over Tyne at A198 to Ware Rd ñ very narrow and muddy. Community Council to contact factor and Nick Morgan.
5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
Current Account balance £797.26 includes this yearís Admin fee
Council Grants Account £1,599.63 ñ sold postcards for £10.20 to local newsagents. Asked Jon Champion to refurbish paths at St. Baldredís Well.
6.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
No update provided.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Mr Martin attended ELC Community Broadband meeting on 10th May with a†presentation from Digital Scotland Superfast Broadband about giving rural areas faster broadband . All info on new website†
Mr Martin has applied to become a director on the Community Interest Company set up to see this project through.
Tyninghame defibrillator signs are in place ñ one on noticeboard, one in cafÈ, one in bus shelter. Plan to put projected one up, this was left with Chair of Hall. Is a solar panel light possible so signs can be seen in the dark? Discussion around how to make defibrillator more visible/accessible. Mrs Jolly confirmed that defibrillator is hard wired.
8.0 Planning matters
Discussion of Mr Swiftís draft response objecting to plans for 119 new houses at Pencraig Hill submitted by Stewart Milne. DCCís main reason is that DCC consider it to be too many houses all at once which will put undue pressure on existing services and infrastructure and impact negatively on the visual aspect and character of East Linton. Previously agreed with Planning to submit late response ñ now due by Friday 3 June 2016. Response has drawn on objections submitted by AMG Residentsí Association, SELFEE pressure group and local opinion. Discussed that there are more properties planned than agreed in DCCís submission to Draft Local Plan. DCC not necessarily against new houses, but this is too many. DCC feel that this response is representative of residents in village. All DCC members agreed that they were happy with Mr Swiftís draft response and that this can be submitted to ELC. Mrs Priest has responded to letter sent directly to DCC from SELFEE. Mr Swift thanked by DCC.
There is to be a special planning committee meeting soon looking at planning application for biomass digester near Ballencrieff.
Ms Shaw Stewart reported via email that she had been to a recent HADAS meeting where Andrew Robinson reported back on discussions with Musselburgh regarding the planning issue and how it†has become led by developers. He is proposing to send out a summing up on the issues which affect all local communities and also ELC.† This is tied up with the pressures put on CCs and Council. Ms Shaw Stewart feels that if all Community Councils and bodies involved with planning issues find a way of expressing their concerns, then the Scottish Government might be more interested in looking at this issue.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RAGES has organised a Public Meeting at Longniddry Community Centre on Thursday June 30th at 7 pm with Phil Verster, Head of Scotrail Alliance, to discuss rail issues in East Lothian. It would be good if others from Dunpender area attended. Mrs Priest to send details to Mr Martin
Next meeting on 15 June at 7 pm in the Town House, Haddington, principally to discuss Firstís withdrawal from bus services in East Lothian. Mrs Priest, Mrs Cosgrove and Mr Gray to attend.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Robert Noble Anniversary
Mrs Cosgrove reported by email that she is due to meet the Curator of the John Gray Centre on 13 June to discuss the paintings that will be in the Exhibition. Sandy Moffat, RSA and former Head of the Glasgow School of Art, has agreed to give the lecture on the life of Robert Noble. Mr Craighead reported re. gravestone restoration. Stuart Pryde, ELC has confirmed that ELC will deal with restoration ñ planned to be completed by end summer 2016. David Affleck ñ will organise upgrading and cleaning gravestone and look at having 5 stones in total added to Heritage register.
Community Payback project
Plan to use manpower to repaint white bridge. Mr Craighead spoken to ELC contact, Dave Rutherford and he has been to bridge. Nothing has happened to date - Mr Craighead and Mr Robson will chase this up. If CPT canít complete in good time, DCC may have to undertake work themselves.
Mr Craighead to find out location of Co-op defibrillator which has been taken down during refurbishment. Also to look into whether this can be located outside Co-op in cabinet and if any funding is available for cabinet. Mr Strachan reminded members about £1,000 donation for defibrillator for North end of village ñ possibly to be located at fire station? Mr Swift to follow up.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
1. 060516 J Priest. DCC holding statement on proposed housing developments. Circulated to DCC.
2. 060516. J Priest. DCC comments to ELC on initial East Linton 20mph zone proposals. Circulated to DCC.
3. 240516. J. Priest. Report on meeting with Network Rail re painting of railway bridge. Circulated to DCC.
4. 250516. J. Priest. Holding response from DCC to Kate Smith of SELFEE on planning application 16/00328/PM for the erection of 97 Houses, 22 Flats, landscaping, SUDs and associated work on land adjacent to Orchardfield, East Linton. Kate Smith's original email circulated to DCC pending our discussions on proposed development.
5. 240506 J Pleasance. Purchase of BT telephone box. Holding response sent. To be discussed at meeting.
6. 260516. C. MacKenzie ELC. Meeting to be held on on Wednesday 22 June at 2pm about village traffic speed outside the coffee shop Tyninghame Village.
7. 300616. F. Currie ELC. Planning Committee meeting 7 June.
DCC received a suggestion to adopt the phone box opposite Linton Butchers to use as an information point or similar. The cost is £1 but DCC would be responsible for all future maintenance, painting and repairing broken panes of glass. The phone box would be adopted as an info point. Mrs Priest has send holding response. Mr Priest to put in ELDA article inviting responses from local residents. Ms Pearson keen to adopt, interested to see what others think.
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Mr Gray asked about Miller Homes Artwork progress. Mr Russel to email Lesley Smith, ELC. No apparent progress been made.
Local paths overgrown.
All to distribute East Linton Walks leaflets ñ Mr Russel to hand some in to John Gray Centre, Haddington and North Berwick Library.
Thursday 1st September 2016