Present Mrs J Priest Ms A Cosgrove, Mr J Robson Mr R Russel, Ms A Pearson Mr E Martin, Mr B Craighead Mr J Swift, Ms L Shaw-Stewart
In attendance Reg Drysdale, Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association, Alec Gibson, Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association, Cllr N Hampshire, Cllr M Veitch, Mrs Jill Taylor (Minutes)
1. Apologies Mr M Strachan, Mrs A Jolly, Mr G Gray, PC G Ross, PC J Stewart
2. Minutes of previous meeting held on 3rd March 2016
Accepted as a correct record of the meeting.
3.0 Police Report
Since the last police report of 3rd March 2016 there have been some incidents of note in the Dunpender Community Council area. There may be more incidents but due to the nature of these or ongoing investigations I cannot give full details.
Road Safety
You told us that were issues with speeding motorists in rural areas and inconsiderate parking:
No reports of note.
Antisocial Behaviour
You told us there were problems with violent conduct, young people causing disturbance, antisocial behaviour and rowdy drunken behaviour:
No reports of antisocial behaviour
You told us that a particular issue was littering and people's lack of concern for the area:
Continued patrols by Community Warden Jimmy Wilson.
You told us you were worried about security and the theft of personal possessions such as power tools, bicycles and money:
No reports of theft.
Other incidents
In general the last few months have been extremely quiet in East Linton compared to other areas; long may it continue. To assist this trend please spread the message to make sure vehicles, out buildings and properties are secure overnight.
Mr Craighead attended the CAPP meeting on Wednesday 24th February 2016. Priority relating to Dunpender area identified as:-
Other issues discussed included:
-Dog fouling in East Linton park (Community Warden to be made aware)
Car parked on built out pavement on High Street. Police to be made aware by Mr Russel.
4.1 Vacancy
Mr Strachan is standing down as DCC Member and DCC Secretary during the summer recess due to family reasons. Mrs Priest to write formal letter to Mr Strachan to thank him for his time on Dunpender CC and time served as Secretary. Mr Seagroatt to be asked to put an advert on DCC website, Mr Robson to remind Mr Strachan to ask Mr Seagroatt. Andrew Meikle Grove Residents Association to inform members regarding DCC vacancy within East Linton.
4.2 Roads/pavements
Lauder Place - ELC have sent suggestions regarding pics to enhance signs at top of Lauder Place - visible from both directions. Poles have been removed as requested.
Preston Road - ELC Transportation staff spotted doing surveys - idea then to be put out for consultation.
No update re. traffic calming near East Linton Primary School.
First junction in Kingsburgh Gardens reported by Mr Swift - the carriageway is breaking up - Cllr Hampshire to report to ELC.
4.3 ELDA article for May
Mr Russel will write ELDA article for May (to include info re. disbanding of the theatre club).
4.4 Area Partnerships
DELAP next meeting is on Monday 11th April. £1,000 is available to each area to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday - coming from Scottish Government via ELC. DCC to receive £250 as one of 4 x community councils. DCC members discussed ideas for use of this money:- discussed drinking fountain idea - this would need planning permission. ELC may adopt it - re. public liability & long term maintenance - Mrs Cosgrove to ask. Expected to cost around £600 including installation and contractors. Further investigations on cost, maintenance and insurance required.
No report from NBAP.
Mr Robson attended the Tarmac Liaison Committee Meeting on 22nd March, in Dunbar, at which the new Plant Manager - Allan Ruxton - was introduced. Issues of Health & Safety training, Environment (no emissions in 2016 to date), the reduction of sulphur dioxide to below current limits had been achieved, and the satisfactory 5 week `shutdown` in January, were discussed. Next meeting booked for 27th September.
Mrs Cosgrove has attended a RAGES meeting - re. emergency meeting Chair had with Transport Minister. Cllr Veitch also attended meeting with TM. No commitment of any kind to rail station opening in East Linton and Reston was given by Minister, a recommendation was made to pursue funding through the Edinburgh City Deal. No money on the table from Scottish Government - everything in terms in capital has to come from finite Scottish stations fund, which can fund £3m, a º of total cost. There will be another meeting before end of May with new Transport Minister. Revised bid has been submitted.
Ms Pearson attended the Friends of River Tyne meeting - all Haddington issues. We pay a subscription. Should we keep going? Might be something in future we could get them to do - possibly litter pick in EL?
4.6 Paths
No organisation has adopted SUDs pond at Andrew Meikle Grove -all factors have been written to - Miller Homes, Hacking & Paterson and Scottish Water. Letter received from local Andrew Meikle Grove resident, Mr Roberts - letter passed to representatives from AMG RA. Cllr Hampshire noted that there were many similar disputes locally and no-one has taken on long term responsibility. Some new homes have them in deeds so should be looked after by residents - but not all. Legal loophole. Issue being looked at by COSLA/Scottish Government. Mrs Priest to write to Ian MacFarlane, ELC re. concerns about this SUDs pond. SEPA insisting Scottish Water's responsibility. AMG RA to contact Miller Homes to request replacement adequate fencing for round the pond - Cllr Veitch to help with planning consent for fencing.
5.0 Treasurer's Report/LP budget
Mr Robson advised that the `outturn` figures for 2015/2016 were £413.26 and £1,589.43 for the Current Account and Grants Account, respectively. A £100 cheque for East Linton Scout Group had not been presented in time, but an outstanding cheque for £168 had been cashed. The resultant paperwork, which balanced against bank statements for last year, had been passed to Robin Dickson for audit purposes.
Balances for 2016/2017 stood at £380.26 (current a/c) & £1,589.43 (grants a/c).
The Local Priorities budget for 2015/2016 had been sent to Lilian Pryde (ELC), for agreement, and a new spreadsheet for 2016/2017 circulated to Members for approval and discussed at the Meeting. A further Dunpender News printing was approved, £250 donation towards East Linton Bowling Club for children's bowls & equipment with an expectation of acknowledgement of funding and information provided by ELBC of numbers uptake, the LED Xmas lights replacements increased to £500, claim form given to AMG RA for £50 towards set-up costs. Other items carried-over from 2015/16 were included, and Mr Robson undertook to update the new spreadsheet to account for these changes, in time for May's meeting.
6.0 Traprain and Whittingehame
Proposed anaerobic digester at Ballencrieff - going to Planning Committee on 19th April 2016.
7.0 Tyninghame, Whitekirk and Markle issues
Defibrillator in place at Tyninghame Hall - Tyninghame Hall have paid for light - Anne Jolly has publicised defibrillator round Tyninghame.
Whitekirk broadband - Open Reach did not respond for 4months. What's happening with community broadband initiative?. Mrs Cosgrove to check at DELAP. Stuart Gibb to be invited to come and brief next DCC meeting.
8.0 Planning matters
Proposed anaerobic digester at Ballencrieff - going to Planning Committee on 19th April 2016.
Presentation - DW Homes proposal requires a response. Most local residents seem to be against proposal & The Dean Residents Association will be objecting. Road structure does not lend itself. Should this come to planning application, very strong local opposition. Mrs Priest to write to Alec Orr/DW Homes.
Expect Stewart Milne/Pencraig Brae plans come to Planning, ELC soon. This development involves a greater number of smaller houses. Reminded that DCC's opinion is that DCC accepted housing was to be built in East Linton and that this location had been identified as the least worst place and noted as preferred site in Draft Local Plan. If Planning is not granted then it may be overturned by Scottish Government appeal as ELC have not been able to allocate enough land for Scottish Government requirements. However, DCC accepted 150 houses across 10 year period of plan for whole of Dunpender, more than this are being proposed including 42 already granted permission at Whitekirk.
Discussion re. Whitekirk 42 houses + 120 bedroom hotel. Site has more value with planning consent. Unsure what will happen in future here.
Mr Russel asked when is Draft Local Plan to be adopted? This will go to next full Council meeting in June.
Mr Swift reported re. Riverside House/FB issue. DCC did not object to planning application - SEPA involvement.
9.0 Public transport/RAGES
RELBUS meeting on Monday 11th April, 7pm, Townhouse.
Next bus forum meeting on 27th April.
AELCC meeting on 21st April is on transportation, 7-9pm at Townhouse. Mrs Priest and Mrs Cosgrove to attend.
First Bus had applied to be released from legal responsibility from level of service to run in this part of Scotland. If this is granted then fairly significant changes in East Linton expected.
10.0 Tourism initiatives/ongoing projects
Noble plans - Offers of loans Noble paintings for exhibition received - plans coming together nicely. To apply for Civic Pride funds to get gravestone restored.
Community Payback Team - no progress made but to be progressed.
Painting rail bridge by Network Rail in 2017 - NR will come to next meeting, bring treatments and DCC members can choose a colour. Plan to choose a heritage colour. Should DCC consult on this? Do NR need to apply for planning permission?
Miller Homes artwork in process. Cllr Veitch to ask Lesley Smith for an update.
11.0 Correspondence & consultations
11.1 Mar 13th L Ritchie ELBowling Club: request for funding for children's bowls
11.2 Mar 24th J Spence of Network Rail re painting of Bridge 66
11.3 various Mar 23-30th R Drysdale/A Gibson re AMGrove pond
11.4 Mar 17th K Baird ELC re Bumble bee Workshop
11.5 Mar 21st ELC Relbus mtg 11 April 7pm Townhouse
11.6 Mar21st LPryde ELC CC Elections date 6th Oct 2016
11.7 Apr 5th Cllr Veitch/Callum Redpath ELC re signs at Lauder Place
11.8 Apr 5th AELCC mtg on Transportation 21st April 7-9pm Town House
What are your priorities for the Police Service? Scottish Government consultation ñ 29 April 2016
Calling All Carers of People with Dementia - Your Help & Experience is urgently needed - 2 May 2016
Tenant Survey - 13 May 2016
East Lothian Poverty Commission - 16 May 2016
Join the East Lothian Citizens' Panel - 1 April 2017
Join East Lothian Youth E-Panel - 30 June 2017
12.0 Any Other Competent Business
Resident reported nuisance phone calls - advised to register with Telephone Preference Service and phone BT to give advice.
Discussed litter at side of A1 - Edinburgh to Newcastle stretch- on agenda for A1 action group, raised regularly locally. Amey only contracted to clean some stretches of A1. Spott Road to Dunglass done by ELC - anomaly in trunk roads contract.
Dray lorry at Crown & Kitchen reported as causing an obstruction.
Thursday 5th May 2016