Dunpender Community Council
Draft Minutes - May 2016

Draft Minutes of meeting of Dunpender Community Council
held on Thursday 5th May 2016 at the Council Chambers, East Linton

Present Mrs J Priest, Mr M Strachan, Mr J Robson, Mr G Gray, Ms A Pearson , Mr E Martin, Mr B Craighead, Mr J Swift

In attendance Mrs Jen Newcombe, Mr Reg Drysdale (AMG Residentsí Association), Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)

1. Apologies Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr M Veitch, Cllr J Goodfellow, Ms A Cosgrove, Mr R Russel, Ms L Shaw-Stewart, Mrs A Jolly, PC G Ross, PC J Stewart

2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 5th April 2016

Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.

3.0 Police Report
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking:
No reports of note.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour:
No reports of antisocial behaviour
You told us that a particular issue was littering and peopleís lack of concern for the area:
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money:
No reports of theft.
Other incidents
30/04/2016 - Vehicle accident on Preston Road resulting in road being closed for a period. Male driver escaped with minor injuries.

In general the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, outbuildings and properties are secure overnight.

CAPP meeting was held on Thursday 14th April. All priority areas identified related to Dunbar.

4.1 Network Rail re. repainting of Bridge 66
Jeremy Spence from Network Rail was unable to attend the meeting. He will hopefully be able to come to next DCC meeting on Thursday 2nd June 2016. Members have seen examples of previous bridges painted.

4.2 Vacancy DCC vacancy advertised and Mrs Newcombe attended meeting.

4.3 Roads/pavements
Improved signs in place at the top of Lauder Place.
ELC asked DCC re. 20 mph proposed Experimental Order. There were concerns that it does not include the roads people are tempted to speed on. Could ask Council for average speed once in place, to see if traffic is slower. DCC to ask for it to start at 32 Drylaw Terrace, Haddington Road, Dunbar Road and Lauder Place. Mrs Priest to respond to ELC. This will be consulted on with community via ELC consultation hub.
No Cllrs present so no further update re. Roads/pavements given.

4.4 ELDA article for June
Ms Pearson will write ELDA article for June ELDA.

4.5 Area Partnerships
Mrs Cosgrove not present but update provided by email. Mrs Cosgrove to meet Jo McNamara, Youth Worker next week to discuss plans for the £100,000 Equality in Education funding. Mrs Cosgrove has already visited Playgroups in East Linton and Dunbar, and the After School Club in Dunbar (still to meet East Linton AS Club). Mrs Cosgrove attending a youth event in Dunbar on 13 May to talk with young people, and has also contacted the Grammar School to ask for their suggestions. Mrs Cosgrove is hoping to set up a small sub group to put proposals forward and have a draft plan ready by the end of June with the payments being made at the beginning of next term. East Linton Primary School Parent Council advised. Also planning to contact the Day Centre and Pensioners Association.

Mr Gray reported the NBAP also have £100,000 to spend from Equality in Education funding - looking at youth groups/parent teacher associations/schools & toddlers group in the hall as well as looking at some lifelong education options.
NBAP decided to spend their Queenís Birthday fund allocation on food and support for East Lothian Foodbank. NBAP have a Subgroup - Older Peopleís Committee NBAP, there is soon to be a talk about Roodlands and what will happen to over 65s in future.

4.6 Meetings Attended
Mr Craighead - attended Noble planning meeting
Mr Swift - attended Local Access Forum in April. Discussed upgrading John Muir Way - East Linton to Kaimhill over next few weeks - fencing, repairs, resurfacing etc by 2 x landowners. Monks Muir to Pencraig - path has been adopted by Monks Muir residents. River Tyne path along River Tyne south of bridge possibility. Nick Morgan, ELC had meeting with residents of Tyninghame House - suggestion was that they route a path through Tyninghame Estate out of way of Tyninghame House gardens - tentative discussions just now. Forestry Commission representative attended LAF - there is money available for paths if near woodlands. Mr Swift has contact details.

4.7 Paths
SUDs pond at AMG - Cllr Veitch to organise a meeting to discuss pond. Miller Homes put up fence as favour - area inside Scottish Water responsibility, area outside is Residentsí Association responsibility. Mr Craighead has visited other SUDs ponds and reported that Miller Homes put in minimum requirements. Mr Drysdale also reported that social housing residents have been told they canít join RA by factors, AMG RA would like them to join and take part.
Learn how to make a path and maintain a path day - in Stirling, Ms Pearson to attend.

5.0 Treasurerís Report/LP budget
The 2015/2016 Accounts had been audited by Robin Dickson, and found to be correct - signed copy passed to East Lothian Council, Internal Audit.†
The Current Account stood at £830.26, which included ELC's Admin Grant of £577, paid to DCC to cover administration costs for the year.† The Grants Account's balance was £1,589.43.
An updated Local Priorities spreadsheet had been circulated, covering the latest agreed activities for 2016/2017 - uncommitted balance was £2,506.34.
Ask Dave Warren re. socket outside St. Andrews Church.
Gala First Aid - to be covered.
6.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
No update provided.

7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Whitekirk broadband meeting - Tues 10th May 2016 - Mr Martin to attend.
Defibrillator in Tyninghame to be put on Whitekirk Community Company website.
RE. Tyninghame defibrillator, Mr Craighead reported concerns that the defibrillator is difficult to find. Mrs Jolly has bought signs - arrive today. Mr Martin to check with Mrs Jolly re. power source.

8.0 Planning matters
Re. planning application for biomass digester near Ballencrieff - the Councillors were presented with amendments to the planning conditions at the last minute so refused to discuss it as they hadnít had sufficient time to consider them. Now postponed to June at the earliest.

At next DCC meeting in June, DCC members to discuss Stewart Milne/Pencraig Hill development - application only live online today with 155 documents to review. Mrs Priest will give statement to East Lothian Courier tomorrow - ëno comment from DCC at the moment, havenít reviewed plans.í. DCC have previously agreed a response to Main Issues Report, not to this development.

9.0 Public transport/RAGES
Re. East Linton Station - Barrie Forrest one of RAGESí campaigners, spoke to Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister when she was in Eyemouth and made the case for Reston Station - which she said she was committed to supporting.† Reston Station was in the SNP Manifesto although East Linton wasnít - Mrs Cosgrove was advised that this was an omission and was not intentional.† †There will possibly be new Transport Minister after Scottish Parliament elections.
RAGES has been advised that Virgin is launching four new Edinburgh - London services on May 16, but not one of these is stopping at Dunbar. Mrs Cosgrove is going to the launch and will speak to David Horne, their MD, about this.
The fares anomaly at Dunbar has now been sorted out, so fares should be the same as they are from Edinburgh. This was after RAGES protested directly to Virgin. Dunbar Community Council has also complained about the distance people have to walk to get taxis at Edinburgh Waverley. RAGES met with Virgin staff at Edinburgh and they are going to look at using the Calton Road area for taxis, which has accessible lifts and is currently underused. They will not allow taxis into the station area now as it is seen as a security risk.

10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Robert Noble Anniversary 2017:-
Gravestone Restoration
Mr Craighead has kindly taken this on and Mrs Cosgrove has agreed to find funding, as Stuart Pryde, ELC was very positive about Civic Pride funding. Plan to get quotes from specialist stonemasons to carry out the work. Mr Craighead reported that a new base is to be installed and the gravestone will be resurrected to former glory. Historical Society will clean and restore writing etc. Traced living relative of Noble in West Linton.
Art Exhibition
Help offered from Iain and Helen Patterson. Together have discovered that there at least 30 paintings available for loan in the area and Mr Patterson is making a photographic record. Then will meet Katherine Weldon the curator from the John Gray Centre, to discuss with her which paintings should be included. Suggestion that a catalogue could be produced as a lasting record and have suggested that local businesses might sponsor the cost of this.
Suggetion to contact a former Head of the Glasgow School of Art, Sandy Moffat to ask to do a talk (The East Lothian Antiquarian Society have already said they will support the cost of this). Mrs Cosgrove to contact.
Promotional Leaflet
Mr Affleck has written an article on Noble for the current edition of East Lothian Life. To be asked to write a shorter version for the leaflet and we could use one of the paintings as a front cover.
School event
Mr and Mrs Patterson have recommended a friend of theirs with experience to run classes in the Primary School connected with Noble. The Headteacher has said she will find timetable space for this so that all children can take part. There may be a cost for the artistís time for thisñ possibly to be met from DCC allocated funds.
Art Club
Art Club definitely want to do something to mark the event, but have not given details yet.
Gala committee
They have said they will run an event for children which will be featured in next yearís Gala programme.

Community Payback team - getting team together to paint the white bridge. Mr Craighead to get more paint and brushes - 5 individuals coming to help.
Mrs Cosgrove to give update on drinking fountain at next DCC meeting.

11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 ELC: 20ís Plenty Steering Group mtg 17th May
11.2 12 Apr ELC L Smith: working on PP for Artwork 11.3 12 Apr Friends of R Tyne mins/mtg 13 Apr
11.4 14 Apr CAPP Priorities 11.5 15 Apr ELC D Rutherford re work for Community Payback team
11.6 15 Apr Sustaining Dunbar AGM 9 May 7.30pm 11.7 16 Apr D Laing: grants for improving public spaces
11.8 17 Apr ELC G McLeod: proposed 20mph zones 11.9 C McWhannell: Patronsí Lunch 12 June
11.10 ELC Licensing Board 11.11 ELC SKerr: Community Broadband meeting 10 May
11.13 ELC: Rep wanted for ELothian Joint Integration Board 11.14 ELC K Baird: Conservation Volunteers Newsletter and reports on training days

See https://eastlothianconsultations.co.uk/.

12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Patrons lunch for Queens official birthday on 12th June suggested - DCC have no time to organise an event plus too close to Gala.
Mr Swift to represent DCC at Gala. Gala Committee to send details to Mr Swift.

Thursday 2nd June 2016 + AGM.